ILRP Outreach for Growers & Interested Parties
ILRP staff conducts outreach to owners of commercial irrigated lands (growers) and other interested parties in the Central Valley. Outreach is focused on educating growers about the program and informing them about their responsibilities under the ILRP.
- Outreach Handouts
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Outreach Meetings & Presentations
For information concerning ILRP outreach activities (e.g., issuance of Water Code section 13260 Directives or Pre- Administrative Civil Liability notification letters), please contact:
- Robert Ditto
(916) 464-4642
Report a Water Quality Concern (form on the Cal/EPA website - non-ILRP link)
Report an Environmental Concern
Outreach Handouts
Some helpful information about the Central Valley Water Board, the ILRP, and some of the farm management plans required for coalition members. Other languages are available upon request.
- Does My Property Need Coverage Under the ILRP?
- Outreach Brochures
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Outreach Meetings & Presentations
- January 11 - Grassland Bypass Project Annual Stakeholder Meeting (virtual meeting)
- January 11 - SVWQC, Butte-Yuba-Sutter (BYS) Subwatershed Annual Grower Meeting - Gridley
- January 10 - Almond Nutrient Summit - Merced
- December 7 - SVWQC, Napa County-Putah Creek Subwatershed Grower Meeting (virtual meeting)
- May 10 - SVWQC, Shasta Tehama Water Education Coalition (STWEC) Subwatershed Grower Meeting - Red Bluff
- April 27 - Groundwater Protection Targets Update (Presentation will open in YouTube, 1:18:40) – Central Valley Water Board Meeting, Bakersfield
- March 16 - SVWQC, Northeastern California Water Association (NeCWA) Subwatershed Annual Grower Meeting - Adin
- February 23 - Upper Feather River Exemption (Presentation will open in YouTube, 47:40) – Central Valley Water Board Meeting (webcast)
- February 1 - Fruit Growers Laboratory (FGL) Grower Appreciation Workshop - Stockton
- January 18 - SVWQC, Butte-Yuba-Sutter (BYS) Subwatershed Grower Meeting - Gridley
- January 13 - Grassland Bypass Project Annual Stakeholder Meeting (virtual meeting)
- December 15 - Water Quality Considerations for On-Farm Recharge (OFR), OFR-University Workshop - Kerman
- September 20 - Update on Implementation of Order WQ 2018-0002 (Presentation will open in YouTube, 1:01:52) - State Water Resources Control Board Meeting (webcast)
- March 24 - SVWQC, Northeastern California Water Association (NeCWA) Subwatershed Grower Meeting - McArthur
- March 3 - Small, Diversified Grower Listening Session (agenda) - Fresno
- February 28 - Sacramento Valley Water Quality Coalition (SVWQC), Subwatershed Coordination Meeting (virtual meeting)
- January 26 - SVWQC, Yolo Subwatershed Grower Meeting (virtual meeting)
- January 25 - SVWQC, Yolo Subwatershed Grower Meeting (virtual meeting)
- January 18 - SVWQC, Dixon Solano Subwatershed Grower Meeting (virtual meeting)
- January 13 - SVWQC, Butte-Yuba-Sutter (BYS) Subwatershed Grower Meeting - Gridley
- January 12 - 76th Annual California Resource Conservation District Conference (virtual meeting)
- December 16 - SVWQC, Butte-Yuba-Sutter (BYS) Subwatershed, Sutter County Grower Meeting - Yuba City
- December 13 - SVWQC, Colusa Glenn Subwatershed Grower Meeting - Williams
- December 9 - Grassland Bypass Project Update (Presentation will open in YouTube, 2:44:26) - Central Valley Water Board Meeting (webcast)
- December 1 - SVWQC, Butte-Yuba-Sutter (BYS) Subwatershed, Butte County Farm Bureau's Grower Day - Chico
- November 18 - SVWQC, Butte-Yuba-Sutter (BYS) Subwatershed, Sutter County Grower Meeting - Yuba City
- October 15 - Central Valley Water Board Meeting (webcast)
- Irrigated Lands Groundwater Protection Values (Presentation will open in YouTube, 4:59:17)
- Consideration of an Order to Exempt Managed Wetlands (Presentation will open in YouTube, 2:22:37)
- October 5 - Update on Implementation of Order WQ 2018-0002 (Presentation will open in YouTube, 5:12:50) - State Water Resources Control Board Meeting (webcast)
- August 13 - Central Valley Water Board Meeting (webcast)
- Status Update of the Drinking Water Well Monitoring Requirement in the ILRP (Presentation will open in YouTube, 2:01:56)
- Consideration of an Order to Exempt Goose Lake Subwatershed (Presentation will open in YouTube, 1:12:36)
- April 22 - Central Valley Water Board Meeting (webcast)
- Consideration of an Order Amending Eight WDRs General Orders for Growers within the Central Valley that are Members of a Third-Party Group (Presentation will open in YouTube, 1:59:45)
- Consideration of a Resolution certifying a Supplemental Program Environmental Impact Report for the ILRP (Presentation will open in YouTube, 1:50:50)
- February 19 - East San Joaquin Surface Water Framework Expert Review Panel Recommendations (Presentation will open in YouTube, 45:04) - Central Valley Water Board Meeting (webcast)
- October 15 - ILRP Groundwater Protection Formula Update (Presentation will open in Youtube, 1:49:38) - Central Valley Water Board Meeting (webcast)
- September 15 - Update on Implementation of Order WQ 2018-0002 (Presentation will open in YouTube, 7:02:40) - State Water Resources Control Board Meeting (webcast)
- June 4 - ILRP Enrollment Activities Update (Presentation will open in YouTube, 1:06:00) - Central Valley Water Board Meeting (webcast)
- March 11 - Nursery Nitrogen Management Pilot Workshop - Winters
- March 3 - California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) Nitrogen Management Training for Certified Crop Advisors - Fresno
- February 20 - Update on the East San Joaquin Surface Water Framework Expert Panel Review (Presentation will open in YouTube, 34:14) - Central Valley Water Board Meeting, Rancho Cordova
- February 20 - Fruit Growers Laboratory, Inc. Workshop - Exeter
- February 19 - East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition Grower Meeting - Merced
- February 7 - East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition Grower Meeting - Modesto
- February 4 - East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition Grower Meeting - Madera
- December 5 - Consideration of a Revised Order for the Grassland Bypass Project (Presentation will open in YouTube, 1:29:26) - Central Valley Water Board Meeting, Rancho Cordova
- November 19 - 5th Annual Latino Farmer Conference - Tulare
- October 11 - Upper-Watershed Irrigated Pasture and Low-Threat Commodity Regulatory Alternatives - Central Valley Water Board Meeting, Redding
- August 2 - ILRP update regarding the Long-term Storm Water Plan for the Grassland Bypass Project and Potential changes to the General Order - Central Valley Water Board Meeting, Rancho Cordova
- June 27 - Sacramento Valley Water Quality Coalition's Management Advisory Committee Meeting
- May 8 - SVWQC, Shasta Tehama Subwatershed Grower Meeting
- February 28 - Overview of the ILRP - Institute of Environmental and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
- February 20 - SVWQC, Placer-Nevada-South Sutter-North Sacramento (PNSSNS) Subwatershed Annual Grower Meeting - Roseville
- February 8 - East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition Grower Meeting - Modesto
- February 7 - Consideration of Amendments to WDRs General Orders for Growers that are Members of a Third-Party Group (Presentation will open in YouTube, 1:26:43) - Central Valley Water Board Meeting, Rancho Cordova
- February 5 - East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition Grower Meeting - Merced
- February 4 - East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition Grower Meeting - Madera
- January 28 - SVWQC, El Dorado Subwatershed Growers Meeting - Placerville
- January 24 - SVWQC, Butte-Yuba-Sutter (BYS) Subwatershed Grower Meeting - Yuba City
- January 23 - Stanislaus Farm Supply Annual Meeting - Modesto
- December 6 - ILRP update regarding implementation of Eastern San Joaquin Petition Order Requirements (Presentation will open in YouTube, 1:38:24) - Central Valley Water Board Meeting, Rancho Cordova
- October 31 - East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition Grower Meeting - Merced
- October 30 - East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition Grower Meeting - Modesto
- October 29 - East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition Grower Meeting - Madera
- September 20 - California Association of Pest Control Advisors (CAPCA), Continuing Education Seminar - Modesto
- July 19 - California Association of Pest Control Advisors (CAPCA), Continuing Education Seminar - Chico
- June 21 - California Association of Pest Control Advisors (CAPCA), Continuing Education Seminar - Sacramento
- May 15 - East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition Grower Meeting - Madera
- May 14 - East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition Grower Meeting - Stanislaus
- May 9 - SVWQC, Shasta Tehama Subwatershed Annual Meeting - Tehama County Farm Bureau, Red Bluff
- May 9 - California Association of Pest Control Advisors (CAPCA), Continuing Education Seminar
- April 23 - Sacramento Valley Water Quality Coalition (SVWQC) Meeting - Yolo County Farm Bureau, Woodland
- April 6 - Safe and Affordable Drinking Water for Disadvantaged Communities - Central Valley Water Board Meeting, Fresno
- March 6 - California Association of Pest Control Advisors (CAPCA), Continuing Education Seminar - San Ramon
- January 25 - California Association of Pest Control Advisors (CAPCA), Continuing Education Seminar - Tracy
- January 10 - SVWQC, Butte-Yuba-Sutter (BYS) Subwatershed, Butte County Grower Meeting - Orland
- November 7 - West San Joaquin Steering Committee Meeting
- November 1 - California Association of Pest Control Advisors (CAPCA), Continuing Education Seminar - Sacramento
- October 19 - Irrigated Agriculture in California's Intermountain Region, Modoc Plateau, and Sierra Nevada Valleys; SVWQC Public Meeting - Fall River Mills
- October 16 - California Association of Pest Control Advisors (CAPCA) Conference, CA Association - Reno, NV
- August 29 - Korean Ministry of the Environment - State Water Resources Control Board Meeting
- August 1 - Annual Western Plant Health Association Regulatory Conference - Sacramento
- June 8 - ILRP Groundwater Protection, Management Practices Evaluation Program (Presentation will open in YouTube, 2:23:49) - Central Valley Water Board Meeting, Rancho Cordova
- May 31 - Sacramento Valley Water Quality Coalition (SVWQC) Grower Meeting - Elk Grove
- March 23 - California Association of Pest Control Advisors (CAPCA), Continuing Education Seminar - Modesto
- March 14 - California Association of Pest Control Advisors (CAPCA), Continuing Education Seminar - San Ramon
- March 7 - California Association of Pest Control Advisors (CAPCA), California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA)/ University of California Nitrogen Management Training - Fresno
- March 2 - SVWQC, Northeastern California Water Association (NeCWA) Annual Meeting - Adin
- February 28 - California Association of Pest Control Advisors (CAPCA), Continuing Education Seminar - Chico
- January 26 - Stanislaus Farm Supply Annual Meeting - Stanislaus
- January 26 - SVWQC, Butte-Yuba-Sutter (BYS) Subwatershed Annual Meeting - Gridley
- November 29 - California Association of Pest Control Advisors (CAPCA), Continuing Education Seminar - Bakersfield
- November 10 - California Association of Pest Control Advisors (CAPCA), Continuing Education Seminar - Tulare
- November 2 - California Association of Pest Control Advisors (CAPCA), Continuing Education Seminar - Sacramento
- October 14 - ILRP and the Upper Watershed - Central Valley Water Board Meeting, Redding
- September 28 - California Association of Pest Control Advisors (CAPCA), Continuing Education Seminar - Chico
- September 8 - California Association of Pest Control Advisors (CAPCA), Continuing Education Seminar - Bakersfield
- August 19 - East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition, Groundwater Quality Management Plan and Nitrogen Management Plan Summary Report Analysis - Central Valley Water Board Meeting, Rancho Cordova
- June 24 - Irrigated Lands Hearing Panel - Central Valley Water Board Meeting, Rancho Cordova
- June 23 - California Association of Pest Control Advisors (CAPCA), Continuing Education Seminar - Sacramento
- June 22 - California Association of Pest Control Advisors (CAPCA), Continuing Education Seminar - Modesto
- May 11 - SVWQC, Shasta Tehama Subwatershed Grower Meeting - Red Bluff
- April 19 - California Association of Pest Control Advisors (CAPCA), Continuing Education Seminar - Lodi
- March 16 - California Association of Pest Control Advisors (CAPCA), Continuing Education Seminar - Tracy
- March 15 - California Association of Pest Control Advisors (CAPCA), Continuing Education Seminar - San Ramon
- March 15 - California Almond Sustainability Program (CASP) Educational Series Workshop
- February 17 - SVWQC, Northeastern California Water Association (NeCWA) Subwatershed Grower Meeting - Adin
- December 17 - East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition, Foothill Grower Meeting - Oakdale
- December 10
- Central Valley Water Board Meeting, Rancho Cordova
- Nitrogen Management Plan Summary Report Update
- Regulation of Managed Wetlands: Options and Proposed Strategy (Presentation will open in YouTube, 2:18:36)
- November 12 - California Association of Pest Control Advisors (CAPCA), Continuing Education Seminar - Tulare
- November 12 - Sutter County Agriculture Commissioners Grower Meeting - Yuba City
- October 23 - SVWQC, Upper Feather River Watershed Agriculture Water Stewardship Ranch Tour and Grower Meeting - Loyalton
- September 30 - California Association of Pest Control Advisors (CAPCA), Continuing Education Seminar - Chico
- September 9 - SVWQC, Shasta Tehama Subwatershed Grower Meeting - Red Bluff
- July 31 - Central Valley Water Board Meeting, Rancho Cordova
- Irrigated Lands Enforcement, Disadvantaged Communities, and Coalitions Identifying High Vulnerability Areas Requirement Update (Presentation will open in YouTube, 2:19:31)
- WDRs for Growers within the Grassland Drainage Area (Video will open in YouTube, 0:00)
- July 9 - SVWQC, Northeastern California Water Association (NeCWA) Subwatershed Grower Meeting - McArthur
- June 22 - Sacramento Valley Water Quality Coalition (SVWQC) Meeting - Auburn
- June 5 - Distance Learning in the ILRP and Tools for Identifying Disadvantaged Communities (Presentation will open in YouTube, 14:43) - Central Valley Water Board Meeting, Rancho Cordova
- April 15 - Managed Wetlands Workshop & Tour - Los Banos
- March 25 - Sacramento Valley Water Quality Coalition (SVWQC) Meeting - Yolo County
- March 10 - California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA)/ University of California Nitrogen Management Certification Training - Sacramento
- February 6 - Workshop on Proposed WDRs General Order for Growers in the Grassland Drainage Area - Central Valley Water Board Meeting, Rancho Cordova
- February 5 - Consideration of Adoption of Revised Order for Growers within the Western Tulare Lake Basin Area that are Members of the Third-Party Group (Presentation will open in YouTube, 3:40) - Central Valley Water Board Meeting, Rancho Cordova
- January 23 - Crop Production Services, Inc. Meeting - Sacramento
- January 13 - California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA)/ University of California Nitrogen Management Certification Training - Fresno
- December 4 - Central Valley Water Board Meeting, Rancho Cordova
- Consideration of Adoption of the Revised Order for Growers within the Tulare Lake Basin Area that are Members of the Third-Party Group (Presentation will open in YouTube, 1:31)
- Status of Nitrogen Management Plan Template Development
- November 13 - California Association of Pest Control Advisors (CAPCA), Continuing Education Seminar - Tulare
- August 8 - Workshop on Revised WDRs for the Grassland Bypass Project (Presentation will open in YouTube, 32:42) - Central Valley Water Board Meeting, Rancho Cordova
- June 6 - Non-Participant Compliance & Enforcement in the Eastern San Joaquin River Watershed (Presentation will open in YouTube, 1:56:45) - Central Valley Water Board Meeting, Rancho Cordova
- March 27 - Central Valley Water Board Meeting, Rancho Cordova
- Consideration of Adoption of WDRs General Order for Sacramento Valley Rice Growers (Presentation will open in YouTube, 2:34:15)
- Consideration of Adoption of the Revised Order for Growers within the Eastern San Joaquin River Watershed that are Members of the Third-Party Group (Presentation will open in YouTube, 2:33:19)
- Nitrogen Use and Management in Irrigated Agriculture (Presentation will open in YouTube)
- March 12 - Central Valley Water Board Meeting, Rancho Cordova
- Nitrogen Management and Control - Update on California Department of Food and Agriculture Task Force and State Water Resources Control Board Expert Panel, and Discussion of Factors to be Considered in Fertilizer Application (Presentation will open in YouTube, 3:53:34)
- Consideration of Adoption of WDRs For Growers within the Sacramento River Watershed that are Members of a Third-Party Group (Presentation will open in YouTube, 3:00:28)
- For Growers within the San Joaquin County and Delta Area that are Members of a Third-Party Group (Presentation will open in YouTube, 4:40)
- March 6 - San Joaquin Valley Winegrowers Association Educational Tailgate Meeting - Ceres
- March 5 - San Joaquin Valley Winegrowers Association Educational Tailgate Meeting - Madera
- January 9 - Consideration of Adoption of WDRs for Growers within the Western San Joaquin River Watershed and Western Tulare Lake Basin Area that are Members of a Third-Party Group - Central Valley Water Board, Los Banos
- December 6 - Workshop on WDRs General Order for Sacramento Valley Rice Growers (Presentation will open in YouTube, 1:09:39) - Central Valley Water Board Meeting, Rancho Cordova
- November 22 - Preventing Sediment Discharges from Lower Sierra Foothill Farms, Eastern San Joaquin River Coalition Area - Denair
- November 13 - California Association of Pest Control Advisors (CAPCA), Continuing Education Seminar - Tulare
- October 30 - Workshop on WDRs General Order for Growers in the Sacramento River Watershed that are Members of the Third-party Group - Central Valley Water Board Meeting, Colusa
- October 29 - Implementing the Pesticide TMDLs, State of the San Francisco Estuary Conference
- September 19 - Consideration of WDRs General Order for Growers within the Tulare Lake Basin Area that are Members of a Third-Party Group - Central Valley Water Board Meeting, Fresno
- September 18 - California Agricultural Irrigation Association Annual Meeting
- August 28 - Tule Basin Water Quality coalition, Member Outreach Workshop
- July 30 - Workshop on WDRs General Order for Growers within the Western Tulare Lake Basin Area that are Members of the Third-party Group - Central Valley Water Board Meeting, Los Banos
- July 30 - Workshop on WDRs General Order for Growers in the Western San Joaquin River Watershed that are Members of the Third-party Group - Central Valley Water Board, Los Banos
- July 26 - Consideration of Adoption of the General Order for Dischargers from Irrigated Lands within the Central Valley Region not Participating in a Third-Party Group - Central Valley Water Board Meeting, Rancho Cordova
- July 16 - Emerging Regulations, Western Plant Health Association Regulatory Conference
- June 27 - West San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition Stakeholder Meeting
- May 31 - Overview of Compliance & Outreach Activities in the Eastern San Joaquin River Coalition Area - Central Valley Water Board Meeting, Rancho Cordova
- April 25 - Workshop on the Tentative Tulare Lake Basin Area WDRs - Central Valley Water Board Meeting, Fresno
- April 25 - New Enrollee Presentation, Eastern San Joaquin River Coalition Area - Modesto
- April 24 - New Enrollee Presentation, Eastern San Joaquin River Coalition Area - Merced
- April 23 - New Enrollee Presentation, Eastern San Joaquin River Coalition Area - Madera
- April 10 - University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources Meeting - Ontario
- March 7 - California Association of Pest Control Advisors (CAPCA), Continuing Education Seminar - Modesto
- February 15 - Almond Grower Outreach Meeting - Modesto
- February 1 - Workshop on draft WDRs for Discharges from Irrigated Lands for Individual Growers - Central Valley Water Board Meeting, Rancho Cordova
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Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program (ILRP)
- Sacramento Office
11020 Sun Center Drive, #200
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670-6114
(916) 464-4611 - Fresno Office
1685 "E" Street
Fresno, CA 93706-2007
(559) 488-4396 - Program Contacts