April 9, 2025 - San Diego Water Board Meeting

All links in the Agenda Items refer to supporting documents in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). Also, documents received by the Regional Board as a hard copy have to be scanned and have larger file sizes.



Wednesday, April 9, 2025
9:00 a.m

San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board
City of Mission Viejo
City Council Chambers
200 Civic Center
Mission Viejo, California 92691
And via Video and Teleconference
(Gov. Code, § 11123.2)


Video and Teleconference Options: This meeting will occur with both a physical meeting location and an option to participate from a remote location.  Members of the public who wish to observe or to address the San Diego Water Board may do so at the noticed, physical location or may use the Zoom application to address the San Diego Water Board from a remote location. A majority of the board members will be physically present at the noticed meeting location above:.


Public comments on agenda items will be limited to three minutes each. Depending on the number of speakers and the time available, the Board Chair retains discretion to limit the time to less than three minutes or to grant additional time for each person to speak. Where speakers can be grouped by affiliation or interest, such groups may consider consolidating their time to a spokesperson.


Gary Strawn, Chair; Betty H. Olson, Ph.D., Vice Chair; Megan Blair, Board Member; Celeste Cantú, Board Member; Yen Tu, Board Member; Stefanie Warren, Board Member.


Any member of the public may address and ask questions of the Board relating to any matter within the San Diego Water Board's jurisdiction, provided the matter is not on the agenda or pending before the San Diego Water Board.


  1. The Board will consider adoption of the following Board Meeting Minutes: March 12, 2025
  2. Chair’s, Board Members’, State Board Liaison’s, and Executive Officer’s Reports.
  3. Executive Officer’s Update on Transboundary Flows from Mexico


Written comments on informational items will be accepted by email at rb9agenda@waterboards.ca.gov so long as they are received by April 1, 2025. Please include the Agenda Item Number in the subject line.

  1. Orange County Presentation on Spill Response Process. (Laurie Walsh)
  2. Santa Margarita Water District and Moulton Niguel Water District Updates on Water Supply Diversification Projects. (Brandon Bushnell)

Closed Sessions are not open to the Public

  1. Discussion of Ongoing Litigation [Authorized under Government Code §11126, subd. (e)]. The San Diego Water Board may meet in closed session to discuss ongoing litigation for the following cases:

Civil Actions (Judicial and Administrative, other than Petitions for Review filed with the State Water Board)

  1. In re: Test Claim on California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region, Order No. R9-2007-001, (NPDES No. CAS0108758) Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges of Urban Runoff from the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) Draining the Watersheds of the County of San Diego, the Incorporated Cities of San Diego County, the San Diego Unified Port District, and the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority adopted on January 24, 2007. Test Claim filed by San Diego County, et al., with Commission on State Mandates, No. 07-TC-09 (filed June 2008). (Catherine George Hagan)
  2. State of California Department of Finance, State Water Resources Control Board, and California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region v. Commission on State Mandates. Petition for Writ of Administrative Mandamus. Sacramento County Superior Court, Case No. 34-2010-80000604 (filed July 2010). (Catherine George Hagan)
  3. Test Claim on California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region, Order No. R9-2009-0002, (NPDES No. CAS0108740) Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges of Urban Runoff from the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) Draining the Watersheds of the County of Orange, the Incorporated Cities of the County of Orange, and the Orange County Flood Control District adopted on December 16, 2009. Test Claim filed by County of Orange, et al., with Commission on State Mandates, No. 10-TC-11 (filed June 2011). (Catherine George Hagan)
  4. Test Claim on California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region, Order No. R9-2010-0016 (NPDES No. CAS0108766) adopted November 10, 2010, County of Riverside, Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, and the Cities of Murrieta, Temecula, and Wildomar, Co-Claimants, filed with Commission on State Mandates, No. 11-TC-03 (filed November 2011). (Catherine George Hagan)
  5. Test Claim on California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region, Order No. R9-2013-0001 (Regional MS4 Permit) filed with Commission on State Mandates by County of San Diego. (San Diego Region Water Permit – County of San Diego, Test Claim No. 14-TC-03 (filed June 2015). (Catherine George Hagan)
  6. Test Claim on California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region, Order No. R9-2013-0001 as amended by Order No. R9-2015-0001 and Order No. R9-2015-0100 (Regional MS4 Permit) filed with the Commission on State Mandates by Orange County Copermittees, Test Claim No. 15-TC-02 (filed June 2016). (Catherine George Hagan)
  7. Test Claim on California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region, Order No. R9-2015-0100, Provisions A.4, B.2, B.3.a, B.3.b, B.4, B.6, D.1.c(6), D.2.a(2), D.3, D.4, E.3.c(2), E.3.c(3), E.3.d, E.5.a, E.5.c(1)(a), E.5.c(2)(a), E.5.c(3), E.5.e, E.6, F.1.a, F.2.a, F.2.b, F.2.c, F.3.b(3), and F.3.c. 16-TC-05, County of Riverside, Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, and the Cities of Murrieta, Temecula, and Wildomar, Co-Claimants, filed with Commission on State Mandates, (June 2017). (Catherine George Hagan)
  8. Test Claim on California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region, Order No. R9-2017-0077, Sections A.1, A.3, and A.5, 17-TC-05, City of San Juan Capistrano and County of San Diego, Claimants, filed with the Commission on State Mandates, (June 2017). (Catherine George Hagan)
  9. Baldwin & Sons, Inc.; Sunranch Capital Partners, LLC; Sunrise Pacific Construction, Inc.; SRC-PH Investments, LLC; Baldwin & Sons, LLC; Shawn M. Baldwin; Randall G. Bone; and Jose Capati v. California Regional Water Quality Control Board San Diego Region, Verified Petition for Writ of Mandate, Orange County Superior Court, Case No. 30-2022-01291447-CU-WM-CJC, filed November 4, 2022. (Lori Okun, Alex Sauerwein)
  10. Lockheed Martin Corporation v. California State Water Resources Control Board; Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region, Verified Petition for Writ of Mandate and Request for Stay, Superior Court of the State of California, County of San Diego, Case No. 37-2023-00001041-CU-WM-CTL, filed January 9, 2023. (Alex Sauerwein)
  11. Quality Investors 1 2016 LLC and David G. Epstein v. California State Water Resources Control Board; Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region, Verified Petition for Writ of Mandate, Superior Court of the State of California, County of San Diego, Case No. 37-2024-00001837-CU-WM-CTL, filed January 16, 2024. (Alex Sauerwein)

Petitions for Review Pending Before the State Water Board
Petitions for review of San Diego Water Board actions or inactions filed with the State Water Board being held in abeyance by the State Water Board are generally not listed in the agenda. The titles of these matters are available at the San Diego Water Board. Please contact Alex Sauerwein at Alex.Sauerwein@waterboards.ca.gov or 916-327-8581 for more information.

  1. Petitions of San Diego Coastkeeper and Coastal Environmental Rights Foundation; City of Rancho Santa Margarita; City of Laguna Hills; County of Orange & Orange County Flood Control District; City of Dana Point; City of Laguna Beach; City of Mission Viejo; City of Laguna Niguel; Riverside County Flood Control & Water Conservation District et al.; City of San Clemente; City of San Juan Capistrano; and City of Aliso Viejo (Order No. R9-2015-0100, amending Order No. R9-2013-0001 [NPDES No. CAS 0109266] for Discharges from the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) Draining the Watersheds within the San Diego Region), SWRCB/OCC FILE A-2456 (a thru I). (Laurie Walsh)
  1. Consideration of Initiation of Litigation or Discussion of Significant Exposure to Litigation. The San Diego Water Board may meet in closed session to initiate or consider initiating litigation concerning matters within its jurisdiction or to discuss significant exposure to litigation [Authorized under Government Code §11126(e)]. (David Gibson)
  2. Deliberation on a Decision to be Reached Based on Evidence Introduced in a Hearing.  The San Diego Water Board may meet in closed session to consider evidence received in an adjudicative hearing and to deliberate on a decision to be reached based upon that evidence [Authorized under Government Code §11126(c)(3)].
  3. Personnel.  The San Diego Water Board may meet in closed session to consider the appointment, employment, evaluation of performance, or dismissal of a public employee or to hear complaints or charges brought against that employee by another person or employee unless the employee requests a public hearing [Authorized under Government Code §11126(a)].


From San Diego:     I-5 N to I-5 N/San Diego Fwy; continue straight to stay on I-5 N.  Take exit 88 for Oso Pkwy; turn right on Oso Pkwy.  Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto Marguerite Pkwy.  Turn left onto Civic Center.


Agenda and items will be available electronically at:  https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/sandiego/board_info/agendas/.

Video broadcast of meetings will be available at https://cal-span.org/.