San Diego Region - Enforcement Actions for June 2013
Enforcement Actions for June 2013
Staff Contact: Chiara Clemente
During the month of June 2013, the San Diego Water Board issued the following enforcement actions:
Administrative Civil Liability Complaints (1)
Notices of Violation (2)
Staff Enforcement Letters (1)
A summary of recent regional enforcement actions is provided below. Additional information on violations, enforcement actions, and mandatory minimum penalties is available to the public from the following on-line sources:
In addition to the summary information provided below, access to information on violations, enforcement actions, and mandatory minimum penalties (MMPs) is available to the public from the State Water Resources Control Board Internet webpage at:
Administrative Civil Liability Complaint
Enniss Inc., Lakeside
On June 14, 2013, the San Diego Water Board issued Complaint No. R9-2013-0051 to Enniss Inc. in the amount of $5,950 for violations resulting from Enniss Inc.’s failure to submit the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 annual monitoring report, as required by the Statewide Industrial Storm Water Permit, Order No. 97-03-DWQ, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit No. CAS000001, Waste Discharge Requirements (WDRs) for Discharges of Storm Water Associated with Industrial Activities Excluding Construction Activities. The San Diego Water Board will hold a hearing on the complaint on August 14, 2013.
Notices of Violation
Jim and Dan Pike, Riverside County
Notice of Violation (NOV) No. R9-2013-0089 was issued to Messrs. Jim and Dan Pike on June 3, 2013 for violation of Water Code sections 13260 and 13264, and provisions of the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (Basin Plan). The NOV alleges that the two parties failed to submit a Report of Waste Discharge prior to initiating a new discharge of waste. The discharge resulted in an estimated 432,720 cubic yards of green waste material being improperly disposed on 162 acres of land in Riverside County.
AIM Inc. Ranch, Temecula
Notice of Violation No. R9-2013-0114 was issued to Mr. Martin Wildgoose of AIM Inc. Ranch on June 19, 2013 for violation of Water Code sections 13260 and 13264. The NOV alleges that Mr. Wildgoose failed to submit a report of waste discharge or obtain Waste Discharge Requirements, or Waiver(s) thereof, for discharges from agricultural and nursery operations from his 35-acre avocado grove.
Staff Enforcement Letters (SEL)
University of California San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
An SEL was issued to University of California San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography on June 17, 2013 for a reporting violation of NPDES Order No. R9-2005-0008. Effluent flow from Outfall No. 1 was not monitored on a continuous basis from January 25-29, 2013 because the flow meter failed as a result of a power outage.