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Delta Flow Criteria
Exhibits Submitted for the Informational Proceeding of March 22, 2010
Department of Water Resources
- Cover Letter
- Written Summary
- Exhibit Identification List
- Witness Identification List
- Statement of Qualifications
- Other Exhibits
- Exhibit 3 - Atwater, B. F., S.G. Conard, J. N. Dowden, C.W. Hedel, R.L. MacDonald, and W. Savage. 1979. History, landforms and vegetation of the estuary’s tidal marshes. Pages 347-385 in T.J. Conomos, ed. San Francisco Bay: the urbanized estuary. Pacific Division of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, San Francisco, CA. (By reference.)
- Exhibit 4 - Baxter, R., R. Breuer, L. Brown, M. Chotkowski, F. Feyrer, M. Gingras, B. Herbold, A. Mueller-Solger, M. Nobriga, T. Sommer, and K. Souza. 2008. Pelagic organism decline progress report: 2007 synthesis of results. Interagency Ecological Program for the San Francisco Estuary, Technical Report 227. (By reference.)
- Exhibit 5 - Mechanisms in the San Francisco Estuary, California, U.S.A. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64:723-734. (By reference.)
- Exhibit 7 - Dugdale, R.C., F.P. Wilkerson, V.E. Hogue, and A. Marchi. 2007. The role of ammonium and nitrate in spring bloom development in San Francisco Bay. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 73:17-29. (By reference.)
- Exhibit 8 - Feyrer, F., M. Nobriga, and T. Sommer. 2007. Multi-decadal trends for three declining fish species: habitat patterns and mechanisms in the San Francisco Estuary, California, U.S.A. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64:723-734. (By reference.)
- Exhibit 9 - Gregory, RS, Levings, CD. 1998. Turbidity reduces predation on migrating juvenile Pacific salmon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 127:275-285.
- Exhibit 10 - Jassby, A. D., W. J. Kimmerer, S. G. Monismith, C. Armor, J. E. Cloern, T. M. Powell, J. R. Schubel, and T. J. Vendlinski. 1995. Isohaline position as a habitat indicator for estuarine populations. Ecological Applications 5: 272-289. (By reference.)
- Exhibit 11 - Jassby, A.D. 2008. Phytoplankton in the upper San Francisco Estuary: recent biomass trends, their causes and their trophic significance. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science. Vol. 6, Issue 1 (February), Article 2. (By reference.)
- Exhibit 12 - Kimmerer, W.J, J. R. Burau, and W.A. Bennett. 1998. Tidally-oriented vertical migration and position maintenance of zooplankton in a temperate estuary. Limnology and Oceanography 43:1697-1709.
- Exhibit 13 - Kimmerer, W.J. 2002a. Effects of freshwater flow on abundance of estuarine organisms: physical effects or trophic linkages. Marine Ecology Progress Series 243:39-55. (By reference.)
- Exhibit 14 - Kimmerer, W. J. 2002b. Physical, biological, and management responses to variable freshwater flow into the San Francisco Estuary. Estuaries 25: 1275-1290. (By reference.)
- Exhibit 15 - Kimmerer, W. J., E. S. Gross, and M. L. MacWilliams. 2009. Is the response of estuarine nekton to freshwater flow in the San Francisco Estuary explained by variation in habitat volume? Estuaries and Coasts DOI 10.1007/s12237-008-9124-x. (By reference.)
- Exhibit 16 - Kimmerer, W. and W.A. Bennett. 2008. Research plan to determine the mechanisms underlying the “Fish-X2” relationships. Report to the CALFED Ecosystem Restoration Program. Contract ERP-01-P19.
- Exhibit 17 - Lund, J., E. Hanak, W. Fleenor, W. Bennett, R. Howitt, J. Mount, and P. Moyle. 2008. Comparing Futures for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. San Francisco: Public Policy Institute of California. 184 pp. (By reference.)
- Exhibit 18 - Lund, J., E. Hanak., W. Fleenor, W., R. Howitt, J. Mount, and P. Moyle. 2007. Envisioning futures for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. San Francisco: Public Policy Institute of California. 284 pp. (By reference.)
- Exhibit 19 - Moyle, P.B. 2008. The future of fish in response to large-scale change in the San Francisco Estuary, California. Pages 357-374 In K.D. McLaughlin, editor. Mitigating Impacts of Natural Hazards on Fishery Ecosystems. American Fishery Society, Symposium 64, Bethesda, Maryland. (By reference.)
- Exhibit 20 - Moyle, P. B., B. Herbold, D.E. Stevens, and L.W. Miller. 1992. Life history and status of delta smelt in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary, California. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 121:67-77.
- Exhibit 21 - Moyle, P.B., R.D. Baxter, T.R. Sommer, T.C. Foin, and S.A. Matern. 2004. Biology and population dynamics of Sacramento splittail (Pogonichthys macrolepidotus) in the San Francisco Estuary: a review. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 2:2(May 2004), Article 3. (By reference.)
- Exhibit 22 - Moyle, Peter, William A. Bennett, William E. Fleenor, and Jay R. Lund. 2009. Habitat Variability and Complexity in the San Francisco Estuary. Unpublished report. Center for Watershed Sciences, University of California, Davis. (By reference.)
- Exhibit 25 - Nixon, S.W., 1988. Physical energy inputs and the comparative ecology of lake and marine ecosystems. Limnology and. Oceanography, Part II 33 (4), 1005-1025. (By reference.)
- Exhibit 26 - Nobriga, M. L., F. Feyrer, R. D. Baxter, and M. Chotkowski. 2005. Fish community ecology in an altered river Delta: spatial patterns in species composition, life history strategies and biomass. Estuaries. 776-785. (By reference.)
- Exhibit 27 - PBSJ. 2008. Independent peer review of two sets of proposed actions for the OCAP. November 18, 2008. Prepared for USFWS.
- Exhibit 29 - Sommer, T., R. Baxter, and B. Herbold. 1997. Resilience of splittail the the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 126:961-976. (By reference.)
- Exhibit 30 - Sommer, T., C. Armor, R. Baxter, R. Breuer, L. Brown, M. Chotkowski, S. Culberson, F. Feyrer, M. Gingras, B. Herbold, W. Kimmerer, A. Mueller-Solger, M. Nobriga, and K. Souza. 2007. The collapse of pelagic fishes in the upper San Francisco Estuary. Fisheries 32:270-277. (By reference.)
- Exhibit 33 - Wilkerson F. P., Dugdale R. C., Hogue V. E., Marchi, A. 2006. Phytoplankton blooms and nitrogen productivity in San Francisco Bay. Estuaries and Coasts 29: 401-416. (By reference.)
- Exhibit 34 - Johns, G. 2010. Introduction to the Presentations to the National Research Council: Delta Issues. PowerPoint presentation.
- Exhibit 35 - Johns, G. 2010. San Joaquin River Salmon Survival and the 2009 NMFS Biological Opinion. PowerPoint presentation.
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