Regional Board 1 - North Coast Region References


Parent #Ref #DescriptionDate Received
 3655Barnum Timber Company. 2010. Letter requesting 2012 Integrated Report assessment of data and information submitted May 11, 2001 for Redwood Creek. 07/29/2010
 3292Bowman, C.. 2009. Letter from Crystal Bowman, Quartz Valley Indian Reservation, to Matt St.John, Regional Water Board staff, regarding Comments for the 2008 303(d) List of Water Quality Limited Segments. Attachment.. 03/16/2009
 3038Briggs, G.. 2009. E-mail from Glen Briggs to Matt St. John and Rebecca Fitzgerald (North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board staff) with comments on the Listing of Impaired Streams and TMDL Implementation for the Klamath River.. 03/08/2009
 3280Brucker, P.. 2009. Letter from Petey Brucker, Klamath Forest Alliance, to the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, regarding Klamath Forest Alliance Comments to the North Coast 2008 Integrated Report for the 303(d) List of Impaired Waters Bodies and Recommendations of Water Bodies to add to the 303(d) List in the Future.. 03/20/2009
 3275Buckwalter, H. and Sartor, L.. 2009. Letter from Harriet Buckwalter and Linda Sartor, Friends of the Mark West Watershed, to Matt St.John, Regional Water Board staff, regarding Comments for the 2008 303(d) List of Water Quality Limited Segments.. 03/20/2009
 3273Costales, R.. 2009. Letter from Rick Costales, County of Siskiyou Natural Resource Policy Specialist, to Matt St.John, Regional Water Board staff, regarding the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board staff report for the 2008 305(b) - 303(d) Integrated Report - February 2009.. 03/17/2009
 3007Cozzalio, R. 2009. Letter from Rex Cozzalio regarding Response to NCRWQCB 303(d) Listing of Klamath Impairments. 02/19/2009
 3285Crebbin, M.. 2009. Letter from Mike Crebbin, Montague Water Conservations District, to Matt St.John, Regional Water Board staff regarding Comments to North Coast's 2008 Proposed 303(d) List, Lake Shastina.. 03/17/2009
 3296Cressey, L. and P. Brucker. 2009. Letter from Lyra Cressey and Petey Brucker, Salmon River Restoration Council, to Matt St.John, Regional Water Board staff, regarding Removal of Wooley Creek from the 303(d) List of California Impaired Rivers under the Clean Water Act, as Identified in Decision 9540. Attachments.. 03/16/2009
 2853Dias, M. 2007. Letter from Michele Dias, California Forestry Association, to Bruce Gwynne, North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, Regarding 2008 Integrated Report - Sections 303(d)/305(b). 02/26/2007
 3274Doerksen, J.. 2009. Letter from Jim Doerksen to Matt St.John, Regional Water Board staff, regarding Comments to the 2008 Integrated Report for 305(b) Surface Water Assessment and 303(d) List of Impaired Streams. Attachments.. 03/16/2009
 3290Donlan, R.E.. 2009. Letter from Robert E. Donlan, Attorney for PacifiCorp, to Matt St.John, Regional Water Board staff, regarding the Proposed 2008 Clean Water Act Section 303(d) Listings for Microcystin Toxin, Klamath River, from Iron Gate Dame to Scott River and from Scott River to Trinity River. Attachment.. 03/20/2009
 3272Fleming, T. and K. Gilmore. 2009. Letter from Terrance Fleming and Kandis Gilmore, Community Clean Water Institute, to the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board regarding the 2008 Integrated Report for the 305(b) Surface Water Assessment and 303(d) List of Impaired Waters. Attachment: Mark West Creek flow study report by CCWI.. 03/20/2009
 3009Gierak, R.A. 2009. Letter from Dr. Richard A. Gierak to California Regional Water Quality Control Board Regarding Klamath River Impaired Waters. 02/19/2009
 3291Gordon, A.. 2009. Letter from Allison Gordon, Legal Analyst for the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations, to Matt St.John, Regional Water Board staff, regarding Comments for the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board's 2008 303(d) List of Water Quality Limited Segments.. 03/20/2009
 3037Grantham, P. 2009. Letter from Patricia A. Grantham of the United States Forest Service, Klamath National Forest to Matt St. John (North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board staff) with comments on the Public Review Draft Staff Report for the 2008 Integrated Report for the Clean Water Act Section 305(b) Surface Water Quality Assessment and the 303(d) List of Impaired Waters. 03/11/2009
 3276Grinnell, A. and S. Grinnell. 2009. Letter from Alan and Sharon Grinnell to Matt St.John, Regional Water Board staff, regarding the 2008 Integrated Report for 305(b) Surface Water Assessment and 303(d) List of Impaired Streams. Attachment. . 03/17/2009
 3284Harling, W.. 2009. Letter from Will Harling, Mid Klamath Watershed Council, to Matt St.John, Regional Water Board staff, regarding Comments on the North Coast 2008 Integrated Report for the 303(d) List of Impaired Waters.. 03/18/2009
 3279Hillman, L.. 2009. Letter from Leaf Hillman, Vice Chairman Karuk Tribe, to Matt St.John, Regional Water Board staff, regarding Comments on the North Coast 2008 Integrated Report for the 303(d) List of Impaired Waters.. 03/18/2009
 3293Hofstra, T. D.. 2009. Letter from Terrence D. Hofstra, Redwood National and State Parks, to Matt St.John, Regional Water Board staff, regarding Comments on the Public Review Draft 2008 California 303(d) and 305(b) Integrated Report.. 03/11/2009
 3282Krimel, S.B.. 2009. Letter from Stephen B. Krimel, Legal Council Save Mark West Creek, to Matt St.John, Regional Water Board staff, regarding opposition to delayed implementation of environmental protections set forth in 2008 Integrated Report for the Clean Water Act.. 03/19/2009
 2821Krum, W.P. 2007. Letter from William P. Krum, Siskiyou Resource Conservation District, to Bruce Gwynne, North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, Regarding Delisting of a Currently-listed Impaired Water Body under CWA Section 303(d): Wooley Creek, Salmon River, Klamath Basin. 02/05/2007
 3010Leland, D. 2009. E-mail from David Leland, North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, to Amy Hansen, Andrew Baker, Arne Hultgren, Chris Quirmbach, Dave Webb, John Schuyler, Marcia Armstrong, Matt St. John,, Nadine Bailey, Richard Gierak, Rebecca Fitzgerald, Rex Cozzalio, Ric Costales, Rick Carlson, Scott Harding, and Tom Wetter Regarding Follow Up to Feb 19 CWA Section 303(d) Workshop in Yreka. 02/24/2009
 3271Lyons, T.. 2009. Letter from Tom Lyons, California Coastkeeper Alliance, to Matt St.John, Regional Water Board staff, regarding Comments for the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board's 2008 303(d) List of Water Quality Limited Segments. . 03/19/2009
 3283Marking, P.. 2009. Letter from Paul Marking to Matt St.John, Regional Water Board staff, regarding the 2008 Integrated Report - 303(d) Water Quality - Mark West Creek. Attachments.. 03/16/2009
 3278Martien, J.. 2009. Letter from Jerry Martien, Humboldt Watershed Council, to Matt St.John, Regional Water Board staff, regarding the Humboldt Watershed Council Comments on the proposed 2008 303(d) List. Attachment.. 03/20/2009
 3294McEnhill, D.. 2009. Letter from Don McEnhill, Russian Riverkeeper, to Matt St.John, Regional Water Board staff, regarding Comments for the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board's 2008 303(d) List of Water Quality Limited Segments. Attachments.. 03/20/2009
 3008Moore, D. 2009. Letter from Dina J. Moore, Yager/Van Duzen Environmental Stewards, to Matt St. John and Rebecca Fitzgerald, North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, Regarding North Coast 2008 Integrated Report for the 305(b) Water Quality Assessment and the 303(d) List of Impaired Waters. 02/18/2009
 3295Myers, D.. 2009. Letter from Daniel Myers, Redwood Chapter Sierra Club, to Matt St.John, Regional Water Board staff, regarding Comments on the Staff Report for the 2008 303(d)/305(b) Integrated Report.. 03/20/2009
 3286Novy, L. L.. 2009. Letter from Dr. Lowell L. Novy to Matt St.John, Regional Water Board staff, regarding Notice of Availability of Draft Document, Public Comment Period, Public Workshops, and Public Hearing for the North Coast 2008 Integrated Report for the 305(b) Water Quality Assessment and 303(d) List of Impaired Waters.. 03/20/2009
 3287Okie, G.W.. 2009. Letter from Griffin W. Okie to Matt St.John, Regional Water Board staff, regarding Comments for the 2008 303(d) List of Water Quality Limited Segments.. 03/18/2009
 3016Pace, F. 2009. E-mail from Felice Pace to Cat Kuhlman, North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, with Comments on the 2008 Integrated Report.. 03/02/2009
 3288Pace, F.. 2009. E-mail from Felice Pace to Matt St.John, Regional Water Board staff, regarding Comments on the Public Review Draft 2008 Integrated Report. Attachments: pictures.. 03/19/2009
 3023Palmer, T. 2009. Letter from Tera Palmer, Salmon River Outpost, to Matt St. John, North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, Regarding Comments for the 2008 303(d) List of Water Quality Limited Segments. 03/03/2009
 3299Quirmbach, C.. 2009. Letter from Chris Quirmbach, Timber Products Company, to Matt St.John, Regional Water Board staff, regarding Comments on the Public Review Draft 2008 Integrated Report.. 03/20/2009
 3267Rische, C.. 2009. Letter to Cat Kuhlman, Excecutive Officer of the NCRWQCB, from Carol Rische of the Humboldt Bay Municipal Water Distict regarding the proposed listing of the Mad River for DDE.. 05/20/2009
 3006Sakashita, M. 2009. Letter from Miyoko Sakashita, Center for Biological Diversity, to Shakoora Azimi-Gaylon, Rebecca Fitzgerald, Barbara Baginska, Mary Adams, LA Water Quality Control Board, Pavlova Vitale, and Alan Monji regarding California's 2008 List of Impaired Water Bodies under Clean Water Act 303(d). 02/04/2009
 3298Savage, J., K. Colridge, B. Hoopes, and C. Clifford.. 2009. E-mail from Jennifer Savage, Kalei Colridge, Bill Hoopes and Colleen Clifford, Surfrider Foundation Humboldt Chapter, to Matt St. John, Regional Water Board staff, regarding Comments on the 303(d) Listings for the Mad and Little Rivers.. 03/20/2009
 3266Schuyler, J.C.. 2009. Comment letter from John C. Schuyler of the USFS Klamath National Forest pertaining to the May 18, 2009 Board Hearing Draft of the 2008 Integrated Report.. 06/02/2009
 3277Smith. M.D.. 2009. Letter from Michael D. Smith, Staff Attorney for Humboldt Baykeeper, to Matt St.John, Regional Water Board staff, regarding the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board's 2008 303(d) List of Water Quality Limited Segments.. 03/20/2009
 3297Sundquist, P.. 2009. Letter from Paul Sundquist to Matt St.John, Regional Water Board staff, regarding the timing of the TMDL for Mark West Creek.. 03/19/2009
 3281Terence, E.. 2009. Letter from Erica Terence, Klamath Riverkeeper, to Matt St.John, Regional Water Board staff, regarding Comments on the North Coast 2008 Integrated Report for the 303(d) List of Impaired Waters.. 03/20/2009
 3300Wetter, T.. 2009. Letter from Tom Wetter to Matt St.John, Regional Water Board staff, regarding the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board Staff Report for the 2008 305(b)-303(d) Integrated Report - February 2009.. 03/17/2009

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Data and Information

Parent #Ref #DescriptionDate Received
 44362009 5 year Permit for Russian River MS4 Program. 2016. Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for 2009 5 year Permit for Russian River MS4 Program. . 05/04/2017
 47102009 5 year Permit for Russian River MS4 Program. Field, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 1. . 06/14/2019
 47112015 5 year Permit for Russian River MS4 Program. Field, Habitat, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 1. . 06/14/2019
 4437ASBS Regional Discharge Monitoring. 2015. Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for ASBS Regional Discharge Monitoring. . 05/04/2017
 4715ASBS Regional Discharge Monitoring. Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 1.. 06/14/2019
 4438ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring. Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring.. 05/04/2017
 1880Adams, P.B., M.J. Bowers, H.E. Fish, T.E. Laidig, and K.R. Silberberg. 1999. Historical and Current Presence Absence of Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus Kisutch) In The Central CA Coast Evolutionarily Significant Unit. 07/25/2003
36673668Adelman, B. 2010. Russian River Watershed Protection Committee 2009 Photo Project. 08/30/2010
 1953Allen, G.H. 1993. Smolt Production From Prairie Creek Hatchery Juvenile Coho Reared In An Arcata Wate Water Seawater Pond October 1992-May 1993. 07/25/2003
 1954Amen, B. 1990. The Hydrologic Role of The Unsaturated Zone of A Forested Colluvium-Mantled Hollow Redwood National Park CA. 07/25/2003
 1956Anderson, D. 1997. 1997 RNSP Redwood Creek Summer Steelhead Trout Survey. 07/25/2003
 1959Anderson, D. 1999. 1998 Redwood Creek Estuary Annual Monitoring Report. 07/25/2003
 1957Anderson, D. and H. McGuire. 1994. Redwood Creek Basin 1991-1992 Spawning and Carcass Survey Annual Progress Report. 07/25/2003
 1960Anderson, D.G. 1988. Juvenile Salmonid Habitat of The Redwood Creek Basin Humboldt County CA. 07/25/2003
 1958Anderson, D.G. 1995. Biological Supplement To Redwood National and State Parks U S Army Corps of Engineers Application: Coho Salmon Utilization of The Redwood Creek Estuary. 07/25/2003
 1961Anderson, D.G. 2002. Status of Summer Steelhead Trout In Redwood Creek Redwood National Park CA. 07/25/2003
 1955Anderson, D.G. and R.A. Brown. 1983. Anadromous Salmonid Nursery Habitat In The Redwood Creek Watershed. 07/25/2003
 1962Anderson, H.W. 1981. Sources of Sediment-Induced Reductions In Water Quality Appraised From Catchment Attributes and Land Use. 07/25/2003
 1965Anonymous. 1938. Must The Scientist Always Be On The Defensive. 07/25/2003
 1966Anonymous. 1947. Publications of The CA Fish and Game Commission1. 07/25/2003
 1967Anonymous. 1956. Note: A Bisexual Steelhead. 07/25/2003
 1970Anonymous. 1993. Downstream Migrant Trapping Information Prairie Creek 1993. 07/25/2003
 1963Anonymous. 2002. Green Point Ranch: Photograph File At Hsu Humboldt County. 07/25/2003
 1964Anonymous. 2002. Praire Creek Lcc Camp H S U Photo # 2215. 07/25/2003
 1969Anonymous. 2002. Death of Emerald Creek. 07/25/2003
 1971Anthrop, D.F. 1935. Redwood National and State Parks. 07/25/2003
 1973Averett R C and Iwatsubo R T. 2002. Aquatic Biology of The Redwood Creek Basin Redwood National Park CA. 07/25/2003
 1974Axelrod D. 2002. Vegetative Propagation of Blue Blossom. 07/25/2003
 1976Babcock, E., M. Lahusen, R.G. Klin, R.D. and D.K. Hagans. 2002. Status of The Emerald Creek Landslide Redwood National Park. 07/25/2003
 2865Bacigalupi, M. 2007. Letter from Margaret Bacigalupi, Northern California River Watch, to Regional Water Quality Control Board, North Coast Region, Regarding Inclusion of the Laguna de Santa Rosa on CWA 303(d) List of Water Quality Limited Segments for Ludwigia. 03/26/2007
 1977Barbee, R. 1978. Watershed Rehabilitation Program. 07/25/2003
 1980Barley D.M., B. Bently, P.G. Olin, and G.A.E Gall . 1992. Population Genetic Structure of Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus Kisutch) In CA. 07/25/2003
 1979Barlow, S. 1970. Orick Then and Now. 07/25/2003
 18Barnum & Herman. 2001. Comments on Public Solicitation of Water Quality Information, Redwood Creek. 07/25/2003
 2322Barnum & Herman. 2001. Reference lists and bibliography submitted with letter dated May 11, 2001. 07/25/2003
 1280Bay Protection and Toxic Cleanup Program Candidate Toxic Hot Spots San Francisco Bay Region. 2002. Status of Regulatory Actions November 7 2002. 07/25/2003
 1981Bearss, E. 1969. History Basic Data Redwood National Park. 07/25/2003
 1987Becking, R.W. 1966. Public Statement By. 07/25/2003
 1988Becking, R.W. 1971. The Ecology of The Coastal Redwood Forest and The Impact of The 1964 Floods Upon Redwood Vegetation. 07/25/2003
 31Benda, L. and Associates. 2004. Little North Fork Noyo River wood budget. Fort Bragg, CA: Campbell Timberland Management. 01/28/2004
 32Benda, L. and Associates. 2004. Wood recruitment to streams. Mendocino Coast. Fort Bragg, CA: Campbell Timberland Management. 03/10/2004
 1989Beschta, R.L. 1979. Debris Removal and Its Effects On Sedimentation In An Oregon Coast Range Stream. 07/25/2003
 1990Best D.W., H.M. Kelsey, D.K. Hagans and M. Alpert . 2002. Role of Fluvial Hillslope Erosion and Road Construction In The Sediment Budget of Garrett Creek Humboldt County CA. 07/25/2003
 1992Best, D.W. 1984. Land Use of The Redwood Creek Basin. 07/25/2003
 1991Best, D.W. 2002. History of Timber Harvest In The Redwood Creek Basin Northwestern CA. 07/25/2003
 1993Beven, K. 2002. The Effect of Ordering On The Geomorphic Effectiveness of Hydrologic Events. 07/25/2003
 1994Bickel, P.M. 1979. A Study of Cultural Resources In Redwood National Park. 07/25/2003
 1995Bisbal, G.A. 1999. Ocean Conditions and The Management of Columbia River Salmon. 07/25/2003
 2001Bledsoe. 1956. Chapter Xxxi The Two Years War. 07/25/2003
 2002Bloom, A.L. 1998. An Assessment of Road Removal and Erosion Control Treatment Effectiveness: A Comparison of 1997 Storm Erosion Response Between Treated and Untreated Roads In Redwood Creek Basin Northwestern CA. 07/25/2003
 2004Bodin, P., W. Brock, P. Buttolph, H. Kelsey, T. Lisle, B. Marcot, N. Reichard and R. Wunner. 1982. Are CA's North Coast Rivers Really "Wasting Away To Sea?". 07/25/2003
 2613Boland, M. J. 2001. Letter from Margaret J. Boland, Forest Supervisor, Klamath National Forest, to Matt St. John, North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, regarding Impaired Water Body listing for watersheds within the Northern Province of the National Forests of California. 12/22/2008
26132622Boland, M. J. 2001. Attachment A: R5 Watershed Condition Assessment Data Summary. Klamath National Forest. 12/22/2008
26132614Boland, M.J. 2001. Attachment E: Roads & Hydrologic Connectivity. Northern California Province Category 1 watersheds meeting "management-constrained" criteria. March 2000. 12/22/2008
26132615Boland, M.J. 2001. Attachment F: Supporting Narrative for Upslope, Channel and Habitat-associated Criteria (1-9) Rating Rationale. Klamath National Forest's Northern Province Category 1 Watersheds which meet "management-constrained" criteria. 12/22/2008
 2003Botkin, D.B., K. Cummins, T. Dunne, H. Regier, M. Sobel, Lo and L. 2002. Status and Future of Salmon of Western Oregon and Northern CA: Overview of Findings and Options. 07/25/2003
 2029Bradford, W.L. 2002. Compositional Variations With Season and Logging History In Streams of The Redwood Creek Basin Redwood National Park CA. 07/25/2003
 2009Bradford, W.L and R.T. Iwatsubbo . 1978. Water Chemistry of The Redwood Creek and Mill Creek Basins, Redwood National Park Humboldt and Del Norte Counties CA. 07/25/2003
 2030Brakensiek, K. 1999. Prairie Creek Downstream Migration Study. 07/25/2003
 2032Briggs, J.C. 1953. The Behavior and Reproduction of Salmonid Fishes In A Small Coastal Stream. 07/25/2003
 2031Briggs, J.C. 2002. The Salmonid Fishes of Prairie Creek Humboldt County CA Progress Report: Season of 1948- 1949. 07/25/2003
 2033Bromirski, P. 1989. Seismic Refraction Study of An Earthflow In Redwood Creek Basin Northwestern CA. 07/25/2003
 2808Brooks, C. 2002. Map of Historical Salmonid Streams and Calwater 2.2a Hydrologic Sub-Areas. California Department of Fish and Game, Central Coast Region. IHRMP North Coast GIS Lab. Hopland, CA. 12/22/2008
 2040Brown E G, H. Fisher and W.T. Shannon . 1965. CA Fish and Wildlife Plan Volume III Supporting Data Part B Inventory (Salmon-Steelhead and Marine Resources). 07/25/2003
 1866Brown, G.W., G.W. Swank and J. Rothacher . 1971. Water Temperature In The Steam Boat Drainage. 07/25/2003
 2854Brown, J. and E. Conti. 2007. Letter from Jess Brown and Edward Conti, Geomatrix Consultants, Inc., to Bruce Gwynne, California Regional Water Quality Control Board North Coast Region, Regarding Notice of Public Solicitation of Water Quality Data and Information for 2008 Integrated Report - List of Impaired Waters and Surface Water Quality Assessment [303(d)/305(b)]. 02/28/2007
 2036Brown, L.R., P.B. Moyle and R.M. Yoshiyama . 2002. Historical Decline and Current Status of Coho Salmon In CA. 07/25/2003
 2034Brown, L.R., and P.B. Moyle . 1991. Status of Coho Salmon In CA. 07/25/2003
 2037Brown, M.W. 1930. The Salmon Migration In The Shasta River (1930-1934). 07/25/2003
 2038Brown, R.A. 1988. Physical Rearing Habitat For Anadromous Salmonids In The Redwood Creek Basin Humboldt County CA. 07/25/2003
 2045Bundros G.J., T. Spreiter, K. Utley and E. Wosika. 1980. Erosion Control In Redwood National Park Northern CA. 07/25/2003
 2047Bundros, G.J. and l B.R. Hill. 1997. Road Conditions and Erosion Potential In The Upper Redwood Creek Watershed. 07/25/2003
 3656Bureau of Reclamation. 2010. Data for pesticides collected by the Tule Lake Pesticide program, Apr. 2007-Oct. 2007 and data for metals and nutrients by the Klamath Water Quality program, Mar. 2006-Dec. 2009. 06/04/2010
 1739Burns, J.W. 1970. Spawning Bed Sedimentation Studies In Northern CA Streams 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 113. 07/25/2003
 2056Busby, M.S. and R.A. Barnhart. 2002. Potential Food Sources and Feeding Ecology of Juvenile Fall Chinook Salmon In CA's Mattole River Lagoon. 07/25/2003
 4158Butkus, S.. 2014. Evidence of Water Contact Recreation Impairment in the Russian River Watershed.. 06/02/2014
 1999CA Department of Fish and Game. 2002. Illustrations of Logging Operations and Practices Which Protect North Coast Salmon and Spawning Streams - and Those That Don't. 07/25/2003
698693CA Department of Fish and Game. 2002. Non-Indigenous Marine Species of Humboldt Bay. Sacramento, CA: Department of Fish and Game. 01/31/2006
 916CA Department of Fish and Game. 2002. The Importance of The Ocean Sport Fishery To The Ocean Catch of Salmon In The States of Washington Oregon and CA. 07/25/2003
 47CA Department of Fish and Game. 2004. Salmon Creek water quality data. Notification number 1600-2002-0765-3. Yountville, CA: CA Department of Fish and Game. 06/02/2004
 1846CA Department of Fish and Game Inland Fisheries Division. 1996. Redwood Creek Cover Structure Project 1996 Final Report. 07/25/2003
 52CA Department of Health Services (DHS). 2004. Quality Assurance Plans. Santa Rosa, CA: Sonoma County Department of Health Services. 02/02/2004
 4732CA Dept of Transit NPDES Monitoring 2014-2015 R1. Field, Toxicity, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 1. . 06/14/2019
 1998CA Fish and Game. 1954. Redwood Creek Humboldt County. 07/25/2003
 899CA Fish and Game. 1998. Consumption of Juvenile Salmonids By Adult Steel Head In The Cowlitz River Washington. 07/25/2003
 1952CA Fish and Game. 2002. Yellowstone Fire and Stream Ecology. 07/25/2003
 904CA Fish and Game. 2002. Variation In Use of The Klamath River Estuary By Juvenile Chinook Salmon. 07/25/2003
 1053CA State Board of Forestry and Fire Protection. 1999. Hillslope Monitoring Program: Monitoring Results From 1996 Through 1998. 07/25/2003
 3658CDPH. 2010. Data for bacteria in Humboldt Bay, Jan. 2004-Aug. 2010. 08/30/2010
 4575California Department of Fish and Game. 2005. Humboldt Bay Watershed Salmon and Steelhead Conservation Plan. 09/27/2018
 4582California Department of Fish and Game. 2013. Elk River TMDL Staff Report: Appendix 3-B Fisheries Information for Upper Elk River. 10/03/2018
 3194California Department of Water Resources. 2000. California Department of Water Resources. 2000a. Fish Tissue Collection Protocol (DWR Northern District). . 04/15/2009
 3195California Department of Water Resources. 2000. California Department of Water Resources. 2000b. Mercury Bioaccumulation Assessment in Northern California Lakes and Reservoirs. Workplan for the 2000-02 Fiscal Years.. 04/15/2009
 2666California Department of Water Resources. 2001. Data for Mercury Tissue in Northern California Lakes, 2000-2001. 08/16/2008
 2665California Department of Water Resources. 2007. Mercury Contamination in Fish from Northern California Lakes and Reservoirs. State of California. The Resources Agency. Department of Water Resources. Northern District. July 2007. 07/31/2007
 3200California Department of Water Resources. 2009. Personal Communication from Scott McReynolds (California Department of Water Resources) to Steve Butkus (Regional Water Board staff). April 14, 2009. Discussion of QA/QC for Lake Shastina mercury in fish tissue sampling.. 04/14/2009
 2667California Lake Maps. 2002. California Lake Maps. Downloaded from on 10/13/2008. 10/13/2008
 4742California Natural Resources Agency Monitoring. Field, Habitat, Water data for the 2020/2022 integrated report in Region 1.. 06/14/2019
 4574California Society for Ecological Restoration. 2015. Salmon Creek Estuary Restoration and Monitoring Results. 09/27/2018
 2626Campbell Timberland Management. 2008. Map of the present and Historic Stream Temperature Monitoring Stations. Pudding Creek. 1994-2008. 07/21/2008
 3659Campbell Timberland Management. 2010. Data for temperature in Pudding Creek, May 1994-Oct. 2009. 09/02/2010
 2706Candian Council of Ministers of the Environment. 2001. Canadian Sediment Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life: Polychlorinated dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs). In: Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines, 1999, Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, Winnipeg. Excerpt from Publication No. 1299; ISBN1-896997-34-1. 10/20/2008
 2064Carver, G.A. 2002. Quaternary Tectonics North of The Mendocino Triple Junction The Mad River Fault Zone. 07/25/2003
 2065Cashman, S.M., H.M. Kelsey and D.R. Harden . 2002. Geology of The Redwood Creek Basin Humboldt County CA. 07/25/2003
 2067Center For Natural Resource Studies of Jmi Inc and National Park Service. 1981. Watershed Rehabilitation In Redwood National Park and Other Pacific Coastal Areas. 07/25/2003
 5054Center for Biological Diversity. 2017. Dataset provided by the Center for Biological Diversity. Contains trash data from California Coastal Comission-sponsored beach cleanup days in the North Coast Region at nine sites: Clam Beach County Park, North Jetty/Samoa Dunes Recreation Area, South Jetty/South Spit, Trinidad State Beach, Glass Beach, MacKerricher State Park, Ten Mile Beach, North Salmon Creek Beach, and South Salmon Creek Beach.. 05/03/2017
 2066Chapman, D.W. 1988. Critical Review of Variables Used To Define Effects of Fines In Redds of Large Salmonids. 07/25/2003
 2823Cheney, D.P. 2007. Letter from Daniel P. Cheney, Ph.D., Pacific Shellfish Institute, to Bruce Gwynne, North Coast Regional Water Board, Regarding "Status Report and Synopsis of Organic Pollutants in Relation to Shellfish Safety in the Mad River Slough and Humboldt Bay, California". 02/21/2007
 2858Chichizola, R. 2007. Letter from Regina Chichizola, Klamath Riverkeeper, to Bruce Gwynne, North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, on Comments Regarding the Listing of the Mid-Klamath for Sediment under the State 303d List. 03/05/2007
 2859Chichizola, R. 2007. Letter from Regina Chichizola, Klamath Riverkeeper, to Bruce Gwynne, North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, on Supporting Comments Regarding the Listing of the Mid-Klamath for Toxic Algae under the State 303d List. 02/28/2007
 1107City of Santa Rosa. 2001. 2002 303(d) Update Reference # 28 Submittal of Water Quality Information Data. 07/25/2003
 1829City of Santa Rosa. 2001. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 132 Proposed 303(d) Listing. 07/25/2003
 438City of Santa Rosa. 2003. Bacteria data from PMG-M. 09/20/2006
 24City of Santa Rosa. 2004. Memorandum on Laguna de Santa Rosa, Russian River. 06/02/2004
 2604City of Santa Rosa. 2005. Bacteria Sampling at Prince Greenway - 2005. 08/26/2008
 1628City of Santa Rosa Sonoma County Environmental Health Department and North Coast RWQCB. 2001. Draft II Santa Rosa Creek Bacterial Contamination Investigation Report. 07/25/2003
 1191City of Santa Rosa Subregional Water Treatment Facility. 2001. Data Files. 07/25/2003
 1193City of Santa Rosa Subregional Water Treatment Facility. 2001. Sonde Files Station #505 Laguna De Santa Rosa @ Todd Road. 07/25/2003
 1200City of Santa Rosa Subregional Water Treatment Facility. 2001. Sonde Files Station #506 Laguna De Santa Rosa @ Guerneville Road. 07/25/2003
 1205City of Santa Rosa Subregional Water Treatment Facility. 2001. Sonde Files Station #515 Santa Rosa Creek Downstream of Willowside Rd (Approximately 3/4 Mile). 07/25/2003
 1207City of Santa Rosa Subregional Water Treatment Facility. 2001. Sonde Files Station #527 Laguna De Santa Rosa Downstream of Llano Road (Approximately 300 Yards). 07/25/2003
 1208City of Santa Rosa Subregional Water Treatment Facility. 2001. Sonde Files Station #521 Laguna De Santa Rosa Upstream of Confluence With Santa Rosa Creek. 07/25/2003
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 1164Department of Fish and Game. 1991. Memorandum To Robert Klamt of North Coast RWQCB. 07/25/2003
 2057Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. 1997. Coho Salmon Considerations For Timber Harvesting Under The CA Forest Practice Rules. 07/25/2003
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 2090Durgin, P.B. and J.E. Tackett . 2002. Erodibility of Forest Soils -- A Factor In Erosion Hazard Assessment. 07/25/2003
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 2087Forest Pest Management Pacific Southwest Region. 1981. An Evaluation of Insect and Disease Conditions In The Redwood Creek Drainage Redwood National Park. 07/25/2003
 1891Forest Resources Division. 1997. Fish Distribution For Watersheds In Louisiana Pacific's Coastal Mendocino/Sonoma Management Unit 1994-96 Rcwa D-1. 07/25/2003
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 1050Newcomb, C.P. and J.O.T. Jensen . 1996. Channel Suspended Sediment and Fisheries : A Synthesis For Quantitative Assessment of Risk and Impact. 07/25/2003
 1070Nielsen, J., L. Lisle T.E. and V. Ozaki . 2002. Thermally Stratified Pools and Their Use By Steelhead In Northern CA Streams. 07/25/2003
 1074Nolan, K.M. and D.C. Marron . 1995. History Causes and Significance of Changes In The Channel Geometry of Redwood Creek Northwestern CA 1936 To 1982. 07/25/2003
 1072Nolan, K.M., H.M. Kelsey, and D.C. Marron. 1995. Summary of Research In The Redwood Creek Basin-1973-83. 07/25/2003
 1076Nolan, K.M., and R.J. Janda. 1981. Use of Short-Term Water and Suspended-Sediment Discharge Observations To Assess Impacts of Logging On Stream-Sediment Discharge In The Redwood Creek Basin Northwestern CA U S A. 07/25/2003
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 1078North Coast Fisheries Restoration. 1996. Redwood Creek Cover Structure Project 1996 Final Report. 07/25/2003
 1080North Coast Fisheries Restoration. 1998. Redwood Creek Summer Steelhead Recovery Project 1998 Final Report. 07/25/2003
 1077North Coast Fisheries Restoration. 2002. Redwood Creek Pool Cover Project CA Department of Fish and Game Fisheries Restoration Grant Program (Phase Two) 1991-1992 Final Report. 07/25/2003
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 1083North Coast RWQCB. 1996. Resolution No 95-96 Adopting The 1996 Regional Water Quality Assessment 303(d) List and Prioritization Update. 07/25/2003
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 1591North Coast RWQCB. 1997. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 7 For Gualala River. 07/25/2003
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 1087North Coast RWQCB. 1998. Material From Redwood Creek File At NCRWQCB File Contents Enclosed: Indexed In Master Index SWRCB. 07/25/2003
 2062North Coast RWQCB. 1998. Supplemental Report For The Proposed Redwood Creek Water Quality Attainment Strategy For Sediment Advocates For Redwood Creek- Alternative Proposed Changes In Upper Case Letters. 07/25/2003
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 146North Coast RWQCB. 2004. Region 1 water quality data from EPA. Albion, Big, Eel, Middle Fork Eel, Garcia, Mattole, Navarro, Russian, Trinity, and Klamath Rivers, Salmon Creek. Santa Rosa, CA: North Coast RWQCB. 09/20/2006
 44North Coast RWQCB. 2004. Salmon River nutrient delisting recommendation. Santa Rosa, CA: North Coast RWQCB. 05/10/2004
 45North Coast RWQCB. 2004. Memorandum: Garcia River listing for sediment impairment. Santa Rosa, CA. North Coast RWQCB. 06/10/2004
 50North Coast RWQCB. 2004. Total daily maximum load analysis-water temperature and nutrients. Upper Lost River and Clear Lake Reservoir Watershed. Santa Rosa, CA: North Coast RWQCB. 06/01/2004
 59North Coast RWQCB. 2004. Warm Springs Hatchery. Redding, CA: Columbia Analytical Services. Redding, CA: North Coast RWQCB. 02/09/2004
 2611North Coast RWQCB. 2005. Salmon River, Siskiyou County, California Total Maximum Daily Load for Temperature and Implementation Plan. Adopted June 22, 2005. NCRWQCB Resolution No. R1-2005-0058. Prepared by California North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board Total Maximum Daily Load Development Unit Staff. 12/22/2008
 2612North Coast RWQCB. 2005. Salmon River, Siskiyou County, California Total Maximum Daily Load for Temperature and Implementation Plan. Adopted June 22, 2005. NCRWQCB Resolution No. R1-2005-0058. Prepared by California North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board Total Maximum Daily Load Development Unit Staff. Figures Only. 12/22/2008
 2653North Coast RWQCB. 2007. North Coast Beach Watch Data. Bacteria data collected by Del Norte County, Humboldt County, Mendocino County Environmental Health Division, Sonoma County Division of Environmental Health, and Marin County in accordance with AB411. Data managed by the State Water Resources Control Board's Beach Watch program at Includes data from 2004 to 2006. 09/01/2007
 3199North Coast RWQCB. 2008. Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP). DDT, DDE, and DDD data from SWAMP Sampling for Years 2001-2006. North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board.. 01/01/2008
 2677North Coast RWQCB. 2008. Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP). Summary Report for the North Coast Region (RWQCB-1) for years 2000-2006. North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board. March 2008. 03/01/2008
 2534North Coast RWQCB. 2008. Summer 2008 Russian River Bacteria Data. Downloaded July 23, 2008 from North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board. 07/23/2008
 2603North Coast RWQCB. 2008. Summary of Santa Rosa Creek Bacteria Data. Data collected by the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, City of Santa Rosa, and Sonoma County Department of Health Services Environmental Health Division. Data downloaded from on August 27, 2008. 08/27/2008
 2663North Coast RWQCB. 2008. Grider Creek Disturbance Images. Compiled by North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board staff. October 13, 2008 . 10/13/2008
 3260North Coast RWQCB. 2009. Notice of Availability of Draft Document, Public Comment Period, Public Workshops, and Public Hearing for the North Coast 2008 Integrated Report for the 305(b) Water Quality Assessment and the 303(d) List of Impaired Waters.. 05/11/2009
 3902North Coast RWQCB . Data for Bacteria and Nutrient in Sonoma County Water Agency, 2009-2010. . 08/30/2010
 4627North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board. 2013. Peer Review Draft Staff Report to Support the Technical Sediment Total Maximum Daily Load for the Upper Elk River. Includes Appendix 1-A.. 03/04/2013
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 4630North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board. 2019. Addendum to the Staff Report for the Action Plan for the Russian River Watershed Pathogen Total Maximum Daily Load. Adopted by the Regional Water Board August 14, 2019.. 08/14/2019
 3718North Coast Water Board. 2010. Final Staff Report for the Klamath River Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) Addressing Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, Nutrient, and Microcystin Impairments in California and the Klamath River and Lost River Implementation Plans. 08/30/2010
 4579Obedzinski, M., Bauer, N., Bartshire, A., Nossasman, S., Olin, P.. 2016. UC Coho Salmon and Steelhead Monitoring Report; Winter 2015/2016. . 09/28/2018
 4580Obedzinski, M., McClary, A., Bauer, N., Bartshire, A., Nossaman Pierce, S.. 2017. UC Coho Salmon and Steelhead Monitoring Report: Spring 2017. 09/28/2018
 1799Office of Science and Technology Office of Water U S Environmental Protection Agency. 2001. Water Quality Criterion For The Protection of Human Health: Methylmercury 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 87. 07/25/2003
 1694Olson, R.E. 1978. Parasites of Silver (Coho) Salmon and King (Chinook) Salmon From The Pacific Ocean Off Oregon. 07/25/2003
 1695Overton K, Brock W, Moreau J and Boberg J. 2002. Six Rivers National Forest Anadromous Fish Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Program. 07/25/2003
 1697Ozaki, V. 1997. Information Requested of Redwood Creek Enclosed In Letter to Eddie Mendez. 07/25/2003
 1105Ozaki, V., M.A. Madej and D. Anderson . 1999. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 137 For Redwood Creek. 07/25/2003
 1698Ozaki, V.L. 1998. Geomorphic and Hydrologic Conditions For Cold Pool Information On Redwood Creek CA. 07/25/2003
 439PacifiCorp. 2004. Klamath River fish study. FERC section 10. FERC Project 2082. 09/20/2006
 3664PacifiCorp. 2004. Screening Level Determination of Chemical Contaminants in Fish Tissue in Selected Project Reservoirs. Final Technical Report. 08/30/2010
 1079Pacific Coast Fish Wildlife and Wetlands Restoration Association. 1997. Redwood Creek Cover Structure Project 1996-1997 Final Report. 07/25/2003
 53Pacific Lumber Company. 2002. Hely Creek wood waste disposal site. Scotia, CA: North Coast Laboratories. 09/20/2006
 2824Pacific Shellfish Institute. 2007. Status Report and Synopsis of Organic Pollutants in Relation to Shellfish Safety in the Mad River Slough and Humboldt Bay, California. Prepared for Humboldt Bay Harbor Recreation and Conservation District. Co-Sponsors: Kuiper Mariculture, Inc., North Bay Shellfish, and Humboldt Bay Oyster Co. Pacific Shellfish Institute, Olympia, Washington. 02/21/2007
 1701Parker, J.T.C. 1988. Geomorphology and Sedimentology of Maple Creek Deltaic Marsh In Big Lagoon Humboldt County CA. 07/25/2003
 1702Parkinson. 2000. Notes For Prairie Creek Hatchery Data. 07/25/2003
 29Payne, T.R. and Associates. 1989. Lower Klamath River tributary delta study. Arcata, CA: U.S. Department of the Interior. 09/20/2006
 1703Peterson, N.P., A. Hendry and T.P. Quinn. 1992. Assessment of Cumulative Effects On Salmonid Habitat: Some Suggested Parameters and Target Conditions. 07/25/2003
 1740Peterson, N.P., A. Hendry and T.P. Quinn. 1992. Assessment of Cumulative Effects On Salmonid Habitat: Some Suggested Parameters and Target Conditions 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 114. 07/25/2003
 1614Pillsbury, N.H. 1972. Sediment-Transport and Stream-Flow Characteristics For Jacoby Creek CA. 07/25/2003
 1704Pintler, H.E. and W.C. Johnson . 1958. Chemical Control of Rough Fish In The Russian River Drainage CA. 07/25/2003
 1705Pitlick, J. 1981. Sediment Routing In Tributaries of The Redwood Creek Basin Northwestern CA. 07/25/2003
 1708Pitlick, J. 1988. Dissertation - The Response of Coarse -Bed River To Large Floods In CA and Colorado. 07/25/2003
 1707Pitlick, J. 2002. Organic Debris In Tributary Stream Channels of The Redwood Creek Basin. 07/25/2003
 1872Pjerrou, M. 2001. Transmittal Facsimile of 5/15/01. 07/25/2003
 1710Polos, J.C. 1997. Estimation of The Number of Juvenile Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha) Migrating Downstream From Blue Creek CA 1989-1992. 07/25/2003
 3688Poole, G.C., Berman, C.H.. 1999. Pathways of Human Influence on Water Temperature Dynamics in Stream Channels . 08/30/2010
 1716Popenoe, J., and R. Martin . 1990. An Evaluation of Compost and Fertilizer To Promote Revegetation of Rehabilitated Road Surfaces. 07/25/2003
 1711Popenoe, J.H. 1987. Soil Series Descriptions and Laboratory Data From Redwood National Park. 07/25/2003
 1717Popenoe, J.H. 2002. Effects of Grass-Seeding Fertilizer and Mulches On Seedling Patterns At The Copper Creek Watershed Rehabilitation Unit. 07/25/2003
 1718Potter S, Ozaki V, Best D, Hagans D. 1987. Data Release: Redwood Creek Channel Cross Section Changes 1985-1986. 07/25/2003
 1791Purkerson, L.L. and S. Sanders . 1981. Correspondence Letter Regarding State of CA's Geothermal Mitigation Fund. 07/25/2003
 3665Quartz Valley Indian Reservation. 2010. Data for nutrients and bacteria for Scott River. 08/29/2010
 4109Quartz Valley Indian Reservation. 2013. Submittal for the Integrated Report. Includes Nutrient, Chlorophyll-a, continuous dissolved oxygen, and continuous pH data for the Scott River at the Gauge.. 08/29/2010
 1180R.J. Janda and K.M. Nolan . 2002. Fieldtrip To Observe Natural and Resource Management-Related Erosion In Franciscan Terrane of Northwestern CA. 07/25/2003
 1837RWQCB. 1994. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 111. 07/25/2003
 1119RWQCB. 2000. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 65 Review of Russian River Quality Objectives For Protection of Salmonid Species Listed Under The Federal Endangered Species Act. 07/25/2003
 1279RWQCB. 2001. Enclosed: Recommended Revisions To 303(d) List For Water Within San Francisco Bay Region. 07/25/2003
 1278RWQCB. 2002. Copper In San Francisco Bay Segments and The 303(d) List. 07/25/2003
 4447RWQCB1 Russian River TMDL. 2016. Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for RWQCB1 Russian River TMDL . . 05/04/2017
 1719Raines, M.A and H.M. Kelsey . 1991. Sediment Budget For The Grouse Creek Basin Humboldt County CA. 07/25/2003
 1870Redwood Coast Watersheds Alliance. 2001. 2002 203 (D) List Update Reference # 41. 07/25/2003
 1871Redwood Coast Watersheds Alliance. 2001. Letter Regarding Mailed Sent Out 5/14/01. 07/25/2003
 2061Redwood Creek. 1990. Fluvial Geomorphology and River-Gravel Mining. 07/25/2003
 1946Redwood Creek Landowners Association. 2000. A Study in Change: Redwood Creek and Salmon. Portland: CH2M Hill, Inc. 07/25/2003
 1723Redwood National Park. 1971. Master Plan. 07/25/2003
 1724Redwood National Park. 1973. Resource Management Actions Affecting Redwood Creek Corridor-Options Paper. 07/25/2003
 1725Redwood National Park. 1982. Resource Management Plan. 07/25/2003
 1728Redwood National Park. 1983. Draft Back Country Trail Plan Redwood and Skunk Cabbage Creeks. 07/25/2003
 1726Redwood National Park. 1984. The Redwood National Park Watershed Rehabilitation Program: A Progress Report and Plan For The Future. 07/25/2003
 1732Redwood National Park. 1984. Estuarine Management and Research Activities Mouth of Redwood Creek 1983. 07/25/2003
 1844Redwood National Park. 1985. Estuarine Management and Research Activities Mouth of Redwood Creek 1984. 07/25/2003
 1734Redwood National Park. 1986. Estuarine Management and Research Activities Mouth of Redwood Creek 1985. 07/25/2003
 1735Redwood National Park. 1987. Estuarine Management and Research Activities Mouth of Redwood Creek 1986. 07/25/2003
 1736Redwood National Park. 1988. Estuarine Management and Research Activities Mouth Fof Redwood Creek 1987. 07/25/2003
 1737Redwood National Park. 1988. Redwood Creek Spawner and Carcass Surveys 1988-1989 Season. 07/25/2003
 1810Redwood National Park. 1990. Habitat Inventory and Woody Debris Inventory of Bridge Creek. 07/25/2003
 1738Redwood National Park. 1992. Bald Hills Vegetation Management Plan. 07/25/2003
 1840Redwood National Park. 1992. Bald Hills Vegetation Management Plan. 07/25/2003
 1747Redwood National Park. 1998. Draft Environmental Assessment Erosion Prevention On Sierra-Pacific Industries and Herb Russ Estate Lands Upper Redwood Creek Basin. 07/25/2003
 2093Redwood National Park-Redwood Creek Water. 2002. Redwood National Park's Last Chance For A Virgin Watershed. 07/25/2003
 1741Redwood National and State Parks. 1997. Draft- Redwood Creek Watershed Analysis. 07/25/2003
 1721Redwood National and State Parks. 1998. Alternatives For Erosion Control and Disturbed Lands Restoration Within Redwood National and State Parks. 07/25/2003
 1722Redwood National and State Parks. 1998. Redwood Creek Watershed Information Humboldt County CA Unpublished Rnp Data. 07/25/2003
 1720Redwood National and State Parks. 2002. Fact Sheets. 07/25/2003
 3666Redwood National and State Parks. 2010. Data for sediment and temperature in Redwood Creek and Smith River. 08/30/2010
 4624Redwood National and State Parks. 2016. Data for sediment in Redwood Creek. 08/01/2016
 4614Redwood National and State Parks. 2017. Data for temperature in Redwood Creek . 04/27/2017
 4369Redwood National and State Parks. 2017. Data on water discharge, sediment loads, and water temperatures in the Redwood Creek Watershed, Humboldt County, California.. 05/03/2017
 1752Reed, L.J. and M.M. Hektner. 2002. Effects of Seed Fertilizer and Mulch Application On Vegetation Re-Establishment On Redwood National Park Rehabilitation Sites. 07/25/2003
 1754Reedy, G.D. 1995. Summer Abundance and Distribution of Juvenile Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha) and Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) In The Middle Fork Smith River CA. 07/25/2003
 1762Reeves, G.H. 1995. Evolution and The Aquatic Ecosystem: Defining Unique Units In Population Conservation. 07/25/2003
 1763Reeves, K.A. 1988. Summer Diet and Status of River Otters On Redwood Creek. 07/25/2003
 4446Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends. 2014. Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends . . 05/04/2017
 1764Regnart, J.R. 1991. Physical Parameters Associated With Coho Salmon Redds In Northwest CA. 07/25/2003
 1765Reid, L.M. 1994. Evaluating Timber Management Effects On Beneficial Water Uses In Northwest CA Draft. 07/25/2003
 1772Rice, R.M. 1998. Letter Written To Ross R Liscum About An Enclosed Draft of The Manuscript. 07/25/2003
 1773Rice, R.M. 1999. Erosion On Logging Roads In Redwood Creek Northwestern CA. 07/25/2003
 1775Rice, R.M. 2000. "Erosion On Logging Roads In Redwood Creek Northwestern CA". 07/25/2003
 1771Rice, R.M. 2002. The Science and Politics of Bmps In Forestry: CA Experiences. 07/25/2003
 1760Ricker, S.J. 1997. Evaluation of Salmon and Steelhead Spawning Habitat Quality In The Shasta River Basin 1997 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 99. 07/25/2003
 1776Ricks, C.L. 1983. Redwood Creek Estuary Flood History Sedimentation and Implications For Aquatic Habitat. 07/25/2003
 1779Ricks, C.L. 1984. Flood History and Sedimentation At The Mouth of Redwood Creek Humboldt County CA. 07/25/2003
 1777Ricks, C.L. 1995. Effects of Channelization On Sediment Distribution and Aquatic Habitat At The Mouth of Redwood Creek Northwestern CA. 07/25/2003
 1780Ringgold, A.T. 1988. Corres Pondence To Dec 4Th Letter Requesting For Clarification of Comments Provided By Redwood National and State Park. 07/25/2003
 1781Ringgold, A.T. 1998. Cooperation Makes For Healthy Forest. 07/25/2003
 1782Ritter, J.R. 1972. Sand Transport By The Eel River and Its Effect On Nearby Beaches. 07/25/2003
 1785Robinson, E.G. 1999. Oregon Department of Forestry Storm Impacts and Landslides of 1996: Final Report Oregon Department of Forestry Forest Practices Monitoring Program. 07/25/2003
 1784Robinson, J. 1964. Christmas Floods 1964 A Reprint From CA Highways and Public Works Magazine. 07/25/2003
 2642Rodriguez, W.T. 1989. Preliminary Report on Mussel Collections and Analyzes for Dioxins and Furans along the North Coast from the Mouth of San Francisco Bay to Crescent City. California Regional Water Quality Control Board, North Coast Region. 12/22/2008
 1787Roelofs, T.D. and M.D. Sparkman . 1999. Effects of Sediments From The Redwood National Park Bypass Project (Caltrans) On Anadromous Salmonids In Prairie Creek State Park 1995-1998 Final Report To The CA Department of Transportation Review Draft. 07/25/2003
 1788Rogers, D.W. 1974. Chum Salmon Observations In Four North Coast Streams. 07/25/2003
 1598Rosenblum Environmental Engineering. 1997. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 2 For Atascadero Creek and Green Valley Creek. 07/25/2003
 4619Russian River TMDL. 2015. Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation utilized in the RWQCB1 Russian River TMDL . . 05/04/2015
 3667Russian River Watershed Protection Committee. 2010. Photos of algae and invasive species in Laguna de Santa Rosa and Guerneville HSA with other data and information. 08/30/2010
 4583Russian Riverkeeper. 2012. Converting Forests to Vineyards. 10/03/2018
 4373Russian Riverkeeper. 2017. These 4 pictures are from cattle operations just above Pieta creek in Mendocino County on 8/27/2016. Cattle have access to almost a mile of the mainstem Russian River and cattle manure and consequently large thick algal matts are extremely prevalent along the shoreline of the River.. 05/08/2017
37913792SWAMP. RWB1 Trend Maintenance Periods FYs 2007 2008. 08/30/2010
 4449SWAMP Perennial Stream Surveys. 2016. Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Perennial Stream Surveys . . 05/04/2017
 4451SWAMP RWB1 Irrigated Lands Monitoring. 2016. Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP RWB1 Irrigated Lands Monitoring . . 05/04/2017
 4452SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring. 2016. Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring . . 05/04/2017
 4450SWAMP Reference Condition Management Plan. 2016. Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Reference Condition Management Plan . . 05/04/2017
 4453SWAMP Sportfish Coastal Zones. 2016. Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Coastal Zones . . 05/04/2017
 4454SWAMP Sportfish Contamination in Lakes and Resrv. 2016. Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Contamination in Lakes and Resrv . . 05/04/2017
 4455SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams. 2016. Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . . 05/04/2017
 4456SWAMP Stream Pollution Trends. 2016. Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Stream Pollution Trends . . 05/04/2017
 4457SWAMP USFWS Klamath Reservoir Study. 2014. Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP USFWS Klamath Reservoir Study . . 05/04/2017
 4458SWAMP Wildlife Contamination in Lakes and Resrv. 2016. Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Wildlife Contamination in Lakes and Resrv . . 05/04/2017
 1855SWRCB. 2002. Second Postponement of The State Board Meeting For The 2002 Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List. 07/25/2003
 1867SWRCB. 2002. Regarding 5/23 and 24/2002 Public Hearings. 07/25/2003
 2934SWRCB. 2006. Data for Dioxins and Furans in Humboldt Bay, March to October 2002. Compiled by the State Water Resources Control Board.. 09/19/2008
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 1789Sacklin J. 1982. Wolf Creek Compost Facility Operation and Maintenance Manual Second Edition. 07/25/2003
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 2856Sakashita, M. 2007. Letter from Miyoko Sakashita, Center for Biological Diversity, to Bruce Gwynne, North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, Regarding Request to Add California Ocean Waters to List of Impaired Waters due to Carbon Dioxide Pollution Resulting in Ocean Acidification; Response to "Notice of Public Solicitation of Water Quality Data and Information for 2008 Integrated Report - List of Impaired Waters and Surface Water Quality Assessment [303(d)/305(b)]". 02/28/2007
 1790Salamunovich, T.J. 1990. Food Habits of Fishes In The Redwood Creek Estuary. 07/25/2003
 1233Salmon Forever. 2001. Provisional 30/15-Minute Data Raw Stage and Raw Turbidity. 07/25/2003
 3669Salmon Forever. 2010. Data for suspended sediment, turbidity and other data in Elk River and Freshwater Creek, Nov. 2002-Jan. 2010. 08/02/2010
 4095Salmon Forever. 2010. Salmon Forever Sediment Data Package For: 2012 California Integrated Report - Surface Water Quality Assessment and List of Impaired Waters [Clean Water Act Sections 305(b) and 303(d)].. 07/30/2010
 1277San Francisco Bay RWQCB. 2001. Staff Report Proposed Revisions To Section 303(d) List and Priorities For Development of Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) For The San Francisco Bay Region. 07/25/2003
 2822Sanders, J.S. 2007. Letter from John S. Sanders, Ph.D., Department of Pesticide Regulation, to Bruce Gwynne, California Regional Water Quality Control Board North Coast Region 1, Regarding Information Request for 2008 Integrated Water Quality Report - List of Impaired Waters and Surface Water Quality Assessment [303(d)/305(b)]. 02/20/2007
 46Sandler, M. 2004. 303(d) list solicitation submittal data. 2004. Occidental, CA: Community Clean Water Institute. 06/11/2004
 1792Satterthwaite, T.D. 1988. Influence of Maturity On Straying Rates of Summer Steelhead Into The Rogue River Oregon. 07/25/2003
 3883Save Mark West Creek . Data for Water Quality in Mark West Creek, 2004-2009. . 05/25/2010
 1793Savina, M.E. 1985. American Geomorphological Field Group Field Trip Guidebook. 07/25/2003
 1794Schroeder, R.M.T. and T. O. Hofstra . 2002. Black Bear Research Redwood National Park. 07/25/2003
 2610Schuyler, J. 2008. Memorandum from John Schuyler, Klamath Nation Forest, to Rebecca Fitzgerald, North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, Regarding the 303(d) DeListing Request. 07/11/2008
 27Scoles, G. 2004. Memorandum: 2004 Section 303(d) List solicitation of data for Laguna de Santa Rosa for phosphorus. 06/10/2004
 730Sears, Anna L., and L. N. Verdone. 2005. Ludwigia Hexapatela Management Plan for the Laguna de Santa Rosa. Santa Rosa, CA. 09/20/2006
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 2855Shaeffer, S. 2007. Letter from Sarah Shaeffer, Community Clean Water Institute, to Bruce Gwynne, North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board. 02/28/2007
 3663Shannon & Wilson, Inc. 2006. Preliminary Review of 2006 Analytical Testing Data From Sediment Sampling Conducted at Iron Gate, Copco 1, and JC Boyle Reservoirs Klamath River, Oregon and California. 08/30/2010
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 1797Shapovalov, L. and A.C. Taft. 1954. The Life Histories of The Steelhead Rainbow Trout (Salmo Gairderi Gairdneri) and Silver Salmon (Oncorhynchus Kisutch) With Special Reference To Waddell Creek CA and Recommendations Regarding Their Management. 07/25/2003
 4448Shasta Tailwater Reduction. 2016. Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for Shasta Tailwater Reduction . . 05/04/2017
 3670Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District. 2010. Data and information for dissolved oxygen, temperature, and fish passages in Shasta River, Apr. 2008-Sep. 2009. 08/25/2010
 3951Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District . Data for Various Pollutants in the Shasta Valley Resource Convservation District, 2008-2009. . 08/25/2010
 1802Shaw, P.A. and J.A. Maga . 1943. The Effect of Mining Silt On Yield of Fry From Salmon Spawning Beds. 07/25/2003
 1803Shepherd, J. 1975. The Forest Killers. 07/25/2003
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 1885Smith and Associates. 1999. Louisiana - Pacific Sustained Yield Plan For The Coastal Mendocino County (March 11 1997 No 95-003) Now Owned By Mendocino Redwood Company (Mrc). 07/25/2003
 1699Smith, D. 1997. South Forkeel and North Fork Eel River Sediment and Temperature Total Maximum Daily Load Reconnaissance Survey With Annotated Bibliography Review Draft. 07/25/2003
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 2708Smith, M.D. 2007. Letter from Michelle D. Smith of Humboldt Baykeeper to Bruce Gwynne of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board dated February 28, 2007, regarding Data Solicitation, 2008 Clean Water Act 303(d) List of Impaired Waters. 02/28/2007
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 1811Smith, R.D., R.C. Sidle, P.E. Porter and J.R. Noel. 1993. Effects of Experimental Removal of Woody Debris On The Channel Morphology of A Forest, Gravel-Bed Stream. 07/25/2003
 1818Snyder, J.O. 1907. The Fishes of The Coastal Streams of Oregon and Northern CA. 07/25/2003
 1813Snyder, J.O. 1920. Indian Methods of Fishing On Trinity River and Some Notes On The King Salmon of That Stream. 07/25/2003
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 1815Snyder, J.O. 1936. Notes On The 1930 Catch of King Salmon In Klamath River. 07/25/2003
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 1819Sonnevil, R., R. Klenn, R. Lahusen, D. Short and W. Weaver . 2002. Blocksliding On Schist In The Lower Redwood Creek Drainage Northwest CA. 07/25/2003
 1820Sonnevil, R.A. and W.E. Weaver. 1981. The Evolution of Approaches and Techniques To Control Erosion On Logged Lands In Redwood National Park 1977-1981. 07/25/2003
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 4620Sonoma County Department of Health Services. 2015. Summary of Russian River Pathogenic Indicator Bacteria Beach Advisory Postings. Data from: 05/04/2015
 56Sonoma County Water Agency. 2002. Russian River upstream. Santa Rosa, CA: North Coast RWQCB. 04/29/2003
 58Sonoma West Holdings. 2003. Dry weather testing. Santa Rosa, CA: Brejle and Race Laboratories. 04/28/2003
 3685Sotoyome Resource Conservation District. 2008. Upper Mark West Watershed Management Plan Phase 1: Watershed Characterization and Needs Assessment. 08/30/2010
 1821Sparkman. 1999. 1998/99 Prairie Creek Spewning Survey CA Cooperative Fishery Research Unit Humboldt State University. 07/25/2003
 2467Sparkman, M. 2001. Redwood Creek Rotary Screw Trap Downstream Migration Study Redwood Valley, Humboldt County, California April 4 - August 5, 2000. Draft Report. 07/25/2003
 2466Sparkman, M.D. 2005. Upper Redwood Creek Juvenile Salmonid (Smolt) Downstream Migration Study, Study Year 2005. California Resources Agency, Department of Fish and Game, Anadromous Fisheries Resource Assessment and Monitoring Program, Annual Report 2a5: 115 p.. 02/28/2007
 1706Spence, B.C., G.A. Lomnicky, R.M. Hughes and R.P. Novitzki. 1996. An Ecosystem Approach To Salmonid Conservation. 07/25/2003
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 11311975. Fax of Dave Roger's Report of The Hike Down Redwood Creek In 1972 With Ted Hatzimanolis From C R Batten. 07/25/2003
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 16711977. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 101. 07/25/2003
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 9541987. Data for Prairie Creek. 07/25/2003
 11671989. The Humboldt Historian 1989 Volume 37-No 2. 07/25/2003
 16671991. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 49 Status of Coho Salmon In CA. 07/25/2003
 16661993. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 47 Testing Indices of Cold Water Fish Habitat. 07/25/2003
 16411994. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 98 For Shasta River. 07/25/2003
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 20491995. Stream Inventory Report Sweathouse Creek. 07/25/2003
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 16681996. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 75. 07/25/2003
 18011996. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 82 1996 Klamath Basin Field Data. 07/25/2003
 10461997. Redwood Creek Humboldt County (Field Note). 07/25/2003
 15971997. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 3 For Atascadero Creek and Green Valley Creek. 07/25/2003
 16331997. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 1 For Klamath River. 07/25/2003
 16401997. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 1 For Shasta River. 07/25/2003
 16461997. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 1 For Stemple Creek/ Estero De San Antonio and Americano Creek. 07/25/2003
 16571997. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 65 For Laguna De Santa Rosa. 07/25/2003
 16651997. Resolution No 97-108 Amending The Water Quality Control Plan For The North Coast Region To Include A Total Maximum Daily Load and Attainment Strategy For The Stemple Creek Watershed Into Section 4 Implementation Plans Nonpoint Source Measures. 07/25/2003
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 16261998. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 95 For Humboldt Bay Mad River Slough and Greenwood Creek. 07/25/2003
 16341998. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 9 For Klamath River. 07/25/2003
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 18881998. Greenwood Creek Mud Winter 1998 Rcwa-B. 07/25/2003
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 15851999. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 79 Data for Mad River. 07/25/2003
 16961999. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 104 Report Of The Scientific Review Panel On CA Forest Practice Rules and Salmonid Habitat. 07/25/2003
 9581999. Estuary Populations. 07/25/2003
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 10552000. Data Spreadsheets For Hydrologic Year 00. 07/25/2003
 15862000. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 29 Data for Big River. 07/25/2003
 16452000. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 61 For Stemple Creek/ Estero De San Antonio and Americano Creek. 07/25/2003
 18362000. Water Quality Goals For Inorganic Constituents 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 57. 07/25/2003
 9182000. Hsu Fisheries Class At Redwood Creek. 07/25/2003
 9812000. Isco Hy 99-00-01 Field Forms. 07/25/2003
 9922000. Lab Notes Hy00. 07/25/2003
 19512000. Letter dated Sept 21, 2000 from Donald W. Chapman to Thomas M. Herman regarding present condition of Redwood Creek.. 07/25/2003
 10082001. Quality Control Data #2. 07/25/2003
 10382001. Data Hydrologic Year 01. 07/25/2003
 10492001. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 38 Submittal of Water Quality Data and Information. 07/25/2003
 10822001. NCRWQCB Draft Staff Report 09/10/2001. 07/25/2003
 10842001. NCRWQCB Final Staff Report 2002 303(d) Recommendations 11/16/01. 07/25/2003
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 10972001. SWRCB/RWQCB Solicitation Letter March 14 2001-May 15 2001. 07/25/2003
 11062001. Redwood Nh Park 2001 Unpublished Temperature Data 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 139 For Redwood Creek. 07/25/2003
 11892001. City of Santa Rosa-Russian River Creeks. 07/25/2003
 15992001. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 30 For Jacoby Creek. 07/25/2003
 16192001. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 11 For Mattole River. 07/25/2003
 16202001. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 40 For Beith and Grotzman Creeks. 07/25/2003
 16212001. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference #39 For Humboldt Bay Mad River Slough and Greenwood Creek. 07/25/2003
 16292001. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 68 For Santa Rosa Creek. 07/25/2003
 16442001. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 14 For Scott River. 07/25/2003
 16472001. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 62 For Stemple Creek/ Estero De San Antonio and Americano Creek. 07/25/2003
 16492001. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 53 For Usal Creek. 07/25/2003
 16502001. Stream Inventory Report South Fork Usal Creek. 07/25/2003
 16522001. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 12 For U S Forest Service Lands. 07/25/2003
 16532001. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 4 For Virgin/Casper/Pudding Creeks. 07/25/2003
 16542001. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 5 For Virgin/Casper/Pudding Creeks. 07/25/2003
 16552001. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 6 For Virgin/Casper/Pudding Creeks. 07/25/2003
 16562001. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 118 For Laguna De Santa Rosa. 07/25/2003
 16592001. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 108 For Laguna De Santa Rosa. 07/25/2003
 16602001. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 19 For Laguna De Santa Rosa. 07/25/2003
 16612001. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 21 For Laguna De Santa Rosa. 07/25/2003
 16622001. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 28 For Laguna De Santa Rosa. 07/25/2003
 18562001. Legal Staff Counsel E-Mails. 07/25/2003
 18632001. Toxic Substances Monitoring Program Preliminary Summary of 2001 Data: Trace Elements In Fish and Crayfish (Ppm Wet Weight). 07/25/2003
 18892001. Fax From Mary Pjerrou To Matt St John Enclosed With Photograph Entitled "Greenwood Creek Mud Winter 1998". 07/25/2003
 9762001. Hach 2100 P Calibrations Turbidimeter. 07/25/2003
 9852001. Isco Station Ftr Calibration 99-00-01. 07/25/2003
 10062002. Volunteer Monitoring of Suspended Sediment Concentration and Turbidity In Humboldt Mendocino and Trinity Counties Quality Assurance Project Plan Version 2. 07/25/2003
 10132002. Salmon Forever Sample Sign-In Log Sunnybrae Sediment Lab Hy 2001. 07/25/2003
 10232002. December 2000-2001 Van Duzen River. 07/25/2003
 10242002. Rainfall Data. 07/25/2003
 10252002. Sign-In Sheets Hy 00 Wq #2. 07/25/2003
 10312002. Standard Operating Procedures. 07/25/2003
 10372002. Freshwater Creek Howard Heights County Bridge Cross Section 10+50. 07/25/2003
 10582002. Discharges For Salmon Forever Data. 07/25/2003
 10602002. Field Forms Hydrologic Year 1998/1999 Wq#2. 07/25/2003
 10662002. Field Forms Hydrologic Year 00 Wq #2. 07/25/2003
 10732002. Geomorphic Processes and Aquatic Habitat In The Redwood Creek Basin Northwestern CA. 07/25/2003
 10852002. Presentation To NCRWQCB On Jan 23 2001 From Rb Staff (Notice Letter Also). 07/25/2003
 10882002. Presentation To NCRWQCB On Jan 23 2001 From Rb Staff. 07/25/2003
 10902002. NCRWQCB Jan 31 2002: 303(d) Listing Clarifications Letter. 07/25/2003
 10912002. NCRWQCB Comment Letters To The Staff Report and Transmittal Letters. 07/25/2003
 10962002. NCRWQCB Staff-SWRCB Staff E-Mail Correspondence 4/1/01 Through 12/18/2002. 07/25/2003
 11122002. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 29 2000 Hourly Water Temperatures Big River Watershed-B1472 South Fork Big River 100 Feet Below Orr Spring Road Bridge. 07/25/2003
 12302002. Salmon Forever Data : Training Hyol Wq # 2. 07/25/2003
 12312002. Salmon Forever Data: Scc Worksheet. 07/25/2003
 15812002. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 15 Ten Mile River. 07/25/2003
 15922002. 2002 303(d) List Update Ref # 130 Data - For Gualala River. 07/25/2003
 15932002. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 130 Data for Gualala River. 07/25/2003
 16022002. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 31 For Jacoby Creek. 07/25/2003
 16182002. Video of Resident Observations and Comments For Jacoby Creek. 07/25/2003
 16232002. Data for Humboldt Bay Mad River Slough and Greenwood Creek. 07/25/2003
 16242002. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 94 For Humboldt Bay Mad River Slough and Greenwood Creek. 07/25/2003
 16272002. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 97 For East Fork Trinity River. 07/25/2003
 16312002. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 66 For Santa Rosa Creek. 07/25/2003
 16322002. Reference # 91 For Santa Rosa Creek. 07/25/2003
 16352002. TSM Data for Lake Sonoma and Lake Mendocino. 07/25/2003
 16362002. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 89 For Lake Sonoma and Lake Mendocino. 07/25/2003
 16372002. Response To Comments On 2002 303(d) List Update For Lake Sonoma and Lake Mendocino. 07/25/2003
 16382002. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 90 For Lake Sonoma and Lake Mendocino. 07/25/2003
 16392002. TSM Data for Lake Sonoma and Lake Mendocino. 07/25/2003
 16422002. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 99 For Shasta River. 07/25/2003
 16432002. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 13 For Salmon River. 07/25/2003
 16482002. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 17 For Usal Creek. 07/25/2003
 16512002. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 93 For Usal Creek. 07/25/2003
 16582002. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 107 For Laguna De Santa Rosa. 07/25/2003
 16642002. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 76. 07/25/2003
 16692002. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 77. 07/25/2003
 16702002. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 78. 07/25/2003
 18302002. 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 112. 07/25/2003
 18382002. Summary of Juvenile Coho Salmon Occurrence In The Redwood Creek Estuary. 07/25/2003
 18542002. Response To Comments On 2002 303(d) List Update Water Quality-TMDL-2002 303(d) List Update. 07/25/2003
 18572002. 2002 CWA Section 303(d) List of Water Quality Limited Segments. 07/25/2003
 18582002. Mattole Risk of Groundwater Nitrate Contamination 1970-1995. 07/25/2003
 18602002. Letter # 1.502. 07/25/2003
 18622002. Letter 5.501. 07/25/2003
 18642002. Email from Matt St. John to Laura Sharpe regarding TSM data. 07/25/2003
 18682002. Responses To Comments. 07/25/2003
 18692002. 2002 303(d) Reference # 130. 07/25/2003
 18732002. Data: South Mendocino Coast Creeks Table 1. 07/25/2003
 18762002. Fish Distribution For Watersheds In Louisiana Pacific's Coastal Mendocino/Sonoma Management Unit 1994-96. 07/25/2003
 18772002. Fish Distribution For Watersheds In Louisiana Pacific's Coastal Mendocino/Sonoma Management Unit 1994-97. 07/25/2003
 18832002. Attachment F - Rcwa/Gwa Letter 12/5/00 Thp 1-00-357 Men 1-00-228 Men. 07/25/2003
 9432002. Mae Creek Flow Measurements. 07/25/2003
 9472002. Fishery Project Grant Proposal Summary Sheet. 07/25/2003
 9552002. Data for Redwood Egg Collection Station. 07/25/2003
 9592002. Data for Percentage of Abundance By Species. 07/25/2003
 9632002. Field Forms 2001. 07/25/2003
 9782002. Initial Weights of Distilled Rinsed Filters Hy99 Hy00. 07/25/2003
 9862002. Isco Storm Analysis Hy 99/00. 07/25/2003
 9972002. Locations. 07/25/2003
 9992002. Proficiency Checklists Hy 00. 07/25/2003
 44392015. Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for CA Dept of Transit NPDES Monitoring 2014-2015. . 05/04/2017
 16302002 303(d) List Update Reference # 64 For Santa Rosa Creek. 07/25/2003
 1663Additional Supporting Data and Information North Coast RWQCB Region 1 Basin Plan. 07/25/2003
 1861Letter 1.508: We Acknowledge The Support of Ndaa For The Proposed Coast Listings. 07/25/2003
 1884Greenwood Creek Watershed Project Newsletter. Winter 1998. 07/25/2003
 3904Data for Region 1 Beach Watch. . 08/30/2010

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List Approval Process

Parent #Ref #DescriptionDate Received
 3015Fitzgerald, R. 2009. Email from Rebecca Fitzgerald, North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, to Interested Parties regarding the March 12, 2009 Public Workshop on the 2008 Integrated Report.. 03/02/2009
 3268Kuhlman, C. 2009. Transmittal of Resolution No. R1-2009-0047 Recommending Changes to the List of Impaired Waterbodies as Required in Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act. Attachment: Signed Resolution.. 06/10/2009
 3257NCRWQCB. 2009. Electronic Interested Parties Mailing List for 2008 Integrated Report. E-mail, mailing list, and attachement: Notice of Availability of Draft Document, Public Comment Period, Public Workshops, and Public Hearing for the North Coast 2008 Integrated Report for the 305(b) Water Quality Assessment and the 303(d) List of Impaired Waters.. 01/16/2009
 3258NCRWQCB. 2009. Mailing list for interested parties wishing to receive hardcopy notices for the 2008 Integrated Report. Notice titled: Notice of Availability of Draft Document, Public Comment Period, Public Workshops, and Public Hearing for the North Coast 2008 Integrated Report for the 305(b) Water Quality Assessment and the 303(d) List of Impaired Waters.. 01/16/2009
 3256NCRWQCB. 2009. Meeting Announcement Agenda. California Regional Water Quality Control Board, North Coast Region. For the Board Meeting held at 1:30 pm, Wednesday, June 3, 2009 and at 8:30 am, Thursday, June 4, 2009.. 05/14/2009
 2873North Coast RWQCB. 2007. Meeting Announcement Agenda. California Regional Water Quality Control Board, North Coast Region. For the Board Meeting held at 1:30 pm, Wednesday, February 7, 2007 and at 8:30 am, Thursday, February 8, 2007. 01/19/2007
 2874North Coast RWQCB. 2007. Executive Officer's Summary Report. For the February 7, 2007 Board Meeting. Item 3. Subject: 2008 303(d)/305(b) Integrated Report Update. State of California Regional Water Quality Control Board, North Coast Region. 01/22/2007
 2875North Coast RWQCB. 2007. Presentation by Bruce Gwynne, North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, on the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List and 305(b) Integrated Report, 2008 Report and List Update, Process and Schedule. Presented February 7, 2007. Presented to the North Coast Regional Water Board. 02/07/2007
 2876North Coast RWQCB. 2008. Workshop Notice: Technical Assessment and Process for 303(d) Water Temperature Listing and Delisting Requirements in the North Coastal Landscape. For Thursday, June 26, 2008 at the Ukiah Valley Conference Center, Ukiah, CA. State Water Resources Control Board and North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board. 06/10/2008
 2877North Coast RWQCB. 2008. Presentations made by Shakoora Azimi-Gaylon, State Water Resources Control Board, Rebecca Fitzgerald, North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, Bryan McFadin, North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, and Bruce Orr and Douglas Allen, Stillwater Sciences. Presented at the June 26, 2008 Temperature Workshop in Ukiah, CA. 06/26/2008
 2878North Coast RWQCB. 2008. Workshop Agenda: Technical Assessment and Process for 303(d) Water Temperature Listing and Delisting Requirements in the North Coastal Landscape. North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board. 06/26/2008
 3011North Coast RWQCB. 2009. Notice of Availability of Draft Document, Public Comment Period, Public Workshops, and Public Hearing for the North Coast 2008 Integrated Report for the 305(b) Water Quality Assessment and the 303(d) List of Impaired Waters. 01/16/2009
 3259North Coast RWQCB. 2009. Public Review Draft Staff Report for the 2008 Integrated Report for the Clean Water Act Section 305(b) Surface Water Quality Assessment and the 303(d) List of Impaired Waters.. 02/02/2009
 3012North Coast RWQCB. 2009. Presentation by Rebecca Fitzgerald on the 2008 Integrated Report for the 305(b) Surface Water Quality Assessment & 303(d) List of Impaired Waters. Presented on February 17, 18, and 19, 2009. 02/17/2009
 3013North Coast RWQCB. 2009. Summary of the 2008 305(b) and 303(d) Integrated Report. North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board. 02/17/2009
 3261North Coast RWQCB. 2009. Staff Report for the 2008 Integrated Report for the Clean Water Act Section 305(b) Surface Water Quality Assessment and the 303(d) List of Impaired Waters. Board Hearing Version.. 05/18/2009
 3269North Coast RWQCB. 2009. Executive Officers Summary Report (EOSR) for the Public Hearing on Resolution No. R1-2009-0047 to consider whether to affirm, reject, or modify the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List of Impaired Waters section of the 2008 Integrated Report.. 05/21/2009
 3270North Coast RWQCB. 2009. Errata Sheet for Public Hearing on Resolution No. R1-2009-0047 to consider whether to affirm, reject, or modify the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List of Impaired Waters section of the 2008 Integrated Report.. 06/02/2009
 3262North Coast RWQCB. 2009. Staff Report for the 2008 Integrated Report for the Clean Water Act Section 305(b) Surface Water Quality Assessment and the 303(d) List of Impaired Waters. Final.. 05/18/2009
 3263North Coast RWQCB. 2009. Audio file of Public Hearing on Resolution No.R1-2009-0047 to consider whether to affirm, reject, or modify the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List of Impaired Waters section of the 2008 Integrated Report.. 06/03/2009
 3264North Coast RWQCB. 2009. Presentation given by NCRWQCB staff to the Regional Water Board titled: "Staff Recommendations for the 2008 Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List of Impaired Waters." . 06/03/2009
 3430North Coast RWQCB. 2009. Comprehensive report files from the CalWQA database for the Final 2008 303(d) List and 305 (b) Report.. 06/03/2009
 3431North Coast RWQCB. 2009. Miscellaneous changes report files from the CalWQA database for the Final 2008 303(d) List and 305(b) report.. 06/03/2009
 3432North Coast RWQCB. 2009. Category Reports from the CalWQA database for the Final 2008 303(d) List and 305(b) Report.. 06/03/2009
 3265Sommarstrom, S.. 2009. Comments sumbitted verbally and in writing by Sari Sommarstrom at the Board Hearing Pertaining to Item #2: Public Hearing on Resolution No. R1-2009-0047 to consider whether to affirm, reject, or modify the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List of Impaired Waters section of the 2008 Integrated Report.. 06/02/2009
 4207E-mail: Notice of Public Workshops for the 2012 Integrated Report (303d & 305b). 02/25/2014
 4208Notice of Public Workshops . 02/25/2014
 4209R1 Integrated Report E-mail Subscriber List (February 2014) . 02/25/2014
 4210Confirmation of Lyris E-mail Delivery to Subscriber List. 02/25/2014
 4211Proof of Newspaper Publication ¿ Public Workshop Notice. 09/02/2014
 4212E-mail: Notice ¿ Integrated Report ¿ Public Review Draft Staff Report & Public Comment Period, Board Workshop, Board Hearing. 03/14/2014
 4213Notice of Availability of Draft Document, Public Comment Period, Board Workshop, and Public Hearing. 03/14/2014
 4214R1 Integrated Report E-mail Subscriber List (March 2014) . 03/14/2014
 4215Confirmation of Lyris E-mail Delivery to Subscriber List (March 2014). 03/14/2014
 4216Public Review Draft Staff Report for the 2012 Integrated Report (March 2014) . 03/11/2014
 4217Public Review Draft Appendix 1 ¿ Fact Sheets (March 2014). 09/22/2014
 4218Public Review Draft Appendix 2 ¿ Miscellaneous Changes Report (March 2014). 03/10/2014
 4219Staff Presentation ¿ Power Point Slides from Santa Rosa Public Workshop. 04/07/2014
 4220Public Review Draft Category 2 Report, Public Category 3 Report, Public Category 4a Report, Public Category 5 Report. 09/22/2014
 4221Staff Presentation ¿ Power Point Slides from Redding Public Workshop. 04/14/2014
 4222Public Workshop Handout ¿ Summary of Staff Recommendations (April 2014). 04/07/2014
 4223Board Workshop Agenda ¿ See Item #6 (May 2014) . 07/28/2014
 4224Public Review Draft Appendix 3 ¿ References Report (March 2014). 09/22/2014
 4225Final Staff Report Appendix 1 ¿ Fact Sheets (July 2014). 09/22/2014
 4226Final Staff Report Appendix 3 ¿ References Report (July 2014). 09/22/2014
 4227Final Staff Report Category 2 Report, Final Staff Report Category 3 Report 29, Final Staff Report Category 4a Report, Final Staff Report Category 5 Report (July 2014). 09/22/2014
 4228Staff Presentation ¿ Power Point Slides from Fortuna Board Workshop (May 2014). 07/29/2014
 4229Executive Officers Summary Report ¿ Workshop on the 2012 Integrated Report (May 2014). 04/28/2014
 4230E-mail: Revised Notice ¿ Board Hearing for proposed Changes to the 2012 303(d) List for the North Coast Region (May 2014). 05/22/2014
 4231Revised Notice of Public Hearing (May 2014). 05/22/2014
 4232R1 Integrated Report E-mail Subscriber List (May 2014). 05/22/2014
 4233Confirmation of Lyris E-mail Delivery to Subscriber List (May 2014). 05/22/2014
 4234Proof of Newspaper Publication ¿ Public Workshop Notice (May 2014). 09/02/2014
 4235Final Staff Report for the 2012 Integrated Report (Includes Appendix 4 ¿ Response to Comments on the Public Review Draft) (July 2014). 07/29/2014
 4236Final Staff Report Appendix 2 ¿ Miscellaneous Changes Report (July 2014). 07/28/2014
 4237Board Meeting Agenda ¿ See Item #5 (August 2014). 08/27/2014
 4238Staff Presentation ¿ Power Point Slides from Santa Rosa Board Hearing (August 2014). 08/27/2014
 4239Executive Officers Summary Report ¿ Workshop on the 2012 Integrated Report (August 2014). 09/04/2014
 4240Substantive Edits Made to the Staff Report for the 2012 Integrated Report Since the Public Review Draft (August 2014). 09/04/2014
 4241Summary of Changes in 303(d) Listing and Delisting Recommendations Since the Public Review Draft Staff Report for the 2012 Integrated Report (August 2014). 09/04/2014
 4242Recording of August 14, 2014 Board Hearing Item #5, 2012 303(d) List for the North Coast Region (Audio MP3) (August 2014). 09/02/2014
 4243Signed Board Resolution No. R1-2014-0043 Approving the 303(d) List Portion of the North Coast Region¿s 2012 Integrated Report (August 2014). 08/25/2014
 4244Signed Executive Officer¿s Transmittal Letter & Request for Removal of Select Waterbodies from Attachment 2 of the OWTS Policy (September 2014). 09/05/2014
 4245Ode, P. and K. Shiff. 2009. Recommendations for the development and maintenance of a reference condition management program (RCMP) to support biological assessment of California¿s wadeable streams. March 2009.. 07/18/2012
 4246Klamath National Forest. 2010. Klamath National Forest Sediment and Temperature Monitoring Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan. September 29, 2010.. 12/10/2012
 4247Miller, J.D., C.N. Skinner, H.D. Safford, E.E. Knapp, and C.M. Ramirez. 2012. Trends and causes of severity, size, and number of fires in northwestern California, USA. Ecological Applications. 22(1), pp. 184-203.. 08/05/2014
 4248Williams, T.R. 2013. KNF Goff Fire Inspection. May 10, 2013. Memo to Fred Blatt, Regional Water Board Supervisor of Timber / Nonpoint Source Division.. 05/10/2013
 4249Laurie, G. 2014. Re: Questions about Some KNF Reference Watersheds. E-mail from Greg Laurie, Klamath National Forest staff, to Katharine Carter, Regional Water Board staff. May 27, 2014.. 06/06/2014
 4250McFadin, B. 2014. Canyon Creek Fire Impacts. E-mail from Bryan McFadin, Regional Water Board Staff, to Katharine Carter, Regional Water Board staff. May 19, 2014.. 05/21/2014
 4251Williams, T.R. 2014. Klamath National Forest (KNF) Sediment and Temperature Monitoring Plan Reference Watershed Audit. May 13, 2014. Memo to Dean Prat, Regional Water Board Senior Engineering Geologist, Northern Timber Unit and Rebecca Fitzgerald, Regional. 08/05/2014
 4252Index for Administrative Record. Region 1 - North Coast Region. 2012 Integrated Report. . 09/05/2014

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QA Document

Parent #Ref #DescriptionDate Received
 4528AquaTerra Consulting. 2010. Quality Assurance Project Plans for the Shasta River Watershed Tailwater Projects. 06/07/2018
 4618Butkus, S.. 2011. Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL - Supplemental Sampling Plan Quality Assurance Project Plan.. 11/16/2011
 4471California Department of Transportation. 2010. Quality Assurance Project Plan for Willits Bypass Project ¿ Surface Water Quality Monitoring. 10/26/2017
 4530City of Santa Rosa. 2011. Santa Rosa NPDES Storm Water Sampling Plan. 08/16/2018
 4159Fadness, R. and Butkus, S.. 2011. Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL Quality Assurance Project Plan.. 06/13/2014
 4601Humboldt County. 2017. The State Board QA officer has determined this data to be of sufficient quality to be used in the integrated report without a QAPP. Data for future cycles will follow an approved QAPP.. 05/03/2017
 4621Humboldt County Beachwatch. 2019. Draft QAPP for Humboldt County Beachwatch data. Represents data collection procedure prior to development of a formal QAPP.. 06/10/2019
 4466Karuk Tribe. Standard Operating Procedure for: Escherichia coli and Total Coliform using the IDEXX Quanti-Tray/2000 System with Colilert Reagent. 09/26/2017
 4358Karuk Tribe Water Quality Program. 2011. Karuk Tribe 2011 Quality Assurance Project Plan For Water Quality Sampling and Analysis CWA 106 grant identification # BG-97991209. 04/26/2017
 4602Mendocino County. 2017. The State Board QA officer has determined the data to be of sufficient quality to be used in the integrated report without a QAPP. Data for future cycles will follow an approved QAPP.. 05/03/2017
 4622Mendocino County Beachwatch. 2019. Draft QAPP for Mendocino County Beachwatch. Represents data collection procedure prior to development of a formal QAPP.. 06/10/2019
39023940North Coast RWQCB . 2007. Quality Assurance Project Plan for Region One for Bacteriological Sampling. . 08/30/2010
 4112Quartz Valley Indian Reservation. 2010. Standard Operating Procedure for: Escherichia coli and Total Coliform using IDEXX Quanti-Tray/2000 System with Colilert Reagent. QVIR Environmental Protection Department.. 08/01/2013
 4096Redwood National and State Parks. 2010. Quality Assurance Project Plan from Redwood National and State Parks. . 05/08/2013
 4609Redwood National and State Parks, Vicki Ozaki. 2017. Redwood National and State Parks Quality Assurance Project Plan Equivalent Plan. 04/27/2017
38833932Save Mark West Creek . 2009. Quality Assurance Project Plan for Mark West Creek, Sonoma County. . 05/25/2010
39513952Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District . 2007. Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Shasta Water Association Dam Demobilization and Water Quality Improvements Project, Version Number 1.0 and for the Araujo Diversion Removal Project, Version Number 1.0.. 08/25/2010
 4623Sonoma County Beachwatch. 2019. Draft QAPP for Sonoma County Beachwatch. Represents data collection procedure prior to development of a formal QAPP. . 06/10/2019
 4097Tribal Environmental Protection Department. 2006. Quality Assurance Project Plan for Water Quality Sampling and Analysis for Quartz Valley Indian Reservation.. 05/08/2013
 4366Tribal Environmental Protection Department, Quartz Valley Indian Reservation. 2016. Quality Assurance Project Plan 2016 Revision Water Quality Sampling and Analysis. 05/09/2017
 4111U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.. 2013. Klamath Water Quality Quarterly Sampling. Quality Assurance Project Plan. USBR Mid-Pacific Region. Environmental Monitoring Branch, MP-157. April 22, 2008. Review number1.. 08/01/2013
 4098U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation Mid-Pacific Region . 2007. Quality Assurance Project Plan for Tule Lake Pesticide Monitoring 2007. . 05/09/2013
 4616UC Davis Aquatic Ecosystems Laboratory. 2009. Quality Assurance Project Plan - Russian River Pathogen Project.. 03/02/2009
40824083USDA, Forest Service Klamath National Forest. 2010. QAPP portion of the Klamath National Forest Sediment and Temperature Monitoring Plan.. 02/12/2013
 4367Vicki Ozaki. 2017. 1. Methods of Water Quality Data Collection and Preparation, Redwood National and State Parks, Quality Assurance Project Plan. 2. Redwood National Park: Sediment Laboratory Procedures for Analyzing Suspended Sediment.. 05/03/2017

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Standards and Guidelines

Parent #Ref #DescriptionDate Received
 2753Alexeeff, G.V. 2008. Letter of August 6, 2008, to Randy Landolt, Managing Director, Pacificorp Energy, from George V. Alexeeff, Ph.D, DABT, Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs, California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, regarding information related to the occurrence of microcystin in the tissues of Klamath River biota. 11/22/2008
 3672Busby, P.J., Wainwright, T.C., Bryant, J.G., Lierheimer, L.J., Waples, R.S., Waknitz, F.W., Lagarmosino, I.V. National Marine Fisheries Service. 1996. Status Review of West Coast Steelhead from Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and California. 08/30/2010
 4119Butkus, Steve. 2012. Laguna de Santa Rosa TMDL Linkage Analysis through the Application of Water Quality Models.. 03/14/2012
 4118Butkus, Steve. 2012. Assessment of Nutrients Limiting Algal Biomass Productin in the Laguna de Santa Rosa.. 03/30/2012
 4079CDFG. 2002. Historical Salmonid Streams and Calwater 2.2a Hydrologic Subareas. Figure shows Chinook, coho, and steelhead distribution in the Russian River watershed.. 05/01/2002
 3678CDFG. 2004. Recovery Strategy for California Coho Salmon: Report to the California Fish and Game Commission. 08/30/2010
 3686CDFG. 2006. California Department of Fish and Game Stream Inventory Report: Mark West Creek (Report Revised April 14, 2006) Report Completed 2000 Assessment Completed 1996.. 08/30/2010
 2605Cannata, S., R. Henly, J. Falls, D. McGuire and J. Sunahara. 2006. Redwood Creek Watershed Assessment Report. Coastal Watershed Planning and Assessment Program and North Coast Watershed Assessment Program. California Resources Agency and California Environmental Protection Agency, Sacramento, California. 12/22/2008
 2509Carter, K. 2008. Effects of Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen/Total Dissolved Gas, Ammonia, and pH on Salmonids. Implications for California's North Coast TMDLs. California Regional Water Quality Control Board, North Coast Region. 01/25/2008
 3986Carter, K. and S. Kirk . 2008. Fish and Fishery Resources of the Klamath River Basin. Appendix 5 of the Klamath River TMDLs. . 12/20/2012
 3706Downie, S., B. deWaard, E. Dudik, D. McGuire, and R. Rutland. 2006. Big River Basin Assessment. Coastal Watershed Assessment Program. . 08/30/2010
 5051Dubinsky, E. and G. Anderson. 2014. Russian River Human Impact Study PhyloChip Microbial Community Analysis.. 05/01/2014
 5052Dubinsky, E.A., S.R. Butkus, and G.L. Anderson. 2016. Microbial source tracking in impaired watersheds using PhyloChip and machine-learning classification.. 08/23/2016
 3709FERC. 2002. Biological Opinion for the Proposed License Amendment to the Potter Valley Project (FERC Project #77-110). 08/30/2010
 2690Fitzgerald, R. 2008. Memorandum to the File from Rebecca Fitzgerald regarding Evaluation Guideline for Dioxin Fish Tissue Data. North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board. 11/10/2008
 4117Fitzgerald, Rebecca. 2013. Summary of TMDL Development Data Pertaining To Nutrient Impairments in the Laguna De Santa Rosa Watershed [Revised].. 12/22/2013
 3683Humboldt Bay Municipal Water District. 2004. Humboldt Bay Municipal Water District Habitat Conservation Plan For Its Mad River Operations.. 08/30/2010
 5053Mangelsdorf, A.. 2019. Personal Communication between Alydda Mangelsdorf (NCRWQCB) and Eric Dubinsky (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab) about the Russian River Pathogen TMDL and PhyloChip Study.. 07/30/2019
 4077McFadin, B.. 2010. Presentation: Interpreting Temperature Standards in the North Coast Region. North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board.. 04/27/2010
 3674Moyle, P.B., Israel, J.A., Purdy, S.E. Center for Watershed Sciences, UC Davis. 2008. Salmon, Steelhead, and Trout in California: Status of an Emblematic Fauna. 08/30/2010
 3712Myers, J.M., R.G. Kope, G.J. Bryant, D. Teel, L.J. Lierheimer, T.C. Wainwright, W.S. Grant, F.W. Waknitz, K. 'Neely, S.T. Lindley, and R.S. Waples.. 1998. Status Review of Chinook Salmon from Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and California.. 08/30/2010
 3872NCRWQCB. 2005. Staff Report for the Action Plan for the Scott River Watershed Sediment and Temperature Total Maximum Daily Loads. 08/30/2010
 3721NCRWQCB. 2006. Staff Report for the Action Plan for the Shasta River Watershed Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Total Maximum Daily Loads . 08/30/2010
 4527NCRWQCB. 2018. Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region. 08/03/2018
 3985NCRWQCB . 2010. Final Staff Report for the Klamath River Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) Addressing Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, Nutrient, and Microcystin Impairments in California the Proposed Site Specific Dissolved Oxygen Objectives for the Klamath River in California and the Klamath River and Lost River Implementation Plans. . 12/20/2012
 3698NMFS. 2010. Recovery Plan for the Evolutionary Significant Unit of Central California Coast Coho Salmon. . 08/30/2010
 2609NOAA Fisheries. 1996. Making Endangered Species Act Determinations of Effect for Individual or Group Actions at the Watershed Scale. Prepared by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service Environmental and Technical Services Division Habitat Conservation Branch. 12/22/2008
 2751North Coast RWQCB. 2006. Desired Salmonid Freshwater Habitat Conditions for Sediment-Related Indices. State of California North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board. 11/21/2008
 2463North Coast RWQCB. 2007. Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) - North Coast Region (Region 1). 01/09/2007
 3676North Coast Water Board. 2011. Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region. 05/01/2011
 3984North Coast Watershed Assessment Program . 2003. Gualala River Watershed Assessment Report. . 12/20/2012
 3715ODEQ. 2010. Upper Klamath and Lost River Subbasins Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) and Water Quality Management Plan (WPMP). 08/30/2010
 3707R2 Resource Consultants, Inc. and Stetson Engineers, Inc.. 2007. North Coast Instream Flow Policy: Scientific and Development of Alternatives Protecting Anadromous Salmonids.. 08/30/2010
 5050Sauer, E.P. et al.. 2011. Detection of the human specific Bacteroides genetic marker provides evidence of widespread sewage contamination of stormwater in the urban environment.. 05/10/2011
 3988Smith River Advisory Council . 2002. Smith River Anadromous Fish Action Plan. Version 1.0. 81pp. . 12/20/2012
 2809Steiner Environmental Consulting. 1996. A History of the Salmonid Decline in the Russian River.. 12/22/2008
 1676Sullivan, K., D.J. Martin, R.D. Cardwell, J.E. Toll and S. Duke. 2000. An Analysis of the Effects of Temperature on Salmonids of the Pacific Northwest with Implications for Selecting Temperature Criteria. 07/25/2003
 4082USDA, Forest Service Klamath National Forest. 2010. Klamath National Forest Sediment and Temperature Monitoring Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan. 02/12/2013
 3679USEPA. 1999. South Fork Eel River Total Maximum Daily Loads for Sediment and Temperature. 08/30/2010
 4094USEPA. 2000. Ten Mile River Total Maximum Daily Load for Sediment.. 12/31/2000
 4568USEPA. 2002. Mattole River Total Maximum Daily Loads for Sediment and Temperature. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region IX. 09/26/2018
 2960USEPA. 2003. Middle Fork Eel River Total Maximum Daily Loads for Temperature and Sediment. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region IX. 01/27/2009
 3680USEPA. 2004. Upper Main Eel River and Tributaries (including Tomki Creek, Outlet Creek and Lake Pillsbury) Total Maximum Daily Loads for Temperature and Sediment. 12/20/2012
 3677USEPA. 2005. Middle Main Eel River and Tributaries (from Dos Rios to the South Fork) Total Maximum Daily Loads for Temperature and Sediment. 08/30/2010
 4076USEPA. 2007. Lower Eel River Total Maximum Daily Loads for Temperature and Sediment.. 12/18/2007
 3989USEPA . 1998. South Fork Trinity River and Hayfork Creek Sediment Total Maximum Daily Loads. . 12/20/2012
 3991USEPA . 1999. Van Duzen River and Yager Creek Total Maximum Daily Load for Sediment. . 12/20/2012
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