To request a copy of documents listed on this page, please see our Public Records Center web page.
Items on this page are listed in reverse chronological order.
Waivers for Disaster-Related Wastes During a State of Emergency
- Order No. R5-2018-0017, Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements, Adopted on 6 April 2018 - Expired on 6 April 2023. Please refer to General Order WQ 2020-0004-DWQ
- Order No. R5-2013-0026, Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements, Adopted on 12 April 2013 - Replaced by Conditional Waiver R5-2018-0017
- Order No. R5-2008-0093, Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements, Adopted on 12 June 2008 - Replaced by Conditional Waiver R5-2013-0026
Waivers for Confined Animal Facilities
- Resolution No. R5-2003-0033, Rescission of Resolution No. R5-2002-0205, Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from Confined Animal Facilities, Adopted on 13 March 2003. On 13 March 2003, the Board rescinded the conditional waiver that had been adopted by the Board at the 6 December 2002 meeting. For additional information, contact the Confined Animal Facilities program Unit at RB5-CAF@waterboards.ca.gov.
Waivers for Discharges from Irrigated Lands
To request a copy of the waivers for discharges from irrigated lands, please contact Robert Ditto at Robert.Ditto@waterboards.ca.gov.
- Order No. R5-2006-0053-amended-(ver. 9 June 2011), Coalition Group Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from Irrigated Lands, Adopted on 9 June 2011, and Amended by the following Resolutions
- Resolution No. R5-2006-0077, Adopted on 3 August 2006
- Resolution No. R5-2008-0052, Adopted on 24 April 2008
- Resolution No. R5-2011-0032, Adopted on 9 June 2011
- Monitoring and Reporting Program No. R5-2010-0805 for the California Rice Commission Under Resolution No. R5-2006-0053 as Amended by R5-2006-0077, Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from Irrigated Lands, Issued by Executive Officer on 10 March 2010
- Monitoring and Reporting Program No. R5-2009-0809 for the California Rice Commission Under Resolution No. R5-2006-0053 as Amended by R5-2006-0077, Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from Irrigated Lands, Issued by Executive Officer on 17 February 2009 - Superceded by Order No. R5-2010-0805
- Monitoring and Reporting Program No. R5-2008-0831 for Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition under Amended Order No. R5-2006-0053, Coalition Group Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from Irrigated Lands, Issued by Executive Officer on 15 September 2008
- Order No. R5-2006-0053-amended-(ver. 24 April 08), Coalition Group Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from Irrigated Lands, Adopted on 24 April 2008, and Amended by the following Resolutions
- Resolution No. R5-2006-0077, Adopted on 3 August 2006
- Resolution No. R5-2008-0052, Adopted on 24 April 2008
- Resolution No. R5-2008-0052, Amending Order No. R5-2006-0053, Coalition Group Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from Irrigated Lands, Adopted on 24 April 2008
- Order No. R5-2008-0005, Monitoring & Reporting Program for Coalition Groups Under Amended Order No. R5-2006-0053, adopted on 25 January 2008.
- Order No. R5-2006-0053-amended, Coalition Group Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from Irrigated Lands, adopted on 22 June 2006, and - Amended by
- Resolution No. R5-2006-0077
- Resolution No. R5-2006-0077, Amending Order No. R5-2006-0053, Coalition Group Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from Irrigated Lands, Adopted on 3 August 2006
- Order No. R5-2006-0053, Coalition Group Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from Irrigated Lands, Adopted on 22 June 2006
- Order No. R5-2006-0054, Individual Discharger Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from Irrigated Lands, Adopted on 22 June 2006
- Resolution No. R5-2005-0137, Amending Resolution No. R5-2003-0105, Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from Irrigated Lands within the Central Valley, Adopted on 20 October 2005
- Resolution No. R5-2005-0107, Amending Resolution No. R5-2003-0105, Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from Irrigated Lands within the Central Valley, Adopted on 5 August 2005
- Monitoring and Reporting Program No. R5-2004-0839 for the California Rice Commission Under Resolution No. R5-2003-0105, Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from Irrigated Lands, Issued by Executive Officer on 18 November 2004
- Monitoring & Reporting Program No. R5-2005-0833, Issued by Executive Officer on 15 August 2005
- On 10/11 July 2003, the Regional Board adopted the following Resolutions and Orders regarding the Irrigated Lands Waiver Program. For more information regarding these documents contact the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program at (916) 464-4611 or by email at irrlands@waterboards.ca.gov.
- Resolution No. R5-2003-0102, Resolution rescinding R5-2002-0228, Approval of an Initial Study and Adoption of a Negative Declaration for Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from Irrigated Lands, and Resolution No. R5-2002-0201, Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from Irrigated Lands
- Resolution No. R5-2003-0103, Approving a revised Initial Study and adopting a revised Negative Declaration for Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from Irrigated Lands
- Resolution No. R5-2003-0105, Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from Irrigated Lands within the Central Valley, Amended by Resolution No. R5-2005-0107 on 5 August 2005
- The following documents related to Resolution R5-2003-0105 may be downloaded using the links provide below:
- Attachment A, Applicable Water Quality Control Plans and Definitions
- For Coalition Groups (As amended 22 January 2004 pursuant to SWRCB WQO-2004-0003)
- Attachment B, Conditional Waiver; Attachment D.1, Coalition Group Notice of Intent; and Attachment E, Notice of Termination to Comply with the Conditional Waiver
- Monitoring & Reporting Program No2003-0826. R5- for Coalition Groups enrolled under the Conditional Waiver; and Attachment A, Quality Assurance Program Plan for Coalition Groups, Rescinded and Replaced by Monitoring & Reporting Program No. R5-2005-0833 on 15 August 2005
- For Individual Dischargers
- Attachment C, Conditional Waiver; Attachment D.2, Individual Discharger Notice of Intent; and Attachment E, Notice of Termination to Comply with the Conditional Waiver
- Monitoring & Reporting Program No. R5-2003-0827 for Individual Dischargers enrolled under the Conditional Waiver; and Attachment A, Quality Assurance Program Plan for Individual Dischargers.
Waivers for Small Food Processors and Small Wineries
- Resolution No. R5-2025-0002, Approving Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Small Food Processors and Related Agricultural Processors within the Central Valley Region, Adopted by the Central Valley Water Board on 21 February 2025 (Expiring on 21 February 2030) Conditionally waives waste discharge requirements for small food processors and related agricultural processors that manage process wastewater and residual solids in specific ways. This waiver replaces Resolution No. R5-2020-0002, which expired on 20 February 2025. For additional information, contact Valerie Rasmussen at (530) 224-6130 or by email at valerie.rasmussen@waterboards.ca.gov
- Resolution No. R5-2020-0002, Approving Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Small Food Processors, Wineries and Related Agricultural Processors within the Central Valley Region, Adopted by the Central Valley Water Board on 20 February 2020 (Expiring on 20 February 2025) Conditionally waives waste discharge requirements for small food processors, wineries, and related agricultural processors that manage process wastewater and residual solids in specific ways. This waiver replaces Resolution No. R5-2015-0005, which expired on 5 February 2020. For additional information, contact Scott Armstrong at (916) 464-4616 or by email at scott.armstrong@waterboards.ca.gov. - Superseded by R5-2025-0002 on 21 February 2025
- Waiver Attachments
- Resolution R5-2015-0004, Resolution Adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration for a Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Small Food Processors, Wineries, and Related Agricultural Processors within the Central Valley Region, Adopted on 5 February 2015
- Notices of Applicability issued to facilities under Order R5-2020-0002
- Resolution No. R5-2015-0005, Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Small Food Processors, Wineries and Related Agricultural Processors within the Central Valley Region, Adopted by the Central Valley Water Board on 5 February 2015 - Replaced by Order No. R5-2020-0002
- Order No. R5-2009-0097, Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Small Food Processors and Small Wineries within the Central Valley Region, Adopted on 8 October 2009 - Replaced by Order No. R5-2015 -0005
- Resolution No. R5-2003-0106, Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Small Food Processors, Including Wineries within the Central Valley Region, Adopted on 11 July 2003 - Replaced by Order No. R5-2009-0097
Waivers for Specific Types of Discharge to Land within the Central Valley Region
- Resolution No. R5-2023-0061, Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements (WDRs), Reports of Waste Discharge (RWDs), and/or Water Recycling Requirements (WRRs) for Specific Types of Discharge Within the Central Valley Region (Low Threat Waiver)
- Resolution No. R5-2018-0085, Approving Waiver of Reports of Waste Discharge and Waste Discharge Requirements for Specific Types of Discharge within the Central Valley Region, Adopted on 7 December 2018 conditionally waives reports of waste discharge and/or waste discharge requirements for specific types of low threat discharges to land. Attachment A to the Resolution lists the conditions of waiver for each category. The accompanying information sheet provides further information regarding the applicability and conditions of the waiver.
- Resolution No. R5-2013-0145, Adopted by the Board on 5 December 2013 - Expired on 5 December 2018 - Replaced by Resolution No. R5-2018-0085
- Resolution No. R5-2008-0182, Adopted by the Board on 4 December 2008 - Expired on 4 December 2013 - Replaced by Resolution No. R5-2013-0145
- County of Stanislaus, Food Processing By-Products Use Program
- Resolution No. R5-2003-0008, adopted by the Board on 31 January 2003 - Expired on 31 January 2008 - Replaced by Resolution No. R5-2008-0182
- Notices of Applicability issued to facilities under Order R5-2008-0182 & R5-2013-0145 & R5-2018-0085 & R5-2023-0061
Waivers for Timber Harvest Activities
- Order No. R5-2014-0144, Renewal of Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges Related to Timber Harvesting Activities, adopted 4 December 2014.
- Resolution No. R5-2010-0022, Renewal of Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges Related to Timber Harvest Activities, adopted 18 March 2010. Replaces previous waiver, Resolution No. R5-2005-0052.
- Resolution No. R5-2005-0052 - Replaced by Resolution No. R5-2010-0022, Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges Related to Timber Harvest Activities, adopted 28 April 2005. Renewed the previous waiver, Resolution No. R5-2003-0005 and minor revisions to Attachment A (Waiver), Attachment B (Monitoring and Reporting Conditions) and an Implementation, Forensic and Effectiveness Monitoring and Reporting Program.
- Resolution No. R5-2005-0004, Modification of Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges Related to Timber Harvest Activities Within the Central Valley Region, Adopted on 28 January 2005.
- Resolution No. R5-2003-0005, Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges Related to Timber Harvest Activities, adopted 30 January 2003. Replaced by Resolution No. R5-2005-0052
- Certification Notice Form and Instructions (Region 5 version), For enrolling in WDR waiver categories 1-4. For additional information contact Angela Wilson at (530) 224-4856 or email: awilson@waterboards.ca.gov.
- Waiver Application & Certification Form (U.S. Forest Service only) and Instructions (Central Valley Region version), For enrolling in WDR waiver category 5 (U.S. Forest Service only).