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CAG994004 Order No. R4-2013-0095 ====== Status: Active ====== CI - 6089
Effective Date: 2017-09-29
Name : LA Co Dept of Public Works
Address : 900 S. Fremont Ave.
Alhambra, CA 91803
Contact : Mark Pestrella
Phone/Email : 626-458-4001
Name : Dominguez Gap Barrier Project
Address : Along E & F Sts, & Alameda St
Wilmington, CA 90744
Contact : Edward Gerlits
Phone/Email : 6264586303
Order/Permit Information:
Permit Type : NEW, G, NPDES
Threat To Water Quality :
Complexity :
Order Title : General National Pollutant DischargeElimination System Permit and Waste Discharge Requirements for Groundwater Discharges fromConstruction and Project Dewatering to Surface Waters in Coastal Watersheds of Los Angelesand Ventura Counties
Staff Contact Information:
Vilma B. Correa
Department : Permitting - General
Phone Number : (213) 576-6794
Email Address :
Order/Permit Documentation:
1. 6089_R4-2013-0095_WDR_PKG.pdf
Receiving Water:
Watershed Waterbody
1. Dominguez Channel and Los Angeles/Long Beach Harbor WMA Los Angeles Inner Harbor
Other Related Permit(s):
Order Number
1. R4-2003-0108
2. 97-045
3. 84-005
4. 89-127
5. 94-108
6. 99-071
7. R4-2013-0095