Perchlorate Documentation
- LARWQCB Reports
- Presentations
- Perchlorate Fact Sheets
- Perchlorate Public Advisory Group (PPAG) Meeting
- Other
Perchlorate Information and Links:
- Ahmanson Ranch
- Boeing Santa Susana Field Lab
- California Department of Health Services
- Council on Water Quality's position on Perchlorate
- Food and Drug Administration
- Government Accountability Office (GAO):
- Massachussetts Department of Environmental Protection
- National Academy of Sciences (NAS)
- Nevada Division of Environmental Protection
- Office
of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment(OEHHA)
- State Board
- State of California-Senate Office of Research
- Perchlorate
News Articles
- LARWQCB Reports:
- Presentations:
- Recent
Development on Perchlorate Groundwater Pollution
within The Los Angeles Region. Presentation
by Dixon A. Oriola for January 30, 2003
Board Meeting in Los Angeles (01/30/2003)
Perchlorate and its Occurence in Ventura and Los Angeles Counties.
Presentation By Dennis Dickerson at the joint USEPA Regional Board Informational Meeting held at the Grand Vista Hotel, Simi Valley (04/24/2003)
This version contains some updated information that was presented by Dennis Dickerson at the meeting, but was not contained in the hand out slide information provided to the meeting participants
- Presentations from the April 14, 2004, Fifth PPAG meeting at the Los Angeles Regional Board's Office:
Perchlorate Sources, Investigation, and Cleanup at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Site [Mr. Steve Slaten, JPL Remedial Project Manager] (04/14/2004)
Discussion on Perchlorate Analytical Testing Methods [Ms. Elizabeth Wessling, AMEC Earth and Environmental] (04/14/2004)
- Recent
Development on Perchlorate Groundwater Pollution
within The Los Angeles Region. Presentation
by Dixon A. Oriola for January 30, 2003
Board Meeting in Los Angeles (01/30/2003)
- Perchlorate Fact Sheets
- Revised August'03 Perchlorate Fact Sheet (09/2003)
- Perchlorate Contact List (08/2003)
- PPAG Fact Sheet (08/2003)
- Perchlorate Public Advisory Group (PPAG) Meeting:
- March 14, 2003 First PPAG meeting at the Los Angeles Regional Board's office. Click here for the announcement, agenda and meeting location map
- May
23, 2003, Second PPAG meeting at the Los Angeles
Regional Board's Office. Click
here for the agenda.
- PPAG meeting notes - May 23, 2003. (6/24/2003)
- August
20, 2003, Third PPAG meeting, at Thousand
Oaks Civic Arts Plaza - Scherr Forum Theater.
here for agenda. (8/19/2003)
- PPAG meeting notes - August 20, 2003. (9/2/2003)
- August
21, 2003, Fourth PPAG meeting, at City of
Simi Valley City Hall - Council Chambers.
here for agenda. (8/19/2003)
- PPAG meeting notes - August 21, 2003. (9/2/2003)
- April
14, 2004, Fifth PPAG meeting at the Los Angeles
Regional Board's Office. Click
here for the agenda. (2/27/2004)
- PPAG meeting notes - April 14, 2004. (4/22/2004)
- Other
Perchlorate Information and Links:
- Ahmanson Ranch:
- Ahmanson
Groundwater Sampling Well No. 1"
workplan was conditionally approved May
23, 2003. As part of the identified tasks,
a video log and flow testing was completed
on May 27 and 28, 2003. The first sampling
event was completed on June 17, 2003 and
the second sampling event was completed
on July 16, 2003. To view slides of the
initial sampling event click
here. (08/10/2003)
- Ahmanson Ranch Groundwater Sampling Meeting (02/20/2003)
- Revised Draft Work Plan Groundwater Sampling Well M-1 (02/28/2003)
- Ahmanson Ranch Well M-1 Groundwater Sampling Work Plan Approval, And Response To Site Use Information - Ahmanson Ranch, Ventura County, California (04/23/2003)
- Ahmanson Ranch, Surface And Groundwater Sampling No Further Requirements - Ahmanson Ranch, Ventura County, California (Slic No. 1112) (01/24/2004)
California Department of Health Services,
Radiologic Health Branch (RHB) Ahmanson
Ranch Groundwater Sampling of June 2003
- Boeing
Santa Susana Field Lab:
- Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC) letters for Happy Valley ( 09/25/2003):
- Perchlorate Characterization Work Plan
- Perchlorate
Source Evaluation and Technical Report
Santa Susana Field Laboratory. Ventura
County, February 3, 2003. Prepared for:
the Boeing Company Rocketyne Propulsion
and Power. Prepared by: Montgomery Watson
Harza (MWH)
(Please be patience when downloading below files, these documents are large PDF files)
- Volume
I - Text Tables and Figures:
- Perchlorate Report Text and Tables (2 MB)
- Figures 1-1 to 5-3 (10 MB)
- Figures 6-1 to 8-3 (5 MB)
- Volume II - List of Plates:
- Volume
III - Appendices:
- Appendix 3 A (8 MB)
- Appendix 4 A-1 Soils (8 MB)
- Appendix 4 A-2 to 8 A (4.5 MB)
- Volume
I - Text Tables and Figures:
- Groundwater Monitoring Quarterly Report, Second Quarter 2003, April through June 2003, Santa Susana Field Laboratory. (posted 10/21/2003)
Result from Recent Groundwater Sampling Activities at the Brandies-Bardin Institute. (posted 8/24/2003)
- California
Department of Health Services:
- Perchlorate
- Perchlorate
in California Drinking Water
- Division
of Laboratory Science: Environmental
Laboratory Accreditation Program
- Perchlorate
- Council
on Water Quality's position on Perchlorate
- Food and Drug Administration
- Government
Accountability Office (GAO):
- A System to Track Sampling and Cleanup Result is Needed (posted 06/22/2005)
- Massachussetts Department of Environmental Protection:
- Draft
Report: The Occurrence and Sources of Perchlorate
in Massachusette (posted 08/23/2005)
- National Academy of Science (NAS):
- Prepublication
Copy: Health
Implications of Perchlorate Ingestion
(posted 01/19/2005)
- Nevada Division of Environmental Protection
- Office
of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment(OEHHA):
- Proposition
65 - Hazard Identification Documents:
of Hazard Identification Materials for
Perchlorate and Announcement of the Developmental
and Reproductive Toxicant Identification
Committee Meeting
- Three
Scientific Peer Reviews Of The Office
Of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment's
December 2002 Draft Public Health Goal
(PHG) Document On Perchlorate In California
Drinking Water (01/24/2004)
- Water-
Public Health Goals (PHGs)
- Proposition
65 - Hazard Identification Documents:
of Hazard Identification Materials for
Perchlorate and Announcement of the Developmental
and Reproductive Toxicant Identification
Committee Meeting
State Board:
- The joint state agency Perchlorate report for confirmed releases
- State Board's Perchlorate Information page
- Presentation - "Perchlorate Contamination of California's Ground Water Supplies, Joint Presentation by James Giannopoulus (State Water RResources Control Board) and Karen Baker (Department of Toxic Substances Control)":
- State of California-Senate Office of Research:
Reference Dose (posted 03/14/2005)
- Perchlorate Monitoring Results: Henderson, Nevada to the Lower Colorado River - June 2004 Report ( 09/15/2004)
- Perchlorate information (Ground Water & Drinking Water - USEPA)
- Draft Perchlorate Contamination Treatment Alternatives ( 09/25/2003)
- Bush Administration Plans to Seek Scientific Study on EPA Perchlorate Toxicity Data (03/11/2003)
- Status of EPAs Interim Assessment Guidance for Perchlorate (01/22/2003)
- Perchlorate Update Sponsored by: U.S. EPA Technical Support Project.
- Perchlorate
Remediation Information:
A new web page devoted to perchlorate remediation has been launched on the CLU-IN site. This page provides access to over 40 technical reports, journal articles, web pages, and other materials from public and private sources.
Representing the latest advancements in the research and application of perchlorate treatment technologies, these resources provide up to date information in a number or formats including treatability studies, cost and performance reports, case studies, presentations, and peer reviewed literature. View and download the perchlorate remediation resources on CLU-IN at - Terms
Of Environment (Glossary, Abbreviations,
and Acronyms) (Revised December 1997)
"Terms Of Environment" defines in non-technical language the more commonly used environmental terms appearing in EPA publications, news releases, and other Agency documents available to the general public, students, the media, and Agency employees. The definitions do not constitute the Agency's official use of terms and phrases for regulatory purposes, and nothing in this document should be construed to alter or supplant any other federal document. Official terminology may be
found in the laws and related regulations as published in such sources as the Congressional Record, Federal Register, and elsewhere.
The terms selected for inclusion are derived from previously published lists, internal glossaries produced by various programs and specific suggestions made by personnel in many Agency offices. The chemicals and pesticides selected for inclusion are limited to those most frequently referred to in Agency publications or that are the subject of major regulatory or program
Definitions or information about substances or program activities not included herein may be found in EPA libraries or scientific/technical reference documents, or may be obtained from various program offices. Those with suggestions for future editions should write to the Editorial Services Division, Office of Communications, Education, and Public Affairs, 1704, USEPA, Washington DC 20460.
Also available on USEPA website.
- Perchlorate
News Articles:
- Environment, Science & Technology, Natural Perchlorate Has a Unique Oxygen Isotope Signature (posted 09/15/2004)
- The University of Arizona (Sci/Tech), January 28, 2004 "Measuring Perchlorate Levels in Lettuce" ( 02/04/2004)
- The Daily, February 1, 2004 "Expert: Perchlorate Risk Poorly Understood" (02/04/2004)
- The Press-Enterprise , September 20, 2003 "Chemical Toxin Found in Milk" ( 09/26/2003)
- Environment, Science & Technology, September 18, 2003 "Perchlorate in Milk" ( 09/25/2003)
- The Dispatch, September 18, 2003, " Test Tomato Crop Free of Perchlorate" ( 09/23/2003)
(213) 576-6607 or
Arthur Heath, Section Chief
(213) 576-6800 or
Su Han, Unit Chief Site Cleanup I
(213) 576-6735 or
Jeffrey Hu, Unit Chief Site Cleanup II
(213) 576-6803 or
Thizar Tintut-Williams, Unit Chief Site Cleanup III
(213) 576-6723 or
Jillian Ly, Unit Chief Site Cleanup IV
(213) 576-6664 or
Vacant, Unit Chief Site Cleanup V
Water Regulation
Water Code Section 13267 authorizes the Water Boards to require technical reports from suspected dischargers.
Water Code Section 13304 authorizes the Water Boards to issue "cleanup and abatement" orders requiring a discharger to cleanup and abate waste "where the discharger has caused or permitted waste to be discharged or deposited where it is or probably will be discharged into waters of the State and creates or threatens to create a condition of pollution or nuisance." Water Code Section 13304 also authorizes the Regional Water Boards to recover costs for oversight of site cleanup at these sites.
State Water Board Resolution No. 92-49, "Policies and Procedures for Investigation, Cleanup and Abatement of Discharges Under Water Code Section 13304", State Water Board Resolution No. 68-16, "Statement of Policy with Respect to Maintaining High Quality of Waters in California"; and State Water Board Resolution No. 88-63,"Sources of Drinking Water", contain the policies and procedures that all Water Boards shall follow to oversee and regulate investigations and cleanup and abatement activities resulting from all types of discharge or threat of discharge subject to Water Code Section 13304.