Board Policy Relative to Control of Water Pollution from Construction of Dams
Adopted 9/17/53
"It is moved that hereafter whenever notification of the construction, or intended construction, of a dam is received by this office, the matter shall be handled in one of two ways as set forth below:
CASE I - If the project, in the opinion of the Executive Officer is small or otherwise of such a nature that it is very unlikely to become a pollution or nuisance problem, a letter signed by the Executive Officer shall be sent to the builder or other responsible party notifying him or them to take such precautions as are necessary to prevent pollution or nuisance, and pointing out any possibilities thereof.
CASE II - If the project, in the opinion of the Executive Officer is large or otherwise of such a nature that it is likely to become a pollution or nuisance problem, then the builder or other responsible party shall be requested by the Executive Officer to submit a report on proposed waste discharge. Upon receipt of such report it will be handled as in any other case, by being brought before the Board for action. Should the responsible party refuse or neglect to make such a report, the Executive Officer will make this known to the Board and, after suggesting a course of action, he will be guided by the Board’s instructions."
(Excerpt from Board Minutes of 9/17/53)