Delta Water Quality - Delta Nutrient Research Plan

Elevated nutrient concentrations in the Sacramento - San Joaquin Delta contribute to water quality problems such as increased production of blue green algae and invasive aquatic macrophytes, low phytoplankton production, low dissolved oxygen, and nutrient-related problems in drinking water systems.
The Delta Stewardship Council's 2013 Delta Plan recommended that the San Francisco and Central Valley Water Boards prepare study plans for the development of nutrient objectives in the Delta and Suisun Bay. The Central Valley Water Board named development of a nutrient study plan as a priority project in its 2014 Delta Strategic Work Plan. The purpose of the Delta Nutrient Research Plan is to identify research and modeling needed to determine whether water quality objectives for nutrients are needed in the Delta.
What's New!
- Central Valley Water Board staff is engaged in implementing the Delta Nutrient Research Plan. For information about the status of implementation activities, please see the “Delta Activities” section of each Executive Officer’s Report or contact Janis Cooke (see Program Contact bar).
Work Products and Workshop Materials
Science Work Groups provided advice on modeling, effects of nutrients on macrophyte abundance and distribution, effect of nutrients on the abundance and distribution of blue green algae, and effects of nutrients on algal species composition.
All final and accepted White Papers, Knowledge Gap Documents, Charge documents, workshop materials and recordings can be found under the Science Work Groups webpage
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Contact Us
- Program Contact
Janis Cooke
(916) 464-4672 - Web page problems:
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