Public Involvement for San Francisco Bay Nutrients Project
This web page is an information clearinghouse to support public involvement in the San Francisco Bay NNE project. It provides an easy way to find meeting agendas, presentations, and reports produced through the project. We have established a San Francisco Bay Stakeholder Advisory Group (SF Bay SAG) to guide the development of the NNE for the Estuary and the implementation of the Nutrient Management Strategy. The purpose of the SF Bay SAG is to advise the Water Board on the science and policy supporting NNE development and specifically to review background policy and technical information, provide stakeholder perspective and input on the NNE process, Nutrient Strategy implementation, workplan and technical documents review. The SAG also advises the Water Board on the selection of experts to be part of the Technical Advisory Team and the Scientific Advisory Panel. Click here to visit the home page for the SF Bay NNE project.
South San Francisco Bay |
Public Involvement in the Project – Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG)
Agendas and Presentations for next SAG Meeting
The San Francisco Bay Water Board held a SAG meeting on February 9, 2016 [10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the State Building in Oakland] to brief interested parties on the development of a framework to assess the effects of nutrients on San Francisco Bay (SFB) beneficial uses. The report entitled Scientific Basis to Assess the Effects of Nutrients on San Francisco Bay Beneficial Uses below proposes an Assessment Framework (AF) for the Bay which could serve as a decision framework for quantifying the extent to which SFB is supporting beneficial uses with respect to nutrients. The Assessment Framework comprises three important elements: 1) a set of conceptual models that defines what a nutrient-related problem would look like in SFB, if it occurred, 2) a set of core principles supporting the AF, and 3) classification tables for the candidate assessment indicators. Comments on the report may be submitted at any time to Richard Looker or Naomi Feger at the Water Board as we anticipate continuing to evaluate the recommendations in the report and the classification tables included in the report. In particular, the authors of the report are also looking for comments on the appendix C to the report (Manuscript on analyses of Chl-a and relationship to dissolved oxygen and harmful algal species. Please submit those by February 25, 2016 so they can finalize the manuscript and submit it for publication.
The Assessment Framework and classification tables are a work-in-progress, will likely be refined, and will continue to be evaluated by the Water Board. It is not a regulatory document and thresholds put forward in the report are considered provisional.
Comment Letters on the Assessment Framework:
- Revised Comment Letter from BACWA (Febrauary 25, 2016)
- Preliminary Comments from BACWA (January 29, 2016)
- Comment Letter from Mike Connor
- Comment Letter from Sacramento Regional Sanitation District
Meeting agenda and presentations from the meeting:
- Meeting Agenda
- Overview of Nutrients in SF Bay (Jim Cloern, USGS)
- Building An Assessment Framework for San Francisco Bay: Scientific Bases for Establishing Chlorophyll-a Endpoints (Martha Sutula, SCCWRP)
- What if we apply the Chlorophyll-a assessment thresholds to assess current condition? (Dave Senn, SFEI)
- Report Recommendations and Next Steps (Naomi Feger)
- Implications for NMS implementation: monitoring, modelling and the Science Plan (Dave Senn)
Materials for review and other additional information related to the meeting:
- Scientific Basis to Assess the Effects of Nutrients on San Francisco Bay Beneficial Uses
- Appendix A Definitions of Key Terms and SFB Beneficial Uses
- Appendix B Review of Approaches to Assessment of Nutrient Effects on Estuaries
- Appendix C Quantitative Analyses Supporting Decisions on Chlorophyll-A Assessment Endpoints (Sutula et al. Manuscript in prep for Submission to a Scientific Journal)
- Appendix D. Supplemental Analyses Supporting Discussion of the Importance of Stratification on the Relationship between Dissolved Oxygen and Chlorophyll-a In SF Bay (Stacey and Senn, 2015 Technical Memo)
Agendas and Presentations from Past SAG Meetings
Stakeholder meeting – December 6, 2013
- December 6, 2013 SAG Meeting Agenda
- Nutrient Strategy and Governance Update (presentation)
- Bay Nutrient Watershed Permit (presentation)
- Conceptual Model Update (presentation)
- Nutrient Assessment Framework Update (presentation)
- Lower South Bay DO Data Analysis (presentation)
Stakeholder meeting – June 6, 2013
- June 6, 2013 SAG Meeting Agenda
- White Paper - Approaches to a Nutrient Assessment Framework - Draft May 2013
- Nutrient Conceptual Model - Draft May 2013
Stakeholder Comments on draft reports: External Loads to SF Bay, Nutrient Conceptual Model, Nutrient Management Strategy, and NNE Assessment Framework
- May 2012 Comments from State and Federal Contractors Water Agency on Nutrient Strategy
- May 2012 BACWA Comments on Nutrient Strategy
- May 2012 Comments from Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District on the Nutrient Strategy
- June 2013 Comments from State and Federal Contractors Water Agency on Conceptual Model, Loads Study, and Scientific Approaches Supporting Assessment Framework
- June 2013 Comments from Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District on Conceptual Model and Assessment Framework
- July 2013 Comments from the City of Sunnyvale on the NNE Assessment Framework
- July 2013 Comments from the City of Sunnyvale on the Nutrients Conceptual Model
- September 2013 Central Valley RWQCB comments on external loads report
Stakeholder meeting – March 8, 2013
March 8, 2013 SAG Meeting Agenda
Introduction to March 8 SAG Meeting
Suisun Bay Studies - Presentations
SWAMP-Suisun Bay Studies
Romberg Tiburon Suisun Bay Studies - Phytoplankton Bloom Progression 2011-12
Suisun Toxicity Study Initial Results
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Ammonium Study
Suisun Synthesis I - Presentation by Dave Senn
Suisun Bay Ammonium Synthesis Report - Draft November 2012
Suisun Bay Ammonium Synthesis Report Appendices - Draft November 2012
2013 IEP Study Presentations
Suisun Bay Study – Dugdale/SWFCA
IEP Culture Experiments – AMS/UCSC/Water Board
IEP Delta Study – Senn, Kendall and Guerin
IEP Study Proposals
Senn, Kendall, Guerin Delta study summary
Pellerin Liberty Island study
Dugdale study on blooms in low salinity zones
Kudela study on "bad Suisun phenomena": light and nutrient interactions
Kraus Sacramento River study
Glibert and Cornwall biogeochemistry and biology of benthos
Stakeholder meeting – November 19, 2012
November 19, 2012 SAG Meeting Agenda
Assessment Framework Presentation
Project update presentation
Draft Nutrient Assessment Framework workplan
Revised Nutrient Management Strategy November 2012
Stakeholder meeting – June 22, 2012
June 22 2012 SAG Meeting Agenda
Draft Regional Monitoring Program Proposal for SF Bay Nutrient Studies
Draft Regional Monitoring Program Proposal for Modeling
Combined presentations
Stakeholder meeting – March 29, 2012
March 2012 SAG Meeting Agenda
Draft Nutrient Strategy for SF Bay
Introductory presentation
Nutrient Science and Management Strategy presentation
Phytoplankton NNE Assessment Framework presentation
Stakeholder meeting – May 20, 2011
May SAG Meeting Agenda
May SAG Meeting Summary
May 20, 2011 SAG Meeting Presentation
NNE Development for SF Estuary: Literature Review and Data Gaps Analysis - draft for review (PDF version, 5.7 Mb)
NNE Development for SF Estuary: Literature Review and Data Gaps Analysis - draft for review (Word version, 22 Mb)
Selection of NNE Science Advisory Board Members - revised, May 20 version
Review of Indicators for Development of Nutrient Numeric Endpoints in California Estuaries
Stakeholder meeting – February 4, 2011
February SAG Meeting Agenda
February 4, 2011 SAG Meeting Presentation
Stakeholder meeting - October 4, 2010:
October SAG Meeting Agenda
October 4, 2010 SAG Meeting Presentation
SF Bay SAG Invitation Letter September 2010
For information about the RMP June 29, 2011 Nutrient Workshop, visit the SFEI website
To receive email updates about this project, visit our email subscription page and sign up for the "Nutrients in San Francisco Bay" email list.
For more information contact:
Naomi Feger
San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board
1515 Clay Street, Suite 1400
Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: 510-622-2328
Fax: 510-622-2460