SWAMP - Tulare Lake Basin
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Tulare Lake Basin Rotational Watershed Monitoring
In 2012 SWAMP initiated a rotational program to monitor water quality in four river basins. Water Quality sampling includes nutrients, minerals, bacteria, and specific metals of concern. The basins to be monitored are the Kings, Kaweah, Tule and Kern.
- Monitoring Plan: Tulare Lake Basin Rotational Watershed Monitoring
Past Monitoring and Assessment Efforts
- Baseline Monitoring
The initial intent of the SWAMP program within the Tulare Lake Basin was to collect baseline data from the Kern, Tule, Kaweah, South Fork Kings, and Lower Kings Rivers, as well as associated reservoirs and tributaries draining the west face of the Sierra Nevada. All of the aforementioned water bodies have similar land uses and concerns, such as foothill development, recreational uses, industrial processes, agriculture, and livestock grazing.
Sampling focused on basic water quality parameters including temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, electric conductivity (EC), nutrients, and bacteria. Monitoring efforts on the mainstem rivers and reservoirs were to occur on a quarterly timetable, based on seasonal conditions, to help establish baseline water quality conditions, as well as temporal and spatial variations. Due to contracting and/or staffing issues, the goal of quarterly sampling was not always met. Sampling was conducted from 2001 to 2004.
- Draft Report: Tulare Lake Basin Annual Report: Fiscal Years 2002-2003 and 2003-2004
- Report: Tulare Lake Basin Annual Report: Fiscal Year 2001-2002