Water Quality Standards (WQS)
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No. | Resolution No. | Watershed | Pollutant | Resolution Name | Staff Contact | Last Updated | New Posting |
Click header row to order by specific field | |||||||
1 | R24-001 | Various | Various | 2023-2025 Triennial Review |
2 | R23-006 | Los Angeles River | Chloride | Site-Specific Objective For Chloride in Los... more |
3 | R22-001 | Various | Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan... more |
4 | R20-001 | Various | Bacteria | Amendments to the Water Quality Control Plan... more |
5 | R19-006 | Various | Various | Non-Regulatory Amendments to the Water... more |
6 | R20-004 | Various | Various | 2020-2022 Triennial Review |
7 | R16-011 | Raymond | Various | Consideration of tentative Basin Plan... more |
8 | R16-010 | San Gabriel | Various | Consideration of tentative Basin Plan... more |
9 | R18-004 | Various | Various | A Resolution to Prioritize Actions to Adopt... more |
10 | R18-003 | Various | Various | 2017-2019 Triennial Review |
11 | R16-005 | Malibu | Various | Consideration of tentative Basin Plan... more |
12 | R16-004 | Various | N/A | Administrative Update for Chapter 4... more |
13 | R16-008 | Santa Clara | Various | Consideration of tentative Basin Plan... more |
14 | R15-004 | Los Angeles River | Metals | Basin Plan amendment to adopt site-specific... more |
15 | R15-007 | Santa Clara River | Nutrients | Incorporate Stakeholder-Developed... more |
16 | R15-011 | Various | Multiple | 2014-2016 Triennial Review |
17 | R15-001 | Los Angeles | Incorporate Stakeholder-Proposed Groundwater... more |
18 | R14-009 | Various | Update Chapter 1 "Introduction", Chapter 5... more |
19 | R14-007 | Various | N/A | Incorporation of the Statewide Water Quality... more |
20 | R14-003 | Malibu | N/A | Reconsideration of Table 4-zz of Resolution... more |
21 | R14-011 | Los Angeles | Retaining the Current Recreational... more |
22 | R12-XXX | Los Angeles River | Bacteria | Re-evaluation of Recreational Uses in the... more |
23 | R13-003 | Various | N/A | Non-Regulatory Amendments to the Water... more |
24 | R11-011 | Regional | Multiple | Proposed Non-Regulatory Amendment to the... more |
25 | R11-013 | Regional | Multiple | Proposed Non-Regulatory Amendment to the... more |
26 | R09-007 | Malibu Creek | N/A | Prohibition for Septic Systems and Onsite... more |
27 | R12-001 | Regional | Multiple | 2011-2013 Triennial Review |
28 | R10-005 | Regional | Bacteria | Update of the Bacteria Objectives for... more |
29 | R10-001 | Regional | Multiple | 2008-2010 Triennial Review |
30 | 2007-018 | Santa Clara River | Multiple | Proposed Amendment of Subdivide Reach 4 of... more |
31 | New | Regional | Metals | Developing Water Effect Ratios for Metals in... more |
32 | 2007-005 | Regional | Nutrients | Site Specific Objectives for Ammonia in the... more |
33 | 2006-022 | Calleguas Creek | Metals | Developing Water Effects Ratios for Copper... more |
34 | 2006-021 | Regional | Multiple | Variance Provision for the Groundwater... more |
35 | 2006-003 | Regional | Multiple | Variance Provision for the Groundwater... more |
36 | 2005-014 | Regional | Nutrients | Revision of Early Life Stage Provision of... more |
37 | 2003-XXX | Ballona Creek | Bacteria | Ballona Creek Recreational Use Attainability... more |
38 | 2004-022 | Regional | Nutrients | Update of Saltwater Ammonia Objectives |
39 | 2005-003 | Regional | Multiple | 2004 Triennial Review |
40 | 2003-010 | Regional | Bacteria | High Flow Suspension of Recreational Uses |
41 | 2003-015 | Santa Clara River | Salts | Revision of Lower Santa Clara River Chloride... more |
42 | 2003-001 | Regional | Multiple | Compliance Schedule Policy |
43 | 2002-022 | Regional | Bacteria | Implementation Provisions For Bacteria... more |
44 | 2002-011 | Regional | Nutrients | Update of Freshwater Ammonia Objectives |
45 | 2001-018 | Regional | Bacteria | Update of Bacteria Objectives |
46 | 1999-013 | Regional | Multiple | Oxnard Forebay Septic System Prohibition |
47 | 2001-011 | Regional | Multiple | 2001 Triennial Review |
48 | 97-02 | Regional | Chloride | Amendment to the Water Quality control Plan... more |
49 | 1998-018 | Regional | Multiple | Dedesignation of MUN Use from Portions of... more |