Exhibit List |
Exhibit 1: General WDR’s 97-10-DWQ for small domestic systems |
Exhibit 2: 97-10-DWQ Monitoring Program Revised |
Exhibit 3: 97-10-DWQ Monitoring Program 2nd Revision |
Exhibit 4: Notice Of Intent |
Exhibit 5: Notice of Applicability |
Exhibit 6: Centrally Grown System Design Package |
Exhibit 7: Centrally Grown As Built Drawing 3-9-15 |
Exhibit 8: Centrally Grown Drainage concept plan and As built WWTF |
Exhibit 9: Centrally Grown WW update 11-26-14 |
Exhibit 10: Centrally Grown Sample Lab Sheets Submitted 12-15-15 |
Exhibit 11: Email to Centrally Grown – MRP Requirements and Submittal Protocol |
Exhibit 12: Centrally Grown December 2015 Self-Monitoring Report |
Exhibit 13: 6-29-15 Inspection Form and Photos |
Exhibit 14: SLO County Email and Photos |
Exhibit 15: 7-8-15 Inspection Form and Photos |
Exhibit 16: 7-9-15 Inspection Form and Photos |
Exhibit 17: 11-12-15 Inspection Form and Photos |
Exhibit 18: 12-16-15 Inspection Form and Photos |
Exhibit 19: Notice of Violation 7-10-15 and Discharger Response |
Exhibit 20: Notice of Violation 8-7-15 and Discharger Response |
Exhibit 21: Notice of Violation Response Update Report 10-15-15 |
Exhibit 22: Notice of Violation 2-1-16 |
Exhibit 23:Email from Dave Robertson to Nickolaus Knight 2-29-16 |
Exhibit 24:Notice of Violations 3-28-16 |
Exhibit 25: Notice of Violations 5-24-16 |
Exhibit 26: Statements of Information from CA Secretary of State for Centrally Grown Holdings L.L.C., and Centrally Grown Inc. |