San Diego Region - Certified Projects (401 Certifications - 2013)
Date of Action |
Certification Number |
Description |
12/27/2013 |
The Jamacha Access Road Repair eTS 24944 was certified on 12/27/2013 for San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E). The purpose of this project is to repair a small portion of an access road that was washed out by a stream crossing. The repair will involve excavating within the limits of the existing road, placement of 25 square yards of filter fabric within the project footprint, and placement of approximately 11 cubic yards (CY) of crushed rock within the project area. Less than 10 CY of soil is anticipated to be excavated; this material will be spread out across the existing dirt road and tracked over. |
12/19/2013 |
05C-009 Amendment 3 |
The Aliso Creek Outlet Maintenance Program was originally certified 10/17/2006 for Orange County Public Works. It was amended for the first time on 10/19/2009 in response to continuous violations of the certification, and a second time on 11/01/2011 to allow bi-annual maintenance work and bi-weekly grading to the sand berm of the outlet. The certification was amended for a third time on 12/19/2013. This amendment extends the term an additional 5 years through December 31, 2018. |
12/18/2013 |
The Swiss Park Culvert Maintenance Project was certified on 12/18/2013 for CALTRANS, District 11. The project proposes to conduct routine maintenance on an existing concrete-lined channel which will improve the flow through the channel and avoid flooding of the adjacent property, Swiss Park. |
12/03/2013 |
07C-094 Amendment 1 |
The Los Penasquitos Lagoon Mouth Maintenance Project was originally certified 12/04/2008 for the California Department of Parks & Recreation, San Diego Coast District. It is now amended for the first time on 12/03/2013. The project involves maintenance activities to the Los Peñasquitos Lagoon mouth in order to restore the tidal flow of water through the lagoon and the placement of dredged sediment in the surf zone of the nearby beach. Amendment 1 extends the term for an additional 5 years through December 4, 2018. |
11/27/2013 |
08C-072 Amendment 1 |
San Elijo Lagoon Mouth Maintenance Project was originally certified 12/02/2008 for the San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy, and is now amended for the first time on 11/27/2013. The project involves maintenance activities at the inlet of the San Elijo Lagoon consisting of Emergency Breaches, Emergency Openings, and Maintenance Openings. Amendment 1 extends the certification term for an additional 5 years through December 2, 2018. |
11/22/2013 |
La Pata Avenue Extension Project was certified 11/22/2013 for Orange County Public Works. The project will widen La Pata Avenue from 3 to 5 lanes from about 900 feet south of SR-74 in San Juan Capistrano to the road terminus at the County's Prima Deshecha Landfill. It will implement a gap closure by constructing 4 lanes from the existing terminus to the intersection of Calle Saluda and Avenida La Pata in San Clemente. Additionally, the project will extend Camino Del Rio as a four-lane roadway from its existing terminus in the Forster Ranch community of San Clemente to the proposed Avenida La Pata roadway. |
11/20/2013 |
Alta La Jolla Drive Drainage Repair Project, Phase 2 was certified 11/20/2013 for the City of San Diego. The project involves earthwork to stabilize canyon slopes to protect adjacent homes, repair and restore a severely incised drainage channel, construct a storm drain system to restore hydraulics in the restored channel to pre-development conditions, and construct a detention basin to improve water quality and to attenuate 100-year peak flood events, to the extent possible. |
11/15/2013 |
Former Fallbrook 1 C Burn Dump Remediation was certified 11/15/2013 for the County of San Diego. The project involves clean closure of the Former Fallbrook 1C Burn Dump located in Fallbrook, California. The objective of the project is to remove and dispose of all burn ash material located on approximately 1.69 acres of the site. The site will then be re-contoured and re-vegetated to reflect the current grade, drainage scheme and habitat present. |
10/24/2013 |
08C-023 Amendment 2 |
City of Solana Beach Opportunistic Beach Restoration Program, was originally certified on 03/04/2009 for City of Solana Beach, and is now amended for the second time on 10/24/2013. The proposed project is the placement of beach quality sand obtained from upland or dredging projects on Fletcher Cove Beach. Amendment 2 extends the term for an additional five years. |
10/21/2013 |
08C-055 Amendment 1 |
Coronado Cays Homeowners Association Boat Dock Removal and Replacement was originally certified on 09/07/2008 for the Coronado Cays Homeowners Association, and is now amended for the first time on 10/21/2013. The project involves the removal and replacement of floating docks and gangways within the waterways of this community. Amendment 1 extends the term for an additional 5 years. |
10/10/2013 |
The Polo Club at Vista Valley, Tract 4736 Project was certified on 10/10/2013 for SGM Investment and Vista Villas Development. The proposed project is a request to subdivide 442 acres into 172 single family residential lots using a Planned Residential Development (PRD). The purpose of the PRD is to allow for the protection of large areas of biological open space which will be encompassed in portions of individual residential lots and two separate open lots. |
10/04/2013 |
The French Valley Creek Slope Protection at Skyview Road and Water Supply Crossing Project was certified on 10/04/2013 for Global Investments. The project involves the installation of slope protection measures along both sides of French Valley Creek (which is required as a condition of the approval of the Bella Sol and Capistrano developments) and the installation of an emergency waterline in French Valley Creek as required by the Eastern Municipal Water District. |
10/03/2013 |
Guava Street Bridge Project was certified on 10/03/2013 for The City of Murrieta. The project is the removal of an existing, structurally deficient bridge crossing for Murrieta Creek at Washington Avenue, adding a cul-de-sac to Washington Avenue on the south side of Murrieta Creek, connecting Washington Avenue with Brown Street on the north side of Murrieta Creek, and constructing a new Murrieta Creek crossing by extending Guava Street between Washington Avenue and Adams Avenue. |
10/01/2013 |
Gobernadora Multipurpose Basin was certified on 10/01/2013 for the Santa Margarita Water District. The project involves the construction of the Gobernadora Multipurpose Basin Facility. This basin is designed to capture and naturally treat urban runoff and storm flows to reduce downstream erosion and sedimentation, address excessive surface and groundwater, and improve water quality in the Gobernadora Creek that flows downstream to Gobernadora Ecological Restoration Area. Project design elements include two detention basins, one vegetated water quality basin with five treatment cells, groundwater production wells, a pump collection system, and a flood control side weir. |
08/29/2013 |
Rancho Mission Viejo, Planning Area 2 Project was originally certified on 08/29/2013 for, Rancho Mission Viejo. The project is the development of a 1,690 acre Planning Area and includes grading of Planning Area 2, and construction of associated infrastructure including road, trail, and outfall structure improvements. |
07/19/2013 |
SR-76 South Mission Road to Interstate 15 Highway Improvement Project was certified on 07/19/2013 for CALTRANS district 11. The proposed project will widen and realign 5.6 miles of the existing two lane highway to four lanes and includes a number of other improvements. |
06/11/2013 |
09C-041 |
Borden Road and Bridge Project, originally certified on 06/02/2011. It was formally amended on 06/11/2013. The amendment is based on a request to revise the requirement for a conservation' easement. |
06/10/2013 |
11C-038 |
Monarch Beach Management Plan: Salt Creek Pilot Project was originally certified on 05/15/2012 for Washington Holdings, LLC. Amended initially on 08/31/2012 and later on 06/10/2013. The project aims to reestablish a westward flow path at the mouth of Salt Creek by constructing and maintaining temporary sand berms and a shallow channel to direct creek flow across the beach from the outlet structure to the ocean. Amendment No.1 is for a temporary ‘sand bridge’ at the base of the vehicle ramp to allow access by emergency vehicles. Amendment No.2 extends the projects timeframe. |
06/07/2013 |
SR-74 Ortega Highway Storm Damage Emergency 2010 Project was certified on 06/07/2013 for Caltrans, District 12. The project proposes to repair and prevent roadway losses due to erosion. This will be accomplished through: 1) Removal of excess slide debris material and re-grade roadway shoulder areas to its original condition. 2) The placement of 1/4 ton rock between existing slope and rock. 3) The placement of Reinforced concrete pipe in three locations. |
06/07/2013 |
PCCD San Marcos Campus Facilities Master Plan Project was certified on 06/07/2013 for Palomar Community College District. The overall purpose of the Master Plan is to increase the on-campus capacity to accommodate the anticipated growth in student enrollment up to a maximum of 25,000 students through the year 2022. Construction will include a Child Development Center, Relocation of PE/Athletic Fields, and Arboretum Improvements. |
05/31/2013 |
11C-026 |
BAE Systems Pier 4 Replacement Project was originally certified on 12/28/2012 and amended on 05/31/2013, for BAE Systems San Diego Ship Repair Inc. The project is for dredging and construction in BAE Systems leasehold on San Diego Bay. The amendment allows for increased volume of dredged materials and identifies an alternative mitigation measure used during dredging. |
05/16/2013 |
Cow Camp Road, Trail, and Associated Utilities Project. This project constructs portion of a new east-west arterial highway on the north side of San Juan Creek in compliance with the County of Orange Master Plan of Arterial Highways. The Project will consist of three components: Cow Camp Road; a Class I Bikeway (Cow Camp Trail); and associated wet and dry utilities. |
04/29/2013 |
10C-114 Amendment 2 |
Woodside Avenue Drainage Improvements Project was originally certified on 10/28/2011. It was formally amended on 03/15/2012. The original amendment was to upgrade a 1,800-foot, existing, and partially underground storm water drainage system parallel to Woodside Avenue. Amendment No.2, 04/29/2013, is meant to update the impacts and mitigation for the project for the County of San Diego Department of Public Works. |
04/05/2013 |
04C-082 Amendment 1 |
The Rhodes Crossing Project was originally certified on 01/06/2005 and was formerly amended on 04/05/2013 for Mr. Keith Rhodes of the Keith B. Rhodes Living Trust. The 147-acre proposed project is the development of 112 single-family residential lots, 624 multi-family residential units, self-storage units and commercial development. |
03/25/2013 |
Grossmont Union High School District High School No. 12 Project was certified on March 25, 2013. The project is to build a high school in the community of Alpine in east San Diego County. |
02/28/2013 |
12C-018 Amendment 1 |
Control Point (CP) San Onofre to CP Pulgas Double Track Project, was originally certified on 08/15/2012, and then amended on 02/28/2013 for SANDAG. The Control Point (CP) San Onofre to CP Pulgas Double Track Project (Project) includes the construction of a second mainline railroad track adjacent to an existing single mainline railroad track along approximately 4.3 miles of the Los Angeles-San Diego-San Luis Obispo (LOSSAN) rail corridor in northern San Diego County. |
02/22/2013 |
CP San Onofre to CP Pulgas Double Track Project, for San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) was certified on 02/22/2013. The applicant (SANDAG) proposes to construct a 1.8-mile segment of second railroad track in the LOSSAN rail corridor between CP San Onofre and CP Pulgas in San Diego County, California. |
02/15/2013 |
07C-019 Amendment 1 |
San Luis Rey River Flood Control Project Operation and Maintenance Project, for The City of Oceanside was originally certified on 02/15/2008 and was formerly amended on 02/15/2013 to extend the expiration period of the original certification. The purpose of the Vegetation and Sediment Management Project is to increase flow conveyance capacity of the current condition in the San Luis Rey River Flood Control Channel which currently provides less than optimal flood protection. |
02/13/2013 |
La Jolla Centre III Project, for SD Diversified LLC, was certified on 02/13/2013. The proposed project consists of the construction and operation of a new 15 story, aboveground, approximate 340,000-square-foot office building within the La Jolla Centre office complex. The proposed project also includes construction of a 5-level parking structure (including 1 level of subterranean parking along Judicial Drive). The proposed project also addresses access needs for the proposed new building and parking structure in the context of the entire approximate 10.82-acre La Jolla Centre on-site project area. |
02/11/2013 |
09C-077 Amendment 5 |
Tijuana River Valley Channel Maintenance Project, City of San Diego, was originally certified on 10/06/2009 and formally amendment on 02/11/2013 to update the CEQA findings. The City of San Diego will perform channel maintenance activities along the Tijuana River Pilot Channel and in Smuggler’s Gulch. This amendment to the existing 401 Water Quality Certification was necessary in order to update the CEQA findings for the project. |
02/07/2013 |
Bella Maison at Chardonnay Hills was Certified on 02/07/2013 for L&L Environmental, Inc. The project will create a 37 lot subdivision for single family dwellings. The project includes associated roads and sewer improvements. |
01/25/2013 |
11C-008 Amendment 1 |
Rattlesnake Creek Streambed Stabilization Project was originally certified on 11/15/2012 and amended on 01/25/2013, for the City of Poway. The project includes streambed and bank reinforcements/enhancements along a reach and encompasses areas that need to be stabilized. Measures include TRM with native vegetation, widening the channel bottom, and contouring the banks to a 2:1 slope where easement boundaries allow. Minor grading will occur in a portion of the stream channel. Rip rap and filter fabric will be placed at the toe of the slope to key-in TRM. Native riparian habitat similar to upstream conditions will be planted. |
01/14/2013 |
Sorrento Valley Double Track Project, Certification 01/14/2013, SANDAG. The purpose of this project is to create a second track along the rail corridor to improve freight movement, increase capacity and speed in the Sorrento Valley area, increase on-time train performance, reduce travel time on the LOSSAN corridor, and protect public and environmental safety. |