Stormwater - Construction General Permits

  • NEW! Los Angeles 2022 Reissued CGP Workshop Recording and Staff Presentation.
  • NEW! State Water Board 2022 Reissued CGP Road Show Recording and Presentation
  • NEW! 2022 CGP Soil Screening TMDL Compliance for Los Angeles Area Lakes and Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbor Waters
    Dischargers shall use the soil screening investigation (prior to land disturbance) as part of their pollutant source assessment and comply with the numeric effluent limitation for TSS, if applicable, to comply with the Los Angeles Area Lakes TMDL (by September 1, 2023) for chlordane, DDT, dieldrin, and PCBs and the Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbor Waters TMDL (by March 23, 2032) for copper, lead, and zinc.
  • NEW! Regional Dewatering Permit
    The Los Angeles Region has a separate Dewatering NPDES Permit. Dischargers with dewatering activities subject to a separate NPDES permit for dewatering activities are not subject to the provisions in the 2022 CGP Attachment J and shall obtain a separate NPDES coverage as required by the State or Regional Water Board. Please contact Watershed Regulatory for information.
Permits: Forms: Databases Others:
  • Linear Projects: Linear projects disturbing one or more acres of land must obtain coverage under the Construction General Permit Order 2009-0009-DWQ
  • Low Impact Development (LID) Info:
    • Los Angeles County
    • Ventura County
    • CASQA
  • Linear Construction