Basin Plan Amendment for Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems, Wet Weather Overflows, Graywater Systems, and POTW Outfall Locations

The San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board adopted an amendment at its June 11, 2014 meeting that would incorporate State Board's 2012 onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS) Policy, amend the Basin Plan's existing wet weather overflows policy, update information on graywater systems, and update a table of  POTW discharge locations. The amendment was approved by the State Board on November 18, 2014 and approved by the Office of Administrative Law on February 17, 2015.

Documents associated with the Regional Board Hearing

Documents associated with the State Board Hearing


For more information contact:
Richard Looker
San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board
1515 Clay Street, Suite 1400
Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: 510-622-2451
Fax: 510-622-2460