San Diego Region - Enforcement Actions for January 2008
Agency/Entity/Facility: John Konyn Sr.John Konyn & Son Dairy Valley Center, CA - 01/08/2008
Program: Waste Discharge Requirements
Enforcement Action: Staff Enforcement Letter
Description: The reported total milking cow herd size of 473 milking cows exceeds Waste Discharge Requirements Order No. 95-013's limit of 440 milking cows.
Agency/Entity/Facility: Jim Barbour Residence, Single family residential home Poway, CA - 01/28/2008
Program: Land Disposal
Enforcement Action: Cleanup and Abatement Order No. R9-2008-0018
Description: Issued for the unauthorized discharge of sediment and rock into an unnamed ephemeral stream tributary to Poway Creek. The Cleanup and Abatement Order contains the following directives:
- By February 29, 2008, cleanup and abate existing and threatened pollution associated with the unauthorized discharge;
- Implement all necessary management measures during cleanup activities to prevent additional discharges of waste;
- Dispose of all sand, silt, clay, or other earthen materials that are to be removed from the property in compliance with the CAO at a licensed waste disposal site approved for such wastes, and in accordance with all federal, state, and local laws, regulations, orders, resolutions, and ordinances; and
- By March 14, 2008, submit a report documenting the cleanup and abatement activities.