Table 3-3A: Water Quality Objectives for Copper and Nickel in Lower South San Francisco Bay

Compound 4-day Average (CCC)1 1-hr Average (CMC)2 Extent of Applicability
Copper 6.9 10.8 Marine and Estuarine Waters Contiguous to SF Bay, South of Dumbarton Bridge
Nickel 11.9 62.4* Marine and Estuarine Waters Contiguous to SF Bay, South of Dumbarton Bridge

*Handbook of WQS, 2nd ed. 1994 in Section 3.7.6 states that the CMC = Final AcuteValue/2; 62.4 is the Final Acute Value (resident species database)/2; so the site-specific CMC is lower than the California Toxics Rule value because we are using the resident species database instead of the National Species Database.

1Criteria Continuous Concentration

2Criteria Maximum Concentration

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