San Diego Region - Enforcement Actions for March 2012
Enforcement Actions for March 2012
During the month of March 2012, the San Diego Water Board initiated the following enforcement actions:
Cleanup and Abatement Orders (1)
Notices of Violation (3)
Staff Enforcement Letters (25)
Total (29)
In addition to the summary of recent regional enforcement actions provided below, access to information on violations, enforcement actions, and mandatory minimum penalties (MMPs) is available to the public from the following State Water Resources Control Board Internet webpages:
State Water Board Office of Enforcement webpage at:
California Integrated Water Quality System (CIWQS)
State Water Board GeoTracker database:
Multiple Parties, Shipyard Sediment Site, San Diego Bay
CAO No. R9-2012-0024 was adopted by the San Diego Water Board on march 14, 2012. The CAO was issued to National Steel and Shipbuilding Company, BAE Systems San Diego Ship Repair, Inc., the City of San Diego, Campbell Industries, San Diego Gas and Electric, the U.S. Navy, and the San Diego Unified Port District. The CAO requires the responsible parties to investigate and cleanup contaminated marine bay sediment in an area known as the Shipyard Sediment Site in San Diego Bay.
Rancho Guejito Corporation, Escondido
NOV No. R9-2012-0040 was issued to the Rancho Guejito Corporation on March 22, 2012 for violations of Basin Plan Waste Discharge Prohibition No. 14 associated with a road grading project. During a site inspection on January 24, 2012 inspectors found that road grading had resulted in the direct fill of at least five unnamed tributaries to Guejito Creek. The natural flow of all five unnamed Drainages had been obstructed by the placement of fill within the stream channels. In addition, along 1.2 miles of newly graded road, side casting of road material was observed to enter the bed and banks of Guejito Creek and associated unnamed drainages.
Neil Cleveland, Roger Epperson, and Corey Wood, Temecula
NOV No. R9-2012-0032 was issued to Neil Cleveland, Roger Epperson, and Corey Wood on March 22, 2012 for violations of the Statewide Construction Storm Water Permit, Order No. 2009-0009-DWQ, occurring at a construction project located at the Southeast corner of Warren Road and East Benton Road in Temecula. Violations include a failure to file a Notice of Intent with the State Water Board and a failure to develop and furnish a storm water pollution prevention plan. The violations were noted during an inspection on January 6, 2012.
Otay Water District, Ralph W. Chapman Water Reclamation Facility
NOV No. R9-2012-0021 was issued to the Otay Water District on March 19, 2012 for 14 violations the 12-month average effluent concentration for total nitrogen, three violations of the daily effluent total nitrogen effluent concentration, two violations of the daily total dissolved solids effluent concentration, four violations of the effluent pH limit, and one violation of the effluent chlorine residual concentration established in Order No. R9-2007-0038 that occurred between December 2010 and January 2012.
City of San Diego, South Bay Water Reclamation Plant
An SEL was issued to the City of San Diego on March 13, 2012 for violations of Order No. R9-2000-203, including five violations of the 30-day average effluent limitation for chloride, three violations of the 7-day median effluent limitation for coliform, one violation of the maximum daily effluent limitation for coliform, and two other coliform-related violations that occurred between January 2011 and January 2012.
City of San Diego, North City Water Reclamation Plant
An SEL was issued to the City of San Diego on March 13, 2012 for two violations of the 12-month average effluent limitation for manganese established in Order No. 97-03 that occurred in December 2011 and January 2012.
Jack and Mark Steifel Dairy, Winchester, Riverside County
An SEL was issued to the Jack and Mark Steifel Dairy on March 13, 2012 for deficient reporting in accordance with Order No. R9-2007-0009.
City of Escondido, Former Orange Glen Market
An SEL was issued to the City of Escondido on March 7, 2012 for providing a Site Assessment Report that failed to adequately characterize the extent of waste constituent in soil and ground water at the Former Orange Glen Market as required by Cleanup and Abatement Order No. R9-2009-0074.
California Department of Transportation, Tecate Truck Inspection Station
An SEL was issued to the California Department of Transportation on March 1, 2012 for three violations of Order No. R9-2007-0148, including two violations of the maximum daily effluent limitation for nitrogen and one violation of the 12-month average effluent limitation for total dissolved solids. The violations occurred in January 2011.
Kkottongnae Inc, Kkottongnae Retreat Camp, Temecula
An SEL was issued to Kkottongnae Inc. on March 1, 2012 for one violation of the daily maximum discharge specification for nitrate and for two reporting violations established in Order No. 93-43. The violations occurred between July 2010 and December 2011.
Multiple Parties, Category 1 Sanitary Sewer Overflow Violations
SELs were issued to sixteen enrollees of State Board Order No. 2006-0003-DWQ, Statewide Waste Discharge Requirements for Sanitary Sewer Systems, who reported Category 1 violations between April 2011 and December 2011. Category 1 violations include any discharge of sewage resulting from a failure in the sanitary sewer system that (a) is at least 1000 gallons; (b) results in a discharge to a drainage channel and/or surface water; or (c) results in a discharge to a storm drainpipe that is not fully captured and returned to the sanitary sewer system. Private lateral spills are not considered Category 1 spills. SELs were issued to the following collection system agencies:
Collection Systems (Municipalities):
City of Coronado
Carlsbad Municipal Water District
City of Chula Vista
City of Del Mar
City of Encinitas
City of Escondido
City of La Mesa
City of Laguna Beach
City of Lemon Grove
City of Oceanside
City of Poway
City of San Clemente
City of San Diego
Collection Systems (Special Districts):
Eastern Municipal Water District
Leucadia Water District
Moulton Niguel Water District
Santa Margarita Water District
South Coast County Water District
USMC Base, Camp Pendleton