The Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR) Program regulates all point source discharges of waste to land that do not require full containment (which falls under the Land Discharge Program), do not involve confined animal facilities, and involve no discharge of a pollutant to a surface water of the United States (which falls under the NPDES Program), but does include discharges to surface waters not subject to the NPDES Program. Each point of potential release of waste constituents, whether a feature for waste storage, treatment, disposal, or recycling, must be evaluated separately to determine under what program it must be regulated. Waste discharge requirements adopted under the WDR Program protect surface water by either proscribing discharge of a pollutant to waters of the U.S. or prescribing requirements for discharge to
surface waters not waters of the U.S., and they protect groundwater by prescribing waste containment, treatment, and control requirements. Over 1200 discharges in this Region are regulated by orders adopted under the WDR Program.