Oil and Gas Operation - Model Criteria for Groundwater Monitoring

Model Criteria for Groundwater Monitoring in Area of Oil and Gas Well Stimulation:

No Orders or Directives have been issued by the Los Angeles Regional Board regarding groundwater monitoring due to inactivity associated with oil and gas well stimulation.

More Information

State Water Board Groundwater Monitoring for Oil and Gas Well Stimulation; and Activities Associated with Underground Injection Control (UIC):
Model Criteria for Groundwater Monitoring in Areas of Oil and Gas Well Stimulation Fact Sheet: 
Division of Oil, Gas & Geothermal Resources:

Division of Oil, Gas & Geothermal Resources Well Stimulation page:


If you have any questions about the State Water Board and the Regional Water Board's roles in protecting California's waters when it comes to oil and gas production, please contact Andrew DiLuccia, Public Information Officer, State Water Resources Control Board, at (916) 324-4775 or andrew.diluccia@waterboards.ca.gov