Beach Water Quality - Topics and Links
- AB411 (Wayne and Shelley, 1997-1998) Beach sanitation:
Requires local health officers to test waters adjacent to public beaches within their jurisdiction and to take related action in the event of a known sewage release. The bill also requires the local health officer to post conspicuous warning signs and establish a telephone hotline to inform the public about a beach that fails to meet standards developed by the Department of Health Services as required in the bill. Implementation must begin by 1/1/99.
- AB538 (Wayne, 1999-2000) Public beaches: bacteriological standards.
Directs the State Water Resources Control Board to develop protocols for identifying sources of contamination where bacteriological standards have been repeatedly exceeded at heavily visited beaches.
- AB1946 (Wayne, 1999-2000) Public Beaches: survey.
This bill requires local health officers to submit a monthly survey to the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) detailing information on beach postings and closures due to failure to meet bacteriological standards. Requires SWRCB to establish a specific format for the surveys, make the information available to the public on a monthly basis, and publish an annual statewide report.
Reports on beach closures and posting, and other related information is available here.