San Diego Region - 2020 Adopted Orders, Decisions, and Resolutions

Most active orders and resolutions adopted by the San Diego Water Board are posted on this web site. If you cannot find an order on the website or would prefer to request a copy of a document listed, please email a request to our records administrator at Documents on this page are published in Adobe PDF format. For more State Board documents go to The State Board’s Enforcement Orders page.

Order Number

 Investigative Order No. R9-2020-0265, Aliso Beach and Breaching of the Sand Bar Berm at the Mouth of Aliso Creek – This Order directs Orange County to submit technical information addressing the Aliso Creek mouth discharges resulting from the public’s breaching of the sand bar berm.


A resolution amending the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin to make non-regulatory updates


A resolution amending the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin to Incorporate a Water Quality Objective for Biological Condition


Settlement Agreement and Stipulated ACL Order to Rancho Ochoa LLC for failure to enroll in Order No. R9-2016-0004 resulting in penalties totaling $1,000.

ACL Signed Settlement Offer (09-02-2020)


An Order Amending Order No. R9-2020-0001, NPDES Permit for the City of San Diego North City Water Reclamation Plant and Pure Water Facility, Indirect Potable Reuse Reservoir Water Augmentation Discharge to Miramar Reservoir

Order No. R9-2020-0001 as amended by Order No. R9-2020-0183

Order No. R9-2020-0001 as amended by Order No. R9-2020-0183, redline version


Settlement Agreement and Stipulated ACL Order to the City of San Diego for a January 2016 sanitary sewer overflow to Tecolote Creek and Mission Bay totaling $2,541,874 (with $1,250,000 for a Supplemental Environmental Project).

Attachment A

Attachment B


Master Recycling Permit for Sudberry Development, Inc. and PERCWater, Civita Water Reclamation Facility, San Diego County

Addendum No. 1 to Order No. R9-2020-0108


Waste Discharge Requirements for the French Valley Marketplace Project, Riverside County.

For a copy of this document, please send an email to


An Investigative Order directing Republic Service to submit a leachate investigation technical report for the Otay Landfill, San Diego County


An Investigative Order Directing the United States Section of the International Boundary and Water Commission to Submit Technical Reports Pertaining to an Investigation of Pollution, Contamination, and Nuisance from Transboundary Flows in the Tijuana River Valley

Please contact for a copy of Investigative Order No. R9-2020-0030.

R9-2020-0028 Settlement Agreement and Stipulated ACL Order No. R9-2020-0028 in the Matter of OHL USA, Inc., Temecula, CA

Settlement Agreement and Stipulated ACL Order to Peltzer Family Cellars, L.L.C. for failure to enroll in Order No. R9-2016-0004 resulting in penalties totaling $3,333

Please contact for a copy of Order No. R9-2020-0026.


Settlement Agreement and Stipulated ACL Order to South Orange County Wastewater Authority for Mandatory Minimum Penalties totaling $27,000.


Settlement Agreement and Stipulated ACL Order to South Orange County Wastewater Authority for Mandatory Minimum Penalties totaling $6,000


Settlement Agreement and Stipulated ACL Order to Vallecitos Water District for a February 28, 2017 sanitary sewer overflow to San Marcos Creek totaling $66,335


National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit and Waste Discharge Requirements for Cabrillo Power I LLC, Encina Power Station, San Diego County, Discharge to the Pacific Ocean.

This Order replaces Order No. R9-2006-0043

Waste Discharge Requirements for the Makena Hills Project, Riverside County.

For a copy of this document, please send an email to


National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit and Waste Discharge Requirements for the City of San Diego North City Water Reclamation Plant and Pure Water Facility, Indirect Potable Reuse Reservoir Water Augmentation Discharge to Miramar Reservoir