San Diego Region - Environmental Projects

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SEPs and ECAs | Pre-Approved Projects | Project Solicitation | Funded Projects |


A SEP is an environmentally beneficial project that a person subject to an enforcement action voluntarily agrees to undertake, in settlement of the action and to offset a portion of a civil liability. SEPs tend to be projects that enhance the beneficial uses of the waters of the San Diego Region, that provide a benefit to the public at large and that, at the time they are included in the resolution of an Administrative Civil Liability (ACL) action, are not otherwise required of the settling party. SEPs are intended to restore the environmental harm to affected water bodies. ECAs are defined in the State Water Board's Enforcement Policy as "projects that enable a discharger to make capital or operational improvements beyond those required by law, and are separate from projects designed to merely bring a discharger into compliance." ECAs are intended to prevent additional impacts to beneficial uses from occurring in the future, and must conform to all of the requirements of a SEP, as described in the State Water Board's SEP Policy. Settling parties facing an assessed ACL (monetary penalty) by the San Diego Water Board may satisfy a portion of the total liability by funding an eligible SEP or ECA (together, Environmental Projects). That portion of the liability is suspended and dismissed when the settling party can demonstrate successful completion of the proposed project(s). A settling party can either conduct an Environmental Project itself, or contract with a third party for completion of the project. For more information on Environmental Projects please visit the State Water Board's SEP Webpage.


On May 4, 2021, the State Water Board approved a resolution that would authorize the use of SEP funds to supplement Southern California Coastal Water Research Project (SCCWRP) Regional Monitoring Programs (RMPs). The resolution allows dischargers settling certain administrative liability in the San Diego region to use available SEP funds to supplement SCCWRP’s existing coastal and watershed RMPs with vetted but unfunded monitoring that is not otherwise legally required. 


The SEP Policy requires Water Boards to post on their website a list of potential SEPs. In February 2017, the San Diego Water Board adopted Resolution No. R9-2017-0014 that identifies regional selection priorities and a process for identifying projects worthy of funding. The Resolution also supports a pre-approved list of environmental project concepts, and streamlines future project approvals and updates by delegating to the Executive Officer the discretion to modify the selection criteria and add projects to the list on an ongoing basis.

The current list of SEP project concepts is provided below, and prioritized into three categories (Strong Support, Support and Eligible) based on the San Diego Water Board's selection criteria, described in the Project Solicitation section below.

Projects on the Eligible list meet all the requirements of the SEP Policy and address one or more of the minimum eligibility criteria listed below.  Projects on the Support list meet all the criteria of the “Eligible” projects and address multiple regional selection criteria.  Projects on the Strongly Supported list are those that do so in a manner that most aligns with the Water Board’s Practical Vision and values.   

To receive a copy of any proposal(s) that are not hyperlinked in the list below, please contact one of the Water Board representatives listed on this page. Projects that the San Diego Water Board believes address Human Right to water, Environmental Justice (EJ) issues, or benefit a Disadvantaged Community (DAC) may qualify for a higher maximum suspended liability and are identified accordingly in the last column of the table.


Project (Applicant)-Summary
Ocean Connectors Habitat Restoration and Education Project (The Ocean Foundation)- scalable education opportunities to EJ communities through hands-on wetland restoration in National City (Updated 4/22 DH 656546)
Pollution Reduction, Environmental Restoration and Protection, Assessments and Audits
Lower San Diego Bay
Scalable up to $500,000
Sweetwater Habitat Restoration (Port of San Diego)- scalable opportunities for the restoration, creation, and enhancement of 24 - 35 acres of coastal wetland, shoreline, and upland habitat (updated 3/23 DH 9876047)
Environmental Restoration and Protection
Lower San Diego Bay
Scalable up to $22.1 million



Project (Applicant)-Summary
Los Penasquitos Lagoon Inlet Restoration - (Los Penasqitos Lagoon Foundation) - Maintain tidal circulation and flushing through mechanical excavation of marine sediments from the inlet area (Updated 8/22 DH 9555099)
Environmental Restoration and Protection
Los Penasquitos Lagoon




Project (Applicant)-Summary
There are currently no projects proposed on the SEP Eligible List



Applicants interested in proposing additional project concepts for consideration can do so at any time. Applicants should first review the criteria below and materials on the State Water Board's SEP Webpage and then submit their application using the State Water Board SEP Proposal Form. Please be sure to address any remaining Regional Criteria (listed below) in the "Optional Information" section at the end of the form.

When the form is submitted, you will be given the opportunity to attach supporting documentation, and please include in the cc:. San Diego Water Board staff will receive and review applications to determine if they meet the Minimum Eligibility Criteria described below and will prioritize them based on how well they meet the Regional Criteria (listed below). All applicants will be contacted with questions about the application, comments on how the application could be strengthened, or the review results.

Minimum Eligibility Criteria- In order to be eligible for funding, projects must meet all the requirements of the SEP Policy, and must address at least one of the following criteria.

1. The project promotes preservation or restoration of aquatic ecosystems in accordance with R9-2015-0041 or furthers recovery of streams, wetlands, and riparian systems in accordance with the San Diego Water Board's Practical Vision.

2. The project implements a strategy to achieve a resilient local water supply in accordance with the San Diego Water Board's Practical Vision.

3. The project implements or furthers the Monitoring and Assessment Framework in accordance with the San Diego Water Board's Practical Vision.

4. The project proactively safeguards beneficial uses from the negative impacts of climate change in accordance with the San Diego Water Board's Practical Vision.

5. The project is located in, or provides water quality benefits to a community with a high pollution burden, or furthers the State Water Board's core value of human right to water. Regional Selection Criteria-In addition to the Minimum Eligibility Criteria described above, the application will be prioritized based on the following project attrributes.

Regional Selection Criteria- In addition to the Minimum Eligibility Criteria described above, the applications will be prioritized based on the following project attributes.

1. The project directly contributes to improvements of water quality objectives and/or beneficial uses and proposes measurable environmental outcomes (as opposed to indirectly, as with planning, monitoring, and/or research projects).

2. The project demonstrates sustained longevity of environmental outcomes (e.g. conservation mechanisms, maintenance endowments, easements, or monitoring).

3. The project is part of a larger, vetted, adopted, or established plan leveraging support from multiple and diverse partners and/or can be the basis for additional funding from other sources.

4. The project improves a designated priority listed in an accepted Water Quality Improvement Plan, improves conditions for a water quality limited segment in accordance with Clean Water Act section 303(d), or preserves conditions in a high quality water or reference stream.

5. The project improves conditions of a key beneficial use in an area of special importance for that use.

6. The project provides resiliency to climate change without negatively affecting habitats and ecosystems or recreational uses of waters.

7. The project provides a cost-effective means of attaining water quality goals.

8. The project integrates outreach and education to target audiences.

9. The project applicant has an established record of project completion, and the institutional stability, knowledge, and capacity to complete the work proposed.

Additionally, prospective applicants are encouraged to contact the review team if they have questions about the application project or would like to discuss how to best apply the selection criteria to their project concepts. Contact information for members of the review team is as follows:


The San Diego Water Board has approved numerous SEPs and ECAs both before and after the adoption of the 2009 SEP Policy. The table below contains a summary of all projects funded after the adoption of the 2009 SEP Policy. Links to regulatory documents or project proposals are also provided whenever possible. To obtain final reports or to view a summary of the projects approved prior to the 2017 SEP Policy, please contact any member of the review team, as listed above. The 2017 SEP Policy requires the State Water Board to compile a report on all completed SEPs statewide, by calendar year. These reports are available on the State Water Board's SEP Webpage.

Project Title (Discharger)
Project Description
Type/ Category
Suspended Liability
Active/ Complete
Enforcement Order No.
Restoration and enhancement of approximately 6.5 acres of habitat, in conjunction with expansion of an environmental education program and community-based outreach focused on south San Diego Bay.

SEP - Restoration

San Diego Bay
Removal of riprap and installation of approximately 1,000 linear feet of biologically enhanced interlocking tidepool concrete units at the mouth of the Sweetwater River.

SEP - Restoration

San Diego Bay
The proposed project is an interconnection of the North Coast Interceptor (NCI) sewage transmission pipeline to the South Coast Water District’s (SCWD) Lift Station No. 2 force main which will provide the ability to bypass either the NCI, or Lift Station No. 2 force main, along Aliso Creek.

Pollution Prevention

Aliso Creek
The Project includes: Analysis and study of an expanded restoration alternative for the PEIR of the De Anza Cove Amendment to the Mission Bay Park Master Plan, Technical studies to supplement the Mission Bay Park Improvement Plan PEIR and Rose Creek Preliminary Engineering Report and Planning and native habitat enhancement and restoration in the Kendall Frost Reserve.
SEP - Planning/Restoration
Mission Bay
Treatment and removal of invasive vegetation across 28 acres of conserved habitat, restoration of 2.4 acres of disturbed habitat to Southern Willow Scrub, and environmental education and engagement with nearby disadvantaged communities.
SEP - Restoration
Garrison Creek, Loma Alta
Los Coches Sewer Lining and Pilot Exfiltration Quantification Study (San Diego County Sanitation District DH 9883730)
Structural lining of approximately 7,505 feet of sanitary sewer, coupled with a pilot study of exfiltration rates before and after lining to develop analytical methods to quantify exfiltration rates for public sewers.
Pollution Prevention & Assessment
Los Coches Creek, San Diego River
Los Peñasquitos Lagoon Inlet Restoration Project (City of San Diego)
Restore and maintain tidal flow to/from Pacific Ocean at Los Peñasquitos Lagoon to 1985 baseline observed conditions by as-needed, recurring excavation and removal of sediment at the lagoon inlet.
SEP - Restoration
Los Peñasquitos Lagoon/Pacific Ocean
San Diego River Restoration and Arundo Removal (City of San Diego)
Improve water quality of the San Diego River by engaging in strategic clean-ups including the removal of trash and invasive species (Arundo donax) which will allow for habitat improvements, reduction in pollutants, and other impacts to River health.
SEP - Restoration
San Diego River
Restoring and Protecting Our Waterways: Bioassessment Tools and Priorities for Action (City of San Diego)
Refine existing screening causal assessment data and methodology by incorporating flow ecology to develop a tool for prioritizing restoration, protection, and source control efforts.
SEP - Assessment
Region-wide application
Chollas Creek Restoration Opportunities Assessment (City of San Diego)
Select top five restoration project locations from the existing Chollas Creek Watershed Master Plan (WMP) effort and provide additional technical information relative to their restoration feasibility.
SEP - Assessment
Chollas Creek
San Diego River Park Foundation (KB Home/ KB Home Coastal)
Removal of stream crossing and culvert that impact the natural flow of the creek. Removal of non-native and diseased vegetation, to be replaced with appropriate vegetation and support. Conduct a study to map the hydromodification-inducing structures along Temescal Creek, in order to form a basis for future removal of other man-made structures adversely impacting the stream and other improvements.
SEP - Restoration
Temescal Creek, San Diego River
Enhancement of Native Habitats in San Elijo Ecological Reserve (City of Encinitas & USS Cal Builders Inc.)
Treatment and control of various invasive plant species and enhancement of associated native habitats in San Elijo Lagoon Ecological Reserve.
SEP - Restoration
City of Encinitas, San Elijo
Storm Water Treatment Control BMP Retrofits (City of San Diego)
Retrofit storm water treatment control BMPs at six City facilities to enhance pollutant removal and expand treated drainage areas beyond standardized permit requirements. The retrofit facilities are Breen Park, Camino Ruiz Neighborhood Park, Hilltop Community Park, Otay Mesa/Nestor Library, Memorial Skateboard Park, and Cesar Chavez Community Center.
Pollution Reduction
City of San Diego, Multiple Watersheds
Alvarado Channel Restoration (City of La Mesa)
Removal of concrete, trash and invasive vegetation along a segment of Alvarado Channel and restoration/revegetation with 22,000 square feet of native riparian vegetation. Provide conservation mechanism to monitor and maintain the area in perpetuity according to long term success criteria.
SEP - Restoration
City of La Mesa, San Diego River
San Diego Backup Generators (City of San Diego)
Purchase and install seven diesel backup generators at Pump Stations 1, 64, 65, the Penasquitos Pump Station, and the North City Water Reclamation Plant Laboratory to provide emergency backup power at facilities that rely on dual SDG&E electrical feeds for redundancy.
Pollution Prevention
City of San Diego, Multiple Watersheds
Smartcover Sewer Monitoring System (City of Oceanside)
Purchase and deploy 20 self-contained wireless monitoring units (with immediate alarm and data logging capabilities) in high priority areas within the City of Oceanside's collection system, for the prevention and early detection of sewer overflows.
Pollution Prevention
City of Oceanside
$83, 218
Capistrano and N. Santa Fe cured in place pipe (CIPP) lining (City of Oceanside)
Install a CIPP liner in two existing sewer line areas located adjacent to State waters to increase structural stability, and decrease the possibility of pipe failure by prolonging the pipes' useful life expectancy without excavation.
Pollution Prevention
San Luis Rey River and Guajome Lake
Plano Forcemail Realignment Project (Santa Margarita Water District)
Design and realignment of a portion of the Plano Forcemain on the East side of Tijeras Creek, to avoid the direct discharge of sewage to the creek in the event of a forcemain failure.
Pollution Prevention
Tijeras Creek (Trabuco Canyon)
Starr Ranch Invasive Control and Restoration Project (Santa Margarita Water District)
Restore 0.5 to 2 acres of riparian and stream habitat within Bell Canyon Creek, and aid in training volunteers in stream bioassessment protocols. Additionally, upland habitat along Bell Canyon watershed will be restored to coastal sage scrub by the removal of invasive artichoke thistle.
SEP - Restoration
Bell Canyon Creek (Upper San Juan)
SCCWRP Bight 08- Rocky Reef Study (South Orange County Wastewater Authority)
This study is a component of the Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program in 2008 (Bight '08). It provides an opportunity for more than 20 rocky reef biologists to collaboratively assess the health of rocky reefs throughout southern California, to determine the distribution of hard bottom habitats in the Southern California Bight, the range of natural biological conditions in these reef assemblages, and how these conditions correlate with anthropogenic factors.
SEP - Assessment
Southern California Bight, Pacific Ocean