ILRP Electronic Data Submission Resources

This webpage serves to provide resources and tools for electronic surface water quality data submission under the ILRP. If you would like to be added to the Regional Board Data Management Team (DMT) email list, please contact Chris Jimmerson at


  • The Regional Board DMT has changed the Electronic Data Deliverable (EDD) loading protocol.
    Consequently, data providers may notice that some of the EDD field names and column order in the Feed Back packages have changed in the California Environmental Data Exchange Network (CEDEN) template. This is an internal consequence of changes to our loading process. Please continue to submit the EDDs in CEDEN format.

Submitting Data

To submit data to the ILRP, begin with the CEDEN data templates. The accompanying checklists, supporting documents and online data checker tool will assist in ensuring the data is correctly formatted and the required checks are completed prior to submission.

The ILRP DMT reviews the data before CEDEN makes it publicly available. An overview of the processing steps carried out by the ILRP DMT is shown in the flowchart in this section. As part of the CEDEN loading process, the DMT submits the reviewed data to the Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program, who then submits the data to CEDEN.

Data Processing Steps

ILRP Data Management Team (DMT) EDD Processing Flowchart

Click image to view flowchart

CEDEN Electronic Data Templates and Guidance Documents

The templates and guidance documents listed have been developed by the CEDEN. Guidance documents are frequently updated - usually for clarity. Documents are available upon request by contacting Chris Jimmerson at or by phone at (916) 464-4859.

  • Field Measurements and Observations
    • Field Collection and Results Template, MS Excel
      Excel file containing multiple worksheets, including Field Results and Habitat Results, with the appropriate fields required to load historic and current field and habitat data into the database. A data submission example also is available.
    • Field Collection and Result Data Submission Guidance Document (06/06/17)
      Detailed guidance to assist data providers in preparing and submitting data using the CEDEN Field Collection and Results data template.
  • Chemistry
    • Chemistry Data Template, MS Excel
      Excel file containing multiple worksheets, including Chem Results and Lab Batch, with the appropriate fields required to load chemistry data into the database (including nutrients, metals, organics, and bacteria data). A data submission example is included in the Excel file.
    • Chemistry Data Submission Guidance Document (06/07/17)
      Detailed guidance to assist data providers in preparing and submitting data using the CEDEN chemistry data template.
  • Toxicity
    • Toxicity Data Template, MS Excel
      Excel file that contains three worksheets, including Tox Summary Results, Tox Replicate Results, and Tox Batch. A data submission example is included in the Excel file.
    • Toxicity Data Submission Guidance Document (07/11/17)
      Detailed guidance to assist data providers in preparing and submitting data using the CEDEN Toxicity data template.

Data Management Tools

The listed data management tools were developed by the ILRP DMT. Documents are available upon request by contacting Chris Jimmerson at or by phone at (916) 464-4859.

  • ILRP CEDEN Template Checklists, MS Excel
    Excel workbook used to review formatting, quality control review and completeness. This workbook is utilized by the ILRP as part of the processing of data prior to its loading to the database structure. The checklists are provided to the third-party as part of the feedback package.
  • ILRP CEDEN Template Checklist Instructions with example Pivot Tables
    Provides instructions and example pivot tables based on the new CEDEN templates for reviewing the format and business rule requirements for ILRP EDD submission.
  • CEDEN Data Checker (Will open CA State Water Board CEDEN website)
    An online automated tool that checks CEDEN data templates for formatting LookUp list values and business rules.

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Central Valley Water Board
Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program (ILRP)