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Delta Flow Criteria
Exhibits Submitted for the Informational Proceeding of March 22, 2010
California Water Impact Network
- Written Summary
- Exhibit Identification List
- Witness Identification List
- Statement of Qualifications - Tim Stroshane
- Written Testimony - Tim Stroshane
- Other Exhibits
- Exhibit 3 - State Water Board, D-1485 excerpt
- Exhibit 4 - State Water Board, Draft 1988 Water Quality Control Plan excerpts
- Exhibit 5 - From 1987-1992 State Water Board evidentiary record: Tiburon Center Exhibit #21 excerpt
- Exhibit 6 - From 1987-1992 State Water Board evidentiary record: Smith, LH, 1987. A Review of Circulation and Mixing Studies of San Francisco Bay, California, US Geological Survey Open-File Report 87-534, USGS Exhibit #3, 1987, excerpts
- Exhibit 7 - From 1987-1992 State Water Board evidentiary record: California Department of Fish and Game, 1987. Summary of Delta Outflow Effects on San Francisco Bay Fish and Invertebrates, Exhibit 59, excerpts
- Exhibit 8 - Kimmerer, W, 2004. Open Water Processes of the San Francisco Estuary: From Physical Forcing to Biological Responses, San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science, 2(1) February, excerpts
- Exhibit 9 - San Francisco Estuary Project, 1993. Managing Freshwater Discharge to the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary: The Scientific Basis for an Estuarine Standard, excerpts
- Exhibit 10 - Jassby, AD, WJ Kimmerer, SG Monismith, C Armor, JE Cloern, TM Powell, JR Schubel, TJ Vendlinski, 1995. Isohaline Position as a Habitat Indicator for Estuarine Populations. Ecological Applications 5(1): 272-289, excerpts
- Exhibit 11 - Contra Costa Water District, 2009. Historical Freshwater and Salinity Conditions in the Western Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Suisun Bay, December, 8 pages.
- Exhibit 12 - From 1987-1992 State Water Board evidentiary record: Williams PB, and JT Hollibaugh, 1987. A Salinity Standard to Maximize Phytoplankton Abundance by Limiting the Intrusion of Marine Benthic Organisms in Suisun Bay, submitted to 1987 Bay-Delta Estuary proceedings before the State Water Resources Control Board as CCCWA/EDF Exhibit 2, excerpts
- Exhibit 13 - From 1987-1992 State Water Board evidentiary record: Williams PB, and JT Hollibaugh, 1987. A Flow Standard to Maximize Phytoplankton Abundance by Positioning an Entrapment Zone in San Pablo Bay, submitted to 1987 Bay-Delta Estuary proceedings before the State Water Resources Control Board as CCCWA/EDF Exhibit 3, excerpts
- Exhibit 14 - From 1987-1992 State Water Board evidentiary record: California Department of Fish and Game, 1987. Long-Term Trends in Zooplankton Distribution and Abundance in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary, Exhibit 28, excerpts
- Exhibit 15 - From 1987-1992 State Water Board evidentiary record: California Department of Fish and Game, 1992. Written Testimony: Delta Smelt, WRINT-DFG Exhibit No. 9, excerpts
- Exhibit 16 - Bennett WA, 2005. Critical Assessment of the Delta Smelt Population in the San Francisco Estuary, California, San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science, 3(2) September, excerpts
- Exhibit 17 - Nobriga, ML, TR Sommer, F Feyrer, and K Fleming, 2008. Long-term Trends in Summertime Habitat Suitability for Delta Smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus), San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science, 6(1) February, excerpts
- Exhibit 18 - From 1987-1992 State Water Board evidentiary record: California Department of Fish and Game, 1992. Summary and Recommendations for the the Department of Fish and Game’s Testimony on the Tributaries to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary, WRINT-DFG Exhibit No. 29, excerpts
- Exhibit 19 - Mesick, C, 2010. Statement of Key Issues on the Volume, Quality, and Timing of Delta Outflows Necessary to Protect Public Trust Resources With Particular Reference to Fall-Run Chinook Salmon in the San Joaquin River Basin, submitted on behalf of the California Sportfishing Protection Alliance, 16 February 2010
- Exhibit 20 - From 1987-1992 State Water Board evidentiary record: California Department of Fish and Game, 1992. Summary and Recommendations for the Department of Fish and Games Testimony on the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary, WRINT-DFG Exhibit No. 8, excerpts
- Exhibit 21 - Anadromous Fish Restoration Program, 1995. Working Paper on Restoration Needs: Habitat Restoration Actions to Double Natural Production of Anadromous Fish in the Central Valley of California, Volume 3, Section E: Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, prepared for the US Fish and Wildlife Service, excerpts
- Exhibit 22 - From 1987-1992 State Water Board evidentiary record: Kjelson, MJ, 1987. US Fish and Wildlife Service Exhibit 31 for the State Water Resources Control Board 1987 Water Quality/Water Rights Proceeding on the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta [concerning Salmon Management Needs in the Estuary], excerpts
- Exhibit 23 - Linville, RG, SN Luoma, L Cutter, and GA Cutter, 2002. Increased selenium threat as a result of invasion of the exotic bivalve Potamocorbula amurensis into the San Francisco Bay-Delta, Aquatic Toxicology 57: 51-64, excerpts
- Exhibit 24 - Stewart, AR, SN Luoma, CE Schlekat, MA Doblin, and KA Hieb, 2004. Food Web Pathway Determines How Selenium Affects Aquatic Ecosystems: A San Francisco Bay Case Study, Environmental Science and Technology 38(17): 4519-4526, excerpts
- Exhibit 25 - US Fish and Wildlife Service, 2008. Potential Effects of Selenium Contamination on Federally-Listed Species Resulting from Delivery of Federal Water to the San Luis Unit, Sacramento: prepared by William N. Beckon and Thomas Maurer, excerpts
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