Storm Water - Construction General Permits
- Name of Person or Business
- Type of Business
- Type of Complaint
- Address of Business
- Any additional comments
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What is this permit? The Industrial General Permit regulates industrial storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges from industrial facilities in California. The Industrial General Permit is called a general permit because many industrial facilities are covered by the same permit, but comply with its requirements at their individual industrial facilities. The State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) and Regional Water Quality Control Boards (collectively, the Water Boards) implement and enforce the Industrial General Permit.
Who needs this permit? Industrial facilities such as manufacturers, landfills, mining, steam generating electricity, hazardous waste facilities, transportation with vehicle maintenance, larger sewage and wastewater plants, recycling facilities, and oil and gas facilities that do not qualify for an exemption. Click here to see Attachment A of the permit for a complete list of facilities covered by the Industrial General Permit.
Please send complaints to
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You may also include your contact information. This is optional. You do not have to tell us who you are or where you live. However, in some cases, not being able to contact you may limit our ability to investigate the problem.
Recent News:
- Renewal of the Industrial General Permit is underway - the public comment period was extended for the proposed Industrial General Permit amendment.
- Proposed Industrial General Permit Amendment. Link to Proposed Amendment
- The deadline to submit the Annual Report for the Industrial General Permit is July 15. Guide for Submittal
- The deadline to submit the Annual Report for the Construction General Permit is September 1.
- The annual fee for a No Exposure Certification is $150.
- The deadline to recertify No Exposure Certifications is October 1. Guide for recertification
- Report a Non-Filer - let us know if a business or construction site does not have a Storm Water Permit
- Industrial Storm Water and Construction Storm Water Programs - Hugh Marley
- Enforcement of the Industrial and Construction Storm Water Programs - Pavlova Vitale
- Municipal Storm Water Program - Ivar Ridgeway
- Enforcement of the Industrial General Permit:
Supervisor: Pavlova Vitale (213) 576-6751 - No Exposure Certifications and Recertifications:
Francisco Pineda, (213) 576-6722 - Level 1 ERA Reports:
Ashley Olmeda, (213) 620-6190
Francisco Pineda, (213) 576-6722 - Level 2 ERA Reports:
Enrique Loera, (213) 620-2111r
Joseph Guzman, (213) 620-2122 - Annual Reports:
Enrique Loera, (213) 620-2111 - Trouble shooting log-in issues with the SMARTS database: - Ad Hoc Reports:
Francisco Pineda, (213) 576-6722 - Any Other Inquiries:
Younga Choi, (213) 620-6363