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Erase the Waste
TIPS ON REDUCING STORM WATER POLLUTIONReducing storm water pollution in our neighborhoods and communities is easy and something everyone can easily take part in. With 10 million residents in Los Angeles County, small changes in pollution producing habits can go a long way in improving our region's water quality and our quality of life. The State Water Resources Board encourages Los Angeles County residents to take the following simple everyday actions to help Erase the Waste and be part of the pollution solution:
- Take action. Organize or join in the clean up
of a beach, river or community. Join with your neighbors
to adopt a local park or playground and organize
a clean up event. Do your part to keep your community
and waterways healthy and clean and encourage others
to participate. Get involved and beautify your neighborhood!
- Educate your neighbors about the importance of preventing
storm water pollution prevention. They can learn
more by visiting this site.
Get a group together and stencil storm drain inlets in your neighborhood with a storm water pollution prevention message. Call Heal the Bay at 1-800-HEALBAY (1-800-432-5229) for information on their neighborhood stenciling program and how to get involved.
Report any illegal dumping of litter, debris or contaminants into local storm drain inlets, by calling 1-888-CLEAN LA (1-888-253-2652).
- Adopt a storm drain in your neighborhood by yourself or with neighbors and take turns cleaning debris from its front grate and nearby gutters after rainstorms.
- Reduce,
Reuse and Recycle materials whenever possible. By
following the Three R's, you will be creating less
waste that could end up on our streets and contribute
to further storm water pollution.
- Use a garbage can for trash, and recycle reusable
materials. Trash thrown on the streets turns neighborhoods
into smelly, unhealthy places to live and can be
carried off into the storm drain system, causing
- Avoid throwing litter and debris directly into storm
drains. They are not meant for trash. Debris-laden
gutters increase neighborhood pollution and clog
gutters, which can cause street flooding and traffic
- Always put your cigarette butts in ashtrays, not
on the streets. Remember - our parks, playgrounds,
and beaches are not ashtrays. "Hold on to your butts"
and help keep these places clean and safe for Los
Angeles' children and families to enjoy.
- Empty automobile ashtrays into the trash, not out
your car window. Keep these toxic butts from polluting
our waterways…while also minimizing the risk that
children and pets will ingest, choke on or get burned
from these dangerous pollutants. It will also minimize
the risk of fires.
- Make sure to properly dispose of leftover household
chemicals, paints and automotive fluids. These leftover
chemicals should never be thrown away. Take them
to a household hazardous waste collection event,
where they can be recycled. Call 1-888-CLEAN
(1-888-253-2652) to find a free event near you.
Pet Tips
- Pick up your pet's waste every single time. Animal
waste contains disease-causing pathogens and harmful
chemicals and nutrients, that when left on the ground,
wash down storm drains and contaminate local waterways
and beaches. There is a County ordinance, which
bans dog owners from leaving animal waste on public
or private property. If an owner disregards this
law they may be fined.
- Throw away pet waste in the garbage; never wash
it out into the street or into the storm drain.
- Take advantage of the complimentary bags offered
in dispensers at local parks. Use them to dispose
of your pet's waste.
- Ensure you always have extra bags in your car so
you are prepared when you travel with your dog.
- Carry extra bags when walking your dog and make
them available to other pet owners who are without.
- Teach children how to properly clean up after a
pet. Encourage them to throw used bags in the nearest
trash receptacle if they are away from home on a
- Put a friendly message on the bulletin board at
the local dog park to remind pet owners to clean
up after their dogs.
- Tell friends and neighbors about the ill effects
of animal waste on the environment. Encourage them
to clean up after pets and teach their children
as well.
- If possible, bathe your pets indoors, using less toxic shampoos, or have your pet professionally groomed. Runoff from pet shampoos and soaps can be toxic and contribute to storm water pollution.
Call 1-888-CLEAN LA (1-888-253-2652) to locate an event near you.