Drought Information

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Drought Regulations | Drought Information and Resources | Frequently Asked Questions | Drought Initiatives and Resources | Report Water Waste | Drought and Urban Water Conservation Symposium | Contact Information

Drought information and portals for resources have been provided to assist local agencies, individuals and interested parties to stay informed on issues related to the drought and water conservation.

Drought Regulations

County Bldg
County building using desert landscaping

The Governor has issued an Executive Order directing the State Water Resources Control Board, Department of Water Resources and the California Energy Commission to work together with other agencies to address the severe drought.

  • Executive Order B-29-15 – Gov. Jerry Brown’s April 1, 2015 Executive Order calling for 25% water use reductions and charging state agencies with related responsibilities and actions. Gov. Brown directed the State Water Board to implement mandatory water reductions in urban areas to reduce potable urban water usage by 25 percent statewide. On May 5, 2015, the State Water Board adopted an emergency conservation regulation in accordance with the Governor's directive. The provisions of the emergency regulation went into effect on May 18, 2015.

Drought Information and Resources

Drought Programs

Drought program pages by various agencies, including state agencies charged with specific drought-related actions and responsibilities under Executive Order B-29-15.

Desert Landscaping
Desert landscaping used in common areas of development.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions for the State Water Resources Control Board water conservation programs:

Drought Initiatives and Resources

Retention Basin
Storm water retention basin for industrial complex
  • SWRCB Office of Sustainable Solutions – The office was created to promote permanent and sustainable drinking water and wastewater treatment solutions, particularly for small disadvantaged communities. Program page lists drought funding and technical assistance resources and bimonthly newsletters available in English and Spanish.
  • SWRCB CAA Interim Emergency Drinking Water Program SWRCB approved $19 million in funding from the Cleanup and Abatement Account to meet interim emergency drinking water needs for those communities with a contaminated water supply or that suffer drought related water outages or threatened emergencies.
  • SWRCB Drinking Water State Revolving Fund – Eligible applicants include community water systems and non-profit, non-community water systems.
  • CV Water Counts – Coachella Valley water suppliers’ collaborative initiative identifies local conservation incentives and tips.

Report Water Waste

Water Wise Info
Water Wise information for water conservations

Water Conservation Emergency Regulation

To report water waste by individuals, businesses or local municipalities, contact the water supplier for the service area of the water waste location.

To report wasteful practices at State facilities, please use the Department of General Services' online reporting system.

Drought and Urban Water Conservation Symposium

The Colorado River Basin Regional Water Quality Control Board held a public Drought and Urban Water Conservation Symposium on Friday, June 26, 2015.  The purpose of this event was to provide an opportunity for the State Water Resources Control Board and drought-affected agencies and organizations to share information, perspectives and strategies being implemented to address the Governor’s mandate for statewide reduction in potable urban water use. A total of 73 participants attended the symposium representing twenty seven different entities (state, federal, local and tribal nations).

Desert Landscaping 2
Desert landscaping for industrial complex


Residential tract using desert landscaping for storm water retention basin.

Contact Information

View the State Water Resources Control Board Drought portal for latest information on the drought and water conservation.

For questions related to the drought for our Regional Water Board programs, please visit our Programs page to identify which program is related to the issue contact the program manager, Jeff Geraci at (760) 776-8935.