Clean Water Act Section 401 – Certification and Wetlands Program

Public Notices

Applications for Water Quality Certifications, and proposed multi-regional projects.

Pursuant to federal law (Title 33, United States Code, Section 1341; Clean Water Act Section 401), applicants for a federal license or permit for activities which may discharge to waters of the United States must seek Water Quality Certification from the state with jurisdiction. Such Certification is based on a finding that the discharge will meet water quality standards and other applicable requirements. In California, Regional Water Quality Control Boards (Regional Boards) issue or deny Certification for discharges within their geographical jurisdiction. The State Water Resources Control Board has this responsibility for projects affecting waters within multiple Regional Board jurisdictions.

email  Subscribe to the CWQ401-Certification and Wetlands Program email list under "Water Quality" to receive updates about Certifications.

This information is provided in satisfaction of the public notice requirements of Section 3858, Title 23, of the California Code of Regulations, which govern the State's Certification Program.

To submit comments, or if you have questions, please contact the staff identified for the project via email, or send written comments to:

State Water Resources Control Board
Attn: [insert staff name and project name]
Wetlands Permitting, Division of Water Quality
1001 I Street, Floor 15
Sacramento, CA 95814


County Name Applicant Project Name Project Purpose Posting Date Comment Deadline Contact
Kern Southern California Edison TD2115551 Barlow Road Grid Resiliency Project The Project involves replacing one 45-foot wood utility pole (Pole 4614485E) with a new 45-foot sectional composite utility pole (4614485E) 1-foot east of the existing pole. The Work Area will be accessed from an unpaved access road that extends east from Barlow Road with the pole replacement conducted by truck staged on the unpaved access road and foot access to Pole 4614485E. Soil disturbance will have temporary stream channel impacts. 10/18/2024 11/08/2024 Samantha Parker
Orange County Southern California Edison TD2213536 Tonner Canyon Road Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves using a crane to remove and replace one wood utility pole with a new wood pole. The new hole will be dug by hand or by a machine auger within a three-foot radius of the old pole. 10/18/2024 11/8/2024 Alex Lopez
San Bernardino County Southern California Edison TD2066342, TD1645877 and TD1685221 Prado Transfer Pole Replacement Project The proposed project will consist of work at seven pole locations along the Butterfield 12kV circuit. The new poles will be set by truck. The holes for the new poles will be dug by truck-mounted or handheld auger to a depth of 6-10 feet with a diameter of 2-3 feet, resulting in approximately 2.62 cubic yards of native soil temporarily stockpiled on tarps. Once each new pole is placed, native soil will be backfilled and compacted to set them in place. 10/17/2024 11/07/2024 Chris Monary
Los Angeles County Southern California Edison TD2243813 Solejar Drive Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing one wood utility pole (Pole 1228494E) with a new wood pole and removing and replacing one anchor associated with Pole 1228494E with a new anchor. The new pole will be set by truck and the new anchor will be set by hand. 10/14/2024 11/04/2024 Chris Monary
Orange California Department of Transportation (District 12) and Orange County Transportation Authority State Route 55 (Interstate 5 to State Route 91) Improvement Project (12 0K7201; OCTA M2 Project F-North) The primary goal of the proposed Project is to improve traffic operations and reduce congestion on SR-55 between Interstate 5 (I-5) and State Route 91 (SR-91) within the cities of Tustin, Santa Ana, Orange, and Anaheim in Orange County, California. The Project proposes to increase capacity on SR-55 between I-5 and State Route 22 (SR-22) and provide operational improvement between SR-22 and SR-91. For more information, see the public notice document. 10/09/2024 10/29/2024 Aundrea Asbell
Riverside SoCal Gas Supply Line 41-23A Murrieta Creek Pipeline HDD Project The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 12 Oil or Natural Gas Pipeline Activities is to relocate approximately 450 feet of existing steel pipeline to a new location approximately 0.5 miles north of existing line. The new installation of the pipeline will be installed via Horizontal Directional Drill method where is crosses Murrieta Creek. 10/04/2024 10/25/2024 Samantha Parker
Riverside Toro Energy GP, Inc. El Sobrante Landfill Renewable Natural Gas Facility Project The Project includes the installation of renewable natural gas (RNG) pipelines beneath Temescal Wash northwest of the Dawson Canyon Bridge crossing along Park Canyon Drive. The underground crossing would be accomplished via horizontal directional drilling (HDD) to cross beneath, and avoid disturbance of, Temescal Wash. 10/15/2024 11/05/2024 Shawn Agarwal
Riverside Southern California Edison TD2095931 East Boundary Road Grid Resiliency Project The proposed Project involves replacing one 60-foot wood utility pole (Pole 2066415E) with a new 60-foot composite pole. The existing pole has a caisson which will be abandoned in place. The new pole and its associated caisson will be set within 1 to 3 feet of the existing pole. 10/04/2024 10/25/2024 Shawn Agarwal
El Dorado County Liberty Utilities Lupine Lane Power Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project will remove and replace 5 power poles via helicopter near Lupine Lane and Two Ring Road in South Lake Tahoe, California. Specifically, Existing Pole 1 will be removed and replaced approximately 54 feet to the southwest of its’ current location. 09/27/2024 10/18/2024 Chris Monary
Santa Barbara Southern California Edison Multi-TD Toro Canyon Park Project The Project involves removing and replacing one plate anchor each at Pole 1829067E, Pole 4198990E, and Pole 2178606E, and installing a ground rod at Pole 1829066E. The pole will be accessed on foot from Toro Canyon Park Road. Soil disturbance will have temporary impacts to a stream channel. 09/26/2024 10/17/2024 Nimisha Patel
Orange San Diego Gas & Electric SDG&E eTS 69810.01 P220930 and P220931 Pole Replacement, Laguna Niguel Project The Project involves replacing two existing wooden poles (P220930 and P220931) with weatherized steel poles of similar size and anchor for pole P220931. The project site will be accessed via a road adjacent to Crown Valley Parkway. Soil disturbance will have temporary impacts to wetlands. 09/19/2024 10/10/2024 Nimisha Patel
Ventura Southern California Edison TD2047773 Lockwood Grid Resiliency Project The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 57 Electric Utility Line and Telecommunications Activities is to remove and replace two 40-foot wood utility poles (Poles 4154943E and 4154944E) with new 45-foot composite poles, and one plate anchor replacement at Pole 4154944E south of the Cuyama River. 09/19/2024 10/10/2024 Samantha Parker
Riverside Southern California Edison TD2106196 Rio Road Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 57 Electric Utility Line and Telecommunications Activities is to remove and replace one wood utility pole from within a floodplain of an unnamed stream in Jurupa Valley. 09/17/2024 10/08/2024 Samantha Parker
Alameda Pacific Gas and Electric DFM-0802 Valve Relocation Dixon Landing 74062162 The project scope consists of relocating two valves on PG&E’s natural gas transmission system from a flooded canal to an upland area and installing approximately 180’ of transmission line to support the relocation. 09/16/2024 09/19/2024 Shawn Agarwal
San Diego County San Diego Gas & Electric Company eTS 6998304 P218646 – DIAR/RIDI T3 POLE C/O – DEC Project The proposed Project will replace one existing wooden pole (P218646) with a weatherized steel pole of similar size. San Diego County, California. 09/05/2024 09/26/2024 Chris Monary
Riverside Southern California Edison TD2101306 and TD2179627 Stone Canyon Road Grid Resiliency Project The Project involves removing a plate anchor and installing a screw anchor for Pole 2362314E, replacing a wood pole (Pole 4068145E) with a new pole, and installing two screw anchors for Pole 2362316E. All pole and anchor sites will be accessed via an unpaved road from Knabe Road. Soil disturbance will have temporary impacts to a stream channel. 09/04/2024 09/25/2024 Nimisha Patel
Sonoma City of Santa Rosa Llano Road Trunk Rehabilitation The purpose of the Project is to rehabilitate the existing Llano Road Trunk pipeline for the City of Santa Rosa wastewater collection facility. 09/04/2024 09/25/2024 Shawn Agarwal
Inyo Southern California Edison Multi TD South Lake Road Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 57 Electric Utility Line and Telecommunications Activities is to remove and replace eight wood utility poles, one screw anchor, and three plate anchor replacements from within or adjacent to South Fork Bishop Creek. 09/03/2024 09/24/2024 Samantha Parker
Shasta County Pacific Gas & Electric Cathodic Protection Program, Shasta County PG&E will be installing a corrosion protection system, which includes a zinc rod(s) and a wire(s) being placed underground near the towers. Through a process called cathodic protection (CP), this allows the zinc rods to corrode instead of the tower footing. 08/26/2024 09/16/2024 Chris Monary
Riverside Southern California Edison TD1413042 Palm Canyon Rim Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The Project involves replacing one existing wood pole (4030929E) with a new wood pole and supporting caisson structure. The pole will be accessed via an unvegetated streambed of Palm Canyon Creek from S. Araby Drive. Soil disturbance will have temporary and permanent impacts to a stream channel. 08/13/2024 09/03/2024 Nimisha Patel
Santa Barbara County Southern California Gas Company eTS 7347601 Armitos Avenue HOD Bore Project The Project proposes to route a natural gas distribution line under San Jose Creek. The Project includes excavating two HDD entry and exit points on existing hardscapes in residential and commercial areas and HDD activities using bentonite slurry underneath San Jose Creek. 08/02/2024 08/23/2024 Alex Lopez
Mono Southern California Edison June Mountain Vegetation Management Project The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 57 Electric Utility Line and Telecommunications Activities is to remove hazard trees, clean-up slash and debris piles, brushing and clearing of vegetation around structures, and conduct trimming activities at 2 routine line clearing locations along the Gull Lake 12 kV distribution line. 08/02/2024 08/23/2024 Samantha Parker
Tulare Southern California Edison TD2129910 Avenue 176 Anchor Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing one anchor associated with Pole 4506756E and installing a new anchor in the same location. The new anchor hole will be hand dug and set by hand, and the original anchor will be removed by hand. 07/26/2024 08/16/2024 Shawn Agarwal
Mono Southern California Edison TD1766828 Green Creek Road Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The Project consists of removing and replacing one wood utility pole (Pole 4092589E) with a new wood pole. The new pole will be set by helicopter. 07/26/2024 08/16/2024 Chris Monary
Multiple US Army Corps of Engineers- San Francisco District Reissuance of Regional General Permit 5 for Emergency Repairs The US Army Corps of Engineers, San Francisco District, proposes to reissue Regional General Permit 5 to provide an expediated response to public agencies and private parties for necessary emergency repair and protection measures in waters of the United States. For a description of the proposed project, see the public notice. 07/08/2024 08/22/2024 Ashley Powell
Riverside Southern California Edison TD2167323 Baker Street Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The Project involves removing and replacing one wood utility pole (Pole 4106899E) with a new wood pole using a truck. The pole will be accessed via an existing unnamed dirt road from Baker Street. Soil disturbance will temporarily impact wetlands. 07/02/2024 07/23/2024 Nimisha Patel
San Bernardino County Southern California Edison Doble 33kV Distribution Line Rebuild Project The proposed Project will rebuild the Doble 33kV Distribution Line, located on U.S. Forest Service (USFS) land, private land, and areas managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in unincorporated San Bernardino County, California. 06/25/2024 07/16/2024 Chris Monary
Santa Barbara Montecito Sanitary District Protective Measures of District Facilities Project 2 The Project includes permanently protecting an existing 4-foot diameter sewer manhole by replacing bank protection where it was previously present. The proposed project includes backfilling with approximately 279 square feet of angular boulders and riprap; construction of an earthen ramp to allow a rubber tracked excavator to access the manhole; and temporary displacement of angular rock on the western bank to allow for temporary access. 06/24/2024 07/15/2024 Alex Lopez
Mono Southern California Edison Multi TD Buckeye Grid Resiliency Project The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 57 Electric Utility Line and Telecommunications Activities is to remove and replace six wood utility poles, install two new screw anchors, and one ground rod replacement impacting 0.044 acre of wetlands south of the community of Bridgeport. 06/24/2024 07/15/2024 Samantha Parker
Tulare Southern California Edison TD2036662 Globe Drive Deteriorated Pole and Anchor Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing 45-foot composite poles with new 50-foot composite poles (Poles 4506045E, 4506044E and 4506043E), removing and replacing existing pole anchors with new pole anchors (Pole X16277E) installing new pole anchors (4506045E and 4506044E), and replacing grounding rods (Poles 4506045E, 4506044E and 4506043E). 06/20/2024 07/11/2024 Shawn Agarwal
Mono Southern California Edison TD1962924 Jack Sawyer Road Grid Resiliency Project The Project involves the removal and replacement of three wood utility poles (Poles 2202857E, 2202858E, and 2202859E) with new wood poles, as well as the replacement of two existing down guys at the existing anchors for Poles 2202858E and 2202859E, replacement of the down guys will not result in ground disturbance. The poles will be accessed by truck directly from Jack Sawyer Road with limited area of soil disturbance (i.e. excavation, side casting and backfill). 06/13/2024 07/05/2024 Nimisha Patel
Santa Barbara Montecito Sanitary District Protective Measures of District Facilities Project 1 The purpose of the project is to repair bank protection of a sewer manhole, as well as exposure of the concrete casing of an inlet pipe. The proposed project includes removing previously placed small rock and backfilling with angular boulders, and encasing approximately 9 feet of the existing sewer main in concrete. 06/06/2024 06/27/2024 Alex Lopez
Inyo Southern California Edison TD1969308 Pine Creek Round Valley Road Grid Resiliency Project The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 57 Electric Utility Line and Telecommunications Activities is to remove and replace 14 utility poles and 3 anchors, installing 4 new anchors, and trimming trees/vegetation at 9 structures within potential wetland waters of the U.S. associated with Pine Creek. The poles and anchors would be replaced by truck, crane, or hand and the work areas would be accessed by truck from Pine Creek Road. 06/07/2024 06/27/2024 Samantha Parker
Orange California Department of Transportation, District 12 State Route 91 Improvement Project between State Route 57 and State Route 55 (OCTA M2 “Project I”, EA 0K982 &0K983), Segments 2, 3 The purpose of the Project is to improve vehicle capacity and reduce traffic congestion on SR-91. For additional information, please refer to the Public Notice. 06/05/2024 06/26/2024 Tiana Huling
Ventura Crimson Midstream Pipeline, LLC D2 D3 Pipeline Inspection Project The proposed project involves excavating, exposing and inspecting a natural gas pipeline to determine if repairs are necessary. Impacts are assumed to be temporary. 06/05/2024 06/26/2024 Shawn Agarwal
Mono County Southern California Edison TD1646661 Sky Meadow Road Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project will replace one wood utility pole (Pole 345509S) and its anchor with a new composite pole and anchor. 06/03/2024 06/24/2024 Chris Monary
Contra Costa Kinder Morgan SFPP, L.P. (SFPP) Line Section 9 (LS-9) Anomaly Digs Project - Anomaly Digs 2022-99A/2022-19A and 2022-197A The Project involves inspection and restoration of Line Section 9 (LS-9), a 10-inch buried refined products pipeline, Anomaly Digs 2022-99A/2022-19A and 2022-197A. A stream channel (irrigation ditch D-01) intersects both workspace locations. The irrigation ditch was identified as a Water of the US. 05/30/2024 06/20/2023 Nimisha Patel
Tulare Southern California Edison TD1586878 Road 236 Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 57 Electric Utility Line and Telecommunications Activities is to remove and replace a single wood distribution pole and rod and plate anchors with a new composite pole and two new rod and plate anchor. The project is located within a stream bank and proposes 0.01 acres of temporary impacts from a standard temporary work area and limiting soil disturbance to 10 feet around existing pole. A vacuum truck will be utilized and no dewatering plan is proposed. 05/28/2024 06/18/2024 Samantha Parker
Mono Southern California Edison Highland Transmission Wild Fire Mitigation Pole Replacement Program, Lee Vining-Poole 115 kV Subtransmission Line (WO902776935) The project proposes to replace nine (9) existing deteriorated wood transmission poles, consisting of four (4) structures with nine (9) lightweight steel-weathering (LWS-w) poles. Project impacts will come from overland access and 05/24/2024 06/14/2024 Alex Lopez
Ventura Southern California Edison TD2119114 Hinckley Lane Anchor Project The proposed Project involves four anchor installations or replacements, three of which are associated with Pole 4375283E and one of which is associated with Pole 887010E. 05/23/2024 06/13/2024 Chris Monary
Kern California Department of Technology Middle-mile Broadband Network (09-39490) The Project is part of the MMBN initiative which includes an overall goal of providing an open access, state-owned, high-capacity fiber network that would carry large amounts of data at higher speeds over long distances between local networks. For additional project details, see the Public Notice. 05/23/2024 06/13/2024 Tiana Huling
Santa Barbara Montecito Sanitary District Protective Measures of District Facilities Project 3 The proposed project involves restoring erosion protection for a sewer pipeline along the west bank of San Ysidro Creek in Santa Barbara County. The permanent repairs would involve reconstructing the creek bank slope and adding embankment riprap armor along the creek bank from the sewer main to the tributary creek. 05/22/2024 06/12/2024 Shawn Agarwal
Orange California Department of Transportation State Route 57 Northbound Improvement Project (OCTA M2 Project G) The purpose of the Project is to relieve existing and future northbound SR-57 congestion and improve mobility on the regional transportation system. The Project includes widening the Santa Ana River Bridge, which would entail modifying the bridge embankments, extending four pier walls beneath the bridge, and widening the bridge deck. For more information, see the public notice document. 05/09/2024 05/30/2024 Aundrea Asbell
Tulare Southern California Edison TD1685592 Lodgepole Road Grid Resiliency Project The Project involves removing one existing wood utility pole (4632746E) and replacing it with one fire-wrapped wood utility pole over potential USACE and RWQCB wetland waters of the U.S. and State. 05/07/2024 05/28/2024 Nimisha Patel
Riverside Caltrans State Route 243 Rehabilitate Pavement and Drainage Systems Project (08-1J450) Caltrans proposes to conduct minor pavement rehabilitation; repair or replace culverts as needed; upgrade guard rails, lighting, sign panels, and curb ramps; and install roadside safety elements on State Route 243 from postmile 0.0 to 29.7 in Riverside County. For more information, please see Public Notice 5/7/2024 5/28/2024 Devin Jokerst
Mono Southern California Edison TD1963084 Point Ranch Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing one existing single wooden pole (2172154E) and replacing it with a new wood pole. 05/2/2024 05/23/2024 Alex Lopez
Napa California Department of Transportation (District 4) Napa County State Route 121 Repair and Restoration Project EA 04-0Q790 The purpose of this Project is to stabilize streambanks near washed-out and prevent further erosion and deterioration of the slopes and embankments along State Route 121. Heavy rainfalls saturated the slopes and the embankment soils, causing slope and embankment failures along State Route 121. see the public notice document. 05/1/2024 05/21/2024 Sarmad Alkayssi
San Bernardino Southern California Edison Multi TD Nipton Road Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 57 Electric Utility Line and Telecommunications Activities is to remove and replace seven deteriorated wood single distribution poles located in the Ivanpah playa lakebed. The new wood poles will be set by truck within 5 feet of their existing locations. 05/02/2024 05/23/2023 Samantha Parker
Los Angeles SoCalGas L1202 C-SCC Dig 3 Project The Project includes the inspection and the repair or replacement activities associated with the existing high pressure natural gas pipeline Line 1202. 04/29/2024 05/20/2024 Shawn Agarwal
Mono County Southern California Edison TD1716576 and TD1982253 LV Ranger Station Deteriorated Pole Project The proposed Project will remove and replace four deteriorated wood poles with new poles. 04/24/2024 05/15/2024 Chris Monary
Multiple US Army Corps of Engineers – Los Angeles District Reissuance of Regional General Permit 41 for Eradication and Removal of Invasive, Non-Native Plant and Algal Species from Waters of the U.S. The US Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, proposes to reissue Regional General Permit 41 which authorizes the eradication and removal of invasive, non-native plant and algal species from waters of the U.S., including wetlands. For a description of the proposed project, see the public notice. 04/10/2024 05/28/2024 Liz Reece
Siskiyou PacifiCorp (Pacific Power, its subsidiary) Mt. Shasta City 4kV Pt. 2 Reconductoring Project The Project involves removal of four one-foot in diameter wood poles and replacement with fiberglass poles in field identified wetlands. 04/10/2024 05/01/2024 Nimisha Patel
Kern California Department of Technology Middle-mile Broadband Network (09-39510) The Project is part of the MMBN initiative which includes an overall goal of providing an open access, state-owned, high-capacity fiber network that would carry large amount of data at higher speeds over long distance between local networks. For additional projection see the Public Notice. 04/05/2024 04/26/2024 Tiana Huling
Mono Southern California Edison TD1751283 Owens River Pole Replacement Project The proposed project involves removing two 65-foot-tall, deteriorated wood poles (Poles 2058251E and 2058252E) connected by an H-frame and replacing them with new poles on the Casa Diablo-Control 115kV circuit. 04/04/2024 04/25/2024 Shawn Agarwal
Inyo Southern California Edison TD1432907 and TD1432937 Lower Rock Creek Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves the removal and replacement of eight deteriorated wood poles with new wood poles. The new poles will be set by helicopter and accessed by foot. The new holes will be dug by hand or by a machine auger within a three-foot radius of the old poles. An NOA was previously issued for this project under the Project name TD1432907, TD1541154, and TD1432937 Lower Rock Creek Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project on December 23, 2019. The purpose of this NOI is to re-submit the same project due to the expired Nationwide Permit 12 and the subsequent issuance of Nationwide Permit 57 in 2021. 04/02/2024 04/23/2024 Alex Lopez
San Bernardino Southern California Edison TD1752037 Pinnacles Grid Reliability and Maintenance Pole Replacement Project The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 57 Electric Utility Line and Telecommunications Activities located at located at 35.672606, -117.410189, is to remove and replace two (2) wood transmission poles (H-frame Structure A1533215AE/A1533215BE) 04/02/2024 04/23/2024 Samantha Parker
Los Angeles County Southern California Edison TD1983974 Cheney Dr Garapito Creek Anchor Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing one existing/old anchor, which is approximately 19 feet southeast of Pole 17538Y, and installing a new anchor approximately 30 feet southeast of Pole 17538Y 03/29/2024 04/19/2024 Chris Monary
Los Angeles SoCalGas SoCalGas Del Rey 4 Plug & Abandonment Project The project proposes to perform a complete plug and abandonment of a well at its Playa del Rey Natural Gas Storage Facility. The process of abandoning this well will include bringing in a workover rig to remove the downhole piping; setting a cement plug from total depth to surface; isolating the hydrocarbon and fresh-water bearing zones; removing the wellhead; cutting the well casing 5 to 10 feet below grade; then welding on a steel plate inscribed with the well name, API number, and date. 03/27/2024 04/17/2024 Alex Lopez
Inyo Southern California Edison Southern California Edison TD1855684 Panorama Grid Reliability and Maintenance Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing one wood utility pole (Pole 1930271E) and one associated guywire. 3/27/2024 4/17/2024 Nimisha Patel
Ventura Southern California Edison TD1978806 Glanville Road Anchor Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing one anchor associated with Pole 1418972E. The new anchor will be replaced by hand approximately 17 feet north of the existing pole, closer to the pole than the existing anchor. 3/26/2024 4/16/2024 Shawn Agarwal
Kern County California Department of Technology Middle-mile Broadband Network Project (09-39470) The Project is part of the MMBN initiative which includes an overall goal of providing an open access, state-owned, high-capacity fiber network that would carry large amounts of data at higher speeds over longer distances between local networks. For additional project information, see the Public Notice 03/25/2024 4/15/2024 Tiana Huling
Mono County Southern California Edison Multi TD Bodie Park Cottonwood Canyon Road Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project will remove and replace seven wooden Utility poles with new wood poles and three anchors. 03/21/2024 4/11/2024 Chris Monary
Alameda County Chevron Pipe Line Company Chevron Bay Area Products Line 2021-BETSJ-003 Pipeline lnteqrity Management Repairs Project The purpose of the Project is to investigate and repair or replace one small section of the existing pipeline to address specific anomalies along the Bay Area Products Line (BAPL) Bethany to San Jose leg of the pipeline that could have compromised pipeline integrity. 03/21/2024 4/11/2024 Chris Monary
Tulare Southern California Edison TD2048509 Ave 140 Ground Rod Installation Project The proposed Project involves installing a new ground rod at Pole 1686918E. 03/18/2024 04/08/2024 Nimisha Patel
Del Norte, Humboldt, Mendocino, Santa Barbara, and Siskiyou California Department of Fish and Wildlife 2023 Fisheries Restoration Grant Program’s Mitigated Negative Declaration Project For a description of the proposed Project, see the public notice document. 03/15/2024 04/09/2024 Stephen Barlow
Kern California Department of Technology Middle-mile Broadbrand Network (09-39500) The Project is part of the MMBN initiative which includes an overall goal of providing an open access, state-owned, high-capacity fiber network that would carry large amount of data at higher speeds over longer distances between local networks. For additional project information, see the Public Notice. 03/15/2024 04/05/2024 Tiana Huling
Imperial Southern California Edison TD1682486 Blythe Cibola Lake Pole Replacement Project The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 57 Electric Utility Line and Telecommunications Activities is to remove and replace one wooden pole (Pole 1969520E) with a new wood pole in the same location. 03/15/2024 04/05/2024 Samantha Parker
Tulare Southern California Edison TD2188495 Nelson Drive Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing one wood utility pole (Pole 2296326E) with a new wood pole. 03/11/2024 04/01/2024 Shawn Agarwal
Solano and Contra Costa County LS Power Grid California, LLC (LSPGC) Collinsville Substation In-water Geotechnical Investigation Project The proposed Project involves geotechnical soil core sampling of up to 11 locations within the Delta. 02/27/2024 03/19/2024 Chris Monary
San Louis Obispo County Avila Ranch Developers, Inc. Wet and Dry Utilities Crossing a Special Aquatic Site This project proposes to install wet and dry utilities through a Special Aquatic Site (SAS). Wet utility lines consist of sewer, recycled water, and domestic water; and dry utilities consist of gas and a dry utilities line. 02/27/2024 03/19/2024 Chris Monary
Inyo Southern California Edison TD1798439 South Fork Bishop Creek Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed project involves removing and replacing one (1) deteriorated wood distribution pole. 02/23/2024 03/15/2024 Alex Lopez
San Luis Obispo Southern California Gas Company SL-44-307 Remediation Project The proposed Project is to repair existing high-pressure, natural gas pipeline (Supply Line 44-307) in order to maintain compliance with required safety regulations. 02/22/2024 03/14/2024 Nimisha Patel
Orange County Southern California Edison 904141582 Plantenders Anchor Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing one anchor associated with Pole 2044133E and installing a new anchor. 02/15/2024 03/07/2024 Shawn Agarwal
Mono Southern California Edison TD 1651996 Mammoth Rush Creek Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing one wooden pole and its anchor rod with a new wood pole and anchor rod approximately 60 feet west-southwest from its current location. The old pole will be accessed by foot. The new hole will be dug by hand or mechanical auger and the pole will be set by truck. Standard excavation depths range between 6 and 10 feet with a diameter of 2 to 3 feet. 02/14/2024 03/06/2024 Alex Lopez
San Bernardino County Southern California Edison TD1980974 Black Meadow Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing one wooden distribution pole (Pole 2350515E) with a new wood pole one foot west of the current location. 02/07/2024 02/28/2024 Chris Monary
Orange Southern California Edison TD2047463 Jeffrey Road Hicks Wash Deteriorated Pole Replacement The proposed Project involves removing and replacing a deteriorated wood utility pole (Pole 4615845E) along the Atlanta 12kV Distribution Circuit, with a new wood pole set within a concrete-filled caisson. 02/07/2024 02/28/2024 Nimisha Patel
Riverside Riverside County Flood Control Facilities Maintenance Program, RGP-99 For a description of the proposed project please see the Public Notice document. 02/06/2024 02/27/2024 Mark Chin
Inyo Kinder Morgan LS – 16 CA-245 Integrity Dig Project The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 12 Oil or Natural Gas Pipeline Activities is to complete direct assessments on its 10-inch LS-16 pipeline. A contractor will evaluate the current pipeline condition at CA-245 by excavation and will complete repairs, as necessary, to maintain the pipeline integrity 02/05/2024 02/26/2024 Samantha Parker
Inyo Southern California Edison TD1785976 Furnace Creek Wash Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 57 Electric Utility Line and Telecommunications Activities is to remove and replace a deteriorated wood utility pole (Pole 1551121E) along the Furnace Creek 33kV distribution circuit. 02/02/2024 02/23/2024 Samantha Parker
Riverside County Southern California Edison TD1837739 Bee Canyon Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing one wood utility pole (Pole 4798162E). The old wood pole will be replaced with a new CLH3 wood pole and a sono-tube that will be set by helicopter. 02/02/2024 02/23/2024 Chris Monary
San Bernadino Southern California Edison TD2072147 Phelan Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed project involves removing and replacing one (1) deteriorated wood single transmission pole (Pole 4006455E). 02/01/2024 02/22/2024 Shawn Agarwal
Mono Southern California Edison TD1966912 Twin Lakes Road Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing one wood utility pole (Pole 4182836E) with a new composite pole. 01/30/2024 02/20/2024 Nimisha Patel
Sacramento Kinder Morgan LS-9 CA-235 Integrity Dig Project The purpose of the project is to complete direct assessments of a 10-inch underground gas pipeline for inspection and repairs. 01/29/2024 02/19/2024 Shawn Agarwal
San Joaquin County SFPP LS 9 CA-216 Integrity Dig Project Project will complete direct assessments on 10-inch Line LS-9 pipeline which SFPP is scheduling to complete as soon as authorized. SFPP will evaluate the current pipeline condition at CA-216 by excavation and will complete repairs, as necessary, to maintain the pipeline integrity. 01/25/2024 02/15/2024 Chris Monary
Riverside Southern California Edison TD1603624 Blythe Black Point Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The project involves removing and replacing one wood utility pole (Pole 2311208E) with a new wood pole in a caisson, as well as the replacement of one anchor west of the pole, and the replacement of one guy line comprising an anchor located east of the pole. 01/25/2024 02/15/2024 Nimisha Patel
San Diego San Diego Gas & Electric eTS 68104.01 P131135 Pole Replacement (Project) The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 57 Electric Utility Line and Telecommunications Activities is to replace one existing wooden pole (P131135) with a weatherized steel pole of similar size. 01/25/2024 02/15/2024 Samantha Parker
Inyo Southern California Edison TD1675113 Rocking K Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing one wood pole (Pole 1854446E) with a new composite pole and removing and replacing one anchor associated with the pole. 01/22/2024 02/12/2024 Shawn Agarwal
Los Angeles County Southern California Edison TD2067268 Ralphs Ranch Rd Pole and Anchor Replacement Project The proposed Project will remove and replace one 55-foot wood utility pole (Pole 3008977E) and its associated anchor with a new 55-foot fiberglass pole and anchor along the Latigo-Potrero 66kV Sub-transmission Line. 01/18/2024 02/08/2024 Chris Monary
Mono Southern California Edison TD1684082 Aspen Landing Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The project involves removing and replacing two wood utility poles (Poles 1937406E and 1937424E) with new wood poles, and replacing their associated anchors. Construction staging will be within the surrounding upland areas along S Landing Road. 01/17/2024 02/07/2024 Nimisha Patel
Riverside and Orange California Department of Transportation State Route 74 (08-1K690) For a description of the proposed project please see the Public Notice Document. 01/12/2024 02/06/2024 Stephen Barlow
San Bernardino Southern California Edison TD1980958 & TD1980975 Black Meadow Road Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing two wooden distribution poles (Poles 2350517E and 2327564E) with new wooden poles. 01/05/2024 01/26/2024 Shawn Agarwal
Alameda County Chevron Pipe Line Company Chevron Bay Area Products Line 2021-BETSJ-003 and 2021-BETSJ-004 Pipeline lnteqrity Management Repairs Project The purpose of the Project is to investigate and repair or replace two small sections of the existing pipeline to address specific anomalies along the Bay Area Products Line (BAPL) Bethany to San Jose leg of the pipeline that could have compromised pipeline integrity. 01/02/2024 01/23/2024 Chris Monary