Basin Planning - Triennial Reviews In Progress

To meet requirements of the Federal Clean Water Act and section 303(c) and Water Code section 13240, the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Water Board) reviews the water quality standards contained in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins and in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Tulare Lake Basin (Basin Plans) every three years. The Triennial Review consists of solicitation for comments on water quality issues in the Central Valley that may need to be addressed through basin plan amendments and preparing a work plan for each Basin Plan which describes the actions the Regional Water Board may take over the next three years to investigate and respond to the issues. After public input is received, the Regional Water Board develops and adopts by resolution a priority list of potential issues that may result in basin plan amendments. The priority list is used to direct basin planning efforts over the next three years. Implementation of the work plan depends upon the Regional Water Board's program priorities, resources, and other mandates and commitments. Crucial to successful implementation of the actions is adequate support of the Regional Water Board's Basin Plan activities.

2024 Triennial Review Documents

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