Regional Board 5 - Central Valley Region References


Parent #Ref #DescriptionDate Received
 3124Butte Environmental Council. 2009. Re: Proposed Revisions to the 303(d) List of Impaired Water Bodies and Consideration of an Integrated Assessment Report for the Central Valley Region. 03/17/2009
 3132California Department of Fish and Game. 2009. Proposed Revisions to the 303(d) List of lmpaired Water Bodies San Joaquin, Tuolumne, Merced and Stanislaus Rivers as lmpaired Bodies of Water for Temperature. 03/17/2009
 3125California Sportfishing Protection Association. 2009. Proposed Revisions to the 303(d) List of Impaired Water Bodies and Consideration of an Integrated Assessment Report for the Central Valley Region. 03/17/2009
 3126Central Valley Clean Water Association. 2009. CVCWA Comments on Draft 2008 Update to the 303(d) List of Impaired Water Bodies in the Central Valley Region. 03/17/2009
 3127City of Brentwood. 2009. Request for Written Response to Comments from Public Meeting Discussion of the Draft Integrated Report and the Draft Proposed Revisions to the 303(d) List. 03/17/2009
 3128City of Brentwood. 2009. Review and Comment on the Proposed 303(d) Listing of Marsh Creek. 03/17/2009
 3129City of Roseville. 2009. Review and Comment on the Proposed 303(d) Listing of Pleasant Grove Creek, Kaseberg Creek, and South Branch Pleasant Grove Creek for Dissolved Oxygen and Pyrethroid Related Sediment Toxicity, and Dry Creek for Dissolved Oxygen. 03/17/2009
 3143City of Sacramento Stormwater Quality Program. 2009. Comments on the Draft 2008 Update to the 303d list of impaired water bodies in the Central Valley Region. 03/17/2009
 3130Contra Costa Clean Water Program. 2009. Comments regarding the proposed revisions to the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List of Water Quality Limited Segments. 03/17/2009
 3131East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition. 2009. Comment letter – Proposed Revisions to the 303(d) List of Impaired Water Bodies and Consideration of an Integrated Assessment Report for the Central Valley Region. 03/17/2009
 3133Grassland Basin Drainers. 2009. Proposed Revisions to the 303(d) List of impaired Water Bodies. 03/17/2009
 3134Hume Lake Christian Camps. 2009. Comment on the proposed addition of Hume Lake to the State of California’s 303(d) List of Impaired Water Bodies. 03/17/2009
 3150Kings River Conservation District. 2009. Proposed Revisions to the 303(d) list of Impaired Water Bodies Proposed LIsting - Kings River, Lower (Pine Flat Reservoir to Island Weir). 03/17/2009
 3135Madera County. 2009. Proposed 303(d) List Revisions. 03/17/2009
 3136Madera County. 2009. Proposed 303(d) List Revisions. 03/17/2009
 3137Modesto and Turlock Irrigation Districts. 2009. Comments on the January 2009 California State Water Resources Control Board Draft Staff Report proposed updates to the 2006 303(d) list regarding chlorpyrifos and diazinon in the Lower Tuolumne River. 03/17/2009
 3138National Park Service. 2009. Willow Creek below Greenhorn Mine (Shasta County) Escherichia coli (E. coli). 03/17/2009
 3139Pacific Gas and Electric Company. 2009. PG&E's Comment Letter - Proposed 2008 CWA Section Integrated Report [303(d)/305(b)]. 03/17/2009
 3140Plumas County Board of Supervisors. 2009. Comments on Proposed Revisions to the 303(d) List of Impaired Water Bodies. 03/17/2009
 3141Pyrethroid Working Group. 2009. Comments on Clean Water Act Sections 305(b) and 303(d) Integrated Report for the Central Valley Region. 03/17/2009
 3142Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District. 2009. Proposed Revisions to the 303(d) List of lmpaired Water Bodies and Consideration of an Integrated Assessment Report for the Central Valley Region. 03/17/2009
 3144Sacramento Valley Water Quality Coalition. 2009. comments on the Proposed Revisions to the 303(d) List of Impaired Water Bodies in the Sacramento River Watershed. 03/17/2009
 3145San Joaquin County Delta Water Quality Coalition. 2009. Comment letter – Proposed Revisions to the 303(d) List of Impaired Water Bodies and Consideration of an Integrated Assessment Report for the Central Valley Region. 03/17/2009
 3146San Joaquin River Group Auhority. 2009. Proposed Revisions to the 303(d) List of Impaired Water Bodies and Consideration of an Integrated Assessment Report for the Central Valley Region. 03/17/2009
 3158San Joaquin Valley Drainage Authority. 2009. Proposed Revisions to the 303(d) List of Impaired Water Bodies. 03/17/2009
 3147Sequoia National Forest. 2009. Comments on the State of California’s 303(d) List of Impaired Water Bodies. 03/17/2009
 3148Sierra National Forest. 2009. Comments on water bodies proposed for addition to the State of California’s 303(d) List of Impaired Water Bodies. 03/17/2009
 3153South Yuba River Citizens League. 2009. Proposed 303(d) listing for the South Yuba River. 03/17/2009
 3149Southern San Joaquin Valley Water Quality Coalition. 2009. Proposed Revisions to the 303(d) List of Impaired Water Bodies. 03/17/2009
 3151Stockton East Water District. 2009. Stockton East Water District/303(d) List. 03/17/2009
 3154Tahoe National Forest. 2009. Comments on specific proposed listings, 2008 303(d) list. 03/17/2009
 3155Turlock Irrigation District. 2009. Comments on the Proposed Revisions to the 303(d) List of lmpaired Water Bodies for the Central Valley Region. 03/17/2009
 3156Turlock Irrigation District. 2009. Proposed Revisions to the 303(d) List of Impaired Water Bodies for the Central Valley Region. 03/17/2009
 3157USEPA Region 9. 2009. Comments on the Central Valley Regional Water Board’s draft 2008 Clean Water Act Section 303d list. 03/17/2009
 3159Yolo County. 2009. Draft 2008 Update to 303d list: Yolo County Listings. 03/17/2009

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Data and Information

Parent #Ref #DescriptionDate Received
 335Aldrich, F.A. 1961. Seasonal variations in the benthic invertebrate fauna of the San Joaquin River Estuary of CA, with emphasis on the amphipod, Corophium spinicorne. Stimpson. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 113: 21-28. 09/20/2006
 381Brown, L.R., and P.B. Moyle. 1993. Distribution, ecology, and status of the fishes of the San Joaquin River drainage, CA. CA Fish and Game. 79(3): 96-114. 09/20/2006
 150Butte Environmental Council. 2004. Solicitation comments regarding Butte Creek, Little Chico Creek, Mud Creek, Dry Creek. Chico, CA. 09/20/2006
 144CA Department of Water Resources. 2004. Oroville Facilities Relicensing-FERC Project No. 2100. Contaminant accumulation in fish, sediments, and the aquatic food chain. Sacramento, CA: State of CA Department of Water Resources. 09/20/2006
 152CA Department of Water Resources. 2004. Project effects on water quality designated beneficial uses for surface waters, and results for bacterial monitoring of swimming areas in 2003. FERC Project No. 2100. Sacramento, CA: State of CA Department of Water Resources. 09/20/2006
 3979CA Dept of Fish and Game. Data for Hydromodification in Various Water Bodies in Region 5, 2006-2009. . 08/30/2010
 2671Calanchini, H.. 2006. Quality Assurance Project Plan. Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta TMDL Monitoring for Organophosphorus Pesticides and Other Pesticides Identified as Posing a High Risk to Surface Waters. Final. SWAMP Project ID 02TM5001 (Revision 0.0). John Muir Institute of the Environment, U.C. Davis. Davis, CA. January 26, 2006. 01/01/2006
 2672Calanchini, H.. 2005. Sacramento, Delta and San Joaquin River Basins Organophosphorus Pesticides TMDL Monitoring Quality Assurance Project Plan. John Muir Institute of the Environment, U.C. Davis. Davis, California. 04/22/2005
 488Calanchini, H. J., A.B. Wehrmann and M.L. Johnson. 2004. A brief summary of the 2004 TMDL monitoring for diazinon in CA's Sacramento Valley waterways, January-March 2004. Davis, CA: University of CA, Davis. John Muir Institute of the Environment. 09/20/2006
 139Calaveras County Water District. 2004. River baseline water quality sampling project. San Andreas, CA: Calaveras County Water District. 09/20/2006
 2700California Bay-Delta Authority. 2007. Fish Mercury Project, Year 2 Annual Report, Sport Fish Sampling and Analysis. Final Report. October 2007. 11/08/2007
 2698California Bay-Delta Authority. 2007. Fish Mercury Project, Year 1 Annual Report, Sport Fish Sampling and Analysis. Collaborating parties: San Francisco Estuary Institute, California Department of Fish and Game, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment. Final Technical Report. CBDA Project # ERP 02D-P6729. May 2007. 09/10/2007
 2937California Department of Fish and Game. 2008. Upper American River Project, Slab Creek Reservoir Fish Tissue Bioaccumulation Study Report. Fish and Wildlife Water Pollution Control Laboratory, California Department of Fish and Game. Provided as an Appendix in the Final CEQA Supplement to the Sacramento Municipal Utility District Upper American River Project FERC Relicensing (FERC Project No. 2101). August 2008./Appendix_G_CDFG_Fish_Tissue_Samp_Rpt.pdf. . 09/10/2008
 2965California Department of Fish and Game. 2008. Access and DSS database files of water temperature data, one each for the San Joaquin, Merced, Stanislaus, and Tuolumne rivers. 05/27/2008
 2929California Department of Fish and Game. 2007. Cover letter, data and information regarding elevated water temperatures in the San Joaquin, Merced, Stanislaus, and Tuolumne rivers. 02/28/2007
 2884California Forestry Association. 2007. Request to allow a late literature review submittal for North Coast Region. 03/01/2007
 2595California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Central Valley Region. 2008. Monitoring and Reporting Program, Order Nos. R5-2003-0826, R5-2005-0833, and R5-2008-0005 for Coalition Groups Under Resolution No. R5-2003-0105, Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges From Irrigated Lands Within the Central Valley Region. 08/26/2008
 1212California Urban Water Agencies. 2001. Water Quality Information-Regional Board Notice of February 21 2001. 07/25/2003
 2921Castillo, A.R., Santos, J.E.P., and T.J. Tabone. 2006. Cover letter and report: "Estimation of mineral balances in dairy herds including minerals in the drinking water”, California Agriculture: Vol. 60: No. 1, Page 1. Manuscript 3103. 12/05/2006
 3875Central Sierra Environmental Resource Center . Data for Fecal Col, E.coli, and Observations in Region 5 for Various Water Bodies, 2010. . 08/30/2010
 3877Central Sierra Environmental Resource Center . Bacteria Contamination, Violations, and Field Data for Stanislaus, 2009-2010. . 07/16/2010
 3885Central Sierra Environmental Resource Center . Data for Tuolumne County Stream Team Water Quality Monitoring Report, 2007-2009. . 07/29/2010
 3992Central Valley RWQCB. Data for Various Pollutants in American River, 2009-2010. . 08/31/2010
 2436Central Valley RWQCB. 2007. Revised Draft of the 2007 Review of the Monitoring Data for the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Conditional Waiver Program. 07/23/2007
24372493Central Valley RWQCB. 2007. San Joaquin River SWAMP Monitoring Data - Drainage Basin Inflows. 07/29/2007
24372494Central Valley RWQCB. 2007. San Joaquin River SWAMP Monitoring Data - Eastside Basin. 07/29/2007
24372495Central Valley RWQCB. 2007. San Joaquin River SWAMP Monitoring Data - Grassland Bypass. 07/29/2007
24372496Central Valley RWQCB. 2007. San Joaquin River SWAMP Monitoring Data - Main-Stem San Joaquin River. 07/29/2007
24372497Central Valley RWQCB. 2007. San Joaquin River SWAMP Monitoring Data - Northeast Basin. 07/29/2007
24372498Central Valley RWQCB. 2007. San Joaquin River SWAMP Monitoring Data - Westside Basin. 07/29/2007
 3449Central Valley RWQCB. 2007. Update to the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List, On Receiving Future Notices attachment to the SWRCB's Solicitation Notificatio. 01/05/2007
 3448Central Valley RWQCB. 2006. Update to the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List - On Receiving Future Notices. 12/04/2006
 2437Central Valley RWQCB. 2006. Monitoring Data from the Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP), San Joaquin River Basin - 2007 Data Review. 07/29/2007
 734Central Valley RWQCB. 2006. Additional data on mercury listing for the Sacramento River, Red Bluff to Knights Landing. Ranch Cordova, CA: Central Valley RWQCB. 09/20/2006
24372499Central Valley RWQCB. 2005. Site location information for Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) sites, San Joaquin River Basin - 2007 Data Review. 07/29/2007
 141Central Valley RWQCB. 2004. San Joaquin River data. Rancho Cordova, CA: Central Valley RWQCB. 06/17/2004
 142Central Valley RWQCB. 2004. Standard operating procedures for pesticides-R5. Rancho Cordova, CA: Central Valley RWQCB. 06/17/2004
 147Central Valley RWQCB. 2004. USEPA fish study (e-file): Clear Lake, Pine Flat Res., Jewelry Lake, Lake Oroville, San Leandro Res., Shasta Lake, San Louis Res., Woodword Res., Crag Lake. Rancho Cordova, CA: Central Valley RWQCB. 09/20/2006
 158Central Valley RWQCB. 2004. Pre-season calibration for Seamon-Mini Logger. Rancho Cordova, CA: Central Valley RWQCB. 07/21/2004
 160Central Valley RWQCB. 2004. Memorandum: 303(d) revisions for the Delta, Marsh Creek, Putah Creek, Panoche Creek, Wadsworth Canal, Cherokee Canal, Lindo Creek, Main Drainage Canal (at Gridley Road). GIS revisions. Rancho Cordova, CA: Central Valley RWQCB. 09/20/2006
 163Central Valley RWQCB. 2004. South Fork of the American River fish tissue data-mercury. Rancho Cordova, CA: Central Region Water Quality Control Board. 09/20/2006
 475Central Valley RWQCB. 2004. Concentrations of pesticides in Sacramento Metropolitan Area rainwater and creeks during the 2001, 2002, 2003 orchard dormant spray seasons. Rancho Cordova, CA: Central Valley RWQCB. 09/20/2006
 153Central Valley RWQCB. 2003. Effluent and receiving water quality assessment for the Deer Creek wastewater treatment plant. Rancho Cordova. CA: Central Valley RWQCB. 09/20/2006
 156Central Valley RWQCB. 2003. Memorandum: corrections to 303(d) list. Marsh Creek, Panoche Creek. Central Valley RWQCB. 09/02/2004
 1197Central Valley RWQCB. 2002. Region 5 Listing Background Information. 07/25/2003
 154Central Valley RWQCB. 2002. Effluent and receiving water quality assessment for the El Dorado Hills wastewater treatment plant, 2001 and 2002. Rancho Cordova, CA: Central Valley RWQCB. 09/20/2006
 162Central Valley RWQCB. 2002. Toxicity identification evaluation results, Region 5, Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP). Department of Environmental Toxicology. Rancho Cordova, CA: Central Valley RWQCB. 03/18/2005
 1537Central Valley RWQCB. 2001. Final Staff Report On Recommended Changes To CA's Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List. 07/25/2003
 1541Central Valley RWQCB. 2001. Draft Staff Report On Recommended Changes To CA's Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List. 07/25/2003
 149Central Valley RWQCB. 2000. Quality Assurance Project Plan: Monitoring organophosphorous pesticides in the lower San Joaquin basin. Rancho Cordova, CA: Central Valley RWQCB. 09/20/2006
 850Central Valley RWQCB. 1998. Mercury Concentrations and Loads From The Sacramento River and From Cache Creek To The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary. 07/25/2003
 857Central Valley RWQCB. 1998. Metal Concentrations Loads and Toxicity Assessment In The Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta: 1993-1995. 07/25/2003
 3888Central Valley RWQCB . Data for Various Pollutants for Goose Lake Coalition, 2007-2009. . 08/26/2010
 3889Central Valley RWQCB . Data for Various Pollutants in East San Joaquin, 2004-2009. . 08/26/2010
 3890Central Valley RWQCB . Data for Various Pollutants in Sacramento Valley Water Quality Coalition, 2005-2009. . 08/26/2010
 3891Central Valley RWQCB . Data for Various Pollutants for California Rice Commission, 2004-2009. . 08/26/2010
 3892Central Valley RWQCB . Data for Various Pollutants in Merced Irrigation District, 2005-2008. . 08/26/2010
 3893Central Valley RWQCB . Data for Various Pollutants in San Joaquin and Delta Water Quality Coalition, 2004-2010. . 08/26/2010
 3894Central Valley RWQCB . Data for Various Pollutants in Turlock Irrigation District, 2004-2008. . 08/26/2010
 3895Central Valley RWQCB . Data for Various Pollutants in the Westland Storn Water Coalition, 2005-2008. . 08/26/2010
 3896Central Valley RWQCB . Data for Various Pollutants in Modesto Irrigation District, 2004-2009. . 08/26/2010
 3897Central Valley RWQCB . Data for Various Pollutants in Oakdale Irrigation District, 2004-2008. . 08/26/2010
 3898Central Valley RWQCB . Data for Various Pollutants in South San Joaquin Irrigation District, 2004-2008. . 08/26/2010
 3899Central Valley RWQCB . Data for Various Pollutants in Southern San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition, 2004-2009. . 08/26/2010
 3900Central Valley RWQCB . Data for Various Pollutants in Westside San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition, 2004-2009. . 08/26/2010
 3901Central Valley RWQCB . Data for Conventional Pollutants in San Luis Water District, 2006-2007. . 08/26/2010
 2928Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board. 2004. CVRWQCB. 2004. TMDL Fish Tissue Sampling- Cache Creek and Sacramento River Watersheds. Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board; and California Department of Fish and Game. Unpublished Data. August 2004.. 08/01/2004
 4115Central Valley Water Board. 2012. Laboratory results reports for samples collected from Dolly Creek (and Little Grizzly Creek).. 06/01/2012
 2933Central Valley Water Quality Control Board. 2008. Total Maximum Daily Load Report for Pathogens in: Five-Mile Slough, Lower Calaveras River, Mormon Slough, Mosher Slough, Smith Canal and Walker Slough, Final Staff Report, Appendix A, Unpublished Water Quality Data. 03/01/2008
 3226Chevron USA, Inc.. 2009. pH data from the Lower Kern River, collected by Chevron USA, Inc. under NPDES No. CA0080853 (Regional Board Order #R5-2002-052). 06/04/2009
 3819City of Auburn Wastewater Treatment Plant. 2010. Data for temperature and conventional pollutants in Auburn Ravine, Jan. 2006-Dec. 2009. 06/23/2010
 1206City of Colusa. 2001. City of Colusa's Report of Waste Discharge Application That Was Submitted To Kyle Erickson. 07/25/2003
 2709City of Redding. 2007. Sacramento River Water Sampling Data for 303(d) Listing/Delisting Process. Letter W-101-200-000 and data files. 02/20/2007
 3089City of Roseville. 2009. Waste Discharge Requirements for the City of Roseville Pleasant Grove Wastewater Treatment Plant monitoring results.. 03/27/2009
 3091City of Roseville. 2009. Waste Discharge Requirements for the City of Roseville Dry Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant monitoring results. 03/27/2009
 4066City of Sacramento/Sacramento Stormwater Quality Partnership. Data for Pesticides from Sacramento Stormwater Quality Partnership, 2005-2010. . 08/30/2010
 1204City of Santa Rosa. 2002. Station 515 Santa Rosa Creek downstream of Willowside Rd temperature, specific conductivity, dissolved oxygen, pH and turbidity data. 07/25/2003
 3867City of Tracy . Data for Metals and Nutrients for the City of Tracy, 2007-2010.. 08/30/2010
 3876City of Visalia - Wastewater Superintendant . Data for Various Pollutants in Visalia, 2005-2009. . 06/09/2010
 348Cohen, A. 1966. Ecological studies of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Sacramento, CA: CA Department of Fish and Game. 09/20/2006
 369Cohen, A.N. 2002. On mitten crabs and lung flukes. EIP Newsletter 16(2): 48-51. 09/20/2006
 2885Contra Costa Water District. 2007. Request for Region 5 to accelerate the TMDL timeline for Delta electrical conductivity (EC). 02/28/2007
 374Cook, S.F. Jr., and R.L. Moore. 1970. Mississippi silversides, Menidia audens (Autherinidae), established in CA. Trans American Fish Society. 99: 70-73. 09/20/2006
 1209County of Lake Public Works Department. 2002. Information and Data for Clear Lake. 07/25/2003
 2920Cynthia Paulson, Ph.D.. 2007. Requests for Region 5 to allow data collected under Proposition 50 into the 2008 303(d) listing process, and that proposed chlorpyrifos completion date be delayed from 2008 to 2010. 02/02/2007
 2938Davis, J. A., B. K. Greenfield, G. Ichikawa and M. Stephenson. 2004. Mercury in Sport Fish from the Delta Region (Task 2A). Final Report submitted to the CALFED Bay-Delta Program for the Project: An Assessment of the Ecological and Human Health Impacts of Mercury in the Bay-Delta Watershed. San Francisco Estuary Institute, Moss Landing Marine Laboratory. 01/01/2004
 1219Davis, J.A, M.D. May, G. Ichikawa and D. Crane . 2000. Contaminant Concentrations In Fish From The Sacramento -San Joaquin Delta and Lower San Joaquin River 1998. 07/25/2003
 849Deanovic L., K. Cortright, K. Larsen, E. Reyes, H. Bailey and D.E. Hinton . 2002. Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Bioassay Monitoring Report: 1994-95 Second Annual Report To The Central Valley RWQCB. 07/25/2003
 1217Delta Keeper. 2001. Delta Keeper Comments On Section 303(d) List Update. 07/25/2003
 1214Delta Keeper. 1998. Dairy Discharge -High Ec Readings Pollution Alert. 07/25/2003
 1215Delta Keeper. 1998. Incident Report Form. 07/25/2003
 1216Delta Keeper. 1998. Dairy Monitoring Project. 07/25/2003
 2484Department of Pesticide Regulation. 2007. Report and data files for pesticides in the Sacramento River, Winter 2005. 05/29/2008
 2482Department of Pesticide Regulation. 2007. Surface Water database (SWDB) for Central Valley waterbodies, 2000-2005. 02/16/2007
 2483Department of Pesticide Regulation. 2007. Correspondence between the Department of Pesticide Regulation and Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board regarding water quality data for waterbodies in the Central Valley. 02/16/2007
 2487Department of Pesticide Regulation. 2004. The Occurrence and Concentration of Esfenvalerate and Permethrin in Water and Sediment in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Watersheds. 05/08/2008
 2486Department of Pesticide Regulation. 2002. Preliminary Results of Study 205: Monitoring the Occurrence and Typical Concentration of Esfenvalerate and Permethrin in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Watersheds, Winter 2002. 05/08/2008
 2485Department of Pesticide Regulation. 1997. Standard Operating Procedure for Conducting Surface Water Monitoring for Pesticides. 05/29/2008
 2488Department of Pesticide Regulation. 1995. Standard Operating Procedure, Chemistry Laboratory Quality Control. 07/02/2008
 2627Department of Water Resources. 2008. California Data Exchange Center (CDEC), Historical(CSV Format) Electrical Conductivity Data for Mainstem San Joaquin River Stations Sacramento, California. 09/06/2008
 2918Department of Water Resources. 2006. Reports, data files, and QAPP documentation for characterization of surface waters of Lake Oroville and the Feather River (Butte County), associated with the Oroville Facilities Hydroelectric Project (FERC #2100). . 12/27/2006
 2795Department of Water Resources. 2005. Quality Assurance Project Plan for Oroville Facilities Relicensing FERC Project No. 2100. Study Plan W1, Project Effects on Water Quality Designated Beneficial Uses for Surface Waters. 09/30/2008
 3880Department of Water Resources Bay-Delta Office . Conventional Data for Stockton Deep Water Ship Channel, 2007-2010. . 08/10/2010
 3879Dept of Pesticide Regulation. Data for Pyrethroids from Del Puerto Creek and Orestimba Creeks, 2006. . 09/02/2010
 2701Devine Tarbell & Associates, Inc. 2005. Sacramento Municipal Utility District, Upper American River Project (FERC Project No. 2101) and Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Chili Bar Project (FERC Project No. 2155). Water Quality Report. Version 3. May 2005. 08/02/2008
 1529Doleman, W. 2002. A Call for Water Sanity! Monitoring Group Five Year Report 1995-2000. 07/25/2003
 2707East Bay Municipal Utility District. 2007. Removal of Camanche Reservoir from the Clean Water Act Sectio 303(d) List ofImpaired Waters for Copper. Cover letters and data files from John H. Schroeter and Derek C. Lee. 03/12/2007
 1226East Bay Municipal Utility District. 2001. Water Quality Information For Lower Mokelumne River Rich Gulch and American River. 07/25/2003
 1228East Bay Municipal Utility District and RWQCB - Central Valley Region. 2000. Post-Restoration Final Effectiveness Monitoring Report. 07/25/2003
 1232East Bay Municipal Utility District and RWQCB - Central Valley Region. 1999. Second Interim Effectiveness Monitoring Report Penn Mine Environmental Restoration Project. 07/25/2003
 384Eng, L. 1979. Population dynamics of the asiatic clam, Corbicula fluminea (Muller), in the concrete-lined Delta-Mendota canal of central CA. Davis, CA: University of CA, Davis. 09/20/2006
 460Ettema, R., M. Muste M. J. Odgaard and Y. Lai. 2003. Lake Almanor cold-water feasibility study: Hydraulic model. IIHR Hydroscience and Engineering. Pacific Gas and Electric Company. 09/20/2006
 2820Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. 2005. Relicensing the Upper North Fork Feather River Project in Plumas County, California, FERC Project No. 2105-089. 10/22/2008
 718Federal Power Commission. 1938. Report to the Federal Power Commission on the Application of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company for a Preliminary Permit for the North Fork Feather River Project No. 1391. San Francisco, CA. Regional Office 5. 05/23/2006
 2939Finkler, M., S.S. Henson, C. Monohan, and J.S. Hild. 2008. Deer Creek Watershed Mercury Survey. Draft Report. Friends of Deer Creek.. 01/16/2008
 3964Friends of Deer Creek. Data for Mercury over dams at Lake Wildwood in Deer Creek watershed and Benthic Macro-Invertebrate (BMI) samples, 2000-2010. . 08/30/2010
 2693Friends of Deer Creek. 2007. Deer Creek Watershed Mercury Survey, draft 2-28-2007. 03/01/2007
 723Grober, L. 2006. Report on San Joaquin River salinity. Rancho Cordova, CA: Central Valley RWQCB. 03/20/2006
 2675Guo, L. and K. Kelly. 2004. Protocol for event-based monitoring of organophosphorus insecticides and preemergent herbicides in the Sacramento Valley, winter 2004-2005. California Department of Pesticide Regulation. Sacramento, CA. 10/14/2008
 466Holmes, R., V. De Vlaming and C. Foe. 2000. Sources and concentrations of diazinon in the Sacramento watershed during the 1994 orchard dormant spray season. Sacramento, CA: Central Valley RWQCB. 09/20/2006
 375Jassby, A.D., J.E. Cloern, and A.B. Muller-Solger. 2003. Phytoplankton fuels Delta food web. CA Agriculture 57(4): 104-109. 09/20/2006
 2932Jennings, B.. 2001. DeltaKeeper bacteria data collected from Lower Calaveras River and others. 05/14/2001
 371Jennings, M.R., and M.K. Saiki. 1990. Establishment of red shiner, Notropis lutrensis, in the San Joaquin Valley, CA. CA Department of Fish and Game 76(1): 46-57. 09/20/2006
 3395Jim Pedri, RWQCB, Central Valley, Redding office. 2007. SAMPLING RESULTS MEMO: Whiskeytown E. coli and Fecal Coliform sampling, and Recommendation for removal of Whiskeytown Lake from the CWA 303(d) impaired waters list. 03/12/2008
 2674John Muir Institute of the Environment, Aquatic Ecosystems Analysis Laboratory. 2006. Results of the 2006 TMDL Monitoring of Selected Pesticides During Irrigation Season in California's Central Valley Waterways, March - August 2006. 12/01/2006
 2673John Muir Institute of the Environment, Aquatic Ecosystems Analysis Laboratory. 2006. Results of 2006 TMDL Monitoring of Pesticides in California's Central Valley Waterways, January - March 2006. 10/01/2006
 2775Larry Walker Associates. 2008. SRWP Year 6 (2004) toxicity and water chemistry data files. 08/29/2008
 2752Larry Walker Associates. 2008. Sacramento stormwater urban tributary NPDES permit monitoring data, 2003 to 2007. 07/08/2008
 2757Larry Walker Associates. 2008. Sacramento River Watershed Program Annual Reports for 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002, 2002-2003, and 2003-2004; and BDAT data 1998-2003. 06/25/2008
 2871Larry Walker Associates. 2008. Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP), Sacramento Valley Water Quality Coalition, Diazinon Runoff Management Plan for Orchard Growers in the Sacramento Valley. 12/29/2008
 2787Larry Walker Associates. 2007. City of Stockton NPDES Municipal Stormwater Program Report of Waste Discharge. 05/23/2008
 2758Larry Walker Associates. 2006. Quality Assurance Project Plans prepared for Sacramento River Watershed Program. 05/06/2008
 2686Larry Walker Associates. 2005. Yolo Bypass Water Quality Management Plan Report. Prepared under CALFED Watershed Grant, Agreement # 4600001691 for the City of Woodland. 04/05/2007
 520Larry Walker Associates. 2002. Coordinated monitoring program (CMP) database. Sacramento, CA: Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District. 09/20/2006
 521Larry Walker Associates. 2002. Sacramento River watershed program (SRWP) water quality database 1991-2003. Davis, CA. 09/20/2006
 3874Laura Lazzelle, City of Stockton. Data for Conventional Pollutants in the City of Stockton, 2005 - 2009. . 08/09/2010
 2767Laurenson, B.. 2007. Evaluation of Additional Pesticide Monitoring Data - 2007 Update. 05/27/2007
 1190Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. 2001. Request Information Enclosed For Joe Karkoski. 07/25/2003
 1218Lee, G.F. and A. Jones-Lee . 2001. Review of The City of Stockton Urban Stormwater Runoff Aquatic Life Toxicity Studies Conducted By The CVRWQCB Delta Keeper and The University of CA Davis Aquatic Toxicology Laboratory Between 1994-1999. 07/25/2003
 2922Lenwood Hall. 2007. Cover letter for reports and published papers from bioassessment work conducted in the Central Valley. 02/19/2007
 376Light, T., T. Grosholz. and P. Moyle. 2005. Delta ecological survey (phase I): Nonindigenous aquatic species in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, a literature review. Davis, CA: University of CA, Davis. 09/20/2006
 467MacCoy, D., K.L. Cepeau, and K.M. Kuivila. 1995. Dissolved pesticide data for the San Joaquin River at Vernalis and the Sacramento River at Sacramento, CA. U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 95-110. 09/20/2006
 2940May, J.T., R.L. Hothem, C.N. Alpers, and M.A. Law. 2002. Mercury Bioaccumulation in Fish in a Region Affected by Historic Gold Mining: The South Yuba River, Deer Creek, and Bear River Watersheds, California, 1999. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-367. Prepared in cooperation with Bureau of Land Management; California State Water Resources Control Board; Nevada County Resource Conservation District; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service; and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Sacramento, CA. 05/21/2002
 159McGraw, P. 2004. Response to 2004 303(d) list for Don Pedro Reservoir, and Harding Drain. Walnut Creek, CA: Archer Norris. 09/20/2006
 140McReynolds, S. 2003. SPW-1 Project effects on water quality designated beneficial uses for surface waters-aquatic toxicity. Red Bluff, CA: CA Department of Water Resources-Northern District. 09/24/2003
 2705Menconi, M. and J.M. Harrington. 1992. Hazard Assessment of the Insecticide Methyl Parathion to Aquatic Organisms in the Sacramento River System. California Department of Fish and Game. Environmental Services Division. Administrative Report 92-1. 10/20/2008
 368Moyle, P.B. 1973. Effects of introduced bullfrogs, Rana catesbeiana, on the native frogs of the San Joaquin Valley, CA. Copeia 1: 18-23. 09/20/2006
 377Moyle, P.B., P.K. Crain, K. Whitener, and J.F. Mount. 2003. Alien fishes in natural streams: Fish distribution, assemblage structure, and conservation in the Cosumnes River, CA, U.S.A. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 68: 143-162. 09/20/2006
 382Moyle, P.B., and R.D. Nichols. 1974. Decline of the native fish fauna of the Sierra Nevada foothills, central CA. The American Midland Naturalist. 92(1): 72-83. 09/20/2006
 367Moyle, P.B., and R.D. Nichols. 1973. Ecology of some native and introduced fishes of the Sierra Nevada foothills in central CA. Copeia. 3: 478-490. 09/20/2006
 463Nordmark, C.E. 1999. Preliminary results of acute and chronic toxicity testing of surface water monitored in the Sacramento River Watershed, winter 1998-1999. Sacramento, CA: CA Department of Pesticide Regulation. 09/20/2006
 373Orsi, J.J. 1995. Radical changes in the estuary's zooplankton caused by introductions from ballast water. Interagency Ecological Program for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary. Summer 1995. 09/20/2006
 359Orsi, J.J., T.E. Bowman, D.C. Marelli, and A. Hutchinson. 1983. Recent introduction of the planktonic calanoid copepod, Sinocalanus doerrii (Centropagidae), from mainland China to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Journal of Planktonic Research 5(3): 357-375. 09/20/2006
 3962PG&E. Data for Various Projects by Pacific Gas and Electric Company, 2002-2010. . 08/30/2010
 151Pacific Gas and Electric Co. 2004. Technical and Ecological Services calibration report. San Francisco, CA. 07/06/2004
 164Pacific Gas and Electric Co. 2004. NFFR temperature presentations (e-file)-FERC Project no. 2105 (Lake Almanor, Butte Valley). Draft modeling. San Francisco, CA. 09/20/2006
 830Pacific Gas and Electric Co. 2004. FERC No. 2107. Poe Hydroelectric Project. Application for new license, study plan for conducting fish tissue contaminants bioaccumulation screening, and stream temperature data. (File 2 of 2). 12/19/2003
 155Pacific Gas and Electric Co. 2003. Supplemental water quality data for FERC project no. 137. Mokelumne River Project. San Francisco, CA. 09/20/2006
 464Pacific Gas and Electric Co. 2003. Rock Creek-Cresta FERC Project No. 1962. Water temperature monitoring of 2002. San Francisco, CA: Pacific Gas and Electric Company. 09/20/2006
 829Pacific Gas and Electric Co. 2003. FERC No. 2107. Poe Hydroelectric Project. Application for new license, study plan for conducting fish tissue contaminants bioaccumulation screening, and stream temperature data. (File 1 of 2). 12/19/2003
 143Pacific Gas and Electric Co. 2002. Upper North Fork Feather River Project: FERC No. 2105. Application for new license. San Francisco, CA: Pacific Gas and Electric Co. 09/20/2006
 161Pacific Gas and Electric Co. 2001. Crane Valley Project No. 1354 temperature data. San Francisco, CA. 09/20/2006
 2888Pacific Gas and Electric Company. 2007. Documents for 02/28/2007 data and information (resubmittal) and water segment listing recommendations and Fact Sheets . 04/26/2007
 2887Pacific Gas and Electric Company. 2007. Water Quality Data and Information for 2008 Integrated Report [303(d)/305(b)]. 02/28/2007
 2898Pacific Gas and Electric Company. 2007. Crane Valley Hydroelectric Project, FERC No. 1354, Crane Valley Water Temperature Monitoring Results – 2005, Addressing License Article 405 and U. S. Forest Service Condition No. 5. 03/27/2006
 2896Pacific Gas and Electric Company. 2007. Mokelumne River Project (FERC 137) and Mokelumne Watershed correspondence and reports. 02/28/2007
 2900Pacific Gas and Electric Company. 2007. Pit 1 Hydrolelectric Project (FERC 2687) biological study and water quality reports and Hat Creek Project (FERC 2661) biological report. 02/28/2007
 2901Pacific Gas and Electric Company. 2006. Rock Creek - Cresta Project FERC No. 1962, Ecological Resources Committee, Annual Report on 2005 Operation and Monitoring License Condition 22 and Annual Water Temperature Monitoring Report License Condition 4.C. 02/28/2007
 2899Pacific Gas and Electric Company. 2006. Hat Creek Fish Population Monitoring Report, Hat Creek Project, FERC Project No. 2661, 2005. 02/28/2007
 721Parkhurst, G.Y. 1911. Where dwell the finned, furred and feathered, a new California for the sportsman. Western Pacific Railway Company. 05/23/2006
 1188Pesticide Action Network. 2001. Email with Information for Locations in the DPR Surface Water Database. 07/25/2003
 3868Placer County Utilities . Data for Various Pollutants at Placer County Utilities, 2005-2010. . 05/27/2010
 2941Placer County Water Agency. 2008. Middle Fork American River Project AQ11 Water Quality Technical Study Report, 2007 (FERC No. 2079). Placer County Water Agency. June 2008 . 09/10/2008
 715Price, D.G. 2002. An Assessment of the Hardhead Population in Lower Willow Creek Draft Report. Pacific Gas and Electric Company's Crane Valley Hydroelectric Project, FERC No. 1354. 05/23/2006
 3886Pyrethroid Working Group . Various Data for Pleasant Grove Creek, Del Puerto Creek and Roseville Area, 2006-2010. . 08/30/2010
 2931RMC Water and Environment. 2007. Upper Mokelumne Watershed Assessment and Planning Project, Technical Memorandum Number 9: Watershed Assessment. 09/17/2007
 3227Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region. 2002. NPDES No. CA0080853 (Regional Board Order #R5-2002-052) Waste Discharge Requirements for Chevron U.S.A, Inc., Kern River Oil Field, Kern County. 06/04/2009
 720Rowley, W. 1955. 1954 Creek Census, North Fork Feather River. CA Department of Fish and Game. 05/23/2006
37913802SWAMP. RWB5 Bacti Source ID FY0809. 08/30/2010
37913803SWAMP. RWB5 Safe to Swim FY0708 FY0809. 08/30/2010
37913804SWAMP. RWB5S Grasslands Bypass FY0708 FY0809. 08/30/2010
37913805SWAMP. RWB5S SJR Trends FY0708 FY0809. 08/30/2010
 2559SWRCB. 2008. SWAMP data entered by SWRCB into BDAT database. 08/12/2008
 2954SWRCB. 2006. Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary. 12/31/2008
 138SWRCB. 2004. Feather River coordinated resource management watershed monitoring program. Quincy, CA: Plumas Corporation. 09/20/2006
 1224SWRCB. 2002. Operation of Pardee and Camanche Reservoirs. 07/25/2003
 2957SWRCB. 2000. Revised Water Right Decision 1641, In the Matter of: Implementation of Water Quality Objectives for the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary; A Petition to Change Points of Diversion of the Central Valley Project and the State Water Project oin the Southern Delta; and A Petition to Change places of Use and Purposes of Use of the Central Valley Project; Revised in Accordance with Order WR 2000-02. 12/31/2008
 2959SWRCB. 1998. Order Extending the Effective Term of SWRCB Order WR 95-6 Regarding Diversion of Waters from the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary. 12/31/2008
 2958SWRCB. 1995. Order Regarding Petition for Changes in Water Rights that Authorize Diversion and Use of Waters Affecting the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary, Order WR 95-6. 12/31/2008
 2953SWRCB. 1995. Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary. 12/31/2008
 2955SWRCB. 1973. New Melones Project Water Rights Decision. 12/31/2008
 4064Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District. Data for Various Pollutants from Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District, 2005-2010. . 08/30/2010
 2633Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District. 2008. Letters and surface water quality data for Lower Sacramento and Lower American rivers. 06/25/2008
 2935Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District. 1998. Beach Lake Monitoring Report. Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District (SRCSD). January 1998 . 08/28/2002
 2676Sacramento River Watershed Program. 2008. Final Proposition 50 Grant Monitoring Report, 2005 - 2007. Includes Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) Revision 1.2.0, Appendix A, March 2006. 04/17/2008
 2904San Francisco Estuary Institute. 2007. Data from SFEI RMP Report. 08/07/2007
 4057San Joaquin River Group Authority. Data for Nutrients, Organics, and Salinity from San Joaquin River Group Authority, 1922-2010. . 08/26/2010
 2903San Joaquin River Group Authority. 2007. Integrated Report - 2008 List of Impaired Waters and Surface Water Quality Assessment [303(d)/305(b)]. Comments of the San Joaquin River Group Authority. 02/21/2007
 3724Siepmann, S., Jones, M.R. DFG. 1998. Hazard Assessment of the Insecticide Carbaryl to Aquatic Life in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River System . 08/30/2010
 1187Sierra Nevada Alliance. 2001. Letter Written From Phil Chang Watershed Coordinator With Information To Be Used In The Revision of CA's Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List. 07/25/2003
 380Sierra Nevada Watersheds-Non-indigenous species trends spreadsheet.. Sierra Nevada Watersheds-Non-indigenous species trends spreadsheet. 09/20/2006
 2942Slotton, D. G., S. M. Ayers, J. E. Reuter and C. R. Goldman. 1997. Gold mining impacts on food chain mercury in northwestern Sierra Nevada streams (1997 revision). In Sacramento River Mercury Control Planning Project. Larry Walker and Associates (editors). Final project report prepared for Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District. Davis, CA. March 1997. 03/01/1997
 2943Slotton, D.G., S.M. Ayers, J.E. Reuter, and C.R. Goldman. 1999. Lower Putah Creek 1997-1998 Mercury Biological Distribution Study. Dept. of Environmental Science and Policy, University of California, Davis. February 1999. 03/12/2002
 2936Slotton, D.G., S.M. Ayers, T.H. Suchanek, R.D. Weyand, and A.M. Liston. 2004. Mercury Bioaccumulation and Trophic Transfer in the Cache Creek Watershed, California, in Relation to Diverse Aqueous Mercury Exposure Conditions. CALFED Mercury Program Final Project Report. January 25, 2004. 01/25/2004
 3873South Yuba River Citizens League. Data in Yuba: metal, 2000-2007 and conventional, 2000-2010. . 08/30/2010
 2919South Yuba River Citizens League. 2007. Letter for South Yuba River temperature data and QAPP. 02/28/2007
 1186South Yuba River Citizens League. 2002. Potential Streams For 303(d) Listing. 07/25/2003
 465Spector, C.J., J. Karkoski, and G. Davis. 2004. Concentrations of pesticides in Sacramento metropolitan area rainwater and creeks during the 2001, 2002, 2003 orchard dormant spray season. Rancho Cordova, CA: Central Valley RWQCB. 09/20/2006
 461Starner, K., F. Spurlock, S. Gill, K. Goh, H. Feng, J. Hsu, P. Lee, D. Tran, and J. White. 2003. Monitoring surface waters of the San Joaquin River Basin for selected summer use pesticides, 2002. Sacramento, CA: CA Department of Pesticide Regulation. 09/20/2006
 3865State Water Contractors . 2010. Data for Nutrients in Region 5, Jan. 1975 - Jan. 2007. . 08/30/2010
 3101Turlock Irrigation District. 2009. Comments on the Proposed Revisions to the 303(d) List of Impaired Water Bodies for the Central Valley Region. 03/16/2009
 2481U.S. Bureau of Land Management. 2006. Field measurements and bacteria analysis data for Alturas-area streams, 2002. 12/27/2006
 2883U.S. Bureau of Land Management. 2006. Data submittal for water quality data for Alturas Resource Area streams, 2002. 12/27/2006
 2944U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. 2008. United States Bureau of Reclamation Mercury Fish Study for Folsom and New Melones Reservoirs, 2004-2006. United States Bureau of Reclamation, Mid-Pacific Region, Environmental Monitoring Branch. Unpublished Data. 08/28/2008
 2872U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. 2007. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation digital EC data for the San Joaquin River for the period 01 June 1993 to 31 December 2007 . 02/05/2008
 2477U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. 2006. Metals and hardness data in Sacramento River (below Keswick Dam and below Shasta Dam), 2000-2004. 12/14/2006
24772479U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. 2006. Metals and hardness data for Sacramento River (below Shasta Dam), 2000-2003. 12/14/2006
24772480U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. 2006. Metals and hardness data for Sacramento River (below Keswick Dam and below Shasta Dam), 2004. 12/14/2006
24772478U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. 2006. Metals and hardness data for Sacramento River (below Keswick Dam) 2000-2003. 12/09/2006
 2629U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. 2008. National Field Manual for the Collection of Water-Quality Data, Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations, Book 9, Handbooks for Water-Resources Investigations. 09/11/2008
 378U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2004. 5-Year review of delta smelt. United States Fish and Wildlife Service. 09/20/2006
 379U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1993. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; determination of threatened status for the delta smelt. United States Fish and Wildlife Service. 09/20/2006
 361U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1989. The ecology of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: a community profile. Biological Report 85 (7.22). 09/20/2006
 2631U.S. Geological Survey. 2007. National Water Quality Assessment database, Sacramento Study Unit data . 05/16/2007
 2632U.S. Geological Survey. 2007. National Water Quality Assessment database, San Joaquin and Tulare Basins data. 05/16/2007
 2687UC Davis. 2008. Zipped file of Central Valley Waterways Pesticide TMDL monitoring data spreadsheets and reports. 10/17/2008
 714USEPA. 2002. Approval letter for the Lower San Joaquin River Selenium TMDL. USEPA. San Francisco, CA. 05/19/2006
 3648USEPA Region 9. 2011. USEPA Region 9 data summary for addition of electrical conductivity and total dissolved solids to California 2010 303(d) list for some Central Valley - Region 5 water bodies. 10/11/2011
 3649USEPA Region 9. 2011. USEPA Region 9 data summary for addition of temperature to California 2010 303(d) list for Merced River, Lower (McSwain Reservoir to San Joaquin River). 10/11/2011
 3650USEPA Region 9. 2011. USEPA Region 9 data summary for addition of temperature to California 2010 303(d) list for San Joaquin River segments. 10/11/2011
 3651USEPA Region 9. 2011. USEPA Region 9 data summary for addition of temperature to California 2010 303(d) list for Stanislaus River, Lower. 10/11/2011
 3653USEPA Region 9. 2011. USEPA Region 9 data summary for addition of temperature to California 2010 303(d) list for Tuolumne River, Lower (Don Pedro Reservoir to San Joaquin River). 10/11/2011
 523USGS. 2005. Region 5 water quality data. Sacramento, CA: U.S. Geological Survey. 09/20/2006
 38USGS. 2004. Lake Natoma Fish tissue data. 2004. Sacramento, CA: U.S. Geological Survey. 06/15/2004
 39USGS. 2004. Bear River watershed water quality data. 2004. Sacramento, CA: U.S. Geological Survey. 06/15/2004
 40USGS. 2004. Camp Far West Reservoir water quality data. 2004. Sacramento, CA: U.S. Geological Survey. 06/15/2004
 41USGS. 2004. Greenhorn Creek drainage water, sediment, invertebrates, frogs. 2004. Sacramento, CA: U.S. Geological Survey. 06/15/2004
 2500Various (see Comments). 2006. Five reports and 1 abstract (all PDFs) for SWAMP studies in the Lower Sacramento River: "R5SWAMP04-05_1.pdf" [Weston, D.P, R.W. Holmes, J. You, and M.J. Lydy. 2005. Aquatic toxicity due to residential use of pyrethroid insecticides. Environmental Science and Technology 39 (Dec. 15): 9778-9784.] "rb5_sedimentchem_rptmain.pdf" [Holmes, R.W. 2004. Monitoring of Sediment-bound Contaminants In the Lower Sacramento River Watershed Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) Lower Sacramento River Watershed, Final Report. Regional Water Quality Control Board - Central Valley Region. July 2004.]; "Sac_River_Benthic_Rpt.pdf" [Holmes, R.W., V. de Vlaming, D. Markiewicz, and K. Goding. 2005. Benthic Macroinvertebrate Colonization on Artificial Substrates in Agriculture-dominated Waterways of the Lower Sacramento River Watershed, Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) Lower Sacramento River Watershed. Regional Water Quality Control Board-Central Valley Region and U.C. Davis Aquatic Toxicology Laboratory and School of Veterinary Medicine. June 2005.]; "Sac_River_BioReport_Final.pdf" [V. de Vlaming, D. Markiwiecz, K. Goding, T. Kimball, and R. Holmes. Macroinvertebrate Assemblages in Agriculture- and Effluent-dominated Waterways of the Lower Sacramento River Watershed. Regional Water Quality Control Board-Central Valley Region, Moss Landing Laboratories, and U.C. Davis Aquatic Toxicology Laboratory and School of Veterinary Medicine.]; "sedimentchem.pdf" [R. W. Holmes. Monitoring of Sediment-bound Contaminants In the Lower Sacramento River Watershed Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) Lower Sacramento River Watershed, Final Report. Regional Water Quality Control Board - Central Valley Region. July 2004.]; "SWAMP03-04zooplankton_1.pdf" [V. de Vlaming, K. Goding, D. Markiwiecz, R. Wallace, and R. Holmes. Survey of Zooplankton Community Structure and Abundance in Agriculture-dominated Waterways in the Lower Sacramento River Watershed. Regional Water Quality Control Board-Central Valley Region and U.C. Davis Aquatic Toxicology Laboratory and School of Veterinary Medicine. May 2006.]. 04/11/2007
 372Veldhuizen, T. and K. Heib. 1998. What's new on the mitten crab front? Interagency Ecological Program for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary Newsletter. 11(3): 43. 09/20/2006
 325Veldhuizen, T.C. and S. Stanish. 1999. Overview of the life history, distribution, abundance, and impacts of the Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis. Sacramento, CA: CA Department of Water Resources. 09/20/2006
 3869Veolia Water - Discovery Bay WWTP . Data for Various Pollutants from The Discovery Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant, 2009-2010. . 08/09/2010
 3866WPCP City of Anderson - Phil Deblasio . Data for Metals and Nutrients for the City of Anderson, 2006-2008.. 05/27/2010
 2628Wagner, R.J., Boulger, R.W., Jr., Oblinger, C.J., and B.A. Smith. 2006. Guidelines and standard procedures for continuous water-quality monitors-Station operation, record computation, and data reporting. Techniques and Methods 1-D3. U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. Reston, Virginia. 09/11/2008
 719Wales, J.H. and H.A. Hansen. 1952. The effect on the fishery of the north fork of the Feather River, CA, of proposed hydro-electric developments with special reference to Cresta and Rock Creek Projects. 05/23/2006
 157Ward, P.D., T.R. McReynolds, and C.E. Garmen. 2003. Butte and Big Chico Creeks spring-run chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, life history investigation. 2002-2003. Chico, CA: CA Department of Fish and Game. 06/14/2004
 4282Werner, I, Mariewicz, D, Deanovic, L et Al. 2015. Pelagic Organism Decline (POD): Acute and Chronic Invertebrate and Fish Toxicity Testing in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta 2008-2010. 06/24/2015
 1227William Abbott and Associates Attorneys At Law. 1997. Notice of Emergency Remediation Measures Gwin Mine Calaveras County CA. 07/25/2003
 717Wixom, L.H. 1989. North Fork Feather River Fisheries Management Plan, Draft Report. CA Department of Fish and Game. 05/23/2006
 722Young, J. 1915. Photo of young Maidu Indian woman with a string of fish caught on the North Fork Feather River. Plumas County, History of the Feather River Region. 05/23/2006
 2926Toxic Substances Monitoring Program: Freshwater Bioaccumulation Monitoring: TSM Program Data 1978-2000. State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Quality. 04/01/2002
 2927Toxic Substances Monitoring Program: Freshwater Bioaccumulation Monitoring Program 2001-2003. State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Quality. Unpublished Data. 08/06/2004
 4114Data was collected as part of Title 27 regulatory authority for closure of the Walker Mine.. 06/01/2012
 11942002. Regions 5 and 7 Email Correspondence. 07/25/2003
 11962002. R5 Letters and Emails For 2002 303(d) List. 07/25/2003
 11982002. Public Solicitation of Water Quality Information. 07/25/2003
 11992002. Public Solicitation of Water Quality Information. 07/25/2003
 12012002. Public Solicitation of Water Quality Information. 07/25/2003
 12022002. Public Solicitation of Water Quality Information. 07/25/2003
 12032002. Public Solicitation of Water Quality Information. 07/25/2003
 12112002. Data and Information For Deer Creek. 07/25/2003
 12212002. Summary Statistics For Monitoring Data: Srwp Usgsnawqa Sacramento River Cmp and City of Redding. 07/25/2003
 12222002. Closing Statement U S Fish and Wildlife Services. 07/25/2003
 12232002. Data for City of Stockton Ambient Water Quality Monitoring Program R1 Bowman Road. 07/25/2003
 12252002. EBMUD Data -Aluminum Cadmium Copper Iron and Zinc. 07/25/2003
 12352002. Data and Information For Putah Creek. 07/25/2003
 15222002. Sacramento Watershed Program. 07/25/2003
 15252002. Region 5 Staff Reports. 07/25/2003
 15262002. Region 5 Staff Report Appendix B. 07/25/2003
 15272002. State Water Project. 07/25/2003
 15322002. Yuba City. 07/25/2003
 15422002. Region 5 Administrative Record For The Final Staff Report On Recommended Changes To CA's Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List Binder # 1. 07/25/2003
 20392002. Region 5: Administrative Record For The Final Staff Report On Recommended Changes To California's Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List Binder # 3. 07/25/2003
 20922002. Region 5: Administrative Record For The Final Staff Report On Recommended Changes To CA's Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List Binder # 2. 07/25/2003
 11852001. Clean Water Act 303(d) Public Solicitation of Water Quality Information. 07/25/2003
 15212001. Region 5 Public Meeting Notice. 07/25/2003
 15242001. Region 5 Staff Report Notice. 07/25/2003

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QA Document

Parent #Ref #DescriptionDate Received
39793980CA Dept of Fish and Game. 2010. Quality Assurance Project Planc for the Lower San Joaquin River Basin. . 08/30/2010
38753925Central Sierra Environmental Resource Center . 2010. Quality Assurance Project Plan for Stanislaus National Forest. . 08/30/2010
38773929Central Sierra Environmental Resource Center . 2009. Quality Assurance Project Plan for Stanislaus National Forest by Central Sierra Environmental Resource Center. . 07/16/2010
38853939Central Sierra Environmental Resource Center . 2005. Quality Assurance Project Plan for Tuolumne County Water Quality Project, versioin 1.0. . 07/29/2010
39923993Central Valley RWQCB. 2010. Quality Assurance Project Plan for Acute and Chronic Invertebrate and Fish Toxicity Testing in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.. 08/31/2010
38903944Central Valley RWQCB . Quality Assurance Project Plan for Sacramento Valley Water Quality Coalition. . 08/26/2010
38913945Central Valley RWQCB . Monitoring and Reporting Program Plan for California Rice Commission. . 08/26/2010
38893943Central Valley RWQCB . 2008. Quality Assurance Project Plan by the East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition, Revision 1.0. . 08/26/2010
40664067City of Sacramento/Sacramento Stormwater Quality Partnership. 2010. Quality Assurance Protection Plan by the Sacramento Stormwater Monitoring Partnership.. 08/30/2010
38763928City of Visalia. 2006. NPDES Permit for Visalia. . 06/09/2010
38803930Department of Water Resources Bay-Delta Office . Quality Assurance Project Plan for Stockton Deep Water Ship Channel. . 08/10/2010
38794069Dept of Pesticide Regulation . 2009. Quality Assurance Project Plan from California Department of Pesticide Regulation. . 09/02/2010
39643965Friends of Deer Creek. 2008. Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Yuba Watershed Council Monitoring Committee, Revision 1.3. . 08/30/2010
 4193Michael L. Johnson LLC for tehe Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program. 2008. Quality Assurance Project Plan for Monitoring by the San Joaquin County and Delta Water Quality Coalition.. 08/01/2010
38743922OMI/Thames Water Stockton, Inc. 2007. Quality Assurance Project Plan for City of Stockton - San Joaquin River, Revision 4.20. . 08/09/2010
39623963PG&E. 2007. Quality Assurance Program Plan for Projects Requiring Water Quality and/or Water Temperature Monitoring, Version 4. . 08/30/2010
38863941Pyrethroid Working Group . 2010. Quality Assurance Project Plan for Pyrethroid Working Group. . 08/30/2010
40644065Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District. 2010. Quality Assurance Project Plan from the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District Environmental Laboratory. . 08/30/2010
38733924South Yuba River Citizens League. 2008. Quality Assurance Project for Yuba Watershed Monitoring Committee, Revision 1.3. . 08/30/2010
38653921State Water Contractors . 2004. Quality Assurance Project Plan for: Bryte Lab; Environmental Monitoring Program; Municipal Water Quality Investigations Program.. 08/30/2010

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Standards and Guidelines

Parent #Ref #DescriptionDate Received
 2491Central Valley RWQCB. 2004. Water Quality Control Plan for the Tulare Lake Basin Second Edition. rev. Jan 2004. 01/01/2004
 2434Central Valley RWQCB. 1998. Water Quality Control Plan for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins. 4th ed. 10/01/2007
 3741DFG. 1992. Hazard Assessment of the Insecticide Methyl to Aquatic Organisms in the Sacramento River System. 08/30/2010
 2783Harrington, J.. 1990. Hazard Assessment of the Rice Herbicides Molinate and Thiobencarb to Aquatic Organisms in the Sacramento River System. Administrative Report 90-1. California Department of Fish and Game, Environmental Services Division. 12/06/2008
 3020J. S. Dollarhide. 1992. Oral Reference Doses and Oral Slope Factors for JP-4 CAS No. not identified), JP-5 (CAS No. not identified; similar to Kerosene, CAS No. 8008-20-6), Diesel fuel (CAS No. 68334-30-5), and Gasoline (CAS No. 8006-61-9) (AVGAS) [McChord AFB (Wash Rack/Treatment) /Tacoma, WA]. 03/03/2009
 3419Menconi, M. and J. Beckman. 1996. Hazard Assessment of the Insecticide Methomyl to Aquatic Organisms in the San Joaquin River System - Administrative Report 96-6. 01/01/2009
 2703Siepmann S. and S.B. Slater. 1998. Hazard Assessment of the Insecticide Malathion to Aquatic Life in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River System. California Department of Fish and Game. Office of Spill Prevention and Response Administrative Report 98-2. 10/20/2008
 2764Siepmann, S. and M. R. Jones. 1998. Hazard Assessment of the Insecticide Carbaryl to Aquatic Organisms in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River System. State of California Department of Fish and Game. 12/01/2008
 2704Siepmann, S. and S. Holm. 2000. Hazard Assessment of the Synthetic Pyrethroid Insecticides Bifenthrin, Cypermethrin, Esfenvalerate, and Permethrin to Aquatic Organisms in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River System. California Department of Fish and Game. Office of Spill Prevention and Response, Administrative Report 00-6. 10/20/2008
 3198U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2009. 1999 Update of Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Ammonia. 01/01/2009
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 2762U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2007. ECOTOX database, aquatic data. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. 03/26/2008
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