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Total Maximum Daily Load Program
The 2002 Section 303(d) summary tables provided for viewing or downloading on this web page are divided into four categories:
- Basic Summary Tables - These tables provide
totals for listings statewide, by region, by water
body type, and by Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)
priority. There are two excel workbooks of basic
summary tables:
- "Total
Water Bodies Listed" provides
totals based the number of water bodies listed.
This focus disregards the number of pollutants
listed for each water body. For example, if
a water body is listed for PCBs, lead, and
nutrients, a value of 1 would be included in
the total listings column (i.e., Sandy Creek).
- "Total
Water Body-Pollutant Combinations Listed" provides
totals based on the total pollutants listed
for each water body. For example, if a water
body is listed for pathogens, mercury and sediment,
a value of 3 would be included in the total
listings column (i.e., counting Deer Creek-pathogens,
Deer Creek-mercury, and Deer Creek-sediment).
- Pollutant Category Summary
Tables - these
tables provide totals for listings for pollutant
categories statewide, by region, and by water body
type. There are three excel workbooks available
for downloading:
- "Pollutant
Category Totals (Water Bodies Only)" -
The totals in this table are derived from counting
listed water bodies, not pollutant-water body
combinations. For example, a water body listed
for dieldrin, diazinon, and chlordane would
be counted as one (1) in the pesticide category.
- "Pollutant
Category Totals (Waterbody-Pollutant Combinations)" -
The totals shown in this table are derived
from counting pollutant_water body combinations.
For example, a water body listed for dieldrin,
diazinon, and chlordane would be counted as three (3) in the pesticide category. (This table
has been revised)
- "Main
Pollutant Category Summary Table" -
This table combines the primary tables of the
two pollutant category summary tables above.
- Specific Pollutant Table - There is one excel workbook available for downloading.
- "Specific
Pollutant Totals" -
This table provides the number of listings for
each pollutant found on the list.
- Source Category Summary
Tables - These tables provide
totals for listings for source categories statewide,
by region, and by water body type. There are three
excel workbooks available for downloading:
- "Source
Category Totals (Water Body-Based)" -
The totals in this table are derived by counting
source categories for listed water bodies,
not water body-pollutant-combinations. For
example, if a water body is listed for diazinon
with an Agricultural source and also for nutrients
with an Agricultural source, the total value
in this table for the source category of Agriculture
would be one (1).
- "Source
Category Totals (Water Body-Pollutant Based)" -
The totals shown in this table are derived
by counting sources (by category) per pollutant
listed per water body on the 303(d) list. For
example, if a water body is listed for diazinon
with an Agricultural source and also for nutrients
with an Agricultural source, the total value
in this table for the source category of Agriculture
would be two (2). The "2" represents the two Agricultural
sources for the nutrient and diazinon listings
for the one water body.
- "Source Category Totals per Pollutant Category (Water Body-Polutant Based)" - The totals in this table are derived by first counting sources (by category) per pollutant listed per water body on the 303(d) list. These totals are then presented in the table using the more general pollutant categories of the individual pollutant listed. For example, if a water body is listed for the pesticide diazinon with an agricultural source and also for the pesticide chlorpyrifos with an agricultural source, the total value in this table for the source category of Agriculture-pollutant category of Pesticides would be two (2).
Please direct questions on these tables to Nancy Kapellas at (916) 341-5546.
(updated 2/25/04)