Section 401 Water Quality Certification Public Notice

Sunol Pond 001 (SNPND001) Restoration

The San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board is currently reviewing an application for the following project for water quality certification under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. We encourage public comments on the proposed work, which will be considered in the decision on certification. You may submit comments on this project to the staff member below.

Project Name:

Sunol Pond 001 (SNPND001) Restoration

Unincorporated, Alameda County
Comment Period:

7/4/2024 - 7/24/2024
Project Description:

Livestock water is limited, and the Cooperator would like to improve grazing distribution across the steep terrain. Observations in 2021 and 2022, after a dry winter, showed the pond was not holding the desired hydroperiod. Conditions were further worsened in 2023, with heavy rain causing increased sediment to flow into the pond. These events lead to the conclusion that water is the limiting factor for both habitat and livestock on this Grazing Unit. The project goals are: (1) to increase the availability of water on the landscape for livestock and sensitive wildlife species, (2) to extend pond hydroperiod, (3) to maintain proper grazing distribution on the property (thereby reducing fuel loads and controlling invasive plant species while increasing forage available to livestock), and (4) to reduce and to prevent erosion in the watershed.
Project Files:

Contact Staff for files
Staff Contact:

Brian Wines
(510) 622-5680
Water Quality Control Board
1515 Clay Street, Ste 1400
Oakland, CA 94612