Nitrate/OWTS Policy Basin Plan Amendment
Meetings and Workshops
- November 17, 2015 - State Board Meeting: The State Board approved the San Diego Water Board's Basin Plan amendment on November 17, 2015.
- April 15, 2015 - Public Hearing: The San Diego Water Board adopted R9-2015-0008, a resolution amending the San Diego Water Board's Basin Plan.
- January 23, 2015 - Public Workshop: Tentative Basin Plan Amendment to Incorporate the State Water Quality Control Policy for Siting, Design, Operation and Maintenance of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems; Changing Groundwater Quality Objective for Nitrate, and Making Other Non-substantive Updates
- July 31, 2014 - CEQA Scoping Meeting for Proposed Basin Plan Amendment to Change the Nitrate Water Quality Objective for Forty-Four Groundwater Basins
- Jody Ebsen, Engineering Geologist
(619) 521-3965