April 10, 2013 - San Diego Water Board Meeting

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Wednesday, April 10, 2013 and Thursday, April 11, 2013

9:00 a.m.

Water Quality Control Board
Board Meeting Room
9174 Sky Park Court
San Diego, CA 92123

The purpose of this meeting is for the San Diego Water Board to obtain testimony and information from concerned and affected persons and to make decisions based on the information received. Persons who want to submit written comments or evidence on any agenda item must comply with the procedures described in the agenda and agenda notes. Persons wishing to speak at the meeting should complete an attendance card (see Note F, attached to this Notice). The San Diego Water Board requests that all lengthy comments be submitted in writing in advance of the meeting date. To ensure that the San Diego Water Board members and staff have the opportunity to review and consider written material, comments should be received in the San Diego Water Board's office no later than noon on Tuesday, March 26, 2013* and should indicate the agenda item to which it is applicable. If the submitted written material is more than 5 pages or contains foldouts, color graphics, maps, etc., 15 copies must be submitted for distribution to the Board members and staff. Written material submitted after 5:00 P.M. on Tuesday, April 2, 2013, will not be provided to the Board members and may not be considered by the San Diego Water Board (See Note D, attached to this Notice).


Comments on agenda items will be accepted by E-mail subject to the same conditions set forth for other written submissions as long as the total submittal (including attachments) does not exceed five printed pages in length. E-mail must be submitted to: rb9agenda@waterboards.ca.gov. Type the word "Agenda" in the subject line.

Pursuant to Title 23, California Code of Regulations, section 648.4, the San Diego Water Board may refuse to admit written testimony or evidence into the record if it is not submitted to the San Diego Water Board in a timely manner and shall refuse to do so if admitting it would prejudice any party or the board, unless the proponent demonstrates that compliance with the deadline would create an unreasonable hardship.

NOTE D, attached to this Notice, refers to the procedures that will be followed by the San Diego Water Board in contested adjudicatory matters if a separate Hearing Procedures Document has not been issued for a particular agenda item. Parties requesting an alternate hearing process must do so in accord with the directions in NOTE D. Any such request, together with supporting material, must be received in the San Diego Water Board's office no later than noon on Tuesday, March 26, 2013.

Copies of the agenda items to be considered by the San Diego Water Board are posted on the San Diego Water Board's website at https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/sandiego/board_info/agendas

Items showing times will begin no sooner than indicated. Items are numbered for identification purposes only and may not be considered in order. They may, however, be delayed by previous items. Items scheduled for the first day of a multi-day meeting may be delayed or continued to the next day of the meeting. Closed session items may be considered on either or both days.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013 - 9:00 a.m.

1. Roll Call and Introductions.

2. PUBLIC FORUM: Any person may address the Board regarding a matter within the Board's jurisdiction that is not related to an item on this Meeting agenda and is not scheduled for a future Meeting. Comments will generally be limited to three minutes, unless otherwise directed by the Board Chairperson. Any person wishing to make a longer presentation should contact the Executive Officer at least ten days prior to the meeting.

3. Minutes of Board Meeting: March 13, 2013.

4. Chairman's, Board Members', State Board liaison's and Executive Officer's Reports: These items are for Board discussion only. No public testimony will be allowed, and the Board will take no formal action.

5. Recognition: Resolution of Appreciation for former Chairman Grant Destache (Tentative Resolution No. R9-2013-0061). (David Gibson)

Consent Calendar: Items 5 through 6 are considered non-controversial issues. (NOTE: If there is public interest, concern or discussion regarding any consent calendar item or a request for a public hearing, then the item(s) will be removed from the consent calendar and considered after all other agenda items have been completed.)

6. NPDES Permit Amendment: Waste Discharge Requirements for SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment, Inc., a Delaware Corporation, SeaWorld, LLC, DBA SeaWorld San Diego (Tentative Order No. R9-2013-0034). (Michelle Mata)

7. Adoption of Emergency, Abandoned, and Recalcitrant Annual Priority Site List: Former Santa Ysabel Chevron Service Station (Tentative Resolution No. R9-2013-0010). (Sue Pease)

Remainder of the Agenda (Non-Consent Items):

8. Public Hearing: Issuance of a NPDES Permit and Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) Draining the Watersheds within the San Diego Region (Tentative Order No. R9-2013-0001, NPDES No. CAS0109266 (Wayne Chiu, Laurie Walsh, Christina Arias).


The Board may meet in closed session to consider personnel matters [Authority: Government Code section 11126(a)]; to deliberate on a decision to be reached based upon evidence introduced in a hearing [Authority: Government Code section 11126(c)(3)]; or to discuss matters in litigation, including discussion of initiated litigation, significant exposure to litigation, or decisions to initiate litigation [Authority: Government Code section 11126(e)]. Litigation items that may be discussed are listed below by the type of item:

Civil Actions (Judicial and Administrative, other than Petitions for Review filed with the State Water Board)

a. People of the State of California Ex Rel. the Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region v. Edward Drusina, an individual in his capacity as Commissioner of the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States Section, et al., Complaint for Violations of the Clean Water Act and Related State Law Claims. United States District Court, Southern District of California, Case No. 01-CV-027BTM(JFS) (filed February 2001). (David Gibson)

b. In re: Test Claim on California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region, Order No. R9-2007-001, (NPDES No. CAS0108758) Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges of Urban Runoff from the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) Draining the Watersheds of the County of San Diego, the Incorporated Cities of San Diego County, the San Diego Unified Port District, and the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority adopted on January 24, 2007. Test Claim filed by San Diego County, et al., with Commission on State Mandates, No. 07-TC-09 (filed June 2008). (Catherine George Hagan)

c. California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region v. Bill and Heidi Dickerson, Larry and Penelope Gunning and Perry & Papenhausen, Inc. Complaint for Damages for Breach of Contract and for Specific Performance. San Diego County Superior Court, Case No. 37-2010-00096011-CU-CO-CTL (filed July 2010). (Jeremy Haas)

d. State of California Department of Finance, State Water Resources Control Board, And California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region v. Commission on State Mandates. Petition for Writ of Administrative Mandamus. Sacramento County Superior Court, Case No. 34-2010-80000604 (filed July 2010). (Catherine George Hagan)

e. In re: Citizens Development Corporation, Debtor and Debtor in Possession, Case No. 10-15142-LT11. United States Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of California. (San Diego Water Board Claim in Bankruptcy) (filed June 2011). (Catherine George Hagan)

f. Test Claim on California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region, Order No. R9-2009-0002, (NPDES No. CAS0108740) Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges of Urban Runoff from the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) Draining the Watersheds of the County of Orange, the Incorporated Cities of the County of Orange, and the Orange County Flood Control District adopted on December 16, 2009. Test Claim filed by County of Orange, et al., with Commission on State Mandates, No. 10-TC-11 (filed June 2011). (Catherine George Hagan)

g. Test Claim on California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region, Order No. R9-2010-0016 (NPDES No. CAS0108766) adopted November 10, 2010, County of Riverside, Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, and the Cities of Murrieta, Temecula and Wildomar, Co-Claimants, filed with Commission on State Mandates, No. 11 TC-03 (filed November 2011). (Catherine George Hagan)

Petitions for Review Pending Before State Water Resources Control Board

h. Petitions of the National Fireworks Association and Fireworks & Stage FX America Inc., Coastal Environmental Rights Foundation, and San Diego Coastkeeper (General National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Order No. R9-2011-0022 (NPDES No. CAG999002) for Residual Firework Pollutant Waste Discharges to Waters of the United States in the San Diego Region from the Public Display of Fireworks), SWRCB/OCC Files A-2164(a)-(c), filed June and July 2011. (Michelle Mata)

i. Petition of Citizens Development Corporation (Water Code Section 13267 Investigative Order No. R9-2011-0033 dated September 14, 2011, Requiring Submission of Technical Reports Pertaining to Investigation of Lake San Marcos Nutrient Impairment, San Diego County), SWRCB/OCC File A-2185, filed October 2011. (Laurie Walsh)

j. Petition of City of San Diego (Time Schedule Order No. R9-2011-0052 dated September 14, 2011, for the Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, Mission Valley Terminal Remediation Dewatering Discharge to Murphy Canyon Creek, San Diego County), SWRCB/OCC File A-2186, filed October 2011. (Ben Neill)

k. Petition of Jack Eitzen (Administrative Assessment of Civil Liability Order Nos. R9-2011-0048 and R9-2011-0049 against Jack Eitzen for 38175 and 38155 Via Vista Grande, Murrieta, Riverside County), issued October 12, 2011), SWRCB/OCC File A-2193, filed November 2011. (Rebecca Stewart)

l. Petitions for Review of San Diego Bay Shipyard Sediment Cleanup and Abatement Order No. R9-2012-0024 for National Steel and Shipbuilding Company (NASSCO), BAE Systems, San Diego Ship Repair (BAE Systems), Campbell Industries, City of San Diego, San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) and San Diego Unified Port District (Port District) issued March 14, 2012. Petitions for Review and Requests for Stay filed by NASSCO, BAE Systems and City of San Diego. Petitions for Review w/o requests for stay filed by SDG&E, Star & Crescent Boat Company and Port District. SWRCB/OCC File A-2205(a) - (e), filed April 2012. (Frank Melbourn)

m. Petition of NASSCO for Review of Resolution No. R9-2012-0025 (Certifying Final Environmental Impact Report for San Diego Bay Shipyard Sediment Cleanup and Abatement Order No. R9-2012-0024), adopted March 14, 2012, SWRCB/OCC File A-XXXX, filed April 2012. (Frank Melbourn)

n. Petition of South Laguna Civic Association for Review of Order No. R9-2012-0013, NPDES No. CA0107611, NPDES Permit Reissuance: South Orange County Waste Authority, Discharges to the Pacific Ocean via Aliso Creek Ocean Outfall, adopted April 11, 2012, SWRCB/OCC File A-2211, filed May 2012. (Joann Lim)

o. Petition of City of San Diego for Review of Resolution No. R9-2012-0045, re NPDES Permit Notice of Enrollment Amendment for Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, June 13, 2012, SWRCB/OCC File A-XXXX, filed July 2012. (Ben Neill)

Thursday, April 11, 2013 - 9:00 a.m., Regular Meeting Continued.

9. Roll Call and Introductions.

10. PUBLIC FORUM: Any person may address the Board regarding a matter within the Board's jurisdiction that is not related to an item on this Meeting agenda and is not scheduled for a future Meeting. Comments will generally be limited to three minutes, unless otherwise directed by the Board Chairperson. Any person wishing to make a longer presentation should contact the Executive Officer at least ten days prior to the meeting.

11. Continuation of non-consent Agenda items from April 10, 2013

12. Arrangements for Next Meeting and Adjournment:

Wednesday, May 8, 2013 - 9:00 a.m.
Water Quality Control Board
Regional Board Meeting Room
9174 Sky Park Court
San Diego, California


The Board may meet in closed session to consider personnel matters [Authority: Government Code section 11126(a)]; to deliberate on a decision to be reached based upon evidence introduced in a hearing [Authority: Government Code section 11126(c)(3)]; or to discuss matters in litigation, including discussion of initiated litigation, significant exposure to litigation, or decisions to initiate litigation [Authority: Government Code section 11126(e)]. Litigation items that may be discussed are listed above in the agenda for April 10, 2013.


A. Follow the Board Meeting on Twitter: Updates on the progress of the San Diego Water Board meeting will be posted on Twitter at www.twitter.com/SDWaterBoard. The San Diego Water Board's use of Twitter is a courtesy and is for informational purposes only. It is not always reliable, and is not a substitute for personal attendance at a Board meeting.


From Downtown: I-15 north - take the Aero Drive exit - turn left (west). Proceed to the 3rd stoplight, which is Ruffin Road - turn right. Turn left on Sky Park Court (stoplight). Our building is located at the end of the court - veer to the right into the parking lot.

From the North: I-15 south - take the Balboa Ave. exit - turn right (west). Proceed to the 2nd stoplight, which is Ruffin Road - turn left. Turn right onto Sky Park Court (stoplight). Our building is located at the end of the court - veer to the right into the parking lot.