To request a copy of documents listed on this page, please see our Public Records Center web page.
Items on this page are listed in reverse chronological order.
- Resolution No. R5-2024-0060, Adopting the 2024 Triennial Review and Workplan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers Basins and the Tulare Lake Basin, Adopted on 13 December 2024
- Resolution No. R5-2024-0058, Certifying Final Environmental Impact Report for Waste Discharge Requirements for Nonpoint Source Discharges Related to Certain Activities conducted by the United States Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management, Adopted on 13 December 2024
- Resolution No. R5-2024-0003, Approving an Initial Study and Adopting a Negative Declaration for the City of Lemoore and Leprino Foods Company River Ranch Recycled Water Project, Adopted on 16 February 2024
- Resolution No. R5-2023-0001, Amending Waste Discharge Requirements General Order for Growers within the Sacramento River Watershed that are Members of the Third-Party Group, R5-2014-0030-10, Adopted 23 February 2023
- Resolution No. R5-2022-0067, Affirming the Central Valley Water Board's Commitment to State Water Board Resolution No. 2021-0050 (Resolution Condemning Racism, Xenophobia, Bigotry and Racial Injustice and Strengthening Commitment to Racial Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Access, and Anti-racism), and Establishing Water Quality Program Goals in Support of Racial Equity, Adopted 8 December 2022
- Resolution No. R5-2022-0035, Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan For the Tulare Lake Basin to Remove the Municipal and Domestic Supply (MUN) and Agricultural Supply (AGR) Beneficial Uses From Groundwater Within a Designated Horizontal and Vertical Portion of the Southern Lost Hills Oilfield, Adopted on 10 June 2022
- Resolution No. R5-2022-0001, Adopting the 2021 Triennial Review and Workplan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers Basins and the Tulare Lake Basin Adopted on 17 February 2022
- Resolution No. R5-2022-0018, Amendments to the Water Quality Control Plans for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins and The Tulare Lake Basin to Incorporate the Definitions for Tribal Beneficial Uses, Adopted on 18 February 2022
- Resolution No. R5-2021-0054, Approval of Delta Regional Monitoring Program Governance Structure and Implementing Entity, Adopted on 15 October 2021
- Resolution No. R5-2021-0017, Supplemental Program Environmental Impact Report for the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program, Adopted on 22 April 2021
- Resolution No. R5-2020-0057, Revisions to the Amendments to the Water Quality Control Plans for The Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins and the Tulare Lake Basin to Incorporate a Central Valley-wide Salt and Nitrate Control Program, Adopted on 10 December 2020. This resolution includes late and late, late revisions as of the 10 December 2020 adoption.
- Resolution No. R5-2020-0045, Approving an Initial Study and Adopting a Negative Declaration for Aerojet Waste Consolidation Unit Project, Adopted on 15 October 2020
- Resolution No. R5-2020-0003, Reappointment of Sopac McCarthy Mulholland (Soapy) to Represent the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board on the Pacific Forest and Watershed Lands Stewardship Council, Adopted on 20 February 2020
- Resolution No. R5-2019-0046, Approval of Recommendations for the Federal Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List, Adopted on 7 June 2019
- Resolution No. R5-2019-0041, Authorizing the Executive Officer to Enter Into a Memorandum of Understanding with the United States Army Corps of Engineers, San Francisco District Concerning Operations and Maintenance Dredging of Stockton and Sacramento Deep Water Ship Channels, Adopted on 6 June 2019
- Resolution No. R5-2019-0006, Designation of Regulated Small MS4 for California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Mule Creek State Prison into the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System General Permit for Waste Discharge Requirements for Storm Water Discharges from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems Permit No. CAS000004, Adopted on 8 February 2019
- Resolution R5-2018-0079, Adopting the 2018 Triennial Review and Work Plan for the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers Basins and the Tulare Lake Basin, Adopted 6 December 2018
- Resolution R5-2018-0078, Acceptance of Prop 1 Grant Funds for Monitoring Harmful Algae Toxins in the Delta, Adopted 6 December 2018
- Resolution R5-2018-0059, Approval of the Delta Nutrient Research Plan for Development of Information Prior to Consideration of Nutrient Numeric Objectives, Adopted 2 August 2018
- Resolution R5-2018-0057, Adopting Delegation of Powers and Duties to the Executive Officer, Adopted on 2 August 2018
- Resolution R5-2018-0034, Amendments to the Water Quality Control Plans for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins and the Tulare Lake Basin to Incorporate a Central Valley-wide Salt and Nitrate Control Program, Adopted on 31 May 2018
- Resolution R5-2018-0015, Directing Staff to Prepare an Appropriate Order for Valley Water Management Company's McKittrick 1 & 1-3 Facility, Adopted on 5 April 2018
- Resolution R5-2017-0116, Adopting the Central Valley Region Climate Change Work Plan, Adopted on 8 December 2017
- Resolution R5-2017-0106, Amendments to Reformat the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins and the Water Quality Control Plan for the Tulare Lake Basin, Adopted 20 October 2017
- Resolution R5-2017-0090, Reappointment of Sopac McCarthy Mulholland (Soapy) to Represent the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board on the Pacific Forest and Watershed Lands Stewardship Council, Adopted 11 August 2017
- Resolution R5-2017-0088, Amendments to the Water Quality Control Plans for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins and Tulare Lake Basin to establish a Region-wide Municipal and Domestic Supply (MUN) Beneficial Use Evaluation Process in Agriculturally Dominated Surface Water Bodies and to Remove the MUN Beneficial Use from 231 Constructed or Modified Ag Drains in the San Luis Canal Company District, Adopted 11 August 2017
- Resolution No. R5-2017-0400, Approving the 2017 Disadvantaged Community Supplemental Environmental Project List Submitted by the Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment
- Attachment A - 2017 Summary of SEPs to Benefit Disadvantaged Communities in the Central Valley Region
- Attachment B - 2017 List of DAC SEPs to Benefit Disadvantaged Communities in the Central Valley Region
- Resolution No. R5-2017-0062, Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River Basin and San Joaquin River Basin to Add Electrical Conductivity Water Quality Objectives in the San Joaquin River Between the Mouth of the Merced River and the Airport Way Bridge Near Vernalis, Adopted on 9 June 2017
- Resolution No. R5-2017-0057, Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River Basin and San Joaquin River Basins for the Control of Pyrethroid Pesticide Discharges, Adopted on 8 June 2017
- Resolution No. R5-2017-0032, Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Tulare Lake Basin to Remove the Municipal and Domestic Supply (MUN) and Agricultural Supply (AGR) Beneficial Uses from Groundwater within a Designated Horizontal and Vertical Portion of the Tulare Lake Bed, Adopted 6 April 2017
- Resolution No. R5-2017-0031, Accepting the Salt and Nitrate Management Plan for the Central Valley Region, Developed under the CV-SALTS Initiative and Directing Staff to Initiate Basin Plan Amendments as Appropriate to Implement the Plan, Adopted 9 March 2017
- Resolution No. R5-2016-0083, Approval of Recommendations for the Federal Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List, Adopted 5 December 2016
- Resolution No. R5-2016-9002, Approving the 2016 Disadvantaged Community Supplemental Environmental Project List Submitted by the Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment
- Attachment A - 2016 Summary of SEPs to Benefit Disadvantaged Communities in the Central Valley Region
- Attachment B - 2016 List of SEPs to Benefit Disadvantaged Communities in the Central Valley Region
- Resolution No. R5-2016-0064, Developing a Strategy for Regulation of Managed Wetlands, Adopted 19 August 2016
- Resolution No. R5-2016-0018, Adopting the Human Right to Water as a Core Value in Central Valley Water Board Programs and Activities, Adopted 21 April 2016
- Resolution No. R5-2016-0009, Supplemental Environmental Projects Program to Benefit the Delta Regional Monitoring Program, Adopted 19 February 2016
- Resolution No. R5-2015-0079, Amending Waste Discharge Requirements to Allow for Participation in Regional Monitoring Programs, Adopted on 5 June 2015
- Resolution No. R5-2015-0063, Central Valley Region: Emergency, Abandoned, and Recalcitrant (EAR) Account, Fiscal Year 2015/16 Annual Site List, Adopted on 17 April 2015
- Resolution No. R5-2015-0022, Amending the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins to Remove the Municipal and Domestic Supply (MUN) Beneficial Use in Twelve Constructed and/or Modified Water Bodies in the Sacramento River Basin that Receive Treated Municipal Wastewater from the Cities of Biggs, Colusa, Live Oak or Willows, Adopted 16 April 2015
- Resolution No. R5-2015-0021, Adopting the 2014 Triennial Review and Work Plan for the Tulare Lake Basin, Adopted on 16 April 2015
- Resolution No. R5-2015-0020, Adopting the 2014 Triennial Review and Work Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins, Adopted on 16 April 2015
- Resolution No. R5-2015-9001, Renewing the Supplemental Environmental Projects Program to Benefit Disadvantaged Communities Implemented in Partnership with the Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment and Approving the 2015 Disadvantaged Community Supplemental Environmental Project List, Adopted 6 April 2015
- Attachment A - 2015 Summary of Projects to Benefit Disadvantaged Communities in the Central Valley Region
- Attachment B - 2015 List of Projects to Benefit Disadvantaged Communities in the Central Valley Region
- Resolution No. R5-2015-0017, Approving an Initial Study and Adopting a Negative Declaration for General Order for In-situ Groundwater Remediation and Discharge of Treated Groundwater to Land, Adopted 6 February 2015
- Resolution No. R5-2015-0008, Approving the continuation of the Control Program for the Dissolved Oxygen Impairment in the Stockton Deep Water Ship Channel, Adopted 6 February 2015
- Resolution No. R5-2014-0151, Approving a Real-time Salinity Management Program for Implementation by Dischargers of Irrigation Return Flows from Irrigated Lands within the Lower San Joaquin River Basin to Meet Salinity Water Quality Objectives in the San Joaquin River at Vernalis Adopted 4 December 2014
- Resolution No. R5-2014-0150, Approving a Management Agency Agreement with the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation for Meeting Salinity Water Quality Objectives in the San Joaquin River at Vernalis, Adopted on 4 December 2014
- Resolution No. R5-2014-0400, Request for Cleanup and Abatement Account Funds for Demonstration Pilot Project for Biological Denitrification of Rural Community Groundwater, Paradise Colony, Tulare County, Issued by the Executive Officer on 8 July 2014
- Resolution No. R5-2014-0074, Amendments to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins and the Water Quality Control Plan for the Tulare Lake Basin to add Policies for Variances from Surface Water Quality Standards for Point Source Dischargers, Variance Program for Salinity, and Exception from Implementation of Water Quality Objectives for Salinity, Adopted on 6 June 2014
- Resolution No. R5-2014-0048, Central Valley Region; Emergency, Abandoned, and Recalcitrant (EAR) Account, Fiscal Year 2014/15 Annual Site List, Issued by the Executive Officer on 28 March 2014
- Resolution No. R5-2014-0047, Amendments to the Water Quality Control Plan for The Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins to establish a groundwater management framework for the Royal Mountain King Mine Site, Calaveras County, Adopted on 28 March 2014
- Resolution No. R5-2014-0041, Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins for the Control of Diazinon and Chlorpyrifos Discharges, Adopted on 28 March 2014
- Minor Modification Letter, Minor, Non-Substantive Changes to the Basin Plan Amendments Adopted under Resolution R5-2014-0041, Issued by the Executive Officer on 7 March 2017
- Resolution No. R5-2014-0040, Approving a Proposal by the Rose Foundation to Assist in the Disbursement and Oversight of Funds Directed to Supplemental Environmental Projects to Benefit Disadvantaged Communities, Adopted on 28 March 2014
- Resolution No. R5-2014-0038, Amendments to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Tulare Lake Basin to Edit and Update Language, Issued by the Executive Officer on 27 March 2014
- Resolution No. R5-2014-0037, Amendments to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins to Edit and Update Language, Adopted on 27 March 2014
- Resolution No. R5-2014-0036, Amendments to the Water Quality Control Plans for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins, and the Tulare Lake Basin, Regarding Onsite Wastewater System Implementation Program, Adopted on 27 March 2014
- Resolution No. R5-2014-0010, Addressing 14-Day Time Periods in which the Central Valley Water Board will Generally Not Accept Otherwise Allowable Ex Parte Communications Regarding Pending General Orders, General Water Quality Certifications, and General Waivers, Adopted on 19 March 2014
- Resolution No. R5-2013-0149, Approving a Time Extension for the Development of a Central Valley Salt and Nitrate Management Plan Pursuant to the Recycled Water Policy, Adopted 6 December 2013
- Resolution No. R5-2013-0130, Participation in Delta Regional Monitoring Program in Lieu of Individual Monitoring Efforts, Adopted 4 October 2013
- Resolution No. R5-2013-0098, Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for The Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins to Establish a Drinking Water Policy for Surface Waters of the Delta and its Upstream Tributaries, Adopted on 26 July 2013
- Resolution No. R5-2013-0400, Request for Cleanup and Abatement Account funds for the Delta Mercury Exposure Reduction Program, Issued by the Executive Officer on 3 June 2013
- Resolution No. R5-2013-0079, Approval of the Revised Guidance Manual for New Development for Stormwater Quality Control for City of Modesto Phase I Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System, Adopted on 31 May 2013
- City of Modesto Stormwater Management Program - 2011 Guidance Manual for Development Stormwater Quality Control Measures
- Resolution No. R5-2013-0053, Authorization for the Executive Officer to Apply for Funds from the State Water Cleanup and Abatement Account for the Penn Mine Landfill, Adopted on 31 May 2013
- Resolution No. R5-2013-0025, Central Valley Region; Emergency, Abandoned, and Recalcitrant (EAR) Account, Fiscal Year 2013/14 Annual Site List, Issued by the Executive Officer on 12 April 2013
- Resolution No. R5-2012-0400, Request for Cleanup and Abatement Account Funds for Improving Remediation of PCE in Turlock Groundwater, City of Turlock, Stanislaus County, Issued by the Executive Of9 December 2012ficer on 19 December 2012
- Resolution No. R5-2012-0022, Central Valley Region; Emergency, Abandoned, and Recalcitrant (EAR) Account, Fiscal Year 2012/13 Annual Site List, Adopted on 30 March 2012
- Resolution No. R5-2011-0075, Non-Regulatory Amendments to the Water Quality Control Plans for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins and the Tulare Lake Basin to Provide a Cost Estimate and Potential Sources of Financing for a Long-Term Irrigated Lands Program, Adopted on 13 October 2011
- Resolution No. R5-2011-0074, Adopting the 2011 Triennial Review and Work Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins, Adopted on 13 October 2011
- Resolution No. R5-2011-0059, Authorizing the Executive Officer to Enter into an Agreement for Mutual Release and Covenant Not to Sue with SVA Group, LLC and Sierra Valley Almonds, LLC for two parcels containing concrete warehouses at the former Oberti Olive Processing Facility, 12806 Road 26, Madera County, Adopted on 5 August 2011
- Resolution No. R5-2011-0032, Short-Term Renewal of the Coalition Group Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from Irrigated Lands, Adopted on 9 June 2011
- Resolution No. R5-2011-0023, Central Valley Region; Emergency, Abandoned, and Recalcitrant (EAR) Account, Fiscal Year 2011/2012 Annual Site List, Adopted on 8 April 2011
- Resolution No. R5-2011-0020, Authorization for the Executive Officer to Enter into an Agreement for Mutual Release and Covenant Not to Sue for the Wide Awake Mercury Mine and the Central, Cherry Hill, Empire, Manzanita and West End Mine Properties, Colusa County, Adopted on 8 April 2011
- Resolution No. R5-2011-0017, Certification of the Final Program Environmental Impact Report for The Long-Term Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program, Adopted on 7 April 2011
- Resolution No. R5-2011-0002, Authorization for the Executive Officer To Approve Agreements That Effectuate Settlements Between Lodi and Other Parties for the Northern, Western and Southern Groundwater Plumes, San Joaquin County, Adopted on 3 February 2011
- Resolution No. R5-2010-0117, Adoption of Final Waste Discharge Requirements General Order for Dairies With Manure Anaerobic Digester or Co-Digester Facilities (General Order) as in The Final Program Environmental Impact Report (Program EIR) and Findings, Adopted on 10 December 2010
- Resolution No. R5-2010-0116, Certification of the Final Program Environmental Impact Report of Waste Discharge Regulatory Program for Dairy Manure Digester and Co-Digester Facilities, Adopted on 10 December 2010
- Resolution No. R5-2010-9002, Objecting to Tax Sale of Penn Mine Property, Issued by the Executive Officer on 27 October 2010
- Resolution No. R5-2010-0095, Groundwater Quality Protection Strategy for the Central Valley Region A "Road map", Adopted on 22 September 2010
- Resolution No. R5-2010-0079, Establishment of a Central Valley Drinking Water Policy for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Upstream Tributaries, Adopted on 29 July 2010
- Resolution No. R5-2010-0047, Amendments to the Water Quality Control Plan for The Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins to Establish Site-Specific Water Quality Objectives for Chloroform, Chlorodibromomethane, and Dichlorobromomethane for New Alamo and Ulatis Creeks, Solano County, and Permit Implementation Provisions, Adopted on 27 May 2010
- Resolution No. R5-2010-0046, Amending the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins for the Control of Selenium in the Lower San Joaquin River Basin, Adopted on 27 May 2010
- Resolution No. R5-2010-0043, Amendments to the Water Quality Control Plan for The Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins for The Control of Methylmercury and Total Mercury in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary, Adopted on 22 April 2010
- Resolution No. R5-2010-0024, Preparation of Salinity and Nutrient Management Plans Pursuant to the Recycled Water Policy, Adopted on 18 March 2010
- Resolution No. R5-2010-0037, Central Valley Region, Emergency, Abandoned, and Recalcitrant (EAR) Account, Fiscal Year 2010/2011 Annual Site List, Adopted on 18 March 2010
- Resolution No. R5-2010-0023, Approving the Triennial Review and Work Plan for the Tulare Lake Basin, Adopted on 18 March 2010
- Resolution No. R5-2010-9001, Approving the Rice Pesticides Program - Control of Rice Pesticides, Adopted on 24 February 2010
- Resolution No. R5-2009-0114, Directing Executive Officer to Issue Time Schedule Orders in Appropriate Cases, Adopted 10 December 2009
- Resolution No. R5-2009-0069, Non-Regulatory Amendments to the Water Quality Control Plan for The Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins to Correct Editing Errors and Update Language, Adopted 13 August 2009
- Resolution No. R5-2009-0059, Approval of the 2008 Integrated Report of Federal Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 305(b) and Section 303(d) List of Water Quality Limited Segments, Adopted on 11 June 2009
- Resolution No. R5-2009-0027, Delegation of Powers and Duties to the Executive Officer (Revision), Adopted on 23 April 2009
- Resolution No. R5-2009-0042, Adoption of Central Valley Region Emergency, Abandoned, and Recalcitrant (EAR) Account - Fiscal Year 2009/2010 Annual Site List, Adopted on 24 April 2009
- Resolution No. R5-2009-0028, Resolution in Support of Regionalization, Reclamation, Recycling and Conservation for Wastewater Treatment Plants, Adopted on 23 April 2009
- Resolution No. R5-2008-0180, Approving Supplemental Environmental Project List Criteria and Authorizing Executive Officer to Administer the Supplemental Environmental Project and Regional Water Quality Improvement Projects Program, Adopted on 5 December 2008
- Resolution No. R5-2008-0181, Resolution in Support of Developing a Groundwater Strategy for the Central Valley Region, Adopted on 4 December 2008
- Resolution No. R5-2008-0134, Strategic Workplan for Actions to Protect Beneficial Uses of the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary, Adopted on 11 September 2008
- Resolution No. R5-2008-0030, Establishment of Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for Pathogens in Stockton Urban Waterways, Adopted on 14 March 2008
- Resolution No. R5-2007-0161, Water Boards' Actions to Protect Beneficial Uses of the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary, Adopted on 6 December 2007
- Resolution No. R5-2007-0136, Amendment to Basin Plan to Revise Water Quality Objectives for pH and Turbidity, Adopted on 25 October 2007
- Resolution No. R5-2007-0034, Amending the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins for the Control of Diazinon and Chlorpyrifos Runoff into the Sacramento and Feather Rivers, Adopted on 3 May 2007
- Resolution No. R5-2007-0009, Delegation of Powers and Duties to the Executive Officer (Revision), Adopted on 15 March 2007
- Resolution No. R5-2007-0018, Approving the Rice Pesticide Program - Control of Rice Pesticides in 2007 - 2009, Adopted on 15 March 2007
- Resolution No. R5-2007-0021, Amendment to The Water Quality Control Plan for The Sacramento River and San Joaquin Basins to Determine Certain Beneficial Uses are not Applicable and Establish Water Quality Objectives in Sulphur Creek, Adopted on 16 March 2007
- Resolution No. R5-2006-0028, Adoption of Central Valley Region Emergency, Abandoned, and Recalcitrant (EAR) Account - Fiscal Year 2006/2007 Annual Site List, Adopted on 21 March 2006
- Resolution No. R5-2006-0024, Requesting State Water Resources Control Board Support of Efforts Addressing Salinity in the Central Valley, Adopted on 16 March 2006
- Resolution No. R5-2006-0061, Amending the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins for the Control of Diazinon and Chlorpyrifos Runoff into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, Adopted on 23 June 2006
- Resolution No. R5-2006-0060, Amending the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins for the Control of Nutrients in Clear Lake, Adopted on 23 June 2006
- Resolution No. R5-2006-0052, Adoption of Resolution Regarding the Reuse of Food Processing by-Products within Stanislaus County, Adopted on 22 June 2006
- Resolution No. R5-2006-0027, Approving the 2005 Triennial Review and Work Plan for the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins, Adopted on 16 March 2006
- Resolution No. R5-2006-0026, Approving Rice Pesticide Program - Control of Rice Pesticides in 2006, Adopted on 16 March 2006
- Resolution No. R5-2006-0023, Delegating Certain Powers and Duties to the Executive Officer, Adopted on 16 March 2006
- Resolution No. R5-2005-0146, Amending the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River & San Joaquin River Basins for the Control of Mercury in Cache Creek, Bear Creek, Sulphur, and Harley Gulch, Adopted on 21 October 2005
- Resolution No. R5-2005-0138, Amending the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River & San Joaquin River Basins for the Control of Diazinon & Chlorpyrifos Runoff into the San Joaquin River, Adopted on 21 October 2005
- Resolution No. R5-2005-0125, Approving & Accepting the Buttonwillow County Water District's Declaration of Potential Water Pollution & Time Schedule for Compliance for the Buttonwillow County Water District, Adopted on 20 October 2005
- Resolution No. R5-2005-0124, Approving & Accepting the City of Shafter's Declaration of Potential Water Pollution & a Time Schedule for Compliance for the City of Shafter, Adopted on 20 October 2005
- Resolution No. R5-2005-0119, Modifying Resolution No. R5-2003-0006, Site-Specific Temperature Objectives for Deer Creek in El Dorado & Sacramento Counties, Adopted on 16 September 2005
- Resolution No. R5-2005-0113, Approving the Initial Environmental Study & Adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration for Bell-Carter Olive Company Surface Impoundment Closure & Post-Closure Maintenance, Adopted on 5 August 2005
- Resolution No. R5-2005-0109, Request for Cleanup and Abatement Account Funds for Investigation of Public Health Risks from PCE in Groundwater at Sierra Launderers & Cleaners in Sonora, Adopted on 5 August 2005
- Resolution No. R5-2005-0108, Request for Cleanup and Abatement Account Funds for Alternative Water Supply for Private Domestic Wells Owners on Southwest Avenue in Sacramento, Adopted on 5 August 2005
- Resolution No. R5-2005-0105, Settlement Regarding Lodi Central Plume Area Cleanup and Abatement Order No. R5-2004-0043, Adopted on 5 August 2005
- Resolution No. R5-2005-0083, Approving and Accepting the Kern County Health Officer's Declaration of Potential Water Pollution and a Time Schedule for Compliance for the South Shafter Community, Adopted on 24 June 2005
- Resolution No. R5-2005-0081, Approving and Accepting the City of Maricopa's Declaration of Potential Water Pollution and a Time Schedule for Compliance for the City of Maricopa, Adopted on 24 June 2005
- Resolution No. R5-2005-0054, Adoption of Emergency, Abandoned, and Recalcitrant (EAR) Account Fiscal Year 2005/2006 Annual Site List, Adopted on 29 April 2005
- Resolution No. R5-2005-0053, Amending the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins to De-Designate Four Beneficial Uses of Old Alamo Creek, Adopted on 28 April 2005
- Resolution No. R5-2005-0051, California Rice Commission, Rice Pesticide Program - Control of Rice Pesticides in 2005, Adopted on 18 March 2005
- Resolution No. R5-2005-0047, Waiving Waste Discharge Requirements for R&L Brosamer, Inc/Granite Construction Company (Joint Venture), Gold Run Temporary Batch Plant & Recycling Sites, Adopted on 17 March 2005
- Resolution No. R5-2005-0005, Amending the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins for the Control Program for Factors Contributing to the Dissolved Oxygen Impairment in the Stockton Deep Water Ship Channel, Adopted on 27 January 2005
- Resolution No. R5-2004-0164, Designating to the Chair the Authority to Represent The Regional Board in Matter Involving Litigation in the Event Absence of a Quorum, Adopted on 15 October 2004
- Resolution No. R5-2004-0163, Designating a Hearing Panel to Conduct Hearings in the Event of Absence of a Quorum, Adopted on 15 October 2004
- Resolution No. R5-2004-0109, Establishment of Total Maximum Daily Loads of Diazinon and Chlorpyrifos in Sacramento Area Urban Creeks, Adopted on 10 September 2004
- Resolution No. R5-2004-0108, Amending the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins for the Control of Salt and Boron Discharges Into the Lower San Joaquin River, Adopted on 10 September 2004
- Resolution No. R5-2004-0091, Support of Developing a Drinking Water Policy for The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Upstream Tributaries, Adopted on 9 July 2004
- Resolution No. R5-2004-0090, Amending the Water Quality Control Plan for The Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins to Modify the Beneficial Uses for Freshwater Aquatic Habitat (Warm and Cold) and Remove Spawning (SPWN) for West Squaw Creek, Adopted on 9 July 2004
- Resolution No. R5-2004-0075, Amending Waste Discharge Order No. R5-2002-0090 Requirements for Sacramento Cogeneration Authority, Sacramento Cogeneration Authority Project, Adopted on 4 June 2004
- Resolution No. R5-2004-0049, Adoption of Abandoned and Recalcitrant Site Priority List, Adopted on 23 April 2004
- Resolution No. R5-2004-0026, Approving Management Practices for the 2004 Rice Pesticide Program, Adopted on 18 March 2004
- Resolution No. R5-2003-0148, Amending the Water Quality Control Plan for The Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins for the Control of Orchard Pesticide Runoff and Diazinon Runoff Into The Sacramento and Feather Rivers, Adopted on 16 October
- Resolution No. R5-2003-0147, Delegating Certain Powers and Duties to the Executive Officer, Adopted on 16 October 2003
- Resolution No. R5-2003-0107, Rescinding General Waste Discharge Requirements for On-Site Storage and Off-Site Disposal of Wastewater Generated by Small Wineries Within the Central Valley Region, Adopted on 11 July 2003
- Resolution No. R5-2003-0069, Granting an Exception to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Control of Temperature in the Coastal and Interstate Waters and Enclosed Bays and Estuaries of California for the Gaylord Container Corporation, Antioch Paper and Pulp Mill (Discharger), Adopted on 25 April 2003
- Resolution No. R5-2003-0060, Adoption of Abandoned and Recalcitrant Site Priority List, Adopted on 24 April 2003
- Resolution No. R5-2003-0034, Approving Revised Amended Regional Toxic Hot Spot Cleanup Plans for Diazinon Orchard Dormant Spray, Urban Pesticides, and Irrigation Return Flow Pesticides, Adopted on 13 March 2003
- Resolution No. R5-2003-0033, Rescission of Resolution No. R5-2002-0205, Adopted on 13 March 2003
- Resolution No. R5-2003-0007, Amending the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins to Edit the Water Quality Objective for Bacteria in Ground Water, Adopted on 31 January 2003
- Resolution No. R5-2003-0006, Amending the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins to Adopt Site Specific Temperature Objectives for Deer Creek in El Dorado and Sacramento Counties, Adopted on 31 January 2003
- Resolution No. R5-2002-0207, Amending the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins for the Control of Mercury in Clear Lake, Adopted on 6 December 2002
- Resolution No. R5-2002-0177, Amending the Water Quality Control Plan for the Tulare Lake Basin to Clarify and Update Language, Adopted on 17 October 2002
- Resolution No. R5-2002-0176, Amending the Water Quality Control Plan for the Tulare Lake Basin to Update the Water Quality Objectives for Bacteria, Adopted on 17 October 2002
- Resolution No. R5-2002-0175, Approving the 2002 Triennial Review and Work Plan for the Tulare Lake Basin, Adopted on 17 October 2002
- Resolution No. R5-2002-0151, Amending the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins Clarify the Process of Changing the Beneficial Uses and Updating the Language, Adopted on 6 September 2002
- Resolution No. R5-2002-0150, Amending the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins to Update the Water Quality Objectives for Bacteria, Adopted on 6 September 2002
- Resolution No. R5-2002-0147, Renewing The Conditional Waivers of Waster Discharge Requirements for Pesticide Applicator Facilities and Retail Fertilizer Facilities, Adopted on 6 September 2002
- Resolution No. R5-2002-0228, Discharges from Irrigated Lands, Approving an Initial Study and Adopting a Negative Declaration for Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements, Adopted on 5 December 2002
- Resolution No. R5-2002-0127, Amending Water Quality Control Plan for The Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins to Adopt Site Specific pH and Turbidity Objectives for Deer Creek in El Dorado and Sacramento Counties, Adopted on 19 July 2002
- Resolution No. R5-2002-0126, Approving the 2002 Triennial Review and Work Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins, Adopted on 19 July 2002
- Resolution No. 5-01-211, Authorizing the Executive Officer to Enter Into a Memorandum of Understanding with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service to Eliminate Gray water Discharge from Houseboats to Shasta Lake, Adopted on 6 September 2001