San Diego Region - Enforcement Actions for May 2012
Enforcement Actions for May 2012
During the month of May 2012, the San Diego Water Board initiated the following enforcement actions:
Notice of Noncompliance with Storm Water Enforcement Act (1)
Notices of Violation (2)
Staff Enforcement Letters (7)
Total (10)
In addition to the summary of recent regional enforcement actions provided below, access to information on violations, enforcement actions, and mandatory minimum penalties (MMPs) is available to the public from the following State Water Resources Control Board Internet webpages:
State Water Board Office of Enforcement webpage at:
California Integrated Water Quality System (CIWQS)
State Water Board GeoTracker database:
Dion & Sons, Inc., San Diego
A Notice of Noncompliance was sent on May 24, 2012 to Dion & Sons, Inc., for failure to enroll in the statewide General Industrial Storm Water Permit Order No. 97-03-DWQ. The Notice is the to first inform the discharger that, pursuant to Water Code section 13399.30(a)(2), failure to enroll will subject it to mandatory penalties. If a Notice of Intent to enroll is not submitted within 30 days of a second Notice, the violation will be subject to a mandatory penalty of not less than $5,000 per year of noncompliance plus staff costs pursuant to Water Code section 13399.33.
Ramona Unified School District, Hanson Elementary School Wastewater Facility
NOV No. R9-2012-0008 was issued to the Ramona Unified School District on May 9, 2012 for violations of Order No. R9-2004-0409. The District was cited for failing to meet performance requirements for total nitrogen in monitoring wells on 17 dates and for iron on two dates between October 2010 and March 2012.
Boyer Ranch Group, Temecula
NOV No. R9-2012-0046 was issued to the Boyer Ranch Group on May 10, 2012 for failing to submit a monitoring and reporting plan and a quality assurance plan as required by Order No. R9-2007-0104, Conditional Waiver No. 4 – Discharges from Agricultural and Nursery Operations.
Ariel Suites, L.P., Ariel Suites Construction Dewatering Project, San Diego
An SEL was issued to the Ariel Suites, L.P., on May 18, 2012 for ten violations of the copper, nickel, tetrachloroethylene, and total suspended solids effluent limitations in Order No. R9-2007-0034 that occurred in April 2012. Most of the violations are subject to mandatory minimum penalties of $3,000 each pursuant to Water Code sections 13385(h) and (i).
Sweetwater Authority, Richard A. Reynolds Desalination Facility
An SEL was issued to the Sweetwater Authority on May 1, 2012 for one violation of Order No. R9-2010-0012 for exceeding the allowable hold time for total dissolved solids test samples in July 2011.
Multiple Parties, Category 1 Sanitary Sewer Overflow Violations
SELs were issued to five enrollees of State Board Order No. 2006-0003-DWQ, Statewide Waste Discharge Requirements for Sanitary Sewer Systems, who reported Category 1 violations between January 2012 and March 2012. Category 1 violations include any discharge of sewage resulting from a failure in the sanitary sewer system that (a) is at least 1000 gallons; (b) results in a discharge to a drainage channel and/or surface water; or (c) results in a discharge to a storm drainpipe that is not fully captured and returned to the sanitary sewer system. Private lateral spills are not considered Category 1 spills. SELs were issued to the following collection system agencies:
Collection Systems (Municipalities):
City of La Mesa
City of Oceanside
City of San Diego
Collection Systems (Special Districts):
Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District
South Coast County Water District