Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF)
The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) program assists public water systems in financing the cost of drinking water infrastructure projects needed to achieve or maintain compliance with Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) requirements.
Our Vision
Abundant clean water for human uses and environmental protection to sustain California's future.
Our Mission
To preserve, enhance, and restore the quality of California's water resources, and ensure their proper allocation and efficient use for the benefit of present and future generations.
Latest Updates
- 3/21/2025 – Notice for Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Policy Amendment
- 3/19/2025 - FY 2024-25 IUP November 2024 Update
- 11/18/2024 – Advance Payment (AP) guidelines added to Appendix D of the SAFER Policy (State Funding sources only)
- 10/24/2024 – Notice of Opportunity to Comment on the Policy for Implementing the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund
- 10/22/2024 – DRAFT DWSRF Policy Amendment
- 10/4/2024 - DWSRF Policy Amendment Update
- 8/20/2024 - FINAL 2024-25 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Base Program and Supplemental Intended Use Plans
- 8/20/2024 - FINAL 2024-25 Fund Expenditure Plan Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund
- 4/1/2024 Median Household Income (MHI) Data
Application Process

Funding Requirements
See federal and state funding requirements that may apply.
Read About Requirements
Plans, Policies, and Reports
Looking for the intended use plans, policies, or reports regarding the Clean Water State Revolving Fund?
See Plans, Policies, Reports
Results & Successes
Want to know which projects we have funded? Funding history and testimonials can be found here.
See How We’ve HelpedBipartisan Infrastructure Law
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), also known as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) of 2021, provides $15 billion nationwide funding through the DWSRF for lead service line (LSL) identification and replacement for over the next five (5) years. California received $250 million in FY 2022, and future allotments are expected in future years. Funding is available to community water systems and nonprofit noncommunity systems to complete LSL inventory and replacement. The IUP and the LSL Replacement Funding Supplemental IUP provide guidelines and funding criteria and will be updated annually. Read more about the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and LSL Replacement Funding Program.
Is your project eligible for DWSRF?
DWSRF can finance publicly owned community water systems (e.g., counties, cities, districts), privately-owned community water systems (e.g., for-profit water utilities, non-profit mutual water companies), non-profit or publicly-owned non-community water systems (e.g., public school districts), and community water systems created by the project. Eligible project types include treatment systems, distribution systems, interconnections, consolidations, pipeline extensions, water sources, water meters, and water storage. The interest rate is half of the most recent General Obligation Bond rate, and the most common construction financing term is 30 years. Read more about DWSRF eligibility and financing terms.
Does DWSRF offer grants?
Grants or principal forgiveness may be available for projects benefitting a small disadvantaged community (DAC), small severely disadvantaged community (SDAC), expanded small DAC/SDAC, or small non-disadvantaged communities with median household incomes (MHIs) less than 150% of the statewide MHI. More details on grant eligibility can be found in the annual IUP. Visit the Office of Sustainable Water Solutions for more information on the different grant programs, including but not limited to, interim/emergency solutions, technical assistance, administrators, domestic wells/state smalls, etc.
What’s the interest rate on DWSRF loans?
Our interest rate is half of the most recent General Obligation Bond rate. For recent interest rates, see DWSRF interest rate history.
Are there other funding options for water projects?
The State Water Board offers funding for a variety of water projects, including the Clean Water State Revolving Fund to help finance wastewater and sewer projects. Want to see all the funding program we offer? Check out the Division of Financial Assistance webpage for all our funding programs.
Outside of the State Water Board, U.S. EPA offers a Financing Alternatives Comparison Tool for wastewater or drinking water projects and the California Financing Coordinating Committee has additional information on available state and federal funding.
Stay informed
Email Subscription List
To receive updates on the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, subscribe to the "California Water Boards" email list.
Contact Information
General Inquiries:
- Voicemail: (916) 327-9978
- Email: DrinkingWaterSRF@waterboards.ca.gov
For small, disadvantaged communities:
- Email: DFA-OSWS@waterboards.ca.gov