Permits Search Tool | Permits by Year
NA Order No. R4-2004-0179 ====== Status: Historical ====== CI - 8841
Effective Date: 2004-12-13
Name : ConocoPhillips Company
Address : 3611 Harbor Blvd
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Contact :
Phone/Email :
Name : 76 Station No. 6907
Address : 11025 E. Washington Bl
Whittier, CA 90606
Contact : Pacy Molina
Phone/Email :
Order/Permit Information:
Permit Type : NEW, I, NON15
Threat To Water Quality : 3
Complexity : A
Order Title :
Staff Contact Information:
Orlando Gonzalez
Department : Stormwater - Compliance and Enforcement
Phone Number : (213) 620-2120
Email Address :
Order/Permit Documentation:
1. 8841_R4-2004-0179_MRP.pdf
2. 8841_R4-2004-0179_WDR.pdf
Receiving Water:
Watershed Waterbody
1. San Gabriel River
Other Related Permit(s):
Order Number
1. R4-2004-0179
2. R04-018
3. R4-2010-0047