Upper Berryessa Creek Flood Risk Management Project
This page pertains to the Upper Berryessa Creek Flood Risk Management Project located in Santa Clara County (Project), co-sponsored by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and Santa Clara Valley Water District (District). The Project purpose is to provide flood protection to the new Milpitas BART station (recently constructed), and an estimated 650 homes and businesses in Milpitas and San Jose, by increasing the creek's capacity along 2.2 miles from Interstate 680 to Calaveras Boulevard. The Water Board authorized the project under Order No. R2-2017-0014 in April 2017 (Order).The Order requires the Santa Clara Valley Water District (District) to provide both on- and offsite mitigation for unavoidable impacts resulting from the Project. In compliance with the Order, the District submitted a proposal to use the Almaden Lake Project as offsite mitigation for Project impacts. The Water Board’s Executive Officer is considering acceptance of the Almaden Lake Project. Accordingly, we are posting the offsite mitigation proposal, along with Water Board staff’s recommendation, for public review and comment. The Executive Officer will consider all public comments prior to making a decision on whether to accept the proposal. The deadline to submit comments is 5:00 PM October 29, 2018. Comments must be submitted to the attention of Susan Glendening (see contact information below).
Persons wishing to file written comments on or objections to the offsite mitigation proposal for the Project, or other aspects of this matter, must do so no later than this deadline so that such comments may be considered by the Executive Officer.
Public Notice and files for Almaden Lake Project
1. Public Notice (see also the Water Board’s public noticing website at: https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/sanfranciscobay/public_notices/401/almaden/index1.html)
2. Water Board Staff Technical Memo_Almaden Lake Project (8/27/2018)
3. Plans Submitted by SCVWD for Proposed Almaden Lake Project (August-September 2018)
4. Upper Berryessa Flood Risk Management Project 401-WDR_Order No. R2-2017-0014 (4/12/2018)
Contact Information
Susan Glendening
(510) 622-2462
San Francisco Water Board
1515 Clay Street, Ste. 1400
Oakland, CA 94612
Additional Project Files
To obtain copies of any documents in the Administrative Record please contact Susan Glendening at (510) 622-2462 or Susan.Glendening@waterboards.ca.gov.Administrative Record – Index-updated 7/11/2018