Underground Storage Tanks
Program Overview
The Groundwater Protection Act (Sher, 1983) created the Underground Storage Tank (UST) program in California. The State Water Board maintains statewide authority over the program, adopting cleanup policies and regulations. The two main components of the program are permitting of operating tanks (leak prevention) which is run by the local Certified Unified Program Agencies (CUPAs), and cleanup which is shared between select CUPAs and the 9 Regional Water Quality Control Boards. Authority to require UST cleanups is found in both the Water Code and the Health and Safety Code.
GeoTracker is a database and geographic information system (GIS) that provides online access to environmental data. It tracks regulatory data about underground fuel tanks and public drinking water wells, as well as other types of sites, such as above ground storage tanks and site cleanup cases.
Water Purveyor MtBE Quarterly Report
Water Purveyor MtBE Quarterly Report for Central Valley Sites, current as of April 2019 California Water Code Section 13272.1 requires Regional Water Quality Control Boards to publish and distribute, on a quarterly basis, a list of dischargers of Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MtBE). We have revised our format to provide better information and ease of use. We modified the MtBE report to show concentrations less than 5 ppb, the secondary MCL.
Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST)
A list of Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST) cases in the Central Valley Region can be found on the GeoTracker website at: http://geotracker.waterboards.ca.gov/
By selecting one of the links under the "Reports" section on the left side of the screen, a list of LUST cases can be generated based on County, Groundwater sub-basin, or Regional Board Watershed.
Additional Information
- Tri-Regional Staff Recommendations for Preliminary Investigation and Evaluation of Underground Tank Sites, 10 August 1990
Recommendations for investigating underground tanks, developed by staff from the North Coast, San Francisco Bay, and Central Valley Regional Water Boards. - Appendix A - Reports, Tri-Regional Board Staff Recommendation for Preliminary Investigations and Evaluation of Underground Tank Sites, April 2004
Revised version of the Appendix A - Reporting Recommendations combines the former Appendix A and B including NFA reporting recommendations and incorporates the requirements of Resolution No. 92-49 and General WDRs for petroleum cleanups. - Analysis Required for Oxygenate Compounds Used In California Gasoline - EPA Method 8260 (8240-B and 8020) , 18 July 1997
- Required Electronic Deliverable Format for Laboratory and Site Data Submittals to Regulating Agencies, 9 November 2001
- For more information pleas see Laws, Regulations & Policies
Contact Us
- Program Contact
- Matthew Buffleben
(916) 464-4655
- Matthew Buffleben
- Web page problems: Webmaster5@waterboards.ca.gov
- Report an Environmental Concern
Facts & Information
- Fiscal Year 23/24 Annual Report Video
(Video will open in YouTube)