Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Beneficial Uses
Chapter 3: Water Quality
Chapter 4: Implementation
Chapter 5: Plans and Policies
Chapter 6: Surveillance and
Chapter 7: Water Quality
Attainment Strategies
List of Figures
List of Tables


Figure 1-1: San Francisco Bay Basin

Figure 2-1: Areas of Special Biological Significance

Figure 2-2: Hydrologic Planning Areas

Legend for Figures 2-3 through 2-9b

Figures 2-3 through 2-3b: Marin Coastal Basin   (legend)

Figures 2-4 through 2-4b: San Mateo Coastal Basin   (legend)

Figure 2-5: Central Basin   (legend)

Figures 2-6 through 2-6b: South Bay Basin   (legend)

Figures 2-7 through 2-7b: Santa Clara Basin   (legend)

Figures 2-8 through 2-8b: San Pablo Basin   (legend)

Figures 2-9 through 2-9b: Suisun Basin   (legend)

Figure 2-10: Significant Groundwater Basins

Figure 2-10A: Groundwater Basins: Marin/Sonoma/Napa

Figure 2-10B: Groundwater Basins: Napa/Solano

Figure 2-10C: Groundwater Basins: San Francisco

Figure 2-10D: Groundwater Basins: East and South Bay

Figure 2-11: General Locations of Wetland Areas

Figure 4-1: Publicly Owned Treatment Works Outfalls

Figure 4-2: Industrial Discharge Outfalls

Figure 4-3: Urban Areas in San Francisco Bay Basin

Figure 4-4: Dredged Material Disposal and Beneficial Reuse Sites

Figure 4-5: Inactive Mine Sites

Figure 4-6: Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Sites in the Region

Figure 4-7: Department of Defense and Department of Energy Sites

Figure 6-1: Regional Monitoring Program Sampling Stations

Figure 6-2: State Mussel Watch Program Monitoring Network

Figure 6-3: Toxic Substances Monitoring Network

Figure 7.2.1-1: Segments of San Francisco Bay showing location of Hayward Shoals as a line connecting Little Coyote Point and the Oakland Airport.

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