Emergency Disposal of Milk (COVID-19 related)
In response to Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), dairy producers are developing contingency plans for possible scenarios that include a need to dispose of milk in the event it cannot be sent to a processor in a timely manner. This guidance describes steps to be taken to prevent pollution or nuisance conditions if the disposal of milk becomes necessary as a result of an emergency related to COVID-19.
Confined Animal Facilities - Dairy General Order Guidance
Quick Links
Reporting Tools
The software provided for the Annual Report, the Waste Management Plan and Nutrient Management Plan, and Existing Conditions Report and Preliminary Dairy Facility Assessment are available by clicking on the link below.
Dairy Forms
These forms are provided to meet the requirements of the General Order. The forms may also be useful for dairies operating under individual waste discharge requirements. Questions and comments may be directed to Danny Gamon in the Rancho Cordova office at (916) 464-4724 or Daniel.Gamon@waterboards.ca.gov, or Balraj Tammali in the Fresno office at (559) 445-5568 or Balraj.Tammali@waterboards.ca.gov.
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Waste Discharge Requirements General Order No. R5-2007-0035 for Existing Milk Cow Dairies Responses to questions regarding this General Order, which was adopted on 3 May 2007. New editions will be periodically added. For more information, contact Danny Gamon at (916) 464-4724 or by email at Daniel.Gamon@waterboards.ca.gov.
Emergency Disposal of Milk (COVID-19 related)
In response to Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), dairy producers are developing contingency plans for possible scenarios that include a need to dispose of milk in the event it cannot be sent to a processor in a timely manner. This guidance describes steps to be taken to prevent pollution or nuisance conditions if the disposal of milk becomes necessary as a result of an emergency related to COVID-19.
Sampling and Analysis
- Approved Sampling and Analysis Procedures for Nutrient and Groundwater Monitoring at Existing Milk Cow Dairies
Revised Monitoring and Reporting Program No. R5-2007-0035 (MRP) requires existing milk cow dairies to conduct nutrient and groundwater monitoring. The Revised MRP does not identify complete sampling procedures to be followed for this monitoring. The sampling and analytical procedures listed for nutrients (process wastewater, manure, plant tissue, soil, and irrigation water) and groundwater are approved methods. Questions and comments may be directed to Danny Gamon in the Rancho Cordova office at (916) 464-4724 or Daniel.Gamon@waterboards.ca.gov, or Balraj Tammali in the Fresno office at (559) 445-5568 or Balraj.Tammali@waterboards.ca.gov. Also available is information on how to request for approval of an alternate procedure. - Field Testing for Total and Un-ionized Ammonia Nitrogen Using a Test Strip
Revised Monitoring and Reporting Program No. R5-2007-0035 (MRP) requires existing milk cow dairies to sample discharges of storm water and waste water for total and un-ionized ammonia. The Revised MRP does not identify a procedure to be followed for this monitoring. The field testing protocol described in this report and the attached tables is one appropriate procedure to collect this information. - Final Report - Field Analysis of Ammonia
This report and its two attachments provide the technical basis for the use of test strips to determine total and un-ionized ammonia in storm water and tailwater.
Finding a Specialist
To help people that own/operate dairies find a specialist certified in developing nutrient management plans. The California Regional Water Quality Board requires owners and operators to utilize a specialist that is certified in developing nutrient management plans. Click on "Find a CCA" from the Certified Crop Adviser website to locate a specialist.
Crop Safety
The General Order requires that wastes and land application areas shall be managed to prevent contamination of crops grown for human consumption. On 21 May 2008, the Central Valley Water Board sent the letter, linked below, to dairy owners/operators whose Existing Condition Reports indicated that their dairy is applying manure and/or process wastewater to crops grown for human consumption. For more information, contact Danny Gamon in the Rancho Cordova office at (916) 464-4724 or by email at Daniel.Gamon@waterboards.ca.gov or Balraj Tammali in the Fresno office at (559) 445-5568 or Balraj.Tammali@waterboards.ca.gov.
Setbacks and Buffers
The General Order requires protection of surface water by use of setbacks, buffers, and alternative methods. This document provides more specific guidance on setbacks and buffers for dairies.