San Diego Region - Basin Plan Review
Periodic review of the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (Basin Plan) is required by state and federal law. California Water Code section 13240 states that Basin Plans "…shall be periodically reviewed and may be revised." Federal Clean Water Act section 303(c)(1) states that the Water Boards "…shall from time to time (but at least once each three year period…) hold public hearings for the purpose of reviewing applicable water quality standards and, as appropriate, modifying and adopting standards." Because federal law requires that water quality standards be reviewed every three years, the periodic review of the Basin Plan is commonly referred to as the "triennial review."
The Basin Plan review is the process by which the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (San Diego Water Board) identifies and prioritizes suggested Basin Plan revisions in need of further evaluation. The process includes a public solicitation and identification of potential revisions that may require incorporation into the Basin Plan. With input from stakeholders and staff, the San Diego Water Board develops a "short list" of suggested revisions to be investigated further. Following an opportunity for public review and a formal public hearing, the San Diego Water Board adopts a resolution containing the short list. Once adopted, the list serves to guide work on the Basin Plan during the next three years.
2024 Triennial Review
2024 Triennial Review Workshop Presentation
Notice of Public Solicitation Period and Workshop
Revised Preliminary List of Potential Basin Planning Projects
This document was revised on December 9, 2024. Revisions are shown in redline/strikeout.
2021 Triennial Review
Documents for the December 8, 2021 Board Hearing
Staff Report and Prioritized List of Basin Planning Projects
Notice of Public Hearing - December 8, 2021
Notice of Public Solicitation Period and Workshop
Concluded Basin Plan Reviews
The following triennial reviews were concluded by the adoption of a prioritized list of suggested Basin Plan revisions. Technical Staff Reports, comment letters, and other documents associated with the triennial reviews are available for review at the San Diego Water Board Office. To request a file review please contact the Regional Board receptionist at (619) 516-1990, or email
Basin Plan Triennial Review Year |
Adopting Resolution |
2018 | Resolution No. R9-2018-0123 (10/10/2018) |
2015 | Resolution No. R9-2015-0043 (05/13/2015) |
2011 | Resolution No. R9-2011-0047 (06/08/2011) |
2004 | Resolution No. R9-2004-0156 (09/08/2004) |
Any questions or comments regarding Triennial Reviews may be sent to Jody Ebsen, Engineering Geologist.
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- Jody Ebsen, Engineering Geologist
(619) 521-3965