Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)
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No. | Resolution No. | Watershed | Pollutant | Resolution Name | Staff Contact | Last Updated | New Posting | |
Click header row to order by specific field | ||||||||
1 | R24-003 | Marina del Rey | Toxics | Reconsideration of Marina del Rey Harbor... more |
2 | RXX-XXX | Dominguez Channel | Bacteria | Dominguez Channel and Estuary Indicator... more |
3 | R22-002 | Los Cerritos Channel | Bacteria | Los Cerritos Channel and Estuary, Alamitos... more |
4 | RXX-XXX | Ventura Coastal | Trash | Ormond Beach Trash TMDL |
5 | R22-005 | Dominguez Channel | Multiple | Dominguez Channel and Greater Los Angeles... more |
6 | R19-005 | Ventura River | Trash | Reconsideration of the Ventura River Estuary... more |
7 | R19-005 | Los Angeles River | Trash | Reconsideration of the Legg Lake Trash TMDL |
8 | R19-005 | Santa Clara River | Trash | Reconsideration of the Lake Elizabeth, Munz... more |
9 | R19-004 | Dominguez Channel | Trash | Reconsideration of the Machado Lake Trash... more |
10 | R19-004 | Santa Monica Bay | Debris | Reconsideration of the Santa Monica Bay... more |
11 | R21-001 | Various | Various | Amendments to the Water Quality Control Plan... more |
12 | R18-005 | Calleguas Creek | Trash | Reconsideration of the Revolon... more |
13 | R18-006 | Malibu Creek | Trash | Reconsideration of the Malibu Creek Trash... more |
14 | RXX-XXX | Misc Ventura Coastal | Bacteria | Ventura Harbor Keys Bacteria TMDL |
15 | RXX-XXX | Misc Ventura Coastal | Bacteria | Ventura County Coastal Beaches Bacteria TMDL |
16 | R16-006 | Santa Clara River | Nutrients | Santa Clara River Lakes Nutrients TMDL |
17 | R16-007 | Calleguas Creek | Metals | Reconsideration of the TMDLs for Metals and... more |
18 | R16-009 | Malibu Creek | Multiple | Implementation Plan for the Total Maximum... more |
19 | R13-004 | San Gabriel River | Metals | Implementation Plans for the Total Maximum... more |
20 | R15-004 | Los Angeles River | Metals | Basin Plan amendment to adopt site-specific... more |
21 | R15-006 | Ballona Creek | Trash | Reconsideration of Ballona Creek Trash TMDL |
22 | R15-006 | Los Angeles River | Trash | Reconsideration of Trash TMDL for Los... more |
23 | R15-005 | San Gabriel River | Bacteria | TMDL for Indicator Bacteria in the San... more |
24 | R13-010 | Ballona Creek | Toxics | Reconsideration of Ballona Creek Estuary... more |
25 | R13-010 | Ballona Creek | Metals | Reconsideration of Ballona Creek Metals TMDL |
26 | R14-004 | Marina del Rey | Toxics | Reconsideration of Marina del Rey Harbor... more |
27 | R14-010 | Santa Clara River | Chloride | Santa Clara River Chloride TMDL Revision &... more |
28 | R13-004 | Los Cerritos Channel | Metals | Implementation Plans for the Total Maximum... more |
29 | R12-010 | Los Angeles River | Nutrients | Reconsideration of Los Angeles River... more |
30 | R12-009 | Malibu Creek | Bacteria | Reconsideration of Certain Technical Matters... more |
31 | R12-008 | Ballona Creek | Bacteria | Reconsideration of Certain Technical Matters... more |
32 | R12-007 | Multiple | Bacteria | Reconsideration of Certain Technical Matters... more |
33 | 2008-012 | Santa Clara River | Chloride | Reconsideration of the Upper Santa Clara... more |
34 | R12-011 | Ventura River | Algae | Ventura River Algae TMDL |
35 | R10-007 | Los Angeles River | Bacteria | Los Angeles River Bacteria TMDL |
36 | R11-008 | Dominguez Channel | Multiple | Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbors Toxic and... more |
37 | R10-006 | Santa Clara River | Bacteria | Santa Clara River Bacteria TMDL |
38 | R10-010 | Santa Monica Bay | Debris | Santa Monica Bay Nearshore Debris TMDL |
39 | R10-008 | Dominguez Channel | Toxics | Machado Lake Toxics TMDL |
40 | R10-003 | Los Angeles River | Metals | Reconsideration of Los Angeles River Metals... more |
41 | R09-005 | LA Co. Coastal Streams | Multiple | Colorado Lagoon Pesticides, PAH's, PCB,... more |
42 | R09-006 | Misc Ventura Coastal | Multiple | McGrath Lake PCBs, Pesticides and Sediment... more |
43 | 2006-014 | San Gabriel River | Metals | San Gabriel River Metals TMDL |
44 | NA | Malibu Creek | Multiple | Malibu Creek Nutrient and Bacteria TMDL |
45 | NA | Los Cerritos Channel and Alamitos Bay WMA | Metals | Los Cerritos Channel TMDL for Metals |
46 | 2008-007 | Malibu Creek | Trash | Malibu Creek Trash TMDL |
47 | 2008-006 | Dominguez Channel | Nutrients | Machado Lake Nutrient TMDL |
48 | 2007-017 | Misc Ventura Coastal | Bacteria | Harbor Beaches of Ventura County Bacteria... more |
49 | 2007-016 | Calleguas Creek | Salts | Calleguas Creek Watershed Salts TMDL |
50 | 2007-015 | Ballona Creek | Metals | Ballona Creek Metals TMDL |
51 | R2007-014 | Los Angeles River | Metals | Los Angeles Metals TMDL |
52 | 2008-009 | Calleguas Creek | Nutrients | Revision of WLAs for Calleguas Creek... more |
53 | R07-012 | Los Angeles River | Trash | Trash TMDL for the Los Angeles River... more |
54 | 2006-016 | Santa Clara River | Salts | Upper Santa Clara River Chloride TMDL... more |
55 | 2006-011 | Ballona Creek | Bacteria | Ballona Creek, Ballona Estuary, and... more |
56 | 2007-010 | Los Angeles River | Trash | Legg Lake Trash TMDL |
57 | 2007-006 | Dominguez Channel | Trash | Machado Lake Trash TMDL |
58 | 2007-008 | Ventura River | Trash | Ventura River Estuary Trash TMDL |
59 | 2007-007 | Calleguas Creek | Trash | Revolon Slough & Beardsley Wash Trash TMDL |
60 | 2007-009 | Santa Clara River | Trash | Lake Elizabeth, Munz Lake, Lake Hughes Trash... more |
61 | 2006-012 | Calleguas Creek | Metals | Calleguas Creek Watershed Metals TMDL |
62 | 2005-008 | Ballona Creek | Toxics | Ballona Creek Estuary Toxic Pollutants |
63 | 2006-013 | Los Angeles River | Trash | Proposed Resolution to set aside the Los... more |
64 | 2006-006 | Santa Monica Bay | Bacteria | Santa Monica Bay Beaches Wet Weather... more |
65 | 2006-007 | Santa Monica Bay | Bacteria | Santa Monica Bay Beaches Wet Weather... more |
66 | 2006-008 | Santa Monica Bay | Bacteria | Santa Monica Bay Beaches Wet Weather... more |
67 | 2006-009 | Marina del Rey | Bacteria | Marina del Rey Harbor Mothers' Beach and... more |
68 | 2006-005 | Santa Monica Bay | Bacteria | Santa Monica Bay Beaches Wet Weather... more |
69 | 2005-010 | Calleguas Creek | Toxics | Calleguas Creek OC Pesticides & PCBs TMDL |
70 | 2005-009 | Calleguas Creek | Toxicity | Calleguas Creek Toxicity TMDL |
71 | 2005-012 | Marina del Rey | Toxics | Marina del Rey Harbor Toxics TMDL |
72 | 2004-019R | Malibu Creek | Bacteria | Malibu Creek Bacteria TMDL |
73 | 2004-004 | Santa Clara River | Salts | Upper Santa Clara River Chloride TMDL |
74 | 2004-011 | Los Angeles Harbor | Bacteria | Los Angeles Harbor Bacteria TMDL |
75 | 2004-023 | Ballona Creek | Trash | Ballona Creek Trash TMDL-Revision |
76 | 2003-016 | Los Angeles River | Nutrients | Los Angeles River Nutrient TMDL (Revision of... more |
77 | 2003-011 | Santa Clara River | Nutrients | Santa Clara River Nutrients TMDL |
78 | 2003-009 | Los Angeles River | Nutrients | Los Angeles River Nutrients TMDL |
79 | 2003-012 | Marina del Rey | Bacteria | Marina del Rey Back Basins Bacteria TMDL |
80 | R4-2003-0065 | Multiple | N/A | Santa Clara River Estuary Beach/Sufers'... more |
81 | 2002-017 | Calleguas Creek | Nutrients | Calleguas Creek Nitrogen TMDL |
82 | 2002-004 | Santa Monica Bay | Bacteria | Santa Monica Bay Beaches Dry Weather... more |
83 | 2002-022 | Santa Monica Bay | Bacteria | Santa Monica Bay Beaches Wet Weather... more |
84 | NA | Santa Clara River | Chloride | TMDL for Chloride in the Santa Clara River,... more |
85 | 2001-014 | Ballona Creek | Trash | Ballona Creek Trash TMDL |
86 | R01-013 | Los Angeles River | Trash | Los Angeles River Trash TMDL |
87 | 2000-010 | San Gabriel River | Trash | San Gabriel East Fork Trash TMDL (Revision... more |
88 | 1999-015 | San Gabriel River | Trash | San Gabriel East Fork Trash TMDL |