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Exhibit Identification Indexes and Transmittal Letters – South Delta Water Agency

Part 1

Exhibit No. Exhibit Description Date Accepted into Evidence* or Withdrawn
SDWA 1 Southern Delta Map  
SDWA 2 Chronological Reconstruction of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valley water Year Hydrologic Classification Indices. WSIHIST. California Data Exchange Center Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 3 Excerpt of the Draft January Biological Assessment for the California WaterFix Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 4 Excerpt from Progress on Incorporating Climate Change into Management of California’s water Resources. Department of water Resources, July 2006. Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 5 California Water Code section 12202 and 12203 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 6 Title 34 of Public Law 102-575. Section 3401. Central Valley Project Improvement Act. 1992 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 7 Final Restoration Plan for the Anadromous Fish Restoration Program. 2001 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 8 Public Law 108-361. Calfed Bay-Delta Authorization Act. 2004 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 9 Reclamation. Managing Water in the West. Program to Meet Standards. Response to Calfed Bay-Delta Authorization Act. Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 10 Highlighted excerpts from exhibits SWRCB-21 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 11 Response Plan for Water Level Concerns in the South Delta Under Water Rights Decision 1641 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 12 E-Mails re Water Levels Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 13 USBR and DWR Water Quality Response Plan for use of Joint Points of Diversion under Water Right Decision 1641 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 14 July 1, 2005 Letter from SWRCB - Division of Water Rights to Ronald Milligan and Carl Torgersen. Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 15 Excerpts of Water Right Order 2006-0006  
SDWA 16 Excerpts of Water Right Order 2010-0002 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 17 Report of Potential Exeedance 7-14-16 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 18 Delta Water Quality Conditions Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 19 Delta Water Quality Conditions South Delta Stations Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 20 E-mail re transfers Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 21 Highlighted excerpts from exhibits SWRCB-21 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 22 Water Right Order 2009-0013-EXEC Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 23 Delta Compliance Report. Delta Hydrology Conditions Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 24 Excerpts of SWRCB-27 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 25 Public Law 99-546. An Act to implement the Coordinated Operations Agreement. 1986. Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 26 Delta Flows with and without Cross Channel Flow  
SDWA 27 Water Quality and Water Level Forecast July 12 - August 1, 2016 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 28 CDEC Old River and San Joaquin River for June 22, 2006 to August 24, 2016 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 29 DSM2 Model Output 1974-1981 Chan HRM and MR Howard Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 30 DSM2 Model Output 1974-1981 Chan OR1 and ORTB Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 31 Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board Salinity in the Central Valley May 2006 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 32 Revision of Representative Delta Island Retur Flow Quality for DSM2 and DICU Model Runs by Marvin Jung and Associates, Inc. December 2000 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 33 Highlighted pages from Draft January 2015 Biological Assessment  
SDWA 34 Excerpts from the Bay Delta Conservation Plan / California WaterFix - RDEIR/ SEIS Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 35 July, 2016 - South Delta Water Quality Information Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 36 (Reserved for Cross-Exam Exhibits)  
SDWA 37 (Reserved for Cross-Exam Exhibits)  
SDWA 38 (Reserved for Cross-Exam Exhibits)  
SDWA 39 (Reserved for Cross-Exam Exhibits)  
SDWA 40 (Reserved for Cross-Exam Exhibits)  
SDWA 41 Linda Turkatte Statement of Qualifications  
SDWA 42 Linda Turkatte Written Summary of Testimony  
SDWA 43 California CyanoHAB Network webpage:
http://www.mywaterguality.ca.gov/monitoring council/cyanohab network/index.html
SDWA 44 State Water Board's Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) Freshwater CyanoHABs Program (Blue-Green Algae):
https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water issues/programs/swam p/freshwatercyanobacteria.shtml
SDWA 45 California Department of Public Health Blue-Green Algae (Cyanobacteria) Blooms webpage:
https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Healthlnfo/environhealth/wat er/Pages/Bluegreenalgae.aspx
SDWA 46 June 6, 2016 E-Mail from Christine Joab re: California Cyanobacteria and Harmful Algal Bloom (CCHAB) Network and its goals  
SDWA 47 June 6, 2016 E-Mail from EHD to Joab requesting identification of specific areas where blue-green algae was observed and water sampling analysis  
SDWA 48 June 6, 2016 E-Mail from CVWB to EHD with bluie-green algae monitoring information conducted by DWR  
SDWA 49 June 7, 2016 E-Mail from CVWB to Medina providing information re: cyanobacteria from blue-green algae caution signs  
SDWA 50 June 7, 2016 E-Mail from CVWB providing follow-up information with EHD's sign request.  
SDWA 51 EHD'S joint news release with the San Joaquin County Public Health Department regarding cyanobacteria from blue-green algae forwarded to CVWB on June 8, 2016 requesting questions and comments.  
SDWA 52 June 8, 2016 E-Mail from CVWB to EHDre: materials on dog deaths related to Cyanotoxin poisoning  
SDWA 53 June 17, 2016 E-Mail from CVWB to EHD with additional information and updates on cyanobacteria from blue-green algae  
SDWA 54 June 22, 2016 E-Mail from CVWB to EHD re: informing EHD of the new website launched by the Center for Disease Control regarding reporting of harmful algal blooms.  
SDWA 55 July 6, 2016 E-Mail from CVWB to EHD's stating "Department of Water Resources does not conduct any cyanobacteria monitoring in Smith Canal. Most of the research on cyanobacteria that DWR is conducting is in the Central Delta."  
SDWA 56 July 8, 2016 E-Mail from CVWB to EHD with latest update on Mycrosystis conditions in the Stockton Deep Water Channel.  
SDWA 57 July 28, 2016 E-Mail from CVWB to EHD with the latest update on Mycrosystis conditions in the Stockton Deep Water Channel and notifying EHD that CVWB had been contacted by Connie Cochran, the City of Stockton's Public Information Officer, inquiring about cyanobacteria in the Deep Water Channel (McLeod Lake and Weber Point).  
SDWA 58 July 28, 2016 E-Mail from EHD to CVWB's re: CVWB status updates on the cyanobacteria and Mycrosystis conditions in San Joaquin County are critical to keeping EHD informed on the issue.  
SDWA 59 August 3, 2016 E-Mail from CVWB to EHD with the lasts visual bloom observations from the Department of Water Resources  
SDWA 60 August 4, 2016 E-Mail from CVWB carbon copying EHD in an email regarding a Stockton resident's complaint  
SDWA 61 August 11 , 2016 Email from California Water Quality Monitoring Council to EHD with upcoming webinars and new videos, including a program on "Bacteria Monitoring for Safe & Healthy Waters."  
SDWA 62 August 16, 2016 the California Water Quality Monitoring Council released a new web portal devoted to the question: "Are harmful algal blooms affecting
our waters?"
SDWA 63 August 17, 2016 emails between CVWB and EHD re: other regional monitoring and observation of cyanobacteria.  
SDWA 64 August 22,2016 E-Mail from CVWB to EHD re: current cyanobacteria bloom density condition in the San Joaquin River  
SDWA 65 August 24, 2016 E-Mail from California Department of Public Health and California Health Alert Network (CAHAN) to EHD re: a CAHAN Health Notification regarding "Caution Related to Seasonal Blue-Green Algae Blooms" that "urges recreational water users to avoid close contact with water bodies containing blue- green algae."  
SDWA 66 August 29, 2016 E-Mail from CVWB to EHD re: an alert stating that East Bay Regional Park has microcystin toxin levels above 50 ppb  
SDWA 67 (Reserved Turkatte)  
SDWA 68 (Reserved Turkatte)  
SDWA 69 (Reserved Turkatte)  
SDWA 70 (Reserved Turkatte)  
SDWA 71 (Reserved Turkatte)  
SDWA 72 Erik Ringelberg Statement of Qualifications  
SDWA 73 Testimony of Erik Ringelberg  
SDWA 74 Ringelberg PowerPoint  
SDWA 75 Statement of Qualifications Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 76 Written Testimony of Tom Burke Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA-76-Errata Written Testimony of Tom Burke - Revised 11/03/2016 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 77 Burke PowerPoint Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA-77-Errata | (PPT) Burke PowerPoint - Revised 11/03/2016 (PPT submitted 11/10/16) Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 78 Burke Technical Report Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA-78-Errata Burke Technical Report - Revised 11/03/2016 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 79 EC Timeseries Plots Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 80 Daily EC Plots All Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 81 Daily Exeedance Bar Charts Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 82 DSM2 Model Output Table 1 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 83 DSM2 Model Output Table 2 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 84 (Reserved Burke)  
SDWA 85 (Reserved Burke)  
SDWA 86 (Reserved Burke)  
SDWA 87 (Reserved Burke)  
SDWA 88 (Reserved Burke)  
SDWA 89 (Reserved Burke)  
SDWA 90 (Reserved Burke)  
SDWA 91 Statement of Qualifications Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 92 Written Testimony of Terry Pritchard Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 93 (Reserved Pritchard)  
SDWA 94 (Reserved Pritchard)  
SDWA 95 (Reserved Pritchard)  
SDWA 96 (Reserved Pritchard)  
SDWA 97 (Reserved Pritchard)  
SDWA 98 (Reserved)  
SDWA 99 (Reserved)  
SDWA 100 (Reserved)  
SDWA 101 (Reserved)  
SDWA 102 (Reserved)  
SDWA 103 (Reserved)  
SDWA 104 (Reserved)  
SDWA 105 (Reserved)  
SDWA 106 Written Testimony of Rudy M. Mussi Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 107 Map of Ranch Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 108 (Reserved Mussi)  
SDWA 109 (Reserved Mussi)  
SDWA 110 (Reserved Mussi)  
SDWA 111 Written Testimony of Chip Salmon Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 112 Map of Salmon Ranch Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 113 Salmon DWR License for Diversion and Order for Point of Diversion Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 114 Laboratory Analysis Report Evaluation Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 115 South Delta Water Quality: 2001 Temporary Barriers Project Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 116 Electrical Conductivity in Millis for Doughty Cut Above Grant Lint Canal Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 117 Photos of Damaged Vineyard and Walnuts due to high salinity Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 118 (Reserved Salmon)  
SDWA 119 (Reserved Salmon)  
SDWA 120 (Reserved Salmon)  
SDWA 121 Written Testimony of Mark Bacchetti Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 122 DWR License for Diversion and Order for Point of Diversion Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 123 Map of Bacchetti Ranch Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 124 (Reserved Bacchetti)  
SDWA 125 (Reserved Bacchetti)  
SDWA 126 (Reserved Bacchetti)  
SDWA 127 (Reserved)  
SDWA 128 (Reserved)  
SDWA 129 (Reserved)  
SDWA 130 (Reserved)  
SDWA 131 (Reserved)  
SDWA 132 (Reserved)  
SDWA 133 Dr. Jeffrey Michael Statement of Qualifications Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 134 Dr. Jeffrey Michael Written Summary of Testimony  
SDWA 134-R Dr. Jeffrey Michael Written Summary of Testimony - Revised 11/03/2016 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 135 Dr. Jeffrey Michael Powerpoint  
SDWA 135-R Dr. Jeffrey Michael Powerpoint - Revised 11/03/2016 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 136 Draft BDCP Statewide Economic Impact Report 8-5-13 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 137 Economic Sustainability Plan for the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta 2012 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 138 Independent Panel Review of the Economic Sustainability Plan for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta 2011 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 139 2015 Leaching Fractions Achieved in South Delta Soils under Alfalfa Culture Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 140 Leaching Fractions Achieved in South Delta Soils under Alfalfa Culture Project Report Update Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 141 Chapter 7 of the Delta Protection Commission's Economic Sustainability Plan Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 142 Michael letter to Cowin re DRMS Dec 2011 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 143 Risks and Options to Reduce Risks to Fishery and Water Supply Uses of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Jan 2008 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 144 California Water Commission Water Storage Investment Program Modeling as as Tool for Water Resources Planning and Decision Making Feb 2016 Withdrawn November 3, 2016
SDWA145 FinalGuidance for Development of a State-Led Feasibility Study Dec 2014 Withdrawn November 3, 2016
SDWA146 DWR Economic Analysis Guidebook Jan 2008 Withdrawn November 3, 2016
SDWA 147 Benefit-Cost Analysis of The California WaterFix Aug
Withdrawn November 3, 2016
SDWA 148 August 2016 Memorandum from Rodney Smith regarding the Impact of the Annual Yield of the Twin Tunnels Project on the Cost of Project Water Withdrawn November 3, 2016
SDWA 149 Santa Clara Valley Water District Board of Directors Agenda July 2016 Withdrawn November 3, 2016
SDWA 150 Nomellini Statement of Qualifications Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 151 Nomellini Written Summary of Testimony  
SDWA 151-R Nomellini Written Summary of Testimony - Revised 11/03/2016  
SDWA 151-FR Nomellini Written Summary of Testimony - Revised 11/09/2016 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 152 Nomellini Powerpoint  
SDWA 152-R Nomellini Powerpoint - Revised 11/09/2016 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 153 January 27, 2009 Letter to Dante John Nomellini, Sr. from Karen Scarborough of BDCP Steering Committee  
SDWA154 The Bay Delta Conservation Plan Points of Agreement for Continuing into the Planning Process Withdrawn November 10, 2016
SDWA 155 August 26, 2008 Letter to Karen Scarborough from Dean Ruiz Withdrawn November 10, 2016
SDWA 156 November 13, 2008 Letter to Karen Scarborough from Dante John Nomellini, Sr. Withdrawn November 10, 2016
SDWA 157 Memorandum of Agreement re Collaboration on Planning, Prelim Design and Environmental Compliance for Delta Habitat Conservation and Conveyance Program in Connection with the Development of the BDCP Withdrawn November 10, 2016
SDWA 158 First Amendment to Memorandum of Agreement re Collaboration on Planning, Prelim Design and Environmental Compliance for Delta Habitat Conservation and Conveyance Program in Connection with the Development of the BDCP Withdrawn November 10, 2016
SDWA 159 July 2012 Huffington Post Article re Jerry Brown Withdrawn November 10, 2016
SDWA 160 Remarks of the Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar September 2011 Withdrawn November 10, 2016
SDWA 161 May 6, 2014 Memorandum from DWR re Establishment of the DWR BDCP Office Withdrawn November 10, 2016
SDWA 162 Notes from Metropolitan's Special Committee on Bay- Delta Withdrawn November 10, 2016
SDWA 163 Jerry Meral: Tunnels Wont Save the Delta Withdrawn November 10, 2016
SDWA 164 April 23, 2015 E-mail from Aconex Delta Habitat to Sergio Valles Withdrawn November 10, 2016
SDWA 165 Secretary Laird talks Cal Water Fix to San Diego County Water Authority's Imported Water Committee Withdrawn November 10, 2016
SDWA 166 US Army Corps of Enginerrs Public Notices Withdrawn November 10, 2016
SDWA 167 First Amendment to Memorandum of Agreement re Collaboration on Planning, Prelim Design and Environmental Compliance for Delta Habitat Conservation and Conveyance Program in Connection with the Development of the BDCP Withdrawn November 10, 2016
SDWA 168 California Water Resources Development Bond Act Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 169 Bulletin No 76 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 170 Weber Foundation Studies - Estimated Seasonal Natural Runoff Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 171 Actions to Conserve Cold Water Pool in Shasta Reservoir for Fishery Resourses Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 172 Tracy Pumping Plant Data Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 173 Hydroclimate Background on Drought in California Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 174 Estimated Average and Dry-Period Deliveries of SWP Table A Water and Percent of Maximum SWP Table A Amount Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 175 Public Law 86-488 June 3, 1960 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 176 Title I Coordinated Operations Project Operation Policy Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 177 Public Law 108-361 Oct 25, 2004 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 178 CDFW Fish Statistics Withdrawn November 10, 2016
SDWA 179 Opperman Final Report for Fellowship R SF-4 Withdrawn November 10, 2016
SDWA 180 Floodplain rearing of juvenile chinook salmon: evidence of enhanced growth and survival Withdrawn November 10, 2016
SDWA 181 Habitat Use and Stranding Risk of Juvenile Chinook Salmon on a Seasonal Floodplain Withdrawn November 10, 2016
SDWA 182 Insights into the Problems, Progress, and Potential Solutions for Sacramento River Basin Native Anadromous Fish Restoration Withdrawn November 10, 2016
SDWA 183 1976-77 Estimated Crop Et Values Delta Services Area Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 184 North and South Delta Exports for Alternative 4A Long- Term Average Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 185 Historical Salinity (Modeled and Observed) at Jersey Point Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 186 Historical Salinity Incursion Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta February 1962 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 187 Section 12202, 12203, 12204  
SDWA 188 Active Faults and Historical Seismicity of the Bay and Delta Region Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 189 Photo of Dam Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 190 Faults graph Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 191 6.5 Magnitude Earthquake Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 192 Extracts of Usace May 23, 2007 Comments Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 193 Sea Level Rise Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 194 Sea Level Trends Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 195 Map Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 196 Why Climate Change in CVFPP Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 197 Comparison of Total Replacement Costs of Delta Infrastructure Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 198 Period Average Change in EC Levels for Alternative 4A-H3 ELT Relative To Existing Conditions and the No Action Alternative ELT. Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 199 Unit Consumptive Use of Water in Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 200 Title 34 of Public Law 102-575. Section 3401. Central Valley Project Improvement Act. 1992 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 201 public_law_108-361 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 202 USBR Program to Meet Standards Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 203 Final Revised Water Quality Response Plan D 1641 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 204 WRO 2006_0006 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 205 Order 2010_0002 amending 2006-0006 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 206 CVRWQCB Salinity in Central Valley May 2006 Ruling Dated February 21, 2017
SDWA 207 (Reserved Nomellini)  
SDWA 208 (Reserved Nomellini)  
SDWA 209 (Reserved Nomellini)  
SDWA 210 (Reserved Nomellini)  
SDWA 211 (Reserved Nomellini)  
SDWA 212 (Reserved Nomellini)  
SDWA 213 (Reserved Nomellini)  
SDWA 214 (Reserved Nomellini)  
SDWA 215 (Reserved Nomellini)  
SDWA 216 (Reserved Nomellini)  
SDWA 217 (Reserved Nomellini)  
SDWA 218 (Reserved Nomellini)  
SDWA 219 (Reserved Nomellini)  
SDWA 220 (Reserved Nomellini)  
SDWA 221 Kurobe et al.-Identification of harmful cyanobacteria etc.  
SDWA 222 Durand-Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Regional Ecosystem Restoration Implementation Plan  
SDWA 223 Microcystis forecast provided by Peter Tango  
SDWA 224 Gilbert, et al.-Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology  
SDWA 225 April 18, 2016 Memorandum, ICF International  
SDWA 226 Alameda County-Errata, In the Matter of SRCSD's Petition for Review  
SDWA 227 Tomitani, et al.-The evolutionary diversification of cyanobacteria  
SDWA 228 Berg and Sutula: Factors affecting Growth of Cyanobacteria  
SDWA 229 Excerpt from Kimball's Biology Pages  
SDWA 230 Brunell, Litton and Borglin: An Analysis of Grazing and Phytoplankton Communities  
SDWA 231 Muller-Solger, Jassby and Muller-Navarra: Nutritional Quality of Food Resources  
SDWA 232 Visser-Artificial mixing to control cyanobacterial blooms: a review  
SDWA 233 Brutemark-Growth, toxicity and oxidative stress of a cultured cyanobacterium  
SDWA 234 Lehman, 2005-Microcystis biomass and toxicity  
SDWA 235 Office of Envoironmental Health Hazard Assessment. 2009  
SDWA 236 EPA-Drinking Water Health Advisory  
SDWA 237 WHO: IARC Monographs on Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans (Cogliano)  
SDWA 238 Reserved  
SDWA 239 USGS 2016. Innovation in Monitoring: The U.S. Geological Survey Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, California, Flow-Station Network  
SDWA 240 Cloern-Figure 3. Projected 2010-2099 changes in nine environmental indicators, etc.  
SDWA 241 Reichwaldt, Song and Ghadouani: Effects of the Distribution of a Toxic Microcystis Bloom on the Small Scale Patchiness of Zooplankton  
SDWA 242 Pal, Singh and Azam: Evaluation of Relationship between Light Intensity (Lux) and Growth of Chaetoceros muelleri  
SDWA 244 (Reserved Ringelberg)  
SDWA 245 (Reserved Ringelberg)  
SDWA 246 (Reserved Ringelberg)  
SDWA 247 (Reserved Ringelberg)  
SDWA 248 (Reserved Ringelberg)  
SDWA 249 (Reserved Ringelberg)  
SDWA 250 (Reserved Ringelberg)  
SDWA 251 Water Code. Division 35. Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Reform Act of 2009. Code section 85020. Policy Objectives  
SDWA 252 Water Code. Section 12201  
SDWA 253 California Department of Water Resources. Bulletin No. 76 - Delta Water Facilities. December 1960  
SDWA 254 State Water Resources Control Board. Resolution No. 68-16. Statement of Policy with Respect to Maintaining High Quality of Waters in California  
SDWA 256 Water Quality Standards. Section 131.12. Antidegradation Policy  


Part 1 - Rebuttal

Exhibit No. Exhibit Description Date Accepted into Evidence* or Withdrawn
SDWA 257 Thomas Burke Rebuttal Technical Report Transcript Dated May 19, 2017
SDWA 258 Thomas Burke Rebuttal Power Point Transcript Dated May 19, 2017
SDWA 259 Thomas Burke Rebuttal Written Summary of Testimony Transcript Dated May 19, 2017
SDWA 260 Chip Salmon Rebuttal Written Testimony Transcript Dated May 19, 2017


Part 1 - Sur-Rebuttal

Exhibit No. Exhibit Description Date Accepted into Evidence* or Withdrawn
SDWA 261 Sur Rebuttal Testimony of Thomas Burke, P.E.  Transcript Dated June 23, 2017
SDWA 262 Sur Rebuttal Testimony of Terry Pritchard Transcript Dated June 23, 2017
SDWA 263 Joint Sur Rebuttal Testimony of Dr. Michelle Leinfelder-Miles  Transcript Dated June 23, 2017
SDWA 264 Joint Sur Rebuttal Testimony of Dr. Jeffery Michael Transcript Dated June 23, 2017


Part 2

Exhibit No. Exhibit Description Date Accepted into Evidence* or Withdrawn
SDWA 178 Chart of Delta Exports 1956-2009 (Part 2) June 18, 2018
SDWA 179 Opperman Final Report for Fellowship R SF-4(Part 2) June 18, 2018
SDWA 180 Floodplain rearing of juvenile chinook salmon: evidence of enhanced growth and survival (Part 2) June 18, 2018
SDWA 181 Habitat Use and Stranding Risk of Juvenile Chinook Salmon on a Seasonal Floodplain (Part 2) June 18, 2018
SDWA 182 Insights into the Problems, Progress, and Potential Solutions for Sacramento River Basin Native Anadromous Fish Restoration (Part 2) June 18, 2018
SDWA 265 Jeffrey Michael Testimony for Part 2 June 18, 2018
SDWA 266 Jeffrey Michael PowerPoint for Part 2 June 18, 2018
SDWA 267 Dr. Jeffrey Michael Statement of Qualifications June 18, 2018
SDWA 268 Economic Sustainability Plan for the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta 2012 June 18, 2018
SDWA 269 Chapter 10, Delta Protection Commission Economic Sustainability Plan June 18, 2018
SDWA 270 Appendix 16A of Final EIR June 18, 2018
SDWA 271 Chapter 16, Final EIR June 18, 2018
SDWA 272 Los Angeles Metro Business Interruption Fund fact sheet June 18, 2018
SDWA 273 DWR Economic Analysis Guidebook June 18, 2018
SDWA 275 Benefit Cost Analysis of California WaterFix June 18, 2018
SDWA 276 California Water Commission Water Storage Investment Program Modeling as a Tool for Water Resources Planning and Decision Making Feb 2016 June 18, 2018
SDWA 277 Final Guidance for Development of a State-Led Feasibility Study Dec 2014 June 18, 2018
SDWA 278 Westlands Water District Statement on California WaterFix June 18, 2018
SDWA 279 Metropolitan Water District California WaterFix Operations White Paper June 18, 2018
SDWA 281 California Water Commission Water Storage Program Draft Technical Reference June 18, 2018
SDWA 291 Thomas K. Burke Testimony Part 2 June 18, 2018
SDWA 292 Thomas K. Burke PowePoint Part 2 June 18, 2018
SDWA 300 Dante John Nomellini Sr Testimony Revisions Required per Ruling Letter dated January 4, 2018
SDWA 300-Corrected Dante John Nomellini Sr Testimony - Corrected by Hearing Staff according to the January 4, 2018 Ruling Letter June 18, 2018
SDWA 301 Striped Bass Indices June 18, 2018
SDWA 302 Delta Smelt Indices June 18, 2018
SDWA 303 Abstract of Steelhead Population Trend June 18, 2018
SDWA 304 Estimated Production Central Valley Winter Run Salmon Not accepted per June 18, 2018 Ruling Letter
SDWA 305 Estimated Production Sacramento River Fall Run Salmon Not accepted per June 18, 2018 Ruling Letter
SDWA 306

State Water Project Facilities - Water Education Foundation

June 18, 2018
SDWA 307 Flood Hazard Mitigation Plan 9-15-1983 June 18, 2018
SDWA 308 Delta Risk Management Strategy Executive Summary Phase 1 February 2009 June 18, 2018
SDWA 309 Figure M13-4 General Plan Land Use SWRCB -102 June 18, 2018
SDWA 310 Figure M12-4 Distribution Nature Communities SWRCB - 102 June 18, 2018
SDWA 311 Figure 12-21 Greater Sandhill Crane Distribution SWRCB - 102 June 18, 2018
SDWA 312 Figure 12-2 Essential Habitat Connectivity SWRCB - 102 June 18, 2018
SDWA 313 Figure 21A-04 Noise Contours SWRCB - 102 June 18, 2018
SDWA 314 Dante John Nomellini PowerPoint Part 2 June 18, 2018
SDWA 315 California WaterFix Board Workshop June 18, 2018


Part 2 - Rebuttal

Exhibit No. Exhibit Description Date Accepted into Evidence* or Withdrawn
SDWA 316 MWD March 27 Workshop Link to Meeting Video and Partial Transcript September 10, 2018
SDWA 317 Economic Analysis of Stage 1 September 10, 2018
SDWA 318 Fresno County Income Data September 10, 2018
SDWA 319 Fresno County Unemployment Data September 10, 2018
SDWA 320 MWD July 10 Board Meeting Packet September 10, 2018
SDWA 321 Rebuttal Testimony of Dr. Jeffrey Michael, part 2  
SDWA 321-R Rebuttal Testimony of Dr. Jeffrey Michael, part 2 - Corrected by Hearing Staff according to the July 27, 2018 Ruling Letter September 10, 2018
SDWA 322 Dr. Jeffrey Michael- Rebuttal PowerPoint, Part 2 September 10, 2018
SDWA 323 Rebuttal Testimony of Thomas K. Burke Part 2  
SDWA 323-R Rebuttal Testimony of Thomas K. Burke Part 2 - Corrected by Hearing Staff according to the July 27, 2018 Ruling Letter September 10, 2018
SDWA 323-R-errata Rebuttal Testimony of Thomas K. Burke Part 2 Errata-submitted 8/16/18  
SDWA-323-Second Revised Rebuttal Testimony of Thomas K. Burke Part 2- Second Revised September 10, 2018
SDWA 324 Rebuttal PowerPoint of Thomas K. Burke Part 2  
SDWA 324-errata Rebuttal PowerPoint of Thomas K. Burke Part 2 Errata-submitted 8/16/18  
SDWA 324 Revised Rebuttal PowerPoint of Thomas K. Burke Part 2- Revised September 10, 2018
SDWA 325 June 26, 2018 DWR Update Email Re: Transfer Through the Export Pump with Attachments September 10, 2018
SDWA 326-327 Channel Cross Sections data link for Old River (June 2018)
Channel Cross Sections data link for Middle River (June 2018)
September 10, 2018


Part 2 - Sur-Rebuttal

Exhibit No. Exhibit Description Date Accepted into Evidence* or Withdrawn
SDWA-328 Sur Rebuttal Testimony of Thomas K. Burke, Part 2 October 1, 2018

* For a complete account of testimony and exhibits that have been admitted into evidence, please see the Ruling Page for the corresponding ruling date and/or Transcript Page for the corresponding transcript date.



Water is a precious resource in California, and maintaining its quality is of utmost importance to safeguard the health of the public and the environment.
