Storm Water – Commercial, Industrial and Institutional (CII) Permit
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and authorized states such as California regulate stormwater discharges from municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s), industrial activities, and construction sites. Per section 402(p) of the Clean Water Act, these stormwater discharges that drain to waters of the U.S. must be regulated by a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. In addition, USEPA can use its "residual designation" authority under 40 CFR 122.26(a)(9)(i)(C) and (D) to require NPDES permits for other stormwater discharges or category of discharges on a case-by-case basis. The Los Angeles Regional Water Board and USEPA are considering potential regulatory requirements for stormwater runoff from certain commercial, industrial, and institutional (CII) facilities in the Dominguez Channel/Greater Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbor Watershed and the Los Cerritos Channel/Alamitos Bay Watershed to reduce pollutant levels in stormwater runoff that flows from these facilities. These waterbodies are currently polluted by numerous chemicals, including copper and zinc, which can harm aquatic life, ecosystems, and human health. Impervious surfaces such as streets, parking lots, rooftops, and sidewalks collect a variety of pollutants. In order to address the water quality issues in these two watersheds, USEPA is considering requiring certain CII facilities in the Dominguez Channel/Greater Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbor Watershed and the Los Cerritos Channel/Alamitos Bay Watershed to obtain the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit coverage for stormwater discharges. To review and comment on USEPA’s preliminary residual designation, please see USEPA's Draft Residual Designation here In order to provide permit coverage for these facilities, the Los Angeles Regional Water Board (LA Water Board) is considering the issuance of a single NPDES permit for all applicable CII sites in these watersheds.
Notice of Postponement of Public Hearing
- Notice of Postponement of Public Hearing
- Revised Public Notice of Opportunity for Public Comment and Public Hearing Correct Inadvertent Typographical Errors in Clean Copy of Revised Draft Permit and to Extend Comment Period
- Notice of Opportunity for Public Comment and Public Hearing
Revised Draft Permit
Revised Draft Permit With Track Changes
Response to Comments on the Draft Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional General Permit
- Notice of Postponement of Public Hearing
- Revised Notice of Opportunity for Public Comment, Staff Workshop, and Public Hearing
- Public Notice
- Draft Permit
- LA Water Board August 30, 2022 Staff Workshop
- LA Water Board December 6 and 17, 2021 Stakeholder Meeting
The following items are subject to the ex parte communication disclosure requirements of Water Code section 13287, as explained in https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/losangeles/laws_regulations/la_disclosure.pdf. Any communications between interested persons and board members (other than at a noticed board meeting about these matters or submitted as a comment letter in compliance with the public notice) must be disclosed by the interested person within seven days of the communication. Sample disclosure forms are available at: https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/losangeles/laws_regulations/#exparte. Ex parte communications between interested persons and board members concerning this item will be prohibited beginning 14 days prior to any meeting scheduled for adoption of an order in this matter.
- Conditional Waiver for General Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional Stormwater Permit
- Dawn Koepke
Contact Information:
Program Manager: Jim Kang  (213) 576-6683
Program Supervisor: Andrew Choi  (213) 576-6791
- Ruben Bayon (213) 620-2244
- Eric Young (213) 576-6757
USEPA Contact: R9RDA@epa.gov
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