Completed TMDLs - Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) and the 303(d) List of Impaired Water Bodies

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Project Details

Alamo River Sedimentation/Siltation
The TMDL was adopted by the Regional Board June 27, 2001, approved by the State Board on February 19, 2002, approved by the Office of Administrative Law on May 3, 2002, and approved by U.S. EPA on June 28, 2002. The following documents are now available:

Regional Water Board

  • Basin Plan Amendment
  • Resolution No. 01-100
  • TMDL Staff Report
  • Appendices to the TMDL Staff Report
  • Appendix A - Soil Association Descriptions
  • Appendix B - SWRCB Toxic Substances Monitoring Program
  • Appendix C - Source Analysis Data and Calculations
  • Appendix D - Load Allocation Calculations
  • Appendix E - Silt TMDL Technical Committee
  • Appendix F - Silt TMDL TAC BMPs
  • Appendix G - Recommendations of the UCCE
  • CEQA Checklist and Determination
  • Natural Environment Study

Imperial Valley Drains Sedimentation/Siltation TMDL
The TMDL was adopted by the Regional Board on January 19, 2005, approved by the State Board on July 21, 2005, approved by the Office of Administrative Law on September 8, 2005, and approved by U.S. EPA on September 30, 2005. The following documents are now available:

Regional Water Board

  • Basin Plan Amendment
  • Resolution No. R7-2005-0006
  • TMDL Staff Report
  • Appendices to the TMDL Staff Report
  • Appendix A - Silt TMDL TAC
  • Appendix B - Source Analysis
  • Appendix C - Allocations
  • Appendix D - Implementation Plan
  • CEQA Checklist and Determination
  • Natural Environment Study
  • Economic Impact Assessment
  • Responses to Public and Peer Review Comments
  • Staff Supplemental Report

New River Pathogen TMDL
The TMDL was adopted by the Regional Board on October 10, 2001, approved by the State Board on March 21, 2002. It was also approved by the Office of Administrative Law on March 23, 2002, and approved by U.S. EPA on August 14, 2002. The following documents are now available:

Regional Water Board

  • Basin Plan Amendment
  • Resolution No. 01-197
  • TMDL Staff Report
  • Appendices to the TMDL Staff Report
  • Appendix A: Historical Bacterial Concentrations for New River at International Boundary
  • Appendix B: New River Fecal Coliform Results for 2000
  • Appendix C: Infectious Agents Potentially Present in Raw Domestic Wastewater
  • CEQA Checklist and Discussion

New River Sedimentation/Siltation TMDL
The TMDL was adopted by the Regional Board on June 26, 2002, approved by the State Board on November 19, 2002, approved by the Office of Administrative Law on January 13, 2003, and approved by U.S. EPA on March 31, 2003. The following documents are now available:

Regional Water Board

  • Basin Plan Amendment
  • Resolution No. R7-2002-0097
  • TMDL Staff Report
  • Appendices to the TMDL Staff Report
  • Appendix A: Soil Association Descriptions
  • Appendix B: SWRCB Toxic Substances Monitoring Program
  • Appendix C: Source Analysis Data and Calculations
  • Appendix D: Load Allocations
  • Appendix E: Silt TMDL Technical Advisory Committee
  • Appendix F: TAC Recommendations for On-Field Best Management Practices
  • Appendix G: Recommendations of the UC Cooperative Extension
  • CEQA Checklist and Discussion
  • Natural Environment Study

New River Trash TMDL
The TMDL was adopted by the Regional Board on June 21, 2006, approved by the State Board on April 18, 2007, approved by the Office of Administrative Law on August 2, 2007, and approved by U.S. EPA on September 24, 2007. The following documents are now available:

Regional Water Board

  • Basin Plan Amendment
  • Resolution No. R7-2006-0047
  • TMDL Staff Report | Appendix A | Appendix B
  • CEQA Checklist and Discussion
  • Natural Environmental Study
Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel Bacterial Indicators TMDL

The TMDL was adopted by the Regional Board on May 16, 2007, with revision later adopted by the Regional Board on June 17, 2010. The TMDL was subsequently approved by the State Board on July 19, 2011, approved by the Office of Administrative Law on February 2, 2012, and approved by U.S. EPA on April 27, 2012. The following documents are available:

Regional Water Board

  • Basin Plan Amendment
  • Resolution No. R7-2007-0039
  • Resolution No. R7-2010-0028
  • TMDL Staff Report
  • Appendices to the TMDL Staff Report
    • Appendix A: Mean Monthly Streamflows, USGS Gage 10259540
    • Appendix B: Relationship between Bacteria Indicators and Flows
    • Appendix C: Coachella Coliform DNA Analysis Source Report
  • CEQA Checklist and Discussion
  • Natural Environment Study

State Board Approval

  • May 18, 2011 Notice of Opportunity to Comment
  • Comments Received
  • Response to Comment
  • July 15, 2011 Division of Water Quality Request for Executive Officer Corrections
  • July 18, 2011 Executive Officer Response to Division of Water Quality Request
  • July 19, 2011 State Board Meeting Agenda
  • Item Sheet and Draft Resolution
  • State Board Resolution No. 2011-0030

Office of Administrative Law (OAL) Approval

  • OAL Approval Letter
  • Concise Summary of Regulatory Provisions

CEQA Filing with the CA Natural Resources Agency

  • Notice of Decision

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Approval

  • USEPA Approval Letter

New River Dissolved Oxygen TMDL
The TMDL was adopted by the Regional Board on May 20, 2010. The TMDL was subsequently approved by the State Board on December 6, 2011, approved by the Office of Administrative Law on March 21, 2012, and approved by U.S. EPA on November 16, 2012. The following documents are now available:

Regional Water Board

  • Resolution No. R7-2010-0011
  • Basin Plan Amendment
  • TMDL Staff Report
  • Appendices to the TMDL Staff Report
    • Appendix A: New River Water Quality Objectives and Beneficial Uses
    • Appendix B: Water Quality Data for the New River
    • Appendix C: Monthly or Quarterly DO Concentrations Data for Agricultural Drains in the New River Watershed
    • Appendix D: NPDES Permittee Information and Data
    • Appendix E: Regional Board DO Data at Four New River Sampling Locations
    • Appendix F: New River DO QUAL2K Model
    • Appendix G: New River Third Party Cooperating Agencies and Organizations
    • Appendix H: TMDL Model Scenarios
  • New River CEQA and Environmental Checklist
  • New River Natural Environment Study
  • Public Review Comment and Response

State Board Approval

  • September 16, 2011 Notice of Opportunity to Comment
  • Comments Received
  • Response to Comments
  • November 21, 2011 Executive Officer Request to make minor, non-substantive changes to Basin Plan Amendment
  • December 6, 2011 State Board Meeting Agenda
  • Item Sheet and Draft Resolution
  • State Board Resolution No. 2011-0061

Office of Administrative Law (OAL) Approval

  • OAL Approval Letter
  • Concise Summary of Regulatory Provisions

CEQA Filing with the CA Natural Resources Agency

  • Notice of Decision

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Approval

  • October 23, 2012 Executive Officer Letter to USEPA Regarding Clarification of New River Dissolved Oxygen TMDL
  • USEPA Approval Letter